Class k – Journals and reference books

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Moys Classification Scheme – 4th ed.

Proposed changes to the schedules, February 2000.

Class K – Journals and reference books


K86.2 systems management 340.0562

.4 online services 340.0564

.6 library networks 340.0566

K100.5 Semiotics, law and linguistics 340.0605

(alternative at KA70.L5/340.16.L5)

K104 Translation 340.064

K120 English, Legal 340.08

(As an alternative position for Legal dictionaries, see under jurisdictions)

K140 ENCYCLOPEDIAS : general 340.089

Class KA – Jurisprudence

KA25 Liability as a concept (add to existing) 340.125

KA49.P6 Post modernism 340.147.P6

KA59 Critical legal studies 340.149

KA66 Animal rights 340.156

KA67 Multiculturalism 340.157

KA70.L5 Linguistics, semiotics 340.16.L5

(alternative at K100.5/340.0605)

KA70.S4 Sexuality 340.16.S4

Class KC – International law

KC 19 Treaties – indexes 341.129

KC133 Compliance 341.233

KC153.4 Micro-states 341.2634

KC201 Human rights. Special topics, A-Z eg .P7 Privacy 341.331

KC204 Discrimination (use Table VII) 341.334

KC215 [Add] Crimes against humanity 341.36

KC216 [Add] ethnic cleansing 341.361

KC218 [Add] .D4 Disappearances (kidnapping, secret killing) 341.369

KC219.1 (International criminal courts) Individual courts, A-Z eg 341.391

.R8 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

.Y9 International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

KC226.3 Money laundering 341.4143

KC231.9 Special subjects,A-Z eg .A7 Art 341.4219

KC236 [Add] (WIPO, use KC648/341.6458)

[Add] (TRIPS, useKC641-5/341.645)

KC236.5 Designs 341.435

KC236.9 Special topics, A-Z, eg .G4 Genetically modified organisms 341.436

KC243.2 [Add] Biodiversity 341.4442

KC243.4 Conservation of resources (in general) 341.4444

(For Resources of the sea and seabed use KC 276-7/341.48)

KC257.2 [Add] fax 341.4622

KC257.6 [Delete]Electronic mail, fax; [Add]Electronic data interchange 341.4626

KC257.65 EDI [Do not create this number, although agreed 8.6.99]

KC257.7 [Add] Internet [Add] world wide web, electronic mail 341.4627

KC260 [Add] Law of the Sea 341.47

[Rename IMCO to International Maritime Organization]

KC300.4 Conferences 341.504

(General works only. See also names of particular conferences in the index)

KC336.6 [Correction] – (commerce,navigation etc use KC231/341.421)

KC334.1 Binding nature of treaties on parties/compliance 341.571

KC338.7 Jus cogens 341.597

KC465 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law 341.6295

KC591-5 International Maritime Organization (previously IMCO) 341.639

KC596 United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea 341.6396

KC641-5 GATT, World Trade Organization 341.645

KC716 African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights 341.6516

KC761 North American Free Trade Association 341.6586

KC780 South American organisations, A-Z 341.6595

KC1181 International Chamber of Commerce 341.6965

KC1202 Crisis management 341.702

KC1205 Dispute resolution, remedies 341.705

KC2050 [Add] Forum shopping 341.92

Class KL – Treatises general

ADD KL33.1 345.131 Manual and computer aided methods of transcription e.g. stenography etc.

ADD KL33.4 345.134 Newspaper reporting of cases

ADD KL33.5 345.135 Internet services

ADD KL33.9 345.139 Head notes

ADD KL35.1 345.151 Interpretation of legislation (Use for mischief rule)

DELETE KL36.5 245.165 Mischief rule

ADD KL36.6 345.166 Ouster clauses

ADD KL40-44 345.03-.034 Legal dictionaries ….ADD (See also dictionaries at K120/340.08)

DELETE KL80 History

ADD KL82.9 345.0629 Conflict of interest.

