Book reviews by reviewer

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Christianity and Russian Culture in Soviet Society, by Nicolai N. Petro, 33: 603-04.

Nessan, Craig

Luther and Liberation: A Latin American Perspective, by Walter Altmann, 36: 599-600.

Neuhaus, Richard John

Jews and Christians: Exploring the Past, Present and Future, edited by James H. Charlesworth, 34: 394.

Neuschel, Kristin B.

The Church, Politics, and Patronage in the Fifteenth Century, edited by Barrie Dobson, 28: 337-38.

Neusner, Jacob

Aspects of Judaism in the Graeco-Roman Period, edited by A. I. Baumgarten, Alan Mendelson, and E. P. Sanders, 24: 167.

Back to the Ghetto: Zionism in Retreat, by Uri Huppert, 31: 315-16.

Josephus and Judean Politics, by Seth Schwartz, 33: 624-25.

Rabbis and Lawyers: The Journey from Torah to Constitution, by Jerold S. Auerbach, 36: 604-05.

Newby, I. A.

Under Their Own Vine and Fig Tree: The African-American Church in the South, 1865-1900, by William E. Montgomery, 36: 392-93.

Newman, Stewart A.

The Theological Foundation of Law, by Jacques Ellul, 5: 105-06.

Newport, John P.

Human Freedom and Social Order: An Essay in Christian Philosophy, by John Wild, 3: 94-97.

Newton, Louis D.

With Sovereign Reverence: The First Twenty­-five Years of Americans United, by Harold E. Fey, 17: 154-55.

Newton, W. Frank

Contemporary Debates on Civil Liberties: Enduring Constitutional Questions, by Glenn A. Phelps, 29: 156-57.

Nichols, Robert L.

Orthodox Church, The, by Thomas E. Fitzgerald, 39: 361-62.

Red Priests: Renovationism, Russian Orthodoxy, and Revolution, 1905-1946, by Edward E. Roslof, 45: 819-20.

Nichols, Roger L.

“Retained by the People”: A History of American Indians and the Bill of Rights, by John R. Wunder, 37: 441.

Nicovich, Mark

God’s War: A New History of the Crusades, by Christopher Tyerman, 49: 567-69.

Nielsen, Niels C., Jr.

Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, by Paul R. Brass, 36: 182-83.

Global Human Rights: Public Policies, Comparative Measures, and NGO Strate­gies, edited by James R. Scarritt, Ved P. Nanda, and George W. Shepherd, Jr., 24: 389-90.

Niemeyer, Gerhart

Civil Disobedience and the Christian, by Daniel B. Stevick, 12: 129-30.

Nies, Gregory O.

Secular Faith, A: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State, by Darryl Hart, 49: 152-53.

Niewyk, Donald L.

Staat und Synagoge, 1918-1938: Eine Ge­schichte des Preussischen Landesverbandes juedischer Gemeinden, by Max P. Birn­baum, 25: 166-67.

Zionism in Poland: The Formative Years, 1915-1926, by Ezra Mendelsohn, 25: 371­-72.

Nilan, Kathleen

Evolution of Women’s Asylums since 1500, The: From Refuges for Ex-Prostitutes to Shelters for Battered Women, by Sherrill Cohen, 36: 878.

Nixon, Jude V.

Black Itinerants of the Gospel: The Narratives of John Jea and George White, edited by Graham Russell Hodges, 36: 607-10.

Noether, Emiliana P.

The Pope and the Duce: The International Impact of the Lateran Agreements, by Peter C. Kent, 24: 156-59.

Nolan, Janet

Them and Us? Attitudinal Variation Among Churchgoers in Belfast, by Frederick W. Boal and Margaret C. Keane, 40: 906.

Noll, Mark A.

Gentlemen Theologians, The: American Theo­logy in Southern Culture, 1795-1860, by E. Brooks Holifield, 22: 348-49.

God’s Empire: William Bell Riley and Midwestern Fundamentalism, by William Vance Trollinger, Jr., 34: 156-57.

