Critical Incident Management Plan (CIMP) These steps are not intended as an exhaustive list of administrative procedures but rather a central reference for key personnel in planning to meet the immediate and longer term welfare needs of students, staff and members of the Saints Community in the event of a critical incident. Not all steps may be necessary and not all aspects may be covered for all situations.
Individual initially identifying the critical incident.
Step 1
If the critical incident is one which necessitates the need to enact the evacuation or invacution procedure, the individual should follow the procedure as identified in the respective Evacuation & Invacuation Procedures, i.e. contact the relevant school reception.
(as perWH&S Policy 005 004 Ver 4 Senior School Evacuation Policy, WH&S Policy 005 005 Ver 1 Junior School Evacuation Policy, WH&S Policy 009 003 V2 Invacuation Policy & Procedure) Step 2
If the critical incident is one which is more contained/isolated to an individual or has occurred off campus and would not require the evacuation/invacuation procedure to be enacted, then the individual should make contact with the respective Senior Leadership Team Member and advice of incident providing details of incident, names of staff or boys involved, action taken to ensure safety of staff and boys.
Evacuation / Invacuation Procedure to be enacted if required.
Individual involved or identifying critical incident to make contact with relevant SLT member.
Respective Senior Leadership Team Member
Step 3
Make contract with Headmaster to advice of situation and provide details of critical incident.
SLT member contacts Headmaster
Implement Critical Incident Management Plan (CIMP)
Access Critical Incident Management Box stored at Reception. Step 5
Convene an urgent meeting of the Primary CIMT and other relevant support personnel in the Crisis Centre. If a school day the PA to Headmaster to make contact with Primary CMIT via SMS of the need to attend the Crisis Centre. If non-school day the Headmaster will make SMS contact with Primary CIMT. Step 6
If a school day, after contacting Primary CMIT, co-opted members should be contacted by the PA to the Headmaster via phone extension first and then mobile (SMS). If non-school day, the Headmaster will delegate a member of the primary CMIT to contact co-opted members. Step 7
The Manager, IT Services will be seconded into the Crisis Centre to assist with technical issues. The Manager, IT Services is to be contacted by the DoF&A The Crisis Centre will already be fitted with computer network connections, and a telephone extension.
Critical Incident Management Box
Use information contained in the Critical Incident Box to identify mobile telephone and extension numbers.
Use information contained in the Critical Incident Box to determine who should be co-opted onto CIMT
PA to Headmaster
Step 8
To facilitate the effective management of the critical incident, the Crisis Centre is to be set-up as per the seating plan provided in Attachment 2.
(Please note: this seating plan should act as a guide in the first instance. This is not an exhaustive list as to who might form part of the CIMT. The type of incident will guide the membership of the CIMT.)
Refer to CMIT role statements, seating plan and name tents in Critical Incident Management Box.
Step 9
Tasks are undertaken by identified roles as per the following.
In-situ Incident Coordinator
Will be on location at site of incident.
If Police are on-site, follow their instructions.
Enlist additional support at incident scene if required.
If incident in SS – in situ personnel will be DH & HoSS. AHoSS, HoJS & ESO assistance will be provided if required.
If incident in JS – in situ personnel will be HoJS. AHoJS – Admin, DH & HoSS & ESO assistance will be provided if required.
Where appropriate the Property Manager may need to be in situ. The In-situ Incident Coordinator will determine this.
If it is a medical emergency involving calling an Ambulance the WH&S Policy 001 003 V2 Ambulance Policy & Procedure must be followed.
A copy of this policy document will be available in the Critical Incident Management Box.
Incident Fact Collector
Collect information about the Incident from In-situ Incident Coordinator as soon as possible via mobile phone.
Create a written account of incident (including current status of incident) and pass to Visual Update Coordinator.
The Critical Incident – Initial Contract Sheet#1 identified in Attachment 1 should be used for this purpose.
Continue to receive updates on incident and record on Critical Incident – Ongoing Record Sheet#2 (Refer Attachment 1)
Display written account/facts/information relating to incident on visual display screen in Crisis Centre
Synergetic Data Gatherer
Obtain and print out copies of necessary staff and student Synergetic records.
