Curriculum vitae elizabeth H. Morrison-Banks, M. D., M. S. Ed

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Elizabeth H. Morrison-Banks, M.D., M.S.Ed.
Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Neurology

Director, Multiple Sclerosis Program

University of California, Riverside School of Medicine
4445 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92501
951-788-3124 ● ●

2011-14 Resident Physician, Department of Neurology

Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California

2004-05 Fellow, Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Center

University of California, Irvine

2000-04 Generalist Physician Faculty Scholar

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

1996-98 Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.)

University of Southern California School of Medicine

    1. Chief residency (during final year of residency)

Ventura County Medical Center

    1. Family medicine residency

Ventura County Medical Center
1993-94 Family medicine internship

Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

1988-92 M.D., Brown University School of Medicine
1981-85 B.A. with Honors, Brown University

Licensure California: G79545, DEA: FM3766461
1996, 2003, 2013 American Board of Family Medicine
2014 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

2016 -- Director, Multiple Sclerosis Program

Neurology Content Coordinator

University of California, Riverside School of Medicine

Responsible for developing a new neurology residency program while coordinating neurology education for medical students at the UCR School of Medicine. Developing a comprehensive multiple sclerosis center serving a catchment area of more than 2000 people living with multiple sclerosis in Inland Southern California, including CONNECT-MS (Clinicians’ Online Neurology Network Empowering Communities through Telemedicine – Multiple Sclerosis, a telemedicine medicine program serving five medically underserved counties).

2014 – 2016 Staff Physician, Neurology and Neuroimmunology

Neuroscience Center, Ventura County Medical Center

Developed a new multiple sclerosis practice at a tertiary care medical center, provided neuro-hospitalist services, staffed general neurology clinic and taught resident physicians.

2010 – 2011 Director of Medical Student Education and Faculty Development, Eisenhower Medical Center, Rancho Mirage, CA

Led faculty development and medical student education at a new teaching hospital. Developed the first multi-disciplinary multiple sclerosis center in Riverside County.

2008 – 2009 Staff Physician, Cascadia Multiple Sclerosis Center and Northwest Neurology, Bellingham, WA

Provided comprehensive clinical care and educational programs for patients with multiple sclerosis in collaborative neurology practice. Assisted with development of multiple sclerosis center for research, education and clinical care in Northwest Washington.

2005 – 2012 Project Scientist, Program in Geriatrics (2009—)

Associate Dean for Clinical Science Education (2006-2008)

Director, Dean’s College of Medical Educators (2006-2008)

Research Director, Department of Family Medicine (2005-2008) University of California, Irvine School of Medicine

Conducted contract-funded multiple sclerosis research. Obtained and managed research and training grants, ran research mentoring program. Maintain clinical practice at Los Angeles County-USC Multiple Sclerosis Clinic. As Associate Dean, oversaw clinical curriculum for all medical students at the UC-Irvine School of Medicine, directed UC-Irvine’s academy of medical educators.

1998 – 2005 Director of Predoctoral Education

Department of Family Medicine

University of California, Irvine College of Medicine

Directed Department’s medical student programs and conducted research on clinical teaching. Obtained and managed grants, directed clinical medicine course for first-year medical students. Saw patients and taught at federally-qualified health center.

1996 – 1998 Faculty Member, Memorial Family Medicine Residency

Long Beach Memorial Medical Center

Developed and administered family-centered perinatal curriculum for family medicine residents, served as core clinical teacher, maintained busy family practice.

1992 – 1993 National President, American Medical Student Association

Led national organization of 30,000 physicians-in-training. Responsible for a budget of $2.2 million. Oversaw Board of Trustees and all organizational initiatives.

1986 – 1988 Planning and Education Associate

Rhode Island Division of Mental Health

Coordinated mental health policy initiatives and education projects for the State of Rhode Island. Obtained ~ $1 million in federal and state grants. Served as consultant for state mental health systems.

1985 – 1986 Staff Assistant for Women’s Concerns, Brown University

Oversaw university-wide programs for undergraduate women, including women’s health issues, advocacy, and support groups.