New England Soul, The: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England, by Harry S. Stout, 29: 534-35.

Public Schools: An Evangelical Approach, by Frank C. Nelsen, 31: 153.

Noreen, Kirstin

Icons and Power: The Mother of God in Byzantium, by Bissera V. Pentcheva, 49: 361-63.

North, Charles S.

Churches of Christ in the Twentieth Century, The: Homer Hailey’s Personal Journey of Faith, by David Edwin Harrell, Jr., 43: 366-68.

Norwood, John

Constitutional Law: The Religion Clauses, by David O. Conkle, 46: 906-07.

Novak, Michael

Beliefs, Values and Policies: Conviction Politics in a Secular Age, by Duncan B. Forrester, 33: 134-35.

Novak, Steven J.

The Enlightment in America, by Henry F. May, 22: 171.

Nowell, David Z.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer—His Significance for North Americans, by Larry Rasmussen, 33: 818-19.

Man, Science, and Humanism, by Ivan Frolov, 34: 305-06.

Nuckols, Thomas W.

Achievement of John C. Bennett, The, by David H. Smith, 13: 359-61.

Against the World for the World: The Hart­ford Appeal and the Future of American Religion, edited by Peter L. Berger and Richard John Neuhaus, 22: 354-56.

Doing Evil to Achieve Good: Moral Choice in Conflict Situations, by Richard A. McCormick and Paul Ramsey, 23: 341­-42.

Twilight of the Saints: Biblical Christianity and Civil Religion in America, by Robert D. Linder and Richard V. Pierard, 22: 130-32.

Oates, Wayne E.

Protestant-Catholic Marriage, by C. Stan­ley Lowell, 5: 128-29.

O’Brien, David J.

The Catholic Press and Nativism, 1840­-1860, by Robert Francis Hueston, 20: 327-­28.

O’Brien, Elmer J.

The Gods of Televangelism: The Crisis of Meaning and the Appeal of Religious Television, by Janice Peck, 36: 605-06.

O’Brien, Jaclyn

Papal Diplomacy and the Quest for Peace: The Vatican and International Organizations from the Early Years to the League of Nations, by Robert John Araujo, S.J. and John A. Lucal, S.J., 47: 882-83.

O’Brien, William V.

Peace in a Nuclear Age: The Bishops’ Pastoral Letter in Perspective, by Charles J. Reid, Jr., 30: 166-67.

Ochola, John

Church as the Bulwark against Authoritarianism, The: Development of Church and State in Kenya with Particular Reference to the Years after Political Independence 1963-1992, by Gideon Gichuhi Githiga, 45: 816-17.

Church, State and Society in Kenya: From Mediation to Opposition, 1963-1993, by Galia Sabar, 45: 817-18.

Courage to Hope, The: The Roots for a New Vision and the Calling of the Church in Africa, by Samuel Kobia, 46: 392-94.

Faith in Development: Partnership between the World Bank and the Churches of Africa, edited by Deryke Belshaw, Robert Calderisi, and Chris Sugden, 46: 394-95.

Proclaiming Political Pluralism: Churches and Political Transitions in Africa, by Isaac Phiri, 45: 169-71.

O’Connell, James

God Save Ulster: The Religion and Politics of Paisleyism, by Steve Bruce, 30: 139-40.

Paisley, by Ed Maloney, 30: 139-40.

Ogilvie, Charles F.

Preachers, Pedagogues and Politicians: The Evolution Controversy in North Carolina, 1920-1927, by Willard B. Gatewood, Jr., 9: 268-69.

Oh, John K. C.

I Denounce Soka Gakkai, by Hirotatsu Fujiwara, 14: 528-30.

Japan’s New Buddhism: An Objective Account of Sokagakkai, by Kiyoaki Murata, 14: 125-26.

Oladipo, Caleb

African Christianity: Its Public Role, by Paul Gifford, 42: 374-77.

