Classification of companies; registration of companies; memorandum of association; articles of association; contractual capacity; share capital; shares; loan capital.
Company Law II
Floating charges - Insolvency aspects; floating charges and transaction avoidance in insolvency; shareholders` rights and duties; directors; directors` duties; directors fiduciary duties; care and skill / statutory duties; minority protection; the company in liquidation.
Commercial Law I
Transfer of property; passing of risk; mistake and frustration; insolvency: the validity and effectiveness of retention of title clauses; the statutory implied terms: the right to sell; the condition of goods; duties of the parties and remedies.
Commercial Law II
Title conflicts in sale transactions; introduction to agency relationship; creation of the Agency relationship and the importance of the agent`s authority; the types of agency relationship; creation of the agency relationship; the relationship between principal and agent
Public International Law I
Topics will include some of the following: introduction to the nature of internationa11aw and its historical development; sources of international law; the relationship between international and municipa11aw; the subjects of international law.
Public International Law II
The concept of sovereignty and state recognition; state jurisdiction; the acquisition and loss of territory; state responsibility; treaties and other international legal agreements; the pacific settlement of disputes; the use of force; international institutions; human rights.
Business Mathematics I
Business Mathematics I Revision of essential algebra for calculus. Polynomials, rational expressions, straight line. Linear and quadratic equations and inequalities. Functions; limits; continuity; derivatives: techniques of derivatives; applications of derivatives.
Business Mathematics II
Exponential and logarithmic functions. Derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions. Applications of exponential functions ant derivatives. Techniques of integration, definite integral, applications of integration. Functions of several variables, partial derivatives.
Engineering Drawing
Freehand sketching techniques, use of scales, model representation. Orthographic projection. Dimensioning and sectioning. Solid. Modeling. 3-D drawings. Assembly and working drawings. Tolerancing. Threaded parts, keys, springs, rivets, piping layouts. CATIA is introduced and used throughout the course with coverage of advanced modeling tools.
Introduction to Mechanical Eng.
The mechanical engineering profession, mechanical design, technical problem-solving and communication skills, forces in structures and machines, materials and stresses, fluids engineering, thermal and energy systems
Strength of Materials I
Simple stress and strain. Equilibrium, compatibility and constitutive relations, state of stress and state of strain with emphasis on two dimensional problems. Bending and shear stresses. Shear and bending moment diagrams by integrating and section method. Deflection of beams.
Materials Science
Introduction to materials science and engineering. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding. Crystal and amorphous structures inmaterials. Imperfections in solids. Thermally activated processes and diffusion in solids. Mechanical properties of metals. Phase diagrams and transformations. Engineering alloys. Polymeric materials. Ceramics and composite materials. Corrosion. Electrical, thermal, magnetic and optical properties of materials
Manufacturing Technology I
Introduction and Overview of Manufacturing. the Nature of Major Materials. Mechanical & physical properties of materials. Dimensions, Surfaces, and their Measurement. Engineering Materials used in Manufacturing. Overview of casting technology, and metal casting processes. Shaping Processes For Plastics and Polymers. Rubber-Processing Technology.
Introduction to rigid body mechanics, equivalent force systems. Concepts of moment, couple, resultant. Equilibrium; Free body diagram; equations of equilibrium. Structural analysis; trusses; beams. Properties of surfaces. Area moment and cancroids; moment and product of inertia; principal directions.
Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies: absolute motion, relative motion. Kinetics of particles: equation of motion, work-energy and impulse-momentum. Systems of particles. Kinetics of rigid bodies: Euler's equation, plane motion of rigid bodies, kinetic energy of rigid bodies. Introduction to the dynamics of vibrating systems.
Properties of pure substances, phase change, equation of state. Concepts of energy transfer by heat, work and mass. Entropy. 1st and 2nd law of Thermodynamics and their applications to common thermal devices such as heat exchangers, turbines, compressors. and nozzles. Basic power and refrigeration thermodynamic cycles: Otto, Diesel, Brayton, Rankine and vapor compression. refrigeration cycles.
Manufacturing Technology II
Powder Metallurgy and Processing of Ceramics and Cermets Fundamental of Bulk forming; rolling, extrusion, drawing, forging. Sheet metal forming; Bending, Cutting, Deep Drawing, and others. Machining operations and machine tools;Turning, Milling, Drilling, Planing and shaping, Boaring, Broaching and gear manufacturing. Cutting-Tool Technology. Heat Treatment Of Metals. Surface Processing Operations. Joining and Assembly Processes; welding, brazing, soldering, and mechanical assembly. Production planning and control.