2016 -- Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Neurology

University of California, Riverside School of Medicine

2009 – Project Scientist, Program in Geriatrics

UC-Irvine School of Medicine

2005 – 2011 Voluntary Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology

Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California

2008 – 2009 Voluntary Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine

UC-Irvine School of Medicine

2002 – 2011 Associate Professor of Clinical Family Medicine (2002-2011) and Medicine (2006—), UC-Irvine School of Medicine

1997 – 2002 Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine, UC-Irvine

1996 – 1998 Voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine, UCLA

2014 – Clinical Advisory Committee, National Multiple Sclerosis Society,

Southern California and Nevada Chapter

2012 – Multiple Sclerosis Outcomes Assessments Consortium
2009 – Medical director and program staff, Can Do MS
2008 – 2011 Board of Directors

American Medical Student Association/Foundation

2007 – 2010 MS Technology Collaborative Steering Committee

(National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Bayer and Microsoft)

2006 Reviewer, Intervention Research Grants to Promote the Health of People with Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2006 Strategic Planning Team, National Multiple Sclerosis

Society, Southern California Chapter

2005 – 2006 Disability Rights Workshop Committee

Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled

2003 – 2004 Chair, AAMC Section for Graduate Medical Education

Western Group on Educational Affairs

2001 – 2004 Family Medicine Curriculum Project Advisory Committee

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

2001 – 2003 Chair, Residents’ Teaching Skills Project Group

AAMC Section for Graduate Medical Education

2000 – 2002 Research Committee, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
1998 – 2001 Group Leader, Faculty Development Fellowship University of Southern California School of Medicine

1998 – 2000 Co-Chair, Group on Family-Centered Perinatal Care

Member, Legislative Affairs Committee

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

1996 – 1998 Research Project Evaluation Committee

Long Beach Memorial Medical Center

1994 – 1996 Advisory Council, National Health Service Corps


2010 Outstanding Community Partner

National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Southern California Chapter
2006, 2005 Orange County Physicians of Excellence

Orange Coast Magazine
2006, 2004 Excellence in Teaching Award, UC-Irvine School of Medicine
2005 Honorable Mention, Best Research Paper Award

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

2003 Outstanding Oral Presentation, AAMC Western

Group on Educational Affairs (for research paper)

2003 UC-Irvine College of Medicine, Office of Educational Affairs

MVP Outstanding Service Award

2002 T. Hale Ham Award for New Investigators

Research in Medical Education Committee, GEA

Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
2001 Family Physician of the Year

California Academy of Family Physicians

2001 Nominee, AAMC Humanism in Medicine Award

  1. Award for Excellence, AAMC Western Group on Educational

Affairs (for research paper presentation)

  1. Gender Equity Award

American Medical Women’s Association, UC-Irvine Chapter

1999 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award

Department of Family Medicine, UC-Irvine
1999 Special Achievement Award, Maternal and Child Health

California Department of Health Services

1996 First Place, Clinical Reviews and Research in Family Practice, American Academy of Family Physicians
1990 Searle Distinguished Student Health Professional Award, International Society on Hypertension in Blacks

1985 Phi Beta Kappa, Brown University

1985 Harvey A. Baker Fellowship, Brown University

American Academy of Neurology
Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers
National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Principal investigator: Clinicians’ Online Neurology Network Empowering Communities

through Telemedicine – Multiple Sclerosis (CONNECT-MS), $100,000 grant from

Genentech (2016 – 2018).

Principal investigator: The Challenge of Giving Care to People with Multiple Sclerosis,

$329,934 contract from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2009 – 2012).

Research director: Research Mentoring Program, $607,791 grant from the Health

Resources and Services Administration (2004 – 2007).

Principal investigator: Ratings of Perceived Exertion during Aerobic Exercise in

Multiple Sclerosis, $40,000 grant from National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2005–06).

Project director: Improving the Health and Well-Being of People Aging with

Disabilities, $193,406 grant from the California Endowment (2005–06).

Co-investigator: Multiple Sclerosis Training in Primary Care, $110,000 grant from Teva

Neuroscience (2005–06).

Principal investigator: Competency-Related Education and Targeted Evaluation

(CREATE), $640,000 grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration

Principal investigator: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Longitudinal Residents-

as-Teachers Curriculum, $240,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Generalist Physician Faculty Scholars Program (2000–05).
Principal investigator: Bringing Education & Service Together (BEST), $564,907 grant

from the Health Resources and Services Administration (2000–03).

Principal investigator: Medical Education in Doctoring for the 21st Century, $613,440

grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (2000–03).

Peer-reviewed publications:

  1. Al Achkar M, Hanauer M, Morrison EH, Davies MK and Oh RC. Changing trends in residents-as-teachers across graduate medical education. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2017;8:299-306.

  1. Shapiro J, Wiglesworth A, Morrison EH. Views on disclosing mistreatment: a focus group study of differences between people with MS and their caregivers. Mult Scler Related Disorders. 2013;2:96-102.