Challenging the State: Churches as Political Actors in South Africa, 1980-1994, by Tristan Anne Borer, 42: 857-58.

God’s Wrathful Children: Political Oppression and Christian Ethics, by Willa Boesak, 40: 179-80.

Privatization of the Christian Faith: Mission, Social Ethics and the South African Baptists, by Louise Kretzschmar, 44: 348-49.

Religion and Politics in Nigeria: A Study in Middle Belt Christianity, by Niels Kastfelt, 38: 659-60.

Oldfield, Duane M.

Redeeming the Dial: Radio, Religion, & Popular Culture in America, by Tona J. Hangen, 45: 829-30.

Religion and the Culture Wars: Dispatches from the Front, by John C. Green, James L. Guth, Corwin E. Smidt, and Lyman Kellstedt, 39: 823-24.

Suburban Warriors: The Origins of the New American Right, by Lisa McGirr, 43: 825-26.

Olitzky, Kerry M.

Jewish Education Worldwide: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, edited by Harold S. Himmelfarb and Sergio DellaPergola, 33: 146-47.

Oliver, A. Ben

Latin Amenca Church Growth, by W. R. Read, V. M. Monterroso, and H. A. Johnson, 12: 334-36.

Revolution Through Peace, by Dom Helder Camara, 16: 346-47.

Olson, Jeannine E.

Calvin and the Foundations of Modern Politics, by Ralph C. Hancock, 33: 354-55.

Omran, Elsayed M. H.

The Papacy and the Middle East: The Role of the Holy See in the Arab­-Israeli Conflict, 1962-1984, by George Irani, 30: 378-79.

Oppewal, Donald

Thy Liberty in Law, by Walfred H. Peter­son, 22: 158.

Orbach, Alexander

Holocaust in Historical Context, The: Vol. 1, The Holocaust and Mass Death before the Modern Age, by Steven T. Katz, 37: 887.

Jews in Russia, The: Some Notes on the Jewish Question, by Nikolai S. Keskov, 30: 155-56.

Orth, John V.

Religion in Politics: Constitutional and Moral Perspectives, by Michael J. Perry, 40: 198-99.

Ortmayer, Louis L.

Vatican and Poland in the Age of the Partitions: Diplomatic and Cultural Encounters at the Warsaw Nunciature, by Larry Wolff, 31: 564.

Osborn, Robert T.

Bursting the Bond?: A Jewish-Christian Dialogue on Jesus and Paul, by Leonard Swidler and Lewis John Eron, 34: 870-71.

Osborn, Wayne

Power, Politics, and Pentecostal in Latin America, edited by Edward L. Cleary and Hannah W. Stewart-Gambino, 40: 486-87.

Osborne, Harold W.

Birth Control and the Christian, edited by Walter O. Spitzer and Carlyle L. Saylor, 12: 526-28.

Bitter Pill, The: Worldwide Reaction to the Encyclical Humanae Vitae, edited by F. V. Joannes, 14: 519-20.

Bread for the World, by Arthur Simon, 20: 351-53.

Catholic Viewpoint on Overpopulation, by Anthony Zimmerman, 4: 114-16.

Catholics and Birth Control, by Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, 7: 473-76.

Contraception and Catholics: A New Ap­praisal, by Louis Dupre, 7: 473-76.

Controversy: The Birth Control Debate 1958­-1968, by Ambrogio Va1secchi, 12: 537.

Death Foretold: The Jesuit Murders in El Salvador, by Martha Doggett, 37: 432.

Encyclical HUMANAE VITAE, The: A Sign of Contradiction, by Dietrich von Hildebrand, 12: 536-37.

Expectation of the Poor, The: What Can the Church Do in the Third World?, by B. N. Y. Vaughn, 18: 143.

Klan Unmasked, The, by Stetson Kennedy, 33: 375-76.

Ku Klux Klan, The: An Encyclopedia, by Michael Newton and Judy Ann Newton, 34: 623-24.