Property & Facilities Services Coordinator
Identify if action needs to be taken to secure certain facilities or infrastructure.
Alert Grounds staff and allocate them at School gates if required.
Communications & Media Services Coordinator
Make contact with School’s Communications Consultant & organise briefing.
Based on details of critical incident develop an initial communications & media strategy.
Based on facts/information collected create a communication brief that can be issued to staff and boys and media.
Be cognisant if a boy involved in a situation has a brother at the School (seek information from Synergetic Data Gatherer)
Prepare written statements for staff to use when responding to phone contacts and people coming to front offices wanting information.
Human Resource Services Coordinator
Identify what additional human resources might be needed in order to facilitate critical incident management plan.
Liaise with ADoL&TE in order to identify capacity amongst teaching staff in SS.
Liaise with JS Assistant Head – L&TE in order to identify capacity amongst teaching staff in JS.
School Psychologist / School Counsellor / Chaplain
Identify the type of support and the delivery model of support for boys and staff.
If needed, organise the set-up of a Support/Retreat Room either in the SS or JS.
Identify location of room
Appoint a staff member to manage the room.
The School Psychologist, School Counsellor and the School Nurse(s) should be present in the room to assist staff and boys as required.
Allow distressed staff and boys access for several days after the incident, if required.
Work, Health & Safety Coordinator
Collaborate with the Property & Facilities Services to provide advice to secure affected area(s) to an acceptable level of safety.
Liaise with SafeWork SA & other external agencies as required.
Provide advice on actions in response to evacuation, invacuation, onsite medical emergency, bomb threat, gas leak etc
Step 10 Based on information collected about the incident from the Incident Fact Collector and as a result of the establishment and briefing of the CIMT in the Crisis Centre, identify if any particular tasks need to be undertaken prior to moving to the next stage of informing relevant parties.
This is not an exhaustive list. Actions identified here will depend on the nature of the critical incident and the location.
Ensure that all parties impacted by critical incident are safe. (refer to Step 2).
Ensure that Property & Facilities Coordinator identifies any action to be taken in relation to securing facilities and infrastructure (if incident is on-site) and that this action is implemented.
Step 11
Depending on the nature of the critical incident determine who is to be communicated with and in what order.
The following sections of the CIMP are not necessarily sequential and may occur in a different sequence depending on the critical incident and who is involved, i.e. if a boy is involved then NOK would be notified first and then staff and boys.
Inform all Staff i.e. Teaching, Support, Grounds & Maintenance, staff as required
Step 12
Make a decision on how and when to inform all staff. Alert Reception, Senior & Junior School front offices of situation. Grounds & Maintenance staff are to be used to control media and visitor access on to the grounds of the School. As soon as possible, a clear message is to be provided to these staff members so they are aware of exactly what they are to tell visitors and media and where all media and visitors are to be directed to. Inform staff that all students will be notified as appropriate and the need for all staff to assist in observing student responses, and reducing the spread of sensitive information and rumours.
Based on nature of incident determine which staff groups need to be notified in order of priority, i.e. if incident involving boy(s) teachers first, then ESO’s, then other Support Staff.
If incident not boy related but staff related then staff directly impacted should be notified first then other staff groups.
Identify most effective means of communication, for teachers, i.e. convene emergency briefing – consider supervision of boys if in class time.
If teachers need to come out of classes have ADoL&TE organise cover for teachers.
Clearly communicate to staff directly affected the option to not be involved in response if their own wellbeing is at risk
Communication & Media Services Coordinator
Step 13
In line with decisions made above, move to prepare specific communication statements for relevant groups. In addition to preparing the above communication statements, the Communication & Media Services Coordinator would also action other communications & media related tasks.
Refer to Attachment 3 for Communication Guidelines.
Refer to Attachment 4 – Critical Incident Task List – Communications & Media
Step 14
Implement agreed communication actions.
Inform all students
Step 15
Identify the students who are most likely to be most affected – how and when they might be informed. Decide upon communication strategies.
If incident involves Junior School boy or Senior School boy should guide the method of communication.
Decide on most appropriate forum for communication i.e. by group (those immediately effected by incident) or individually (those effected immediately by incident)
Once appropriate forum decided identify relevant staff member(s) to deliver information.