Concept of continuum. Properties of fluids: density, viscosity, surface tension. Forces on submerged surfaces. Integral and differential forms of mass, momentum and energy conservation equations. Solutions of simple viscous flows. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Viscous flow in pipes and ducts. Flow past immersed bodies, boundary layers, lift and drag, and turbulence
Internal Combustion Engines
Engine types and their operations. Thermochemistry of air-fuel mixtures. Ideal models of engine cycles. Gas exchange processes. Engine fuel metering and manifold phenomena. Combustion in gasoline and diesel engines. Pollutant formation and control. Engine friction and lubrication. New technologies and alternative fuels.
Strength of Materials II
Torsion of circular shafts. Combined stresses. Buckling, Stress and strain in axial loading. Torsion. Pure bending and transverse loading. Stress and strain transformations. Design of beams for strength. Deflection of beams. Columns. Energy methods
Heat Transfer I
Principles of heat transfer and their applications. Heat conduction in stationary systems. Transient Heat Conduction. Heat transfer associated with laminar flow and turbulence flow of fluids in forced and natural convection
Theory of Machines
Fundamentals of Motion and Vibration. Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems without dampers and equivalent systems. Free Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems with viscous and coulomb dampers. Harmounically excited vibration of a single degree of freedom vibration. Determining the equation of motion of a 1 DOF system using energy methods. Vibration under general forcing conditions. Two degrees of freedom system. Determining the equation of motion of systems using Lagrange method. Determination of Natural frequencies and Mode shapes.
Machine Elements I
Fundamentals of machine component design. Stress analysis. Materials. Static stresses. Elastic strain, deflection, and stability. Failure theories, safety factors, and reliability. Impact. Fatigue. Surface damage.
Machine Design I
Introduction to design of machinery; Kinematics, Kinetics, and the desing process. Fundamental of Kinematics; Degree of freedom, Types of motion, Grashof condition. Graphical and Algebraic Position analysis in various linkages. Graphical and Analytical analysis of velocity in linkages. Velocity Analysis with Instant Centers. Graphical and Analytical Acceleration Analysis in fourbar linkages. Corriolis acceleration in linkages. Cam design with velocity and acceleration analysis. Gear trains ; Gear types, Gear tooth, simple and compound gear trains.
Machine Design II
Introduction to Newton's law of motion and dynamic models. Dynamic force analysis for fourbar and fourbar slider-crank linkages. Static and Dynamic balancing in mechanisms. Engine dynamics and engine design; equivalent masses, and inertia and shaking forces. Flywheels and balancing the single cilynder engine. Multicylinder Engine design, the crank phase diagrams and shaking forces and tourques in two stroke and four stroke engines, balancing engines. Dynamic force analysis of cam followers and measuring dynamic force and accelerations.
Graduation Project I
Design or research projects are assigned including application and synthesis. The projects including prototype production are especially encouraged. Students may work alone or as a team. Supervisors and jury members grades the projects by considering the studies during the semester, project report and presentation
Graduation Project II
Design or research projects are assigned including application and synthesis. The projects including prototype production are especially encouraged. Students may work alone or as a team. Supervisors and jury members grades the projects by considering the studies during the semester, project report and presentation
Machine Elements II
Design of threaded fasteners, power screws, rivets, springs, bearings, gears, shafts, clutches, and brakes. Analysis and design of machine elements. Helical, bevel and worm gears. Shafts and associated parts, keys, pins, splines, couplings, clutches, brakes and fly wheels, belts, chains, torque converters.
Control Systems
Introduction to automatic control. Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems. Response analysis using Laplace transform method. Transfer functions and block systems. Feedback control systems. Typical actuators and transducers. Control law.
Quality Planning & Control
Introduction to quality control, statistical process control, sampling techniques, mean and R charts, determining sample sizes, mean and standard deviation charts, run tests, quality control circles, total quality management
Heat Transfer II
1D and 2D steady-state conduction. Transient conduction: Lumped capacitance analysis, multidimensional effects. Convection: thermal boundary layer, boundary layer similarity and Reynolds analogy. Heat transfer in external flows: flat plate, cylinder in cross-flow, sphere. Internal flow: hydrodynamic and thermal considerations, convection correlations. Free convection. Radiation heat transfer. Heat exchangers.
Felsefe ile ilgili temel kavramlar, felsefe ve bilim, felsefenin çalışma alanları ve sosyal bilimler içindeki rolü, başlıca felsefi akımlar; Türkiye'de ve dünyadaki düşünürlerin görüşlerinin incelenmesi, felsefi perspektifin geliştirilmesi, felsefe eğitim ilişkisi, eğitimin felsefi temelleri ve eğitim programlarına etkisi, çağdaş felsefe akımları.
Eğitim Psikolojisi
Eğitim-Psikoloji ilişkisi, eğitim psikolojisinin tanımı ve işlevleri, öğrenme ve gelişim ile ilgili temel kavramlar, gelişim özellikleri (bedensel, bilişsel, duygusal, sosyal ve ahlaki gelişim), öğrenmeyi etkileyen faktörler, öğrenme kuramları, öğrenme kuramlarının öğretim süreçlerine yansımaları, etkili öğrenme, öğrenmeyi etkileyen faktörler (motivasyon, bireysel faktörler, grup dinamiği ve bu faktörlerin sınıf içi öğretim sürecine etkisi).