Life or Death: Ethics and Options, edited by Daniel H. Labby, 10: 488.

Lively Debate, The: Response to Humanae Vitae, by William H. Shannon, 13: 529-30.

New Temperance, The: The American Obsession with Sin and Vice, by David Wagner, 41: 619.

Population Explosion and Christian Responsibility, The, by Richard M. Fagley, 2: 172-74.

Population in Perspective, edited by Louise B. Young, 10: 479-81.

Punishment for Peace, A, by Philip Berri­gan, 11: 542-43.

Reinhold Niebuhr on Roman Catholicism, by James Leo Garrett, Jr., 19: 366.

Rich Church-Poor Church? Some Biblical Perspectives, by Enzo Gatti, 19: 134-35.

Sociology of the Third World, The: Disparity and Involvement, by J. E. Goldthorpe, 20: 594-95.

Theological Freedom and Social Responsibil­ity: Report of the Advisory Committee of the Episcopal Church, by Stephen F. Bayne, Jr., 10: 487.

What Modern Catholics Think About Birth Control, edited by William Birmingham, 7: 473-76.

Why Is the Third World Poor?, by Piero Gheddo, 18: 142-43.

Osborne, John B.

Religion and Public Doctrine in Modern England, Vol. 2: Assaults, by Maurice Cowling, 29: 552-54.

Ousley, J. W.

Ministries of Dialogue: The Church Con­fronts the Power Structure, by Henry Clark, 18: 149-50.

Shaping History through Prayer and Fast­ing, by Derek Prince, 16: 547.

Outler, Albert C.

Christianity and Culture, by Georges Flo­rovsky, 18: 569-71.

Venetian Phoenix: Paolo Sarpi and Some of His English Friends, 1606-1700, by John Leon Lievsay, 18: 584-85.

Overfelt, Robert C.

Benito Juarez, by Ivie E. Cadenhead, Jr., 17: 119-21.

Owen, Christopher H.

Churching of America, 1776-2005, The: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy, by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark, 48: 700-02.

Noah’s Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery, by Stephen R. Haynes, 44: 836-37.

Uneasy in Babylon: Southern Baptist Conservatives and American Culture, by Barry Hankins, 45: 389-91.

When the Church Bells Rang Racist: The Methodist Church and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama, by Donald E. Collins, 41: 842-43.

Owen, Paul D.

Corrymeela: Hill of Harmony in Northern Ireland, by Alf McCreary, 20: 152.

Owusu, Robert Yaw

History of the Church in Africa, A, by Bengt Sundkler and Christopher Steed, 42: 856-57.

Religion, Globalization, and Political Culture in the Third World, edited by Jeff Haynes, 45: 608-10.

Owusu-Ansah, David

Political Ascent: Contemporary Islamic Movements in North Africa, by Emad Eldin Shahin, 40: 178-79.

Oyedokum, Michael

Black Power and the American Myth, by C. T. Vivian, 15: 149-50.

Black Theology of Liberation, A, by James H. Cone, 15: 149.

Ozment, Steven

The Trial of the Templars, by Malcolm Barber, 22: 336-38.

Pahl, Jon

Our Southern Zion: A History of Calvinism in the South Carolina Low Country, 1690-1990, by Erskine Clark, 40: 697-98.

Pahre, Robert

The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration, by Glyn Morgan, 49: 145-46.

Palmer, C. Eddie

Salvation for Sale: An Insider’s View of Pat Robertson’s Ministry, by Gerard Thomas Straub, 30: 177-78.

Papanikolaou, Aristotle

The Hauerwas Reader, edited by John Berkman and Michael Cartwright, 44: 582-84.

Parham, Robert M.

Making Peace in the Global Village, by Robert McAfee Brown, 24: 166-67.

Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope: A Book for Christian Peacemakers, by Ronald J. Sider and Richard K. Taylor, 25: 554-55.