Once appropriate forum decided identify relevant staff member(s) to organise/collect boy(s) to attend
If incident is suspected suicide refer to Section B Page 8 of the Suicide Postvention Guidelines for guidance on informing students
Communication & Media Services Coordinator
Step 16
Prepare communications statements for relevant student groups.
Refer to Attachment 3 for Communication Guidelines.
Refer to Attachment 4 – Critical Incident Task List – Communications & Media
Step 17
Make a decision on how and when to inform all other students.
Decide if boys need to be informed immediately, later on same day or can this wait until next day?
When deciding when to inform all boys keep in mind the informal communication systems, i.e. social media / Facebook etc. that may already be operating.
Decide on most appropriate forum for communication, i.e. Muster, House Meetings, Mentor Groups, in class that they are currently involved in if during lesson time.
If appropriate, involve School Chaplain in communication.
If incident is suspected suicide refer to Section B Page 9 of the Suicide Postvention guidelines for guidance on informing parents.
Communications & Media Services Coordinator
Step 20
Prepare communications statements for relevant parent/NOK groups.
Refer to Attachment 3 for Communication Guidelines.
Refer to Attachment 4 – Critical Incident Task List – Communications & Media
Step 21
Implement agreed communication actions.
Step 22
Make a decision on how and when to inform all other parents.
Depending on nature of incident, decide if need to be informed immediately, later on same day or can this wait until next day?
When deciding when to inform all Parents/NOK keep in mind the informal communication systems, i.e. social media / Facebook etc. that may already be operating.
Decide on most appropriate methods for communication, i.e. initial message via SMS, then following up with additional message via email/letter etc.
Use prepared communication statement to inform Parents / NOK.
Depending on issue/incident, determine if boys should return to class after being informed or if not returning to class identify mechanism for communication to parents re: release of boys into their care.
Communication & Media Services Coordinator
Step 23
Prepare communications statement for relevant parent groups.
Refer to Attachment 3 for Communication Guidelines.
Refer to Attachment 4 – Critical Incident Task List – Communications & Media
Future communication
messages to Parents / NOK to be crafted depending on if incident relates to JS or SS boy or staff member.
Step 24
Implement agreed communication actions
Inform any others
CID to delegate responsibility for informing other parties.
Step 25
Identify and inform any others e.g. Chair of Council & Members, Archbishop, other schools, appropriate regulatory bodies.
Chair of Council, Archbishop & Council Members – informed by DoF&A
SAPOL – may have already been notified depending on nature of incident. If not serious but still need to make Police Report – informed by DH & HoSS or HoJS
Other regulatory bodies, i.e. Safework SA – Health & Safety Coordinator, Families & Communities – DH & HoSS or HoJS
Other Schools – make contact with primary group of schools in the first instance, i.e. Wilderness, Walford, St Peter’s Girls, PAC, Pembroke as and when required.
Other auxiliary bodies that may have contact with affected students over the following 24 hours e.g. sporting clubs, OSHC groups.
Ongoing contact with the Media
Communication & Media Services Coordinator
Step 26
Act as media liaison and assist Headmaster/CID with media statements etc.
Prepare press release for CID/Headmaster.
Provide press release to all staff on Reception desks & at School gates... This will be used as the ‘official’ School response to all enquiries.
Provide media with clear guidelines for making contact with appropriate persons at St Peter’s College.
Refer to Attachment 3 for Communication Guidelines.
Refer to Attachment 4 – Critical Incident Task List – Communications & Media
Establish additional support groups/services for the School (students, staff parents) if required.
School Pyschologist / School Counsellor / Chaplains
Step 27
Identify outside resources if appropriate.
Provide support for Old Scholars if critical incident involves recent Old Scholar
For CIMT and others as appropriate and at a suitable time. A short ‘pastoral’ debrief should occur at the end of the day upon which the incident occurred to ensure the wellbeing of members of the CIMT. At a later stage a full operational ‘debrief’ should occur. CIMT ‘stands down’ if appropriate.
CID will convene the operational debrief within two weeks of the emergency or critical incident being declared over.
All relevant staff to be involved, i.e. CIMT & any other key staff.