Eğitim Bilimine Giriş
Eğitimin temel kavramları, eğitimin diğer bilimlerle ilişkisi ve işlevleri (eğitimin felsefi, sosyal, hukuki, psikolojik, ekonomik, politik temelleri), eğitim biliminin tarihsel gelişimi, 21. Yüzyılda eğitimin biliminde yönelimler, eğitim biliminde araştırma yöntemleri, Tüm Milli Eğitim Sisteminin yapısı ve özellikleri, eğitim sisteminde öğretmenin rolü, öğretmenlik mesleğinin özellikleri, öğretmen yetiştirme alanındaki uygulamalar ve gelişmeler.
Öğretim İlke Ve Yöntemleri
Öğretimle ilgili temel kavramlar, öğrenme ve öğretim ilkeleri, öğretimde planlı çalışmanın önemi ve yararları, öğretimin planlanması (ünitelendirilmiş yıllık plan, günlük plan ve etkinlik örnekleri), öğrenme ve öğretim stratejileri, öğretim yöntem ve teknikleri, bunların uygulama ile ilişkisi, öğretim araç ve gereçleri, öğretim hizmetinin niteliğini artırmada öğretmenin görev ve sorumlulukları, öğretmen yeterlikleri.
Ölçme Ve Değerlendirme
Eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirmenin yeri ve önemi, ölçme ve değerlendirme ile ilgili temel kavramlar, ölçme araçlarında bulunması istenen nitelikler (güvenirlik, geçerlik, kullanışlılık), eğitimde kullanılan ölçme araçları ve özellikleri, geleneksel yaklaşımlara dayalı olan araçlar (yazılı sınavlar, kısa yanıtlı sınavlar, doğru-yanlış tipi testler, çoktan seçmeli testler, eşleştirmeli testler, sözlü yoklamalar, ödevler), öğrenciyi çok yönlü tanımaya dönük araçlar (gözlem, görüşme, performans değerlendirme, öğrenci ürün dosyası, araştırma kağıtları, araştırma projeleri, akran değerlendirme, özdeğerlendirme, tutum ölçekleri), ölçme sonuçları üzerinde yapılan temel istatistiksel işlemler, öğrenme çıktılarını değerlendirme, not verme, alanı ile ilgili ölçme aracı geliştirme.
Öğretim Teknolojileri Ve Materyal Tasarımı
Öğretim Teknolojisi ile ilgili kavramları, öğretim teknolojilerinin özelliklerini, öğretim teknolojilerinin öğretim sürecindeki yeri ve kullanımını, okulun ya da sınıfın teknoloji ihtiyaçlarının belirlenmesi, uygun materyalin planlamasının yapılması ve yürütülmesi, öğretim teknolojileri yoluyla iki ve üç boyutlu materyaller geliştirilmesi öğretim gereçlerini geliştirmek. Çeşitli nitelikteki öğretim gereçlerinin değerlendirme, Öğretim materyallerinin etkinlik durumuna ilişkin araştırmaları incelemek.
Sınıf Yönetimi
Sınıf yönetimi ile ilgili temel kavramlar, sınıf içi iletişim ve etkileşim, sınıf yönetiminin tanımı, sınıf yönetimi kavramının sınıfta disiplini sağlamadan farklı yanları ve özellikleri, sınıf ortamını etkileyen sınıf içi ve sınıf dışı etkenler, sınıf yönetimi modelleri, sınıfta kurallar geliştirme ve uygulama, sınıfı fiziksel olarak düzenleme, sınıfta istenmeyen davranışların yönetimi, sınıfta zamanın yönetimi, sınıf organizasyonu, öğrenmeye uygun olumlu bir sınıf ortamı oluşturma (örnekler ve öneriler).
Türk Eğitim Tarihi
Türk eğitim tarihinin, eğitim olgusu açısından önemi. Cumhuriyetten önceki eğitim durumu ve öğretmen yetiştiren kurumlar. Türk Eğitim Devrimi 1: Devrimin tarihsel arka planı, felsefî, düşünsel ve politik temelleri. Türk Eğitim Devrimi 2: Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu: tarihsel temelleri, kapsamı, uygulanışı ve önemi; Türk eğitim sisteminde laikleşme.Türk Eğitim Devrimi 3: Karma eğitim ve kızların eğitimi, Yazı Devrimi, millet mektepleri, halk evleri. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti eğitim sisteminin dayandığı temel ilkeler. Köy Enstitüleri, Eğitim Enstitüleri ve Yüksek Öğretmen Okulları. Üniversiteler ve öğretmen yetiştirme. Yakın dönem Türk eğitim alanındaki gelişmeler.