Peaceways: Sixteen Christian Perspectives in a Nuclear Age, by Charles P. Lutz, 26: 557-58.

Parker, Charles H.

Liberty and Religion: Church and State in Leiden’s Reformation, 1572-1620, by Christine Kooi, 43: 609-10.

Ramus and Reform: University and Church at the End of the Renaissance, by James Veazie Skalnik, 44: 829-30.

Parker, David J.

Igreja a Estado no Brasil Holandes, by Frans Leonard Schalkwizk, 29: 570­-71.

Parker, J. David

Clero y politica en Mexico, 1767-1834: Algunas ideas sobre la autoridad Ia indepen­dencia y la reforma eclesiastica, by Fran­cisco Morales, 23: 162-63.

Jesuit Antonio Vieira and His Plans for the Economic Rehabilitation of Seventeenth­ Century Portugal, The, by Richard Graham, 23: 161.

Parker, Thomas D.

Just Peacemaking: Transforming Initiatives for Justice and Peace, by Glen H. Stassen, 35: 629-30.

Parnell, John R.

Anglo-Irish Relations, 1798-1922, by Nick Pelling, 45: 820-21.

John Henry Newman: The Challenge to Evangelical Religion, by Frank Turner, 45: 614-15.

Religion and the English People, 1500-1640: New Voices and Perspectives, edited by Eric Josef Carlson, 42: 572-73.

Parrent, Allan M.

Death by Decision: The Medical, Moral, and Legal Dilemmas of Euthanasia, by Jerry B. Wilson, 19: 344-47.

Issues of Life and Death: Abortion, Birth Control, Capital Punishment, Euthanasia, by Norman Anderson, 21: 154-55.

Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations, by Michael Walzer, 23: 342-44.

Lines in the Sand: Justice and the Gulf War, by Alan Geyer and Barbara G. Green, 35: 918-19.

Parrish, T. Michael

Abraham Lincoln: Redeemer President, by Allen C. Guelzo, 44: 162-64.

Getting Right with God: Southern Baptists and Desegregation, 1945-1995, by Mark Newman, 45: 387-88.

Parrish, Thomas Z.

Catholics in Colonial Law, by Francis Xav­ier Curran, 6: 243-44.

Church and State in American Law: Cases and Materials, edited by John J. McGrath, 6: 94-95.

Masons Who Helped Shape Our Nation, by Henry C. Clausen, 20: 598-99.

Private Money in Public Service: The Role of Foundations in American Society, by Merrimon Cuninggim, 17: 131-33.

When Parochial Schools Close, by Martin A. Larson, 16: 144-46.

Parsons, Mikeal C.

Biblical Hermeneutics and Black Theology in South Africa, by Itumeleng J. Mosala, 34: 392-93.

Luke-Acts and the Jews: Conflict, Apology, and Conciliation, by Robert L. Brawley, 31: 572.

Zealots, The, by Martin Hengel, 34: 620-22.

Patrick, Anne E.

American Catholicism: And Now Where?, by John Deedy, 30: 598-99.

Patrick, Mary L.

The Native American Factor, by Howard L. Meredith, 18: 592-93.

Patterson, Bob E.

Church and State in Your Community, by Elwyn A. Smith, 7: 275-77.

Church Responds, The, by Joan Thatcher, 13: 549.

Democracy, Dissent, and Disorder, by Robert F. Drinan, 12: 131-32.

Experiments With Man, edited by Hans­ Ruedi Weber, 13: 164-65.

Karl Barth and the Problem of War, by John H. Yoder, 14: 131-33.

Man’s Nature and His Communities, by Reinhold Niebuhr, 8: 305-06.

Nation So Conceived, A: Reflections on the History of America from Its Early Visions to Its Present Power, by Reinhold Niebuhr and Alan Heimert, 6: 104-06.

Nationalism and Religion in America: Con­cepts of American Identity and Mission, edited by Winthrop S. Hudson, 13: 542.

Non-Violent Cross, The, by James W. Doug­lass, 11: 338-40.