Notify School Insurers and WorkCover
Director of Finance & Administration Work Health & Safety Coordinator
Step 29
Notify the School’s Insurance Company
Notify SafeWork SA & WorkCover if required.
Step 30
Restore the School to the regular routine as soon as possible. Establish on-going line of support to affected family/families. Consider/utilise additional temporary support staff if required. Ensure that CIMT is visible, active and accessible to staff.
School Counsellors
Step 31
Determine any on-going requirements for additional counselling support. Determine any on-going requirements for relevant information to be provided to staff e.g. understanding grief and trauma responses, identifying on-going mental health risks, referral pathways.
Heads of House & Mentors
Step 32
Keep students informed and supported. Follow up on all unauthorised/ unexplained student absences immediately.
Teaching staff
Step 33
Encourage teachers to allow students (especially those more directly involved) to talk about the incident and about their reaction. This will be supported by scripting (Refer Attachment 3) for staff on managing such talk to support all students, especially those boys involved in the incident, while preventing titillating or alarming excited talk. This is an important part of the recovery process but should not be forced on students. Monitor students for signs of profound distress and mental health risk and report to Heads of House/ School Counsellors
Keep parents informed. Manage on-going media and parent communication in conjunction with Headmaster. Monitor social media for consistent messaging around help seeking and information sharing. Identify and respond to rumours and the spread of sensitive information via social media.
Inform parents about:
Possible reactions of students
Sources of help for families
Encourage two way communications between parents and the School
HoJS, HoSS & relevant Support staff managers
Step 35
Keep staff informed and supported. If appropriate, organise parent information and support session Manage on-going staff communication in conjunction with Headmaster.
Inform staff about:
Possible effects on colleagues and students.
Sources of help for them.
Advice on how to manage reactions.
Access to EAP
School Chaplain
Step 36
Arrange any appropriate Chapel Services or occasions for reflection with appropriate dissemination of information. Encourage close friends and others directly involved in the incident to participate and be involved in the planning. Encourage students to attend.
School Counsellor
Step 37
Refer CIMT members to specialist professional help if necessary.
Monitor progress of hospitalised students especially on return to school ensuring relevant parties are appropriately informed.
Headmaster, HoJS & HoSS
Step 39
Remember it has happened Be conscious of relevant anniversaries, inquests, triggers etc.
Step 40
Undertake a ‘full’ operational debrief of the incident and the way it was managed.
Establish ground rules for debrief (e.g. not a psychological debrief, a focus on roles not people, respect for one another, avoid attributing motives for behaviour.
What minutes of the operational debrief will be taken.
Undertake a sequential review of the actions taken.
What can be altered in the School’s Critical Incident Management Procedure?
Determine what other debriefing sessions may need to be held depending on the nature of the incident i.e. technical debriefing – security, property & facilities.
Identify any training required to be undertaken by staff that has been identified as part of the debriefing.
Arrange for further periodic testing of the School’s preparedness for critical incidents.
The School recognises that accurate and timely internal and external communications are an essential component of effectively managing a critical incident. The communication guidelines identified at various points in this document guide the management of communication in relation to critical incidents to ensure the School:
Meets its duty of care requirements in keeping relevant internal and external stakeholders informed.
Is able to communicate to stakeholders quickly, accurately and effectively.
Adopts a systematic, coordinated and centralised approach to communications. There are several important principles to keep in mind when considering the communication of a critical incident and its impact on the human response:
Each person’s response to grief is unique and a wide range of reactions is possible.
The nature and extent of grief reaction differs for each person according to their developmental stage, personality, relationship with the loss, present life situation and ability to cope with change.
A new situation of loss may trigger memories and reactions form the past.
Early and planned intervention strategies with people affected by crisis events will assist the recovery and minimise the long term effects.
The Headmaster is responsible for promulgating this policy and procedure to all relevant staff. This policy and procedure will be available on the School’s Information System - Keystone.
Date Approved
Amendments made (summary of major changes)
July 2013
First Draft prepared January 2013
Second draft – July 2013
Third draft – June 2014
Amendments made Nov 2014 in response to recommendations from Child Protection Policy & Procedure Desk Audit
Admendments made Feb 2016 – re: suicide postvention.