Looking at the Adobe After Effects workspace In this exercise, you will animate the same lower third graphic that you did at
the beginning of this lesson. You will import the same Photoshop file into Adobe
After Effects, use After Effects tools to animate the three layers of the graphic, and
then use Adobe Dynamic Link to link the After Effects animation into the Adobe
Premiere Pro Timeline.
1 In Adobe Premiere Pro, open Lesson 19-2.prproj.
2 Launch Adobe After Effects.
Note: Adobe
Dynamic Link requires
Adobe Creative Suite
Production Premium.
Purchasing Adobe
Premiere Pro and Adobe
After Effects separately
will not allow Adobe
Dynamic Link to work.
Adobe Dynamic Link is
a suite-based feature.
344 LESSON 19
Using Photoshop and After Effects to Enhance Your Video Projects
3 In After Effects, open the finished.aep file by choosing File > Open Project and
selecting finished.aep from the Lesson 19 folder.
Notice the many similarities to the Adobe Premiere Pro user interface.
As with Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects has a Project panel, but the
icons and terminology are a bit different. For instance, Adobe Premiere Pro
sequences become
compositions in After Effects.
Double-clicking a composition (as shown here) opens it in the Timeline panel.
Instead of tracks, you work with
layers in Adobe After Effects.
4 Scrub the Adobe After Effects Timeline to see the final animation you will create.
5 After Effects may not be able to play back the animation in real time, depending
on your computer speed. However, After Effects can do a RAM preview when
you press the 0 (zero) key on the numeric keypad or click the RAM preview
button in the playback controls. This renders the Timeline to RAM and then
plays it back smoothly in real time.
6 Close finished.aep by choosing File > Close Project.