Pentecostals, The: The Charismatic Move­ment in the Churches, by Walter J. Hol­lenweger, 18: 339-41.

Prophets, Priests, and Politicians, by Alan Streyffeler, 14: 157-58.

Readings­ in Social Theology, edited by Ever­ett J. Morgan, 13: 165.

Reinhold Niebuhr: A Prophetic Voice in Our Time, edited by Harold R. Landon, 5: 120-21.

Reinhold Niebuhr on Politics, edited by Robert C. Good and Harry R. Davis, 4: 103-05.

Storm Over Ethics, by John C. Bennett et al., 10: 311-12.

Strange Tactics of Extremism, The, by Bonaro Overstreet and Harry Overstreet, 8: 131-33.

Stranger in the Pew, by Kenneth Wray Conners, 13: 549.

Students, Religion and the Contemporary University, edited by Charles E. Minne­man, 14: 157.

Theology and Church in Times of Change, edited by Robert T. Handy and Edward LeRoy Long, Jr., 13: 549.

Urgency of Marxist-Christian Dia­logue, The, by Herbert Aptheker, 14: 159.

Vietnam War, The: Christian Perspectives, edited by Michael P. Hamilton, 10: 144­-45.

When All Else Fails: Christian Arguments on Violent Revolution, edited by Interna­tional Documentation on the Contem­porary Church, 13: 526-27.

Who Shall Live?, edited by Kenneth Vaux, 12: 339-41.

Patterson, Eric

Arguing About War, by Michael Walzer, 48: 201-03.

Patterson, James A.

Turning Points: Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity, by Mark A. Noll, 40: 901.

Patterson, John W.

Gods of Goodness: The Sophisticated Idolatry of the Main Line Churches, by Bruce L. Blackie, 19: 598-99.

I Pledge Allegiance: Patriotism and the Bible, by Paul S. Minear, 19: 603-04.

Patterson, Sara Mya

Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000, The, edited by Hugh McLeod and Werner Ustorf, 46: 403-04.

Signatures of Citizenship: Petitioning, Antislavery and Women’s Political Identity, by Susan Zaeske, 45: 836-37.

Patterson, W. Brown

Religion and Politics in the Age of the Counterreformation: Emperor Ferdinand II, William Lamormaini, S.J., and the Formation of Imperial Policy, by Robert Birely, 26: 133­-34.

Patterson, W. Morgan

Christian Churches of America: Origins and Beliefs, by Milton V. Backman, Jr., 20: 592-93.

Pauck, Wilhelm

John Calvin: A Biography, by T. H. L. Parker, 21: 574.

Pawlikowski, John T.

Holy Hatred: Christianity, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust, by Robert Michael, 49: 562-64.

Payne, Daniel P.

Examination of Church-State Relations in Russia and Russian Empires with an Emphasis on Ideology and Models of Interaction, An, by Nikolas K. Gvosdev, 45: 374-75.

Facing the World: Orthodox Christian Essays on Global Concerns, by Archbishop Anastasios Yannoulatos, 48: 460-61.

Wholeness of Faith and Life: Orthodox Christian Ethics, vols. 1-3, by Stanley S. Harakas, 42: 567-68.

Payne, Ernest A.

The Meek and the Mighty: The Emergence of the Evangelical Movement in Russia, by Hans Brandenburg, 20: 565-67.

Payne, John B.

Cosmos in the Chaos: Philip Schaff’s Interpretation of Nineteenth-Century American Religion, by Stephen R. Graham, 40: 206-07.

Paz, D. G.

Friends of Religious Equality: Nonconformist Politics in Mid-Victorian England, by Timothy Larsen, 44: 356-57.

Peach, Penny R.

Human Liberation in a Feminist Perspec­tive: A Theology, by Letty M. Russell, 17: 544.

Peacock, Heber F.

The Powers That Be, by Clinton D. Mor­rison, 3: 78-79.

Peebles, Patrick

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