| Articles in professional journals |
Taalverandering as 'n sosiale verskynsel. Meervoudsvorming in Griekwa-Afrikaans [Language change as a social phenomenon. The formation of plurals in Griqua Afrikaans]. Klasgids 17(3):42-50.
Die eerste Afrikaanse Bybelvertalings [The first Afrikaans translations of the Bible]. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 21(3):1-3.
Vrae rondom die tradisionele benadering van die Afrikaanse taalbewegings [Questions concerning the traditional approach of the Afrikaans language movements]. Koers 48(4):221-233.
The state of the art of language planning in South Africa. SA Journal of Linguistics. Occasional Papers 2. Language Planning for South Africa: 1-23.
Language planning: promoter of ideologies. In Young, D. (ed.) Language: Planning and medium in education. Rondebosch: Language Education Unit, UCT & Southern African Applied Linguistics Association (SAALA): 58-68.
Alternatiewe siening van die ontstaan van Afrikaans [An alternative view on the origin of Afrikaans]. SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde 5(2):33-45.
Die politiek van Standaard-Afrikaans - Twee gevalle. [The politics of Standard Afrikaans – Two case studies]. SA Tydskrif vir Taalkunde 5(4):1-19.
'n Herinterpretasie van die tradisionele benadering tot die Afrikaanse taalbewegings [A re-interpretation of the traditional approach to the Afrikaans language movements]. Klasgids 23(1): 79-92.
Politiek en die ontwikkeling van Afrikaans [Politics and the development of Afrikaans]. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 26(2):75-80.
Nasionalisme, nasanisme en Afrikaans [Nationalism, nationism and Afrikaans]. Spits 4(2):36-42.
Azanië en Afrikaans na Afrikanernasionalisme [Azania and Afrikaans after Afrikaner nationalism]. Spits 5(1):49-55.
Redefining the role of Afrikaans in Namibian society. Fasette 9(2): 15-20.
Taal- en vertaalpolitiek in het nieuwe Zuid-Afrika [Language and translation politics in the new South Africa]. Filter. Tijdschrift voor vertalen en vertaalwetenskap 5(3): 56-66.
Probleme opgelewer deur kulturele verskille vir vertalingsekwivalensies vir Afrikaans-Russies en Russies-Afrikaanse tekste [Problems posed by cultural differences in respect of translation equivalents for Afrikaans-Russian and Russo-Afrikaans texts]. SA Tydskrif vir Linguistiek 17(2)-3): 124-148 (Co-author: HJ Lubbe.)
The structure of the official language clause. A framework for its implementation. SA Publiekreg / SA Public Law 15(2): 505-526. (Co-author: JL Pretorius.)
Die debat rondom die vertolking van die amptelike taalbeleidsbeginsels van die oorgangsgrondwet in die gedrukte media: ‘n inhoudsontleding. [The debate around the interpretation of the official language policy principles of the interim constitution in the printed media – a content analysis.] Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 2001(19): 23-41. (Co-author: J. Lubbe.)
Taalbeleid aan universiteite in Suid-Afrika. [Language policy at universities in South Africa.] In Erasmus, M. (Ed). Applied multilingualism: A multidisciplinary perspective on a South African challenge. Acta Academica Supplementum. 2003(2): 58-82.
Meertaligheid en regering in Suid-Afrika: `n Ondersoek na die implementering van die Taalklousule in die Staatsdiens. [Multilingualism and government in South Africa: An investigation into the implementation of the Language Clause in the Civil Service.] Essays in Honour of Victor Webb. UPE Research Series (33). Kriel, M. (Ed.) 2004: 92-111.
From monolingual to bilingual higher education: the repositioning of Historically Afrikaans-medium Universities in South Africa. Language Policy 2006 (5): 87-113.
Bilingual Higher Education for South Africa? Language-policy development at Historically Afrikaans-Medium Universities as a case study. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Jaargang 46 nommer 2 Junie 2006, 100-111.
Mother-tongue education and bilingual education – perspectives on the medium-of-instruction issue in South African schools. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Jaargang 46 nommer 2 Junie 2006, 51-62. (Co-author with: J.H. Snayers.)
The development of a multilingual language policy at the SABC since 1994. In Du Plessis, T. and Cuvelier, P. (Eds). Multilingualism and the media. Acta Academica Supplementum. 2006(2): 45-75.
Terminologiebestuur in Suid-Afrika. ‘n Beoordeling van drie werkmetodes. [Terminology management in South Africa. Evaluating three work methods.] Co-author: M. Ferreira. Lexikos 17: 2007, 56-76.
Die taal of die Cheetah? Perspektiewe op die belang van taalsigbaarheid by die nuwe Vrystaatse nommerplaat as openbare teken. [The language or the Cheetah? Perspectives on the importance of language visibility on the new Free State number plate as public sign]. Literator 28(2): 2007, 119-143.
Een- of meertalige tekens? Perspektiewe op die regulering van taalsigbaarheid en die Suid-Afrikaanse linguistiