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the Commissioners of Chantry Lands at the Dissolution to the unendowed chapel of

Whitewell, in Bowland.

In the year 1521 it appears, from the Cornputus of the Abbey, that the chaplain of

St. Michael in Castro received a stipend of 4.

The castle of Clitheroc, with the demesnes and forests, is, strictly speaking, extra-

parochial ; and, in consequence of this foundation, the latter are denominated the Castle

Parish to the present day. 4
But as the Forest of Accrington is now included within that chapelry, and Trawden

within Colne, the whole of the gravcships of Rossendalc within Newchurch, Haslingden,

or Bury, and all the booths of Pendlc, except Reedly Hallows, Filly Close, New Laund,

and Whcatlcy Carr, within Colne ; Padiham, or New Church in Pendle : these exceptions

alone, together with Ightenhill Park, are now termed extra-parochial, and their inhabitants

marry at Clitheroe.

Ightenhill Park, however, was not originally extra-parochial, but parcel of the

Chapelry of Burnley. This is proved beyond a doubt, by the Inquisition of the Rectory,

A.I>. 1298.
Documents relating to the Chapel of St. Michael within the Castle of Clitheroe.
1. The Abbot .and Convent of Stanlowe in 1294 grant the Chapel within the Castle of Clitheroe to Henry Earl

of Lincoln and his heirs for ever. Great Cowcher of the Duchy of Lancaster (or Carta Eegum), vol. i. fol. 60.

Omnibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit: frater Gregorius Abbas loci Benedict! de Stanlowe et ejusdem loci

Conventus: salutem in Domino. Cum nobilis vir dominus Henricus de Lacy comes Lincoln, dederit et concesserit

1 On the plea that the Duke had alienated the advowson to the Abbey and Convent without the royal licence.
2 [Richard de Moseley was appointed to Clitheroe by Queen Isabella, 6 March, 1333, in exchange for the rectory

of Dewsbury, and resigned the chapel to the abbot and convent of Whalley in the following year (see p. 259). He

was then rector of Earl's Barton, in Northamptonshire.]
8 See the Letter of William le Wolf, vicar of Whalley, to the Bishop of Lichfield, his ordinary, already printed,

p. 225.

ecolesiam de Quallay in proprios usus nobis et successoribus nostris in perpetuum tenendam, licet Capella infra Castrum

de Cliderhou sita sit infra limites parochiales ecclesie predicts de Quallay ; voluinus et concedimus pro nobis et succes-

soribus nostris quod idem comes et heredes sui vel assignati eandem Capellam in perpetuum habeant et teneant cum

omnibus juribus rebus et possessionibus que ad predictam Capellam pertinent. Ita scilicet quod nee nos nee successores

nostri, nee aliquis per nos, aliquod jus vel clamium in predicta Capella, seu juribus, rebus, et possessionibus que ad

eandem Capellam pertinent seu pertinere solebant, decetero aliquo modo exigere vel vendicare poterimus. In cujus rei

testimonium huic scripto sigillum nostrum commune apposuimus. Hiis testibus, dominis Roberto filio Rogeri, Will'o le

Vavasour, Johanne de Hodleston, Roberto de Hertford, Jacobo de Neville, Roberto de Schirburn, Johanne de Spring

militibus, et multis aliis. Dat. apud Stanlowe in pleno capitulo nostro die Lune proximo ante festum Purificacionis

beate Marie virginis, anno Domini Millesimo cc mo nonagesimo quarto (Monday, Feb. 1294).

This charter is followed in the Great Cowcher by the Abbot of Stanlaw's renunciation of the right of hunting

in the forests, which is of the same date, and was witnessed by the same persons, and has been printed at p. 174.

2. Letters patent of Queen Isabella declaring that on the resignation by her clerk John de Wodehouse of her

free chapel within the oastle of Cliderhou she had granted the same to Sir Richard de Moseley by way of exchange for

the said Richard's church of Dewsbury. Dated at Woodstock, 6 March, 8 Edw. III. (1334). Printed in the Coucher

Book of Whalley (Chetham Soc.) p. 234.

