Defination of soccer, history, basic positions, basic positıons, pass, dripling, sutting,goalkeeping, individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.
General Gymnastics I
To teaching and practices of basic gymnastic skills, by using group movements, basic gymnastic equipments.
Handball II
Defination hentball, history, basic positıons, pass, dripling, fake, individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.
Soccer I
Defination of soccer, history, basic positions, basic positıons, pass, dribbling, shooting, goalkeeping, individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.
Volleyball II
Defination volleyball, history, basic positıons, service, pass, smach, block, falldown tehniques, individual and team defence, team offence, counterattack, game systems and rules.
Handball I
Defination handball, history, basic positıons, pass, dribbling, fake, individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.
Volleyball I
Defination volleyball, history, basic positıons, service, pass, smash, block, falldown tehniques , individual and team defence, team offence, counter attack, game systems and rules.
To practice the knowledge about camping during camp activity.
Introduction to Sport Management
Basic Conception of Economy, micro-macro economic differences, different approaches at economy, basic conceptions of micro and macro economy, market, competition, presentation-demanding, the investigation of costumer,producer and cost conseptions.
Sport Physiology
The function of cell, tissue, organs sytems that composed of human body, the adaptation of human organism to physical effort in short and long time periods. Energy sourcess, the physiological basis of training, fatique, regeneration, doping, noutrition, the evaluation of sportive performance at different areas.
Sport Psychology
Description of sport psychology, basic conception, the aims of psychology, the progress of work areas of psychology in daily life, the affective factors which emotional and personality on performance, psychological training, competition, group diynamics in sports, and dynamics.
Sport Organizations
The importance of organization on effective works, the living, improvement and adaptation of organization as a social asset at sports.
Basic Law
The necessity of law, differences between rules that organizer social life and law rules, law branches, sources of law, the knowledge about law,rule and code.
Sport History
The meaning and importance of physical educationand sports history, historical improvement of physical education and sports at turkish people and world. The resource on sports history, the sources ofsport history.
Foreign Language IV
To do reading parts on the text which is avarage level , to expalin with reading and writting, dictation exercises, to improvement words fream, to use ,preposition, adverb, to use its in the sentence, to use tenses of verbals, The conceptions of mathematic calculation, letter writting, to tell natural or social happening.
First Aid
The defination and aims of hygiene ,improvements of hygiene, the respect of variety organs of body, the preventing from infection and deadly ilness, injuries and reabilition.
Elective Group Course B II
Sport injuries course.
Elective Group Course B I
Injury prenvention course.
Sports Economy and Policies
In the financial idea of sport, the general features of communal supply and demand. Consumption and investment concepts in sport, the contribution of economical and social evoluation from sport managers. The investment of sport financing, sport payments and analises of cost-advantage. Sport in economic mentality, general speciality for sports social supply and demand, consumption and investment of concept. The benefit of sports management on social and economic improvement.
Sport Management
The sport management concept, the quality and feautures of sport management, models of sport management, the historical evoluation of sport in Turkey, the universal theory in management.
Basic Accounting
In this lesson; the courses is for the students from sport management department. The courses are accounting concepts, accounting technics and financial tables. The objectives of the course is to achieve the students knowledge in the related topics.
Research Methods and Statistics
The science and research concept, objectives, features, basic research types and models, problem in reseachs, methods, finding and comment, consequences. The ways to achieve the knowledge, selection of suitable accountings and application of the selected accountings. The research suggestions and the technics of preparing a report.
Work and Social Security Law
The determination of job and social securirty law , feautures of the topic, basic concepts, sportsman actions in the outline of job and social securşty law.
Sports Law
The basic principles of law, branches and sources of law, main law, rules and regulations. Sport law in Turkey, the rules, regulations and laws about sport, the international sport law.
Sport Business
The basic concepts about sport business, the establisment of sport business,comparison of basic business principles and sport business.
General Training Theory
Training concept and basic principle, the effectiveness of training for the organism, parts of trainings, planning of training, exhaustion, micro, macro, year plan of training, loading and basic principles, the ability selection in sport, the evoluation of biomotor abilities.
Sport Sociology
The determination of sport sociology, basic concepts, evoluation, the relation with other sciences, the socail and economical encouragement, sport-education relation, sport; the free time activity, social mobility through sport, sport in the industrialization, urbanization, amateurism, the socail qualification of sport activities.
Elective Group Course B III
Tennis, Fencing and Badminton courses.
Elective Group Course B IV
Tennis, Fencing and Badminton courses.
Budget and Accounting in Sport Society
Description of budget, principles o budget, budget system and technics, description of accounting, conception of ballance-sheet, revenue tableau, action period and total counting, Budget and accounting actions at sport corporation.
Total Quality Management
Understanding of total quality at menagement mentality, Basic conceptions of total quality management. Elements of Total quality management. Total quality managements practices at sports areas.
Sport Marketing
The determination of marketing concept, basic features, the evolution in marketing, the strategy in marketing, the cost in marketing.
