Members Present: Kevin Coenen, John Mielke, Dan Kastner, Bill Hanstedt, Mike Waters, Scott Sass, Shaun Curran, Bob Hein, Kevin Kaufman, Lisa Lamers, Sara Ebben
Members Absent:
Manny Johnson, Bruce Moriarty, Jim Lee, Don Markwardt, Mary VanStippen, Jeff Scott
Introductions of Board members – Kevin
AEYBA Structure – Kevin
Kevin reported on structure of organization (handout)
New Board members’ assignments:
Lisa Lamers (Tournaments)
Scott Sass (Tournaments)
Jeff Scott (Girls-at-Large)
Kevin Kaufman (Treasurer-at-Large)
Bob Hein (Secretary-at-Large & Website)
Shaun Curran (Boys-at-Large)
Coach’s Corner
Dan Kastner – Girls
Reviewed grades 5-8
High School just started today. 16 Frosh, 12 Sophomores 5 juniors