Critical Incident Management Procedure Prepared January 2013 Updated February 2016

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Role Description No. 1 – Critical Incident Director (CID)

  • Project manage and coordinate the efforts of the CIMT and the School’s response to the critical incident through to recovery phase;

  • Arrange the formation and initial meeting of the CIMT;

  • Chair the CIMT;

  • Allocate staff members to specific CIMT roles as identified on Page 10;

  • Direct CIMT members to undertake actions associated with their roles;

  • Coordinate the actions of the CIMT;

  • Gather relevant information and options from various sources and personnel to enable accurate decision making;

  • In the Crisis Centre, at 15 minute intervals call for an update on incident management actions and status of incident.

  • Keep Council appraised of the situation;

  • Declare when the incident has moved form a critical incident phase to recovery phase.

Role Description No.2 – Incident Fact Collector and Recorder

  • Obtain facts and details regarding the critical incident from the In Situ – Incident Coordinator;

  • Record facts and details on the Critical Incident Record Sheets identified below.

  • Gather and ascertain the facts on: casualties; impact on boys & staff, the damage to property and equipment; the impact on School operations; IT systems, telephones etc.

  • Provide information to Visual Display Coordinator at regular intervals in order for information to be displayed to all members of the CIMT.

  • Receive information updates from delegated person attending with boy or staff member at hospital.

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.


Critical Incident – Initial Contact Sheet #1
The Initial Contact Sheet below should be used in the first instance to gather initial information necessary for the CIMT to make decisions regarding the severity and follow-up of a critical incident

Caller’s details:

  1. Phone number:

  2. Name:

  3. Position:

Alternative contact details:

  1. Phone number:

  2. Name:

  3. Position:

Date & time of call:

Local or regional?

Exact location:

If regional, ask the caller for GPS/map reference. If no map/GPS available, ask the caller to indicate any reference points surrounding the place of the incident (building, roads, and natural sights). If the location unknown (eg people lost) ask the caller what the last known reference point he/she remembers and how long ago it was seen.

Nature or Incident / Type of danger:

  • Health or safety?

  • Any injuries?

  • Is the caller injured?

  • Is the caller alone?

Number of Saints boys / staff involved:

Have emergency services been contacted?

Yes  No

If yes, provide details

Are all Saints boys / staff accounted for?

Yes  No

If yes, provide details of current location. If no, list names of missing persons.

Are there any hospitalisations?

Yes  No

If yes, provide details.

Have there been any fatalities?

Yes  No

If yes, provide details.

Contract of relatives /next of kin:

The receiver of the call should ask the caller whether he/she would like the School to contact anyone straight away.

Response actions undertaken:

Present situation:

  • Boys in the location of the participation activity?

  • Boys able to continue in the activity?

Critical Incident – Ongoing Record Sheet #2

Incident: Date:






Role Description No. 3 – In Situ Incident Coordinator (located in affected area – could be the HoSS or HoJS if incident is on-site)

  • Provide regular updates to the Incident Fact Collector and Recorder who is located in the Crisis Centre.

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Take necessary action to ensure the safety of boys, staff and parents at incident site.

  • Enlist the support of other staff members to help coordinate activities at the affected site (ensuring that this is safe to do so).

  • Liaise with Emergency Services/Police personnel at incident site.

Role Description No.4 – School Psychologist / School Counsellor

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Based on nature of the incident, determine the extent of counselling services that will be required.

  • Organise the set-up of the Retreat Room.

  • Assess the need for additional support from outside agencies.

  • Monitor the stress levels of other members of the CIMT and offer support where required.

  • Identify educational material to support the incident recovery process.

Role Description No. 5 – School Chaplain

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus

  • Determine the extent of immediate and on-going Chaplaincy and pastoral services needed to support the recovery process. If required, visit injured boy(s) or staff member(s) in hospital.

  • Pray & offer spiritual guidance.

Role Description No. 6 – Synergetic Data Gatherer

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Respond to requests from CID and other members of CIMT for data from Synergetic in relation to boys, staff and parents.

  • Anticipate what further data will be needed from Synergetic in order to facilitate the actions of the CIMT

Role Description No. 7 – Communications & Media Services Coordinator

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Gain an accurate picture of the incident.

  • Provide advice to the CID on the release of information to the media, parents etc.

  • Draft and issue media release documents.

  • Draft and issue communication briefing documents for staff, students, parents & members of the community.

  • Implement critical incident communications protocols as defined in this procedure (refer Attachment 4).

  • Undertake media monitoring and advise Visual Update Coordinator.

Role Description No. 8 – Property & Facilities Services Coordinator

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Determine impact of incident on facilities and infrastructure.

  • Identify actions to be undertaken as part of a facilities recovery strategy.

  • Collaborate with the Work, Health & Safety Coordinator to provide advice to secure affected area and to restore area to an acceptable level of safety (refer Attachment 6).

  • Minimise risk and damage to the School’s business continuity.

  • Minimise damage to ensure that appropriate lines of communication are kept open.

  • Co-ordinate clean-up of site when required.

  • Engage contractors as required.

  • Coordinate formal handover of the site from Emergency Services back to School.

Role Description No. 9 – Visual Update Coordinator

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • As updates come to hand, record these in a similar format to the Critical Incident Record Sheet identified previously on a laptop for projection onto the TV Screen in Crisis Centre.

  • Record and display information for CID’s 15 minute updates.

Role Description No. 10 – Manager, IT Services

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Trouble shoot IT issues in the Crisis Centre.

Role Description No. 11 – PA to Critical Incident Director (CID) (this role will normally be undertaken by the PA to the Headmaster)

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Ensure that the Critical Incident Management Box is collected from Main Reception and available for the CID & the CIMT.

  • Set-up Crisis Centre in accordance with the procedure.

  • Organise refreshments and catering for CIMT.

  • Undertake tasks as requested by CID.

Role Description No. 12 – Work, Health & Safety Coordinator

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Collaborate with the Property & Facilities Services to provide advice to secure affected area to an acceptable level of safety.

  • Liaise with SafeWork SA and other external agencies as required.

  • Provide advice in relation to the management of workplace injury.

  • Ensure necessary health & safety documentation is completed.

  • Provide advice on actions in response to evacuation, invacuation, onsite medical emergency, bomb threat, gas leak etc (refer Attachment 5).

Role Description No. 13 – Human Resources Services Coordinator

  • Take and follow through on directions given by the CID or actions agreed by the CIMT;

  • Through focussed action, ensure the School’s effective response to a critical incident with the health and safety of staff and students and others on School grounds being the key focus.

  • Account for all personnel (using additional resources as appropriate i.e. (In situ Incident Coordinator).

  • Contact and liaise with Next of Kin of staff if required.

  • Liaise with School Counsellor regarding provision of counselling services for staff.

  • Maintain awareness of locations of injured personnel and conditions.

  • Co-ordinate additional and temporary staffing as required.

  • Ensure WH&S and Workers Compensation requirements are met.


Main audio visual screen

In Situ Incident Coordinator (could be Hoss or HoJS)


Other members of the Primary CIMT & other staff co-opted onto the CIMT not identified in defined seating plan.

Health & Safety Coordinator

Communication & Media Services Coordinator

School Chaplain

School Psychologist / Counsellor



Human Resources Services Coordinator

Manager, IT Services

Property & Facilities Coordinator

Synergetic Data Gatherer – PA to DoL&TE

Visual Update Coordinator – DoL&TE

Incident Fact Collector & Recorder – DoWB&PE

Critical Incident Director (CID)

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