Canada-China Development Programming Framework 2004-2009
To contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction through support for
Equitable Growth
Enhance the economic opportunities of the rural poor in western China by improving the effectiveness of China’s Poverty Reduction and Development Program and skills training systems
Equitable Growth
Agricultural extension and skills training systems
Enhanced access to poverty programs (participatory planning, decision-making, management, monitoring and evaluation)
Increased participation of women and men at community level
Human Rights, Democratic Development and Good Governance
Rule of law
Standards and requirements of international instruments to which China and Canada are parties
Why statistics?
To improve public management by promoting an environment for evidence-based policy making
Consistent with the third priority of CIDA's 1994 CDPF for China
1994: Canada-China Programming Framework
Human Rights, Democratic Development and Good Governance: to increase China's capacity to effect good governance, respect for human rights and democratic development (public management) processes
Evidence-based policy making
A policy is only as good as the data on which it is based
Statistical Information Management Project (SIMP)
Implemented by Statistics Canada and the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
$9.9 million, 1996-2004
promoted improved collection, analysis, use, and dissemination of statistical information in China
Statistical Information Management Project (SIMP)
not only introduced new statistical methodologies and practices to NBS, but it also built the, financial, information and human resources management capacity of NBS.
NBS: a more open and progressive statistical agency