3. Letters patent of King Edward III. surrendering to the abbot and convent of Whalley the chapel of Cliderhou,

lately granted to John de Wodehouse. Dated at Northampton, 18 March, a. r. 8 (1334). Printed ibid. p. 228.

4. Letters patent of King Edward III. acknowledging the receipt into his chamber from the abbey of Whalley of

300 marks in which the abbot had been bound by recognisance made in the King's Chancery, "pro capella castri de

Cliderhou." Dated at Folkingham, 27 April, a. r. 8 (1334). Printed ibid. p. 235.
5. Letters patent of Queen Isabella, tenant for life of the castle of Clitheroe, reciting the King's letters of the

18th March, made with the assent of his great council, and ratifying the same, notwithstanding she had recently pre-

sented Richard de Moseley to the said chapel. Dated at Coventry, 13 May, 8 Edw. III. (1334). Printed ibid. p. 229.
6. Answer of Roger bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to a petition from the abbot and convent of Whalley,

conveying his license and authority to their acquiring the chapel. Dated at Sallowc prid. id. Mail (May 14) 1334.

Printed ibid. p. 230.
A memorandum follows, in the Coucher Book, p. 231, stating that after the preceding measures had been taken,

Richard de Moselay, then in occupation of the chapel, very urgently impleaded the convent by a writ of scire facias in

Chancery, until they compounded for his interest by an annual pension of 40/. which they granted by the charter next

described :

7. Grant to Richard do Moselay, clerk, of an annual rent of 40Z. for life, to be paid at Merland, co. Lane, from

the manors of Steyninges, Cho, Merland, and Blackburn. Dated at Whalley on Tuesday next after the feast of the

Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Sept. 14.) 8 Edw. III. (1334). Printed ibid. p. 233.
8. Quitclaim of Richard de Moselay, rector of Earl's Barton, in the county of Northampton, of all his right and

claim in the chapel of St. Michael in the castle of Cliderhou. Dated at Whalley on Friday next after the feast of

St. Edward the King and Confessor (14 Oct.) 1334. Printed ibid. p. 234.
9. Mandate of Roger bishop of Coventry and Lichfield directing the Vicar of Whalley (probably William le

Wolf) to answer the complaint of the Abbot and convent of Whalley that he refused to undertake the parochial care of

the chapel within the Castle of Clitherhow, although it was annexed to the church of Whalley. Dated at London 17 kal.

April, 1335 (March 16, 1335-6). Printed at length in the present volume, at p. 178.

10. Answer of the Vicar, acknowledging the receipt of the mandate, which he recites word for word, as was cus-

tomary. Dated Idus April, 1336 (April 17.) Printed ibid.

11. Mandate of the Official of the Bishop of Lichfield to William le Wolf, vicar of Whalley, that the Bishop in

his Visitation had decided that he was responsible for the cure of souls of the parishioners of the chapel of the castle

of Clitheroe, and ordering his obedience under pain of the greater excommunication: otherwise he is to appear at

Lichfield on the 13th April, 1339, to answer to this summons:

Officialis venerabilis patris Rogeri Dei gratia Coventrensis et Lichfeldensis Episcopi et ipsius in quibuscunque

correcionum negociis Commissarius : vicario ecclesie de Whalley salutem in Auctore salutis. Nuper contra vos auctori-

