News Writing and Reporting I, is a skills-based immersion in the world of journalism. Students will learn the foundations of journalism and the craft's two main components - reporting and writing the news.
Practice of Pr
To initiate and improve relations with media; to write press releases and to arrange news briefs; to control publicity.The importance of opinion polls and promotion are also discussed regarding publicity.The students will be able to acquire expertise and professional skills in class room interactive discussions.The means of publicity such as campaign, promotional marketing, media planning will also be discussed.
Advertising Production
Basic principles of advertising and their role in media and society. Includes advertising environment in the 21st Century, agency and client relationships, consumer behavior, ethics, and the role of research, creative appeals, and media selection in advertising effectiveness. Study of the organization of the advertising profession.
Practice of Advertising
This course introduces students to product/service promotion and advertising. Students will gain a basic understanding of the components of an advertising agency; strategies, media choices, budgets, production analysis, proposals and presentations. Professional ethics will be addressed.
Sale Strategies
This course focuses on the theoretical and practical techniques used in selling goods and services in a business-to-business (b-to-b) environment. Emphasis is given to developing practical skills in presenting goods and services to prospective buyers. Attention is devoted to the art of persuasion as a life-skill and to the need to develop professional relationships in business. The importance of the sales professional in the business community and the need for ethical behaviour is emphasized. The overriding sales philosophy is relationship focused and the customer approach is consultative.
Tactics of Selling
This is an advanced course in the field of Marketing which focuses on the role of promotion (a.k.a. Marketing Communications) efforts in our society and how they can be used by organizations to further their Marketing objectives. Emphasis will be on the practical application of learning gained in earlier courses, including the development of an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) campaign.
İletişime Giriş
İletişim olgusunu tanıtmaya yönelik ders boyunca iletişim olgu ve kavramlarını tanıtmak ve iletişim bakış açısıyla güncel olayları analiz vs gibi konular işlenecektir. Ders kapsamında, iletişim kavramı ve tanımı, iletişim süreci ve öğeleri, iletişim sürecinde sistem yaklaşımı, iletişim türleri, iletişim modellerine genel bir bakış, kitle iletişimi kavramı, kitle iletişim araçlarının işlevleri ve etkileri bağlamında karşılaştırılması, kitle iletişim kuramlarına genel bir bakış ve yeni kuramsal çalışmalar/yaklaşımlar ele alınacaktır.
İletişim Tarihi
Bu derste, kültür ve iletişim ilişkisi kurularak, iletişimin tarihçesi üzerinde durulacaktır. Kitle iletişiminin özellikler irdelenerek, tarihsel süreç içerisinde kurumsallaşma, yabancılaşma, tekelleşme, küreselleşme ve kimlik konuları incelenecektir.
İşletme Yönetimine Giriş
İşletme biriminin temel kavramları, amaçları, türleri, hukuki yapıları, yönetim, üretim, pazarlama, finansman, personel, muhasebe, halkla ilişkiler ve araştırma-geliştirme fonskiyonları ile ilgili genel bilgiler bu ders kapsamında yer alıyor.
İşletme Yönetimine Giriş II
İşletme biriminin temel kavramları, amaçları, türleri, hukuki yapıları, yönetim, üretim, pazarlama, finansman, personel, muhasebe, halkla ilişkiler ve araştırma-geliştirme fonskiyonları bu ders kapsamında yer alıyor.
Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş
İki ayrı dönemde yer alan derste birey ve toplum arasındaki içsel ilişkiler ve bireyin toplumsal bir varlık nasıl kurulduğu konu edilmekte, toplumsallaşma, toplumsallaşma araçları, kişiler arası ilişkiler, siyasal ilişkiler ve psikolojik yaklaşımlar, örneklerle işlenmektedir.
Davranış Bilimlerine Giriş
İki ayrı dönemde yer alan derste birey ve toplum arasındaki içsel ilişkiler ve bireyin toplumsal bir varlık nasıl kurulduğu konu edilmekte, toplumsallaşma, toplumsallaşma araçları, kişiler arası ilişkiler, siyasal ilişkiler ve psikolojik yaklaşımlar, örneklerle işlenmektedir.
Pazarlama terminolojisi, kapsamı ve gelişimi, pazarlama sistemleri öğeleri, amaç ve fonksiyonları, yönetim, dağıtım, dağıtım kanalları, tutundurma faaliyetleri ve tüm bu kavramların sosyal medyada nasıl kullanıldığı ders boyunca incelenecek temel konulardır.