  1. Julian KA, Appelle N, O’Sullivan PS, Morrison EH, Wamsley M. The impact of an objective structured teaching evaluation on faculty teaching skills. Teach Learn Med. 2012;24:3-7.

  1. Gaffaney CA, Saul LL, Rumney PJ, Morrison EH, Thomas S, Nageotte MP, Wing DA. Outpatient oral misoprostol for prolonged pregnancies: a pilot investigation. Am J Perinatol. 2009;26:673-677.

  1. Lie D, Boker J, Dow E, Murata P, Encinas J, Gutierrez D, Morrison EH. Attributes of effective community preceptors for pre-clerkship medical students. Med Teach. 2009;31:251-259.

  1. Morrison EH, Cooper D, White LJ, Leu SY, Larson J and Ng AV. Ratings of perceived exertion during aerobic exercise in multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehab. 2008;89:1570-1574.

  1. Morrison EH, George V, Mosqueda L. Primary care for adults with physical disabilities: perceptions from consumer and provider focus groups. Fam Med. 2008;40:645-651.

  1. Teherani A, O'Sullivan P, Aagaard EM, Morrison EH, Irby DM. Student

perceptions of the One Minute Preceptor and traditional preceptor models.

Med Teacher 2007;29:323-327.
9. Kutner JA, Westfall JM, Morrison EH, Beach MC, Jacobs EA, Rosenblatt RA.

Facilitating collaboration among academic generalist disciplines: a call to

action. Ann Fam Med. 2006;4:172-176.
10. Wamsley MA, Julian KA, Vener MH, Morrison EH. Using an objective

structured teaching evaluation (OSTE) for faculty development. Med Educ.

11. Morrison EH, Shapiro J, Harthill M. Resident physicians’ understanding of

their roles as clinical teachers. Med Educ. 2005;39:137-144.

12. Morrison EH, Hitchcock MA, Harthill M, Boker JR, Masunaga H. The on-line

Clinical Teaching Perception Inventory®: a “snapshot” of medical teachers.

Fam Med. 2005;37:48-53.
13. Morrison EH, Rucker L, Boker JR, Gabbert CC, Hubbell FA, Hitchcock MA,

Prislin MD. The effect of a 13-hour curriculum to improve residents'

teaching skills: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2004;141:257-263.
14. Morrison EH, Lewis EM, Gabbert CC, Boker JR, Kumar B, Harthill M.

Evaluating a “service elective” in clinical teaching for medical students. Med

Teacher. 2004;25:662-663.
15. Shapiro J, Morrison EH, Boker J. Teaching empathy to first-year medical

students: evaluation of an elective literature and medicine course. Educ

Health. 2004;17:73-84.
16. Morrison EH, Rucker L, Boker JR, Hollingshead J, Hitchcock MA, Prislin MD,

Hubbell FA. A pilot randomized, controlled trial of a longitudinal residents-as-

teachers curriculum. Acad Med. 2003;78:722-729.
17. Shapiro J, Hollingshead J, Morrison E. Self-perceived attitudes and skills of

cultural competence: a comparison of family medicine and internal medicine

residents. Med Teacher. 2003;25:327-329.
18. Steyer TE, Ravenell R, Mainous AG, Blue AV, Chessman A, Morrison EH. Medical

student participation valuable. Fam Med. 2003;35:7.

19. Morrison EH, Boker JR, Hollingshead J, Prislin MD, Hitchcock MA, Litzelman DK.

Reliability and validity of an objective structured teaching examination for generalist

resident teachers. Acad Med. 2002;77:S29-S32.

20. Morrison EH, Hollingshead J, Hubbell FA, Hitchcock MA, Rucker L, Prislin

MD. Reach out and teach someone: generalist residents’ needs for teaching

skills development. Fam Med. 2002;34:445-450.

21. Morrison EH, McLaughlin C, Rucker L. Medical students’ note taking in a

medical biochemistry course. Med Educ. 2002;36:384-386.

22. Shapiro J, Hollingshead J, Morrison EH. Primary care resident, faculty, and

patient views of barriers to cultural competence and the skills needed to

overcome them. Med Educ. 2002;36:749-759.

23. Fields SA, Morrison EH, Yoder E, Krane K, Agresta T, Esham R, McCurdy F,

Rosen J, Shumway J. Clerkship directors’ perceptions of the impact of HCFA documentation guidelines. Acad Med. 2002;77:543-546.