ADD KL91 345.0661 Client interviewing

KL93 ERROR for tactices read tactics

KL95 345.06655 ... ADD Legal Services Ombudsman, (see note at KM307)

ADD KL96.3 345.06663 Knowledge management

ADD at KL131-149 .35 Skills training eg Moots

ADD KL230.11 345.3011 Court governance

KL230.17 345.3017 …. ADD court administrators

ADD KL230.422 345.30422 Case management

ADD KL230.69 K5 345.3069 K5 Kiosks

KL240.3 345.43 ….. ADD judicial ethics, performance standards, judicial immunity

ADD KL401.7 345.47 Post feudal law (To arrange works by date use Table III)

Class KM – Treatises public law

ADD KM38 346.1234+? Constitutional conventions (habits)

KM82 ADD (Table IV) (Include here works on devolved legislatures

and (KM111-114.5) devolved executives. For general and theoretical

works on devolution, and pre-devolution controversy, use KM366.)

ADD KM83.92 346.2292 Conflict of interest

KM111 ADD (For devolved executives see note at KM82)

ADD KM112.8 346..258 Elections, appointment

ADD KM113.6 346.266 Ministers

ADD KM175.1 346.3281 Identity cards

ADD KM175.4 346.3286 Visas

ADD KM177.7 346.3375? Asylum seekers. Refugees

KM204 346.354 ADD Freedom of expression

KM206 346.356 ADD Freedom of conscience. Conscientious objection

ADD KM209.A3 346.368 Academic freedom

ADD KM209.C6 Right to counsel

KM233.8 Intelligence services

KM235 346.38 ADD C8 Customs & Excise; ADD I6 Inland Revenue

ADD KM333.5 346.515 Public-private partnerships, funding of public projects, eg private finance initiative (PFI)

KM334 Development grants [ERROR in schedules   should be shown at 346.518 not 346.52]

KM333 Correct finds to funds

KM336 346.521 . ADD (NB tax authorities are listed as government departments at KM235)

ADD KM336.95 346.5295 Tax audits

ADD KM337.763 346.5863 Bond stores

KM337.9 346.59 ADD E5 Environmental tax, e.g. carbon tax

ADD W5 Withholding Tax

KM366 DELETE (i.e. .... 684.9)

ADD General and theoretical works. Pre-devolution controversy.

(For works on devolved legislatures use KM82-87 (Table IV). For

works on devolved oxectives use KM111-114.5 (Table IV))

KM409.9 Specific crimes, A-Z eg .M8 Mutiny 346.749

ADD KM540.4 Corporate crime 346.854

KM540.6 Money laundering (see also KC226.3) 346.856

KM540.8 Victimless crime 346.858

ADD KM543.42 Child abduction 346.86342

KM544.01 Consent to/capacity for sexual activity 346.864

ADD KM544.9.H3 Sexual harassment 346.8649

KM562.25 Bomb threats, bomb hoaxes 346.88325

KM563.2 Perverting the course of justice 346.8852

ADD KM565.D6 Driving offences 346.89

ADD KM565.P6 Pornography

KM565.T6 Tobacco offences 346.89.T6

KM580.15 Entrapment, agents provocateurs 346.9115

ADD KM580.35 Police custody 346.9135

KM582.1 Trial within a trial 346.9305

KM582.5 Termination by prosecution 346.9325

ADD KM587.1 Offenders (Table VII) 346.9371

KM603.55 Spent convictions 346.96355

ADD KM603.8 Informers 346.9638

ADD KM660 Prisoners 346.9871+?

Class KN – Private law

KN 33.31 ….breach of duty

KN 33.4 No fault liability

KN 72.13 Boundaries, hedges etc.

KN 72 .4 Native title, Aboriginal reserves etc.