Sosyal Medya Ve Dizayn
Sosyal medya tasarımı dersinde amaç, öğrencilerin temel işletme bilgilerinin yanısıra sosyal veriler, sosyal medyanın tanımı; örgütsel açıdan sosyal medyanın ne olduğu ve nasıl süreç ile idare edilmesi gerektiği, müşteriler tarafından sosyal medyann tanımı; örgütsel açıdan sosyal medyanın ne olduğu ve nasıl süreç ile idare edilmesi gerektiği, müşteriler tarafından sosyal medyanın nasıl tüketildiği ve işletmelerce sosyal medyanın nasıl kullanılabileceğinin yollarını göstermektir.
Sosyal Medya Stratejileri
Geleneksel pazarlama yöntemleri ve terimlerin tanıtımıyla başlayacak olan ders boyunca, yaratıcılığın daha bir önem taşıdığı e-pazarlamanın ne olduğu, hangi stratejilerin kullanıldığı, sosyal medyanınbu pazarlama sürecindeki yeri vs. konuları işlenecektir.
Sosyal Medya Yazım
Bu dersi alan öğrencilere metin yazma konusunda yaratıcılıklarını geliştirecek uygulamalar yaptırılması hedeflenmektedir.
Sosyal Medya Yöneticiliği
Küreselleşen ve sosyal medyanın salt reklamcılık ve promosyon açısından değil, yöneticilik açısından da nasıl kullanılabileceği üzerinde odaklanacak olan ders boyunca, genel olarak yöneticilik, yöneticilerin sosyal medyayı gerek kurum, gerekse ürünleri için nasıl kullanmaları gerektiği aktarılacaktır.
Sosyal Medyada Pazarlama Kampanyaları
Pazarlama terminolojisi, kapsamı ve gelişimi, pazarlama sistemleri öğeleri, amaç ve fonksiyonları, yönetim, dağıtım, dağıtım kanalları, tutundurma faaliyetleri ve tüm bu kavramların sosyal medyada nasıl kullanıldığı ders boyunca incelenecek temel konulardır.
Sosyal Medya Ve İşletmelerde Halkla İlişkiler
Halkla İlişkiler kavramı, tanımı, tarihsel gelişim süreci ve halkla ilişkilerdeki teorik yaklaşımların işletmelerde nasıl kullanıldığı bu dersin temel konuları olarak incelenecektir.
Dijital Pazarlama Projesi
Proje konusunun belirlenmesi, kurum ya da ürün seçimi, brief alma ve ön değerlendirme, kampanya planlaması, durum analizi, araştırma hedef belirleme, hedef kitle özellikleri, yaratıcı çalışmalar, uygulam takvimi, bütçe hazırlama, sosyal medyayı kurum, ürün, hedeff kitle gözeterek kullanma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi konularında uygulamalı proje çalışması.
Introduction to Aviation
The course provides an overview about the aviation and its history together with main developments and challenges that the major group of activities in aviation faces. Some basic knowledge about the principles of flying will also be discussed.
Normal Safety Regulations
o Cabin and Cockpit crew duties and responsibilities. o Preflight security, safety and cleaning checks. o Description of emergency equipments and preflight checks. o Description of emergency equipments and preflight checks. o Description of emergency equipments and preflight checks. o Cabin description, communication system and aircraft lighting system. o Boarding, take-off and landing cabin preparation. o Dutys and responsibilities of cabin crews in flights. o Disambercations and de-briefing. o Procedures for fueling with passenger on board. o Pass crew and deat-heat crew duty and responsibilities.
Communication in Aviation I
This course will provide; Concept of communication and description, process in communication and elements in the process of communication (source, dialog, channel, receiver, codding, code-access, correlation frame, reflection, noise limiter, reverb selector perception), communication types in line of communication participants (inner communication, interpersonal communication, communication within group, intergroup communication), Mass communication and popular culture.
Communication in Aviation II
The aim of this course is defining basic theories, researches and applications of non-verbal communication, analyzing methods of effective communication and applying verbal communication in the process of effective communication.
General Aircraft Knowledge
o Physics of the atmosphere: The physical characteristics of air, International standart atmosphere o Theory of flight: Aerostatics, Aerodynamics o Aeroplane aerodynamics: Airflow, Boundary layer o The components of aerodynamic force, Aerodynamic moment, L/D ratio o Airfoil o Stall, High lift devices o Flight control surfaces, empenange o Airframe, landing gears o Powerplants o Aircraft Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems o Cabin Atmosphere Control Systems, Air conditioning systems o Fuel System o Ice control system, emergency equipment
Airport and Flight Security
This course will provide basic concepts in aviation security, security concept, terrorism and historical background, security threats on planes, airport and flight safety concept, behavior analysis, passenger profiles, precautions, threat levels, international regulations and cockpit security.