24. Morrison EH, Friedland JA, Boker J, Rucker L, Hollingshead J, Murata P. Residents-as-teachers training in U.S. residency programs and offices of graduate medical education. Acad Med. 2001;76:S1-S4.

25. Rucker L, Morrison EH. A longitudinal communication skills initiative for an

academic health system. Med Educ. 2001;35:1087-1088.

26. Morrison EH, Garman KA, Friedland JA. A national Web site for residents as

teachers. Acad Med. 2001;76:544-545.

27. Prislin MD, Morrison E, Giglio M, Truong P, Radecki S. Patient perceptions of

medical students in a longitudinal family medicine clerkship. Fam Med.


28. Morrison EH, Rucker L, Prislin M, Castro C. A lack of correlation of residents’

academic performance and teaching skills. Am J Med. 2000;109:238-240.

29. Rucker L and Morrison EH. The “EBM Rx”: an initial experience with an

evidence-based learning prescription. Acad Med. 2000;75:527-528.

30. Morrison EH and Hafler JP. Yesterday a learner, today a teacher too: residents as

teachers in 2000. Pediatr. 2000;105:238-241.

31. Scherger JE, Rucker L, Morrison EH, Cygan RW, and Hubbell FA. The primary

care specialties working together: a model of success in an academic environment.

Acad Med. 2000;75:693-698.
32. Morrison EH. Common peripartum emergencies. Am Fam Phys. 1998;58:1593-


33. Morrison EH. Controversies in women’s health maintenance. Am Fam Phys.


Peer-reviewed abstracts:
34. Morrison EH, Ng AV, Cooper DM, Larson J and White LJ. Ratings of perceived

exertion during aerobic exercise in multiple sclerosis. Neurol. 2007;68 (Suppl


Other selected publications:
35. Morrison EH, Giesser BS. Primary Care in MS (Clinical Bulletin). 2014;

New York: National Multiple Sclerosis Society ( NationalMSSociety/media/MSNationalFiles/Brochures/Clinical-Bulletin-Primary-Care-5-5-14.pdf).

36. Gibbs L, Morrison EH, Mosqueda L. Care of Adults with Disabilities (American

Academy of Family Physicians Home Study Monograph). 2006; Leawood,

KS: American Academy of Family Physicians.
37. Birk K, Morrison EH. General health and well-being. In Multiple Sclerosis:

A Guide for Families, 3rd Ed. 2006; Kalb RC, Ed. New York: Demos.


International and national presentations:
“Clinicians’ Online Neurology Network Empowering Communities through Telemedicine

– Multiple Sclerosis (CONNECT-MS)”, poster presentation, Consortium of Multiple

Sclerosis Centers Annual Meeting (2017)
”“Integration of Neurology and Primary Care in the Management of Advanced Multiple Sclerosis”, invited presentation for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Chicago, IL (2016)
“Which Disabilities Matter to MS Patients”, invited speaker for opening session, First Annual Workshop, Multiple Sclerosis Outcome Assessments Consortium, US Food and Drug Administration, Bethesda, MD (2013)
“Caregiver Mistreatment of People with Advanced Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study of Prevalence and Associated Characteristics”, poster presentation, American Academy of Neurology annual meeting (2012)
“Prioritizing Your Health”, MS Can Do, Roanoke, VA (2010)
“Giving Feedback to Learners in Difficulty”, University of Washington School of Medicine (2010)

“The Resident as Teacher/El Residente Como Docente”, Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City (2010)

Speaker, National Leadership Conference, National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2009)
“Multiple Sclerosis”, Patient Power radio show, KVI/Seattle (2008)
“Ratings of Perceived Exertion during Aerobic Exercise in Multiple Sclerosis”, poster presentation, American Academy of Neurology annual meeting (2007)
“Introduction to the Objective Structured Teaching Evaluation (OSTE)—A Novel Tool

for Evaluating Teaching Skills”, Society of General Internal Medicine (2006)

“Qualities of Good Precepting: Merging Peer Review and Other Measures”, poster presentation, Association of American Medical Colleges (2006)
“Linking Community Preceptors and Students through Education”, STFM (2006)
“Professionalism and Interpersonal Skills: Teaching Residents to Teach”, two-day workshop, University of Kansas School of Medicine (2005)
“Training Residents in Clinical Teaching Skills”, Association of American Medical Colleges (2003) and Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (2004)
“Bringing Education & Service Together (BEST): A Pilot Randomized, Controlled