Management Psychology
Varieties of individual and qroups, Group dynamics, belief and attitudes at organizations, morals at organization, psychologic problems and complaints, motivation concept and motivation theory, leadership and leadership approach.
Model Event Analysis in Sport Management I
Discussing the management of the proceeding when organizing sports events in sports institution associations.
Model Event Analysis in Sport Management II
Discussing the management of the proceeding when organizing sports events in sports institution associations.
Public Relations
The determination of public relations concept, objectives, historical evoluation. The techniques of public relations and the role of manager in public relations. The relation between sport and public relations.
Sport Media
Explain the conception of sport and media , analyze of sport and media by social sides, importance of sport for personal and society sides, media for mass, duty and affects of sport for advertise and generalize to society, investigate of sport media in Turkey.
Sports for All
The determination of lifelong sport, the historical evoluation, lifelong sport philosophy ,the determination of lifelong sport activities (jogging, cycle, swimming, walking) and application.
Traditional Sports
Investigation of traditional sports which wrestler, oil wrestling, javelin, horse riding during history.
Management of Human Relation
Manpower planning, providing, applying and improving at organizations. İmportance of human resource, personnal strategies of sport organizing at public and private sectors.
Sport and Recreation Internship
The internship is compulsory for the students at the end of fourth year. It’s period must be minimum of 30 calendar days and students are required to prepare a report.
Thesis II
A continuation of Thesis I.
Thesis I
An original study proving the competence of doing scientific research in the field of Physical Education and Sports within the framework of scientific methods and related regulations.
İşletmeye Giriş
İşletmeye giriş dersinde, işletmenin temel işlevleri, işletmenin tarihi, toplumsal ve ekonomik çevreyle olan ilişkileri, işletme teşebbüs, müteşebbis ve yönetici kavramları, hukuki organizasyon ve iç organizasyon, komuta kurmay ve fonksiyonel yetki işlemleri gibi konular işlenmektedir.
Yönetim İlkeleri
İşletme yönetimine giriş olan bu ders, başarılı bir yönetici olmak için gereken bilgi ve becerileri kazandırmayı amaçlar. İşletme tarihi, karar alma, iletişim, planlama, örgütleme, yürütme, uyumlaştırma, kontrol, düzeltme, ve iş etiği gibi konuları içerir.
Genel Muhasebe I
Bu ders karar vermede gerekli olan bilgiyi sağlamada muhasebenin temel araçlarını tanıştırarak, muhasebenin üstlendiği önemli ve gerekli işlevi anlatmak üzere hazırlanmıştır. Bilanço, gelir tablosu ve muhasebe defteri gibi finansal muhasebe temel araçlarını tanıştırır. Dersin esas amacı muhasebe kavramlarını ve mali tabloları hazırlamakta kullanılan teknikleri anlatmak, bu bilgileri kullanarak iş kararlarını daha etkili hale getirmek için nasıl uygulanabileceğini göstermektir. Bilgisayar ortamında finansal muhasebe teorisini uygulama ve ilgili becerilerini geliştirmek için öğrencilere olanak sağlar.
Genel Muhasebe II
Bu ders TBUS 203 Muhasebe 1 dersinin devamıdır. Dersin esas amacı kullanıcı açısından muhasebe bilgilerinin analiz ve yorumlanması detaylı olarak öğretmektir. İş dunyasında etkin çalışma için gerekli yonetim ve iş kararlarını almayı sağlar.
İstatistik I
Bu dersin amacı, istatistik temel kavramlarını ve tekniklerini öğrenciler ile tanıştırmaktır. Öğrencilerin işletme ve ekonomi alanlarında karar verebilmek için veri yorumlayabilmeleri ve bilgi üretmelerini sağlayacak analitik becerilerini geliştirmektir. Öğrencilerin istatistiksel düşünmelerini sağlamak ve onları istatistiğin sunduğu daha ileri seviyedeki alanlar üzerinde çalışmaya motive etmektir. Bu ders frekans dağılımları, merkezi eğilim ölçüleri, değişkenlik, çarpıklık ve sivrilik ölçümlerinin yanı sıra olasılık dağılımları konularını da içermektedir.
İstatistik II
Bu dersin amacı öğrencilere çıkarımsal istatistik yöntemler kullandırmak suretiyle ana kütleden elde edilen örnek verilerinden geçerli ve temsili sonuçlar elde etme becerisini ve bilgisini kazandırmayı hedeflemektedir. Ders nicel verilerin analizinin yanı sıra nitel verilerin analizini de kapsamaktadır. Bu ders örnekleme dağılımı ve yöntemleri, tahmin teorisini, regresyon korelasyon analizini, varyans analizini, parametrik olmayan istatistik yöntemleri içermektedir.
Hukuka Giriş
Hukukun temel kavramlarına giriş dersidir. Hukuk sistemleri, hükümet ve devlet kurumlarının düzenleyici faaliyetleri ile Avrupa Birliği yasal çerçevesini giriş düzeyinde öğrenciye sunar.