KN 74.7 Vacant possession (add to Thesaurus)

KN 75.M2 add A-Z eg. Matrimonial conveyancing

KN 81 Property development and investment

KN 83.9 e.g. Ventilation of buildings

KN 85.1 …..watercourses

KN 85.6 Water conservation

KN 87.333 Oil refineries

KN 87.336 Oil rigs

KN 94.5 Environmental audit

KN 96.2 ..... Home improvement grants

KN 97.75 Contaminated Land

KN 112.6 Electronic copyright e.g. Internet, multimedia

KN 114.9 e.g. K7 Know how

KN 169.Q95 Clubs (add to Thesaurus)

KN 181.9 e.g. KN181.9.Q51.D4 Deaf persons

KN 184.29 Special educational needs

KN 185.18 e.g. KN 185.18.P4 Pharmacists

KN 185.62 Communicable diseases

KN 185.157 Voluntary and living wills

KN 185.8 ….Drug dependency, rehabilitation

KN 186.51 …..National lotteries

KN 186.64 Racing

KN 186.8 Animal passports,….

KN 186.9 e.g. KN 186.9.T7 Tobacco, smoking, passive smoking

KN 190 note add table 7

KN 192.29 Public disclosure, e.g. whistleblowing

KN 193.1 …..working time regulations

KN 192.57 Sexual harassment

KN 193.8 Controversial terms, e.g. off-day working, onerous monitoring

KN 195.4 Political funds (Typo)

KN 195.7 Trade Union recognition

KN 198.5 Employment stress, hazards A-Z e.g. Noise

Delete KN 215.2 [covered in KM]

ADD KN251 347.601 Stake holding (interests of parties in an organisation not fully recognised under commercial law)

ADD KN254 347.618 ERROR for contacts read contracts

ADD KN255 347.6185 Corporate governance (Use for general works, for works dealing with company officers, use KN264.71/347.62671)

KN260.2 347.622 …. ADD self employed

KN264 347.626 …ADD and other company officers

ADD KN264.71 347.62671 Corporate governance (For general works, use KN255 347.6185)

ADD KN264.73 347.62673 Conflict of interest (eg Chinese walls)

ADD KN265.8 347.6278 Statutory Companies

ADD KN266.05 347.6305 Fair-trading

ADD KN266.12 347.6312 Mergers, takeovers

KN266.15 347.6315 …ADD Enforcement, Competition Commission, BEFORE Monopolies

and Mergers Commission

ADD KN266.17 347.6317 Regulators, e.g. Office of Fair Trading

KN266.2 347.632 DELETE Restraint of trade.

ADD Anti-competitive agreements,

Chapter I Prohibition, horizontal

agreements, vertical agreements

KN266.3 347.633 Resale price maintenance, …ADD price fixing

ADD KN266.5 347.6345 Abuse of dominant position,

Chapter II Prohibition,

anti-competitive practices

ADD KN266.6 347.6349 State aids, subsidies

ADD KN266.7 347.635 Exemptions

ADD KN266.71 347.6351 Block exemption

ADD KN266.72 347.6352 Individual exemption

ADD KN267.5 347.6365 Joint ventures

ADD KN275.P8 347.645.P8 Public utilities

ADD KN285.S3 347.679.S3 Second hand dealing

ADD KN285.4 347.674 Electronic commerce

ADD KN285.9.S8 347.679.S8 Street trading

ADD KN285.9.U6 347.679.U6 Unsolicited goods

ADD KN285.9.U7 347.679.U7 Unsolicited services

ADD KN290.2 347.68102 Uberrimae fidei, utmost disclosure

ADD KN290.6 347.6806 Insurable interests

ADD KN297 347.6997 Insurance supervision and regulation, eg Insurance Ombudsman

ADD KN302.35 347.7135 Currency markets

KN303.13 347.7213 ADD ….and other guarantee cards + CORRECTION words in brackets should read (For cheques use KN 306.1.347.771)

KN303.14 347.7214 ADD … and other cards use A-Z e.g C7 Credit Cards (n.b. see also 305.45)