Trial of a Longitudinal Residents-as-Teachers Curriculum”, American

Educational Research Association (2003)
“Medical Education in Doctoring for the 21st Century (MED-21)”, STFM (2003)
“Reflections on a Residents-as-Teachers Program”, invited grand rounds,

Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto (2002)

“Reliability and Validity of an Objective Structured Teaching Examination for Generalist

Resident Teachers”, Association of American Medical Colleges (2002)

“’Best Evidence in Residency Education’ (BERE) for Residents as Teachers”,

AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (2002)

“Reach Out and Teach Someone: Generalist Residents’ Needs for Clinical

Teaching Skills Development”, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (2002)

“Collaborative Research in Predoctoral Education”, Society of Teachers of Family

Medicine (2002)

“Residents-as-Teachers Training in U.S. Residency Programs and Offices of Graduate

Medical Education”, AAMC Research in Medical Education Conference (2001)

“Successful Interdisciplinary Collaboration in a Predoctoral Training Grant”, Society of

Teachers of Family Medicine (2001)

“Bringing Education & Service Together”, Title VII poster session, Society of Teachers

of Family Medicine (2001)

“A National Web Site for Residents as Teachers”, poster presentation, Society of

Teachers of Family Medicine (2001)

“’Evidence-Based Medical Education’: Where Are We Headed?”, Society of Teachers

of Family Medicine (2001)

“The ‘EBM RX’: An Initial Experience with an Evidence-Based Learning Prescription”,

Association of American Medical Colleges (2000)

“A National Web Site for Residents as Teachers”, Association of American Medical

Colleges and North American Primary Care Research Group (2000)

“A Lack of Correlation of Residents’ Academic Performance and Teaching Skills”,

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (2000)

“The Lone Ranger(ette) Rides Again”, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (1999)
“Teaching the Shoulder Dystocia Workstation”, Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics

Instructor Course (1999, 1998)

“Obstetrics for the Family Physician” and “Rethinking Resident Evaluation”, American

Academy of Family Physicians (1998)

“Mammography, Pap Testing and Hormone Replacement Therapy,” Home Study

Self-Assessment audio series, American Academy of Family Physicians (1997)

“Teaching Linkages: Powerful Recruitment and Retention Tools”, National

Association of Community Health Centers (1992)

“Preparing New Practitioners for Generalist Careers in Underserved Communities”,

National Health Service Corps Conference (1992)

“Issues and Strategies to Link Training and Service in Community Health Centers,”

Association of American Medical Colleges (1991)

Regional and local presentations:
“Beyond Diagnosis: Innovations in Multiple Sclerosis Care”, Neuro Vitality Center, Palm

Springs, CA (2016)

“Providing Great Primary Care in Multiple Sclerosis”, Family Medicine Grand Rounds,

Ventura County Medical Center, Ventura, CA (2015)

“New Disease-Modifying Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis”, National MS Society,

Southern California & Nevada Chapter and Ventura County Medical Center (2014)

“Multiple Sclerosis Update”, 3rd Annual Eisenhower Neuroscience Institute (2011)
“Clinical Teaching Skills”, USC-Keck School of Medicine workshops (2/2010, 12/2010)
“Symptom Management”, National MS Society, Southern California Chapter (2010)
“Clinical Trials”, “Living Well with MS” and “Symptom Management in Multiple

Sclerosis”, Bellingham, WA (2008 – 2009)

“Staying Well with Multiple Sclerosis” and “Permanecer Bien con la Esclerosis

Multiple”, Bilingual Family Day, National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2007)

Keynote speaker, Chief Residents’ Retreat, UCLA School of Medicine (2004 – 2006)
“Aging with Disabilities”, Orange County Senior Citizens Advisory Council (2006)
“Role of a Wellness Program in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis”, Marilyn Hilton MS

Achievement Center at UCLA/National MS Society (2005)

“Your Health—Beyond Multiple Sclerosis”, National MS Society (2004)
Keynote speaker, White Coat Ceremony, UC-Irvine College of Medicine (2001)
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics, provider and instructor courses (1997-2000)


2005-2014 Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center Multiple Sclerosis Clinic

2005-2008 Dayle McIntosh Center for the Disabled

2002– National Multiple Sclerosis Society

1999-2004 Clinica Carino and UC-Irvine Family Health Center, Santa Ana, CA

1996-1998 Westside Neighborhood Clinic, Long Beach, CA

1992-1993 Physician volunteer in inner-city Washington, DC

Elizabeth H. Morrison-Banks, MD, MSEd Page 8/16/2018

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