Aviation Terminology
Covers all basic definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used in the aviation industry as well as their uses and applications.
Hazardous Materials Training
This course aims to provide flight safety by training personnel and applying correct rules for passengers handling hazardous materials. o General philosophy of hazardous material rules, o Applying hazardous material rules, o Definition of hazardous material, o General handling requirements, o Responsibilities of hazardous material handling, o Responsibilities of addresser, o Responsibilities of transporter, o Hazardous material limits, o Restricted hazardous material on flight, o Confidential hazardous materials, o Legal to handle hazardous material, o Transportation of hazardous material in air-post, o Hazardous material under transporter handling, o Permitted air cargo hazardous material, o Limited hazardous material, o Exceptional amount of hazardous material, o SHGM Liquid limitations, o Hazardous material categories, Methods to be used in emergency cases and development in student knowledge and skill level in both theoretical and practical topics regardinghazardous material.
Aviation Law
Civil aviation system: Organizations, conventions, rules, bilateral agreements and air traffic agreements will be discussed. Students; o have basic knowledge of Air Law. o have more insight about the world civil aviation. o Have information about history of air law and its development. o know air traffic rights.
World Cultures and Destinations
Since their tasks need to be found in the world's various countries, this course aims to ensure that cabin crew candidates learn about different cultures in the world. Basic informations about the flight destinations are also taught.During the course, students will learn; o The difference between cultures o Planning the cabin crew o Know the characteristics of important destinations o Know the basic information about important Flight destinations.
Marketing in Aviation
Growing uncertainty and competition in the global airline industry is forcing airlines to reinvent their marketing strategies. This course looks at the latest airline marketing and commercial trends to help applying marketing principles to aviation industry. As the customer becomes the central focus of airline marketing strategy, this course also provides insight into tools for assessing target markets and developing a long-term relationship with customers.
Service / in Flight Catering I
The course orientates the significance of offering and serving in plane, service equipment, specifications of the service cart, food and drink services, preparation the service of food and drinks and other service related in time and as complete.
Service / in Flight Catering II
The course orientates the significance of offering and serving in plane, service equipment, specifications of the service cart, food and drink services, preparation the service of food and drinks and other service related in time and as complete.
Effective Speaking and Dictation
This course will provide; o Fluent and comprehensive speaking, o Effective expression, o Control of anxiety in population, o Phonological sufficiency, o Using voice effectively, o Effective usability of body language.
Medical Issues and First Aid Training
This course aims to; Provide sufficient knowledge to apply first aid in case of emergency using only available tools and materials and apply treatment with no medicine until the arrival of paramedics thus avoiding further deterioration. o General first aid knowledge, examination of injured patient and scene, o Basic life support, o First aid on hemorrhage, first aid for injured, o First aid for ambustion, frostand heat stroke, o First aid for fractures, dislocation and sprain, o First aid for conscious distortion, o First aid for poisoning, o First aid for animal bite, o First aid for foreign body penetration in eyes, ears and nose, o First aid for suffocation, o First aid for injured patient handling, o Applied basic life support and suffocation rescue techniques, o Training on precautions for possible accidents and applying facultative response.
Passenger Safety and Satisfaction
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge about; o Cockpit/Cabin communication o Fuel intake, fuel intake on-flight, o Exit pre-cautions during fuel intake, o Safety during Plane Park, o Plane preparation instructions, o Cabin crew briefing, o Pre-flight control, emergency supplies control, o Demo material, cabin malfunction book, security cards, o Cabin crew stations, o Announcements /sound systems, announcement queue on land, o Usage of electronic equipment, entertaining systems in plane, o Cabin lights, water systems, o Security briefing and security briefing content, o Visual and hearing impaired passenger briefing o Briefing for passengers sitting on crew sits, o Rules for opening and shutting doors, o Door sliding positions, o Cabin warning lights, o Cabin report on pre-Landing and Take-off, o Cabin monitor, o Abnormal conditions during flight o Sufficient knowledge on turbulence conditions.
Inflight Entertainment Services
Today's Airline companies are competitive through fields of ticket prices, wide flight range, efficiency in tariffs, offering quality oriented for passenger comfortability and various entertaining elements inflight. Other than foods and drinks offered to passengers during long or short distances, personal kits, journals and gazettes and also electronic entertainment systems are "inflight entertainment products". Students will be able to; o General utilizing specifications of electronic entertainment systems offered by airline companies in line with passenger comfortability, o Presentation method and timing of the products.