2 L 2


tate dicti patris occasione quorundam compertorum in visitacione quam idem pater in Archidiaconatu Cest' tune

exercuerat legitime procedentes, curam animarum parochianorum in Capella Castri de Cliderhou consistencium, ad vos

et successores vestros pertinere debere pronunciavimus, necnon Religiosos viros dominos Abbatem et Conventum Monas-

terii de Whalleye, ecclesiam de Whalleye cum Capella Castri de Cliderhou et aliis suis pertinenciis in proprios usus

optinentes, ad inveniendum Capellanum ydoneum in Capella Castri de Cliderhou supradicta singulis diebus divina cele-

brantem, ac etiam clericum eidem Capellano monstrantem condempnavimus sentencialiter et definitive justicia suadente,

vos tamen curam de qua premittitur agnoscere subire et exercere, juxta vim, formam et efiectum pronunciacionis nostre

supradicte recusastis et adhuc recusastis minus juste, prout ex querela dictorum Abbatis et Conventus accepimus

nobis facta. Quocirca vobis sub pena excommunicacionis majoris firmiter injungendo mandamus, quatenus hujus-

modi nostre pronunciacioni parere quateuus ad vos pertinet nullatenus omittatis. Alioquin tenore prescntium peremp-

torie vos citamus, quod compareratis coram nobis vel nostro Coinmissario in ecclesia Cathed' Lichefeld' secundo die

Juridico post dominica qua cantatur Officium Misericordia Domini, 1 canonicum si quod vobis competat in hac parte

proposituri et prosecuturi cum effl-ctu, facturi ulterius et recepturi juxta negocii qualitatem et naturam quod justicia

suadebit. Quid autem in premissis duxeritis faciendum, nos vel nostrum Commissarium dictis die et loco certificetis

per literas vestras patentes harum seriem continentes. Dat. Lich. xv kalen' Aprilis, anno Domini MCCC. xxxviii"

(18 Mar. 1339). Add. 10374, f. 83, b.

Istud Mandatum prenotatum rnissum fuit per Officialem domini Coventr' et Lich. Episcopi domino Will'mo dicto

le Wolf tune vicario ccclesie de Whalleye ad subeundam et agnoscendam curam parochianorum Capelle Castri de

Cliderhou pertinencium sub pena excommunicacionis majoris juxta pronunciacionem sentencie super hoc facte per

eundcm Officialem.

12. Sentence of the Commissary of the Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield that the vicar of Whalley shall have

the cure of the parishioners of the castle chapel. Dated at Lichfield, ii. id. Maii, 1339. (Printed in the Coucher Book,

p. 235.)
13. Statement made by the Abbot and Convent of Whalley in 1345 regarding their recovery of the Chapel :

Petrus de Cestria quondam Rector ecclesie parochialis de Whalley, Coventr' et Lich. dioc', in personatu dicte

ecclesie predecessor Abbatis et Conventus Monasterii de Whalley, ordinis Cisterciensis, ejusdem dioc', qui prefatam

ecclesiam in suos usus jam optinent appropriatam, ac alii ejusdem ecclesie Rectores dicti Petri predecessores a tempore

cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existat, capellatn beati Michaelis in Castro de Cliderhou infra fines et limites

parochie dicte ecclesie de Whall. notorie situatam, tanquam capellam eidem ecclesie annexam et ab eadem dependentem

tenuerunt, occupaverunt et pacifice possederunt, decimacionosque dominicalium terrarum de Blakeburnschire et de

Boulaud, eidem capelle deputatas, per dominos prefati Castri de Cliderhou dicte ecclesie patronos antiquitus assignatas,

ut de jure ejusdem sue ecclesie perceperunt, et de decimacionibus illis taliter perceptis, una cum aliis ejusdem capelle

proventibus, libere per omnia disposuerunt absque contradiccione vel resistencia cujuscunque. Post decessum autem

ejusdem Petri : cum dicti Abbas et Conventus Monasterii de Whall. possessionem dicte Matricis ecclesie de Whall. cum

suis capellis et juribus universis canonice apprehendissent et in usus proprios assumpsissent perpetuo possidendam,

precedentibus ad hoc et concurrentibus omnibus et singulis que de jure requirebantur quomodolibet in hac parte,

