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Text three
I've been an avid reader for a long time. When I started school and we were finally given the privilege of borrowing books from the school library, I didn't really know where to begin. So I started at one end of the library and worked my way around to the other, picking anything that looked interesting. From mythology to sports, and Sue Barton to Winnie The Pooh; I loved it all. Thus, I developed a rather eclectic taste in books. My first public library card opened yet another door to a wider range of books. At university, I'd wander through the stacks of the main library on the pretext of studying with my boyfriend - never mind that I should have been in the Health Sciences library! The only time I took a brief hiatus from reading was when my children were very young. And even then, that wasn't entirely true. Instead of reading for myself, I read to them and with them. I also read all the latest baby development books I could get my hands on. Now, I love to browse bookstores and used book sales. My shelves are overflowing, but there's always room for one more book. You'll still find me poking my nose into libraries and over people's shoulders to see what they're reading.

Rural Dorset offers the perfect 'getaway' break into the countryside, together with a range of outdoor leisure pursuits, from gentle country walks and fishing to cycling, horse riding and golf.

Take your pick from the choice available: rambles along the scenic and gently meandering Stour and Avon Valley Ways, the open chalk downland byways of the Cranborne Chase, the numerous footpaths and viewpoints of the Blackmore Vale, or the majestic woodlands on the fringes of the New Forest.
With such glorious scenery and open countryside, horse riding is a popular pastime and a wide range of establishments cater for all abilities. There are also many opportunities for fly or coarse fishing in high quality streams and rivers or one of many well-stocked lakes.
A number of excellent local courses offer visiting golfers a “pay and play option”; Moors Valley, for example, has 18 picturesque holes set amongst lakes and woodland. Moors Valley Country Park also offers a number of delightful off-road cycle routes to explore, with bike hire available. Plenty of other, more challenging on-road cycling is available on the North Dorset Cycleway.
So take the bait and enjoy a “leisurely” break in East Dorset!

What was your first work experience?

Have you ever had a summer job as a student?

What do you think are the good jobs nowadays?

Is it difficult to find a good job? Why? Why not?

Do you have much free time?

What do you like doing in your free time?

Are you an outdoor person?

Why do you think people take up hobbies?

What do you think are the free time activities men/women like doing?

Do you share the same interests in your family?
Lexical units

avid lelkes, megszállott

bend hajlik

bicycle messenger kerékpáros futár

bike hire biciklikölcsönzés

browse böngészik

camp tábor(ozik)

carriage kocsi

cash terminal pénzautomata

commute bejár

cue megoldás kulcsa

deliver szállít, kézbesít

demand követel, igény

dwindling. csökkenő

employer munkaadó

extinct kihalt

filing kartotékozás

fringe szegélye vminek

gap-year kihagyott év

gas gáz, benzin

get it fixed megcsináltat

gobble up felfal

hesitation habozás

institution intézmény

jam dugó

junior clerk beosztott tisztviselő

law törvény

lighthouse keeper a világítótorony őre

make the arrangements megbeszél vmit

meandering kanyargós

milkman tejesember

movie projectionist mozigépész

numerous számos

on the pretext feltételezve, hogy ...

outdoor leisure pursuits szabadtéri sportolási lehetőségek

paperboy újságkihordó fiú

photographic developer fénykép-előhívó

poke one’s nose beleüti az orrát

possibly lehetőleg

promptly azonnal

radio on-air personality rádiós

ramble kószál, elkalandozik

recent mostani

reel kerék, tekercs

rewind visszateker

scan vizsgál, átfut vmit

secure biztos(ít)

severe komoly

shift vált(ás)

shuttle ingajárat

sticker matrica

stink bűzlik

supervise felügyel

take the bait bekapja a horgot

take your pick válassz (kedved szerint)

tend to hajlik vmire

thread befűz

thus így

truck kamion

typewriter repair írógápjavítás

vacant positions üres állások

Pictures and tasks
Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.

Everyday problems

Text one
Tackling pester power
Pester power is just a fancy description of when children and young people are desperate for the new fad and want mum and dad to pay out for - often pretty expensive - toys, clothes and trainers and don’t stop asking until they get it.

Companies have realised how powerful children and young people are as consumers. Many marketing and advertising campaigns aggressively target children and young people. Every season, especially Christmas, new toys and gadgets come onto the market and many children and young people want to get their hands on it.

Although it doesn’t feel like it at times, you as the parent are the most valuable resource for your child and any creative time you spend together is worth more than anything you buy. Even if you work, which leaves you with less time, think ‘quality time’ and do something you both enjoy.

It can feel good to spoil your child with expensive gifts but cost is a great consideration for most parents, as is keeping limitations on how much you treat your children, so how do you manage your child’s demands and expectations?.

Be assured that other parents are struggling with pester power too. You certainly are not the only one who can't afford everything on the wish list!