KN303.17 347.7217 Automatic teller machines

KN304.5 347.735 DELETE Unit trusts ADD Collective investments

ADD KN304.51 347.7351 Unit trusts

ADD KN304.52 347.7352 Investment trusts

ADD KN304.53 347.7353 OIECs Open Ended Investment Companies

ADD KN304.54 347.7354 Mutual funds

DELETE KN304.6 Investment trusts

ADD KN304 .6 347.736 Derivatives

ADD KN304.63 347.7363 Commodity futures

ADD KN304.65 347.7365 Financial futures

ADD KN304.67 347.7367 Options

KN304.7 347.737 Others ADD I8 ISAs Individual Savings Accounts

ADD KN304.86 347.7386 Stock exchanges by name, use A Z

e.g. .A6 Alternative Investment Market (AIM)

.L6 London Stock Exchange

ADD KN304.87 347.7387 Electronic trading

ADD KN304.95 347.7395 Investment supervision and regulation, ombudsman, etc.

Organisations use A-Z e.g .F5 Financial Services Authority

.I5 Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO)

.I6 Investment Ombudsman

.P4 Pensions Ombudsman,

. P5 Personal Investment Authority (PIA)

.S4 Securities and Futures Authority (SFA)

ADD KN305.24 347.7524 Project finance

ADD KN305.25 347.7525 Company charges

ADD KN305.6 347.766 Credit unions

ADD KN305.8 347.768 Supervision and regulation, eg Building Societies Commission, Building Society Ombudsman

ADD KN308.15 347.78615 Churning

ADD KN322.15 347.81215 Trunk roads

ADD KN325.25 347.81525 Safety (Railways)

ADD KN325.5 347.8155 Drivers, guards, conductors, train crews.

ADD KN327.9 347.829 Air accidents

ADD KN332.9 347.8329 Shipping cartels, liner conferences

ADD KN340.5 347.845 Information age/society

ADD KN342.35 347.8635 Mobile phones

KN347 347.89 …ADD (Use Table 8 for computer contracts)

ADD KN347.4 347.8935 Internet

ADD KN 347.55 347.8945 Intranets

ADD KN347.56 347.8946 Security of networks (eg firewalls)

ADD KN348.5 347.895 Computer viruses and bugs eg Y2K/millenium bug

ADD KN348.8 347.8978 Encryption, data security

KN 351 By State, Provinces etc. use Table IV

KN 357 Adjournment of actions

KN 359 Complex trials

KN 392.7 Tangible objects, Anton Piller

KN 398.4 ….mediation and negotiation

KN 398.6 ….minitrials

Class KW – European Community Law

[At top of p 155] ADD Note 1 and renumber Notes 1-3 to 2-4:

1. The Treaty on European Union (Maastricht, 1992) defined the European Union as "founded

upon the European Communities" , (Pillar One), supplemented by Common Foreign and Security

Policy (Pillar Two) and Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs (Pillar Three). At the time of

publication of this edition of the scheme, the legal status of the European Union is a matter of

debate, and the heading European Community Law iUse of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at E:.cgi line 451, line 311.s therefore retained here. Pillars Two and

Three are accommodated in the scheme at KW75/79 and KW83 (new number) respectively.

ADD above KW10:

Use KW10-45 for publications of these organs. Use KW88 et sqq for publications of which

they form the subject-matter.
KW72 ADD Subsidiarity.

ADD KW83 Justice and Home Affairs (Third Pillar)

ADD KW83.1 Immigration. Asylum. Schengen and other agreements

KW106 Monetary integration DELETE (ECU, EMS, Central Bank, etc.)

ADD KW106.1 European Monetary System

ADD KW106.2 European Currency Unit ( Euro).

ADD KW106.3 European Central Bank

KW110 [to await expansion along lines of KN266]

KW113 ERROR for "agriculutral" read: agricultural.

ADD KW118.1 European Economic Interest Grouping.

KW119.1 ADD Financial services.

KW119.6 ADD Information technology.

KW123 ADD Subsidies. Regional aid.

KW133.3 ADD European Police Office. (Europol)
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