CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 SUMMARY Diversity issue is the top concern of many nations. It recognizes differences between people and
acknowledges that these differences are a valued asset. Effectively addressing diversity issues in
schools requires understanding different elements of the school climate. The study in general has
been planned under the objective of exploring the practices of diversity management that faced
by school managers to indicate the dimensions of diversity in schools. In addition to this, to
provide a framework for the school leaders on how diversity can be effective and managed, so
that: schools are capable of building strong leadership in diversity management. It can also
develop a sense of responsibility, accountability of students in schools and prepare for better
interaction in the future education and any public spheres of students in general.
The study generally has raised three basic questions. These are; in what extent school leaders
apply diversity? How the school communities exercise diversity? Moreover, how does the
leadership play in managing diversity? In order to answer these questions case study was
designed and gathered through questionnaires, interview and observation,. The collected data
was analyzed qualitatively and quantitative. Detail explanation is provided under each data.
Based on the data gathered, the schools were practicing different diversity dimensions including
the dimensions of diversity selected for this study like religion, culture, linguistics and ethnics.
Even if the challenges of diversity management are more expensive the knowledge and
systematic management of individual‘s negative attitude towards people difference makes
effective and can be an asset. The education and training policy of the country is also considered
diversity in a very good manner to work on this issue. In addition to these, the school leadership
played a role in school managing diversity.
However, they need to acquire knowledge, diversity management guidelines and its strategy for
the better guidance of students who will join more diversified universities for the future, and for
the better interaction of students in coordination with school communities and Parent. Besides, as
transitional stage to preparatory schools. On the fact, creating awareness on diversity has
indispensable impact for better interaction than academic achievement. The achievements of
students were not significantly affected by improper management of diversity in schools.