Text two
Dear Agony Aunt


I am hoping you can help me. My husband and I split up 6 months ago and up until now he has been paying the mortgage on our house which I still live in.  Last week he told me that he can no longer pay for me to live here and I cannot afford to keep the mortgage on on my own.  I should tell you that we live in the UK.

I am really worried because it is close to Christmas and as you must know people aren't looking to buy houses much at this time of year.  If neither of us can pay the mortgage then chances are we could get repossessed and the house sold for much less than what it is worth. 
I know the house will sell for a good price but what are we going to do because no one is buying houses at the moment and we really need someone to buy our house quickly?  Do you know if there is any way we can get a quick sale of our home?

I wish there was someone out there who could offer us a quick cash sale, we could get our debts paid off, I could find myself a nice little flat to rent nearer to my place of work, and things would be so much simpler. Going through a divorce is bad enough, without losing all the hard earned cash we have tied up in our property.

If we sell our house quickly we can both move on with our lives. Our split was fairly amicable but I can see things turning nasty if we have too many money worries, the last thing we want is huge solicitor's bills, legal fees, etc.
I have tried the Estate Agents locally and it just seems there are more houses than buyers at the moment and also they want some extortionate house selling fees!  I thought about advertising the property privately but I am worried about strangers coming around the house and realising I am living here on my own.
I feel like I can't see the wood for the trees at the moment.  If only someone could wave a magic wand and make all these worries go away, any advice would be much appreciated.



Text three
Stress is a natural part of life. The expressions are familiar to us, “I’m stressed out,”  “I’m under too much stress,” or “Work is one big stress.”

Stress is hard to define because it means different things to different people; however, it’s clear that most stress is a negative feeling rather than a positive feeling.

Stress can be both physical and mental.

You may feel physical stress which is the result of too much to do, not enough sleep, a poor diet or the effects of an illness. Stress can also be mental: when you worry about money, a loved one’s illness, retirement, or experience an emotionally devastating event, such as the death of a spouse or being fired from work.

However, much of our stress comes from less dramatic everyday responsibilities. Obligations and pressures which are both physical and mental are not always obvious to us. In response to these daily strains your body automatically increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, metabolism, and blood flow to you muscles. This response, is intended to help your body react quickly and effectively to a high-pressure situation.

However, when you are constantly reacting to stressful situations without making adjustments to counter the effects, you will feel stress which can threaten your health and well-being.

It is essential to understand that external events, no matter how you perceive those events which may cause stress. Stress often accompanies the feeling of “being out of control.”
What are the problems most people have these days?

Who can you turn to if you have a problem to solve?

Do you find life stressful?

Do you read the problem pages in the magazines

How well can you handle stress?

Do you think one’s family can help solve the problems?

Why do you think people complain so much?

Are you of good health or do you have health problems?

Did/Do you have problems at school?

Have you ever had a time when you were free of problems?

Lexical units

accompany kísér

afford megengedhet magának

amicable barátságos

assured biztos

be fired from work ki van rúgva

consumer fogyasztó

counter pult

debt adósság

define meghatároz

demand követel, igény

description leírás

desperate kétségbeesett, elszánt

devastating pusztító, elsöprő

divorce válás

essential alapvető

expectation elvárás

expression kifejezés

external külső

extortionate zsaroló, kapzsi

fad divathóbort

familiar ismerős

fancy tetszik,képzel

gadget bigyó

get repossessed kilakoltat

huge hatalmas

limitation korlátozás

magic wand varázspálca

make adjustments kiigazít

mortgage jelzálogkölcsön

obligation kötelezettség

obvious nyilvánvaló

perceive kap

pester nyafog vmiért

resource (erő)forrás

responsibility felelősség

retirement nyugállomány

solicitor ügyvéd, közjegyző

split up szakít, szétválik

spoil elront

spouse házastárs

strain feszültség

struggle küszködik, harcol

tackle bánik vmivel

target cél(oz)

threaten fenyeget

treat bánik vmivel

valuable értékes

Pictures and tasks

Look at these pictures and speak about them. Start by describing what you can see in the picture, then go on and talk about anything that comes to mind in connection with the picture.

Első fejezet

I Love You 3.

Words, Words Words… 7.

Építsünk mondatokat 9.

Kérdezzünk bátran! 11.

Ki mit csinál? 14.

Hány óra van? 18.

Színek, tulajdonságok, állatok, azaz, még mindig képleírás. 20.

Milyen? 21.

Mindennek megvan a maga története… 22.

Szeressük a Perfect igeidőket! 30.

Segédigék (can) 37.

Melléknevek fokozása 38.

Kinek mit kell csinálnia? 39.

Osszunk jó tanácsokat, (és kevésbé jókat is) 40.

Mi lenne, ha…? 42.

Hétköznapi udvariasságok 44.

Ahány ház annyi szokás, azaz, beszéljünk az időjárásról 47.

Saláta, vagy ami idáig kimaradt 51.

Második fejezet 58.

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