Nobilis vir dominus Henricus de Lascy Comes Lincoln, et dominus Castri de Cliderhou et de Blakeburnschire, dicte ecclesie

patronus ac fundator Monasterii antedicti, dictos Abbatem et Conventum possessione dicte capelle, vi et potentia domi-

nacionis, absque auctoritate vel consensu eorum aut ordinarii cujuslibet spoliavit, eandem capellam cum decimacionibus

et proventibus predictis, tanquam capellam liberam, de, facto duntaxet, cum de jure non potuit, sibi nequiter usurpavit,

et ipsius capelle patronatum ad totam vitam sibi retinuit minus juste, necnon clericis suis eandem capellam contulit, et

per seneschallos suos de Blakeburnschire dictos clericos in eandem capellam instituit, ac in ejus corporalem possessionem

induci mandavit et fecit, concessu dictorum Abbatis et Conventus vel Diocesani aut alterius Ordinarii cujuscunque

ininime requisite. Quara quidem possessionem Patronatus dicte capelle taliter usurpatam domini Castri de Cliderhou

et de Blakeburnschire post mortem prefati domini Comitis Henrici, videlicet dominus Thomas quondam Comes Lan-

1 Introit from Ps. 33 (Misericordia Domini plena est terra) and name of the second Sunday after Easter. The

summons was for the 13 April, 1339.

castrie successor suus immediatus, dominus etiam Rex Anglie Edwardus tercius, et domina Regina Mater ejus, continua-

runt et absque alio justicie titulo per multa tempora occuparunt, dictamque capellam suis clericis quam pluribus

vicissim et successive contulerunt, ipsos in eadem capella propria presumptione instituendo et corporaliter inducendo,

irrequisitis consensu et auctoritate Diocesani sen alterius Ordinarii cujuscunque. 1 Dicti etiam clerici taliter instituti,

vel potius intrusi, decimaciones et obvenciones omnimodas eidem capelle ut premittitur deputatas per manutenentiam

dominorum suorum libere perceperunt et de eisdem ad libitum disposuerunt, de servientibus insuper dictorum domi-

norum, neciion de tenentibus dominicalibus eorundem correcciones capitulares et omnimodam jurisdiccionem ordinariam,

nullo privilegio sedis apostoKce vel aliunde habjto in hac parte muniti, sibi temerarie usurpabant et sic usurpatam

per non modica tempora exercebant, videlicet per xxx et viii annos videlicet ab anno Domini Millesimo cc Nonagesimo

sexto usque ad annum Domini Millesimum CCC tricentesimum quartum. 2 Quo anno dicti Abbas et Conventus,

declarato jure suo quod ad dictam capellam liabuerunt coram domino Rege et consilio suo, optinuerunt eandem capellam

tanquam annexam ecclesie sue supradicte, et ab eadem dependentem sibi restitui, de expresso consentio ejusdem

domini Regis et consilii sui, amoto quodam Ricardo do Moselay clerico suo, ejusdem capelle tune illicito

detentore, sicque dicti Abbas et Conventus anno quo supra in festo Sancte Trinitatis (22 May, 1334) in dictam

capellam intraverunt, et earn cum suis pertinenciis predictis, tanquam jus ecclesie sue de Whall. supradicte, sibi

canonice assumserunt in usus proprios perpetuo cum dicta ecclesia possiclcndam, ejusque posscssionem hujusmodi

usque ad festum Sancti Jacobi Apostoli (25 Julii) anno Domini Millesimo ccc"xl quiuto pacifice tenuerunt. Quo

elapso, dicti Abbas et Conventus de Whallsye prosequentcs jus suum quod ad dictam capellam habuerunt erga

dominum Regem, qui dominium de Blakeburnscliir' tune temporis possidebat, propositisque ct ostensis hiis quo ad

declaracionern sui juris sufficere videbantur, coram dicto domino Rege et Consilio suo, tandem idem dominus Ilex de

expresso consensu consilii sui predict! eisdem Abbati et Conventui eandem capellam tanquam annexam ecclesie sue

de Whalleye predicte et ab eadem dependentem reddidit et retribuit, amoto quodam Ricardo de Moselay clerico suo,

ejusdem capelle tune illicito detentore. Sicque dicti Abbas et Conventus hiis prcmissis Anno videlicet Domini

MCCCxxxiiii to in festo Sancte Trinitatis in dictam capellam intraverunt et capellam cum suis pertinenciis predictis

tanquam jus ecclesie sue de Wh. sibi canonice assumpserunt in usus proprios cuin dicta ecclesia perpetuo possidendam

ejusque possessionem a die predicto usque in presentem festum Sancti Jacobi Apostoli Anno Domini MCCC xlv videlicet

per xi annos et amplius jam pacifice tenuerunt. {Liber Loci Benedict!, Add. MS. 10,37-4, f. 10 b.)
14. Charter of Henry Earl of Lancaster declaring that he surrendered to the abbey and convent of Whalley the

advowson of the chapel of Clithcroe, which he had recently granted for life to his clerk Henry dc Walton. Dated at

his manor of the Savoy, 24 Aug. 13-19. Printed in the Couchet Book, p. 11 09.
15. Confirmation of the same by royal letters patent, 10 Feb. 1350. Ibid. p. 1171.
10. Letters Patent of Edward III. restoring the advowson of the Castle Chapel to John Duke of Lancaster and

Blanche his wife, the Abbot and Convent of Whalley having taken possession of it without the King's licence and

thereby forfeited it, after having obtained a grant from Henry Earl of Lancaster by a false suggestion:
Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie : dominus Hibernie et Aquitanic. Omnibus ad quos presentcs littere per-

venerint: salutem. Supplicarunt nobis carissimus films noster Johannes dux Lancastrie, et Blanchia uxor ejus, quod

cumHenricus nuper Comes Lancastrie ad prosccucionem Abbatis et Conventus de Whalleye protendencium se jus habere

in Capella Sancti Michaelis infra Castrum de Cliderhowe cum suis juribus et pertinenciis quibuscumque racione paro-

1 Another statement of this character has been printed in the Coucher Book of Whalley, p. 22G. The monks

speak in it as freely as here of the conduct of their patrons, stating that Henry Earl of Lincoln had given the chapel

" cuidam clerico suo, nomine Will'o de Nuny, et quantum in ipso fuit injuste a Matricc ecclesia de Whalleye et non

sine gravi periculo animEe suse seperavit."

2 The other statement says, "usque ad annum d'ni Edwardi regis Anglie tertii post conquestum quintum "

(i.e. 1331), when Robert de Toppecliffe then abbot presented his petition to the King in his full parliament, stating that

inter cetera the said chapel was annexed to his church of Whalley, and was not a free chapel as the King supposed,

because it had not baptism nor burial, nor any privilege from the apostolic see as other free chapels had in various

parts of England, but all the parishioners of the chapel baptize and bury in the church of Whalley.


chialis ecclesie ipsorum Abbatis et Conventus de Whalleye quam ipsi in proprios usus tenent dederit et concesserit

prefatis Abbati et Conventui advocacionem Capelle predicte que est parcella dominii de Blakeburnshire, quod est de

hereditate prefate Blanchie et quod de nobis tenetur in capite ut dicitur, habendam et tenendam eisdem Abbati et

successoribus suis imperpetuum; dictusque Abbas et Conventus virtute donacionis et concessionis predictarum eandem

Capellam in proprios usus tenendam ingressi fuerint, licencia nostra super hoc non obtenta, per quod advocacio Capelle

predicte ad manus nostras tanquam nobis forisfacta jam devenit: Velimus eisdem Duci et Blanchie advocacionem

predictam habendam sibi et heredibus suis concedere graciose. Nos habito respectu ad hoc quod prefatus Comes

advocaeionem predictam prefatis Abbati et Conventui per suggestionem minus veracem ut dicitur in forma predicta

alienavit: Nolentes prefatam Blanchiam occasione suggestions hujusmodi exheredari: set volentes eosdem Ducem et

Blanchiam in ea parte favore prosequi graciose : de gracia nostra speciali dedimus et concessimus pro nobis et heredibus

nostris prefatis Duci et Blanchie advoca'cionem predictam habendam et tenendam sibi et heredibus nostris per servicia

inde debita et consueta imperpetuum. Ita quod post mortem eorundem Ducis et Blanchie, si ipsi sine herede de

corporibus suis legitime procreate obierint, dicta advocacio eisdem personis et eodem modo et per eadem servicia

tenenda remaneat, quibus personis et prout advocacio predicta remansisse et teneri debuisset si ipsa per prefatum

Comitem nunquam alienata fuisset, set post decessum ejusdem prefate Blanchie jure hereditario descendisset. In

cujus rci testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westm. duodecimo die Decembris,

Anno regni uostri tricosimo septimo (13G3). (Great Cowcher of the Duchy, vol. i. fol. 60 b.)
17. Bond of the Abbot and Convent of Whalley obliging them to pay to John Duke of Lancaster, in instalments,

within three years, 500/. according to its title, " pro licentia optinendi ad prosequendum jus suum de capella castri de

Cliderhow." Dated at Whalley 23 Aug. 38 Edw. III. (1364). Printed in Coucher Book, p. 1169.
18. Indenture between John Duke of Lancaster and the Abbot and Convent of Whalley, the Duke allowing them

to sue him for the Chapel :

Ceste endenture faite perentre lui nobles homes Johan Due de Lancastre dune parte et les Abbe et Covent de

Whalleye dautre part tesmoigne, que come les dites Abbe et Covent eient souvent suez per peticion au dit noble due

lour patron et avowe en ckunantz davoir droit a tenir la Chapelle de Seint Michiel deinz son Chastel de Cliderowe en

propres oeps come annexe a leur esglise de Whalleye, et empriantz au dit noble due de sa bone grace et en oevre de

charite faire a eux droit en cello partie, ou les soeffrer presuire leur dit droit a la cornune ley saunz estre grevez ou

faire damage ou duresce a eux ou a leur conseil ou eidantz per celle catise: le dit due come celui qest obeissant a la

ley de la terre et qui nulluy voet destourber a presuire per la ley, si ad octroiez et grante bonement per cestes lettres

leur requeste avantdit, et promys a eux que pur nulle seute qils ferront vers lui et la duchesse sa compaigne per

processor de ley per la cause suisdite, il ne nul desoens ferra as ditz Abbe et Covent, ne a leur eidantz ou conseillantz

damage, grevance, ne duresce, en destourbance de leur dite perseute encontre la comune ley, mes le soeffra estre

termiuez a plus tost qil purra bonement sanz offense de la ley. Issint toutes voies que nulle seute serra faite en

prejudice iiostre tresredoutez Seigneur le Roi: ne au dit due. En tesmoignance de quelle chose a ceste endenture les

parties avant dites entrechaungeablement ont mys leur sealz. Donne a Londres le xvi jour de Feverer, Ian du regne

nostre Seignur le Roi Edward tierz puis le conqueste trent noesisme (1365). (Great Cowcher of the Duchy, vol. iv.)



HE Honor dependent upon this Castle is commensurate with no other division, civil or

ecclesiastic. It extends over the present parishes of Whalley and Blackburn, which con-

stituted the original hundred ; over those of Chipping and Ribchester, anciently included

in the hundred of Amunderness ; over Bowland, in the wapen take of Staincliff; over the

manor of Tottington, within the hundred of Salford ; and over that of Rochdale, partly

within the former wapentake and partly within Agbridge in Yorkshire. But it coincides

most nearly with the original parish of Whalley, the whole of which it covers, and no

where passes the boundaries of it, but to take in the manor of Tottington. Within this

extensive tract all manors and estates, of what tenure soever, arc held of the Castle of

Clitheroe, 1 the common centre from which all landed property has emanated, and to
1 Feoda heredum Comitis Lincoln, in Blakeburneschir' (meaning the lands holden by military service).

[Inquisitio Wapentachie de Blakeburnschire : Symon le Herice, Adam de Blakeburn, Adam Noel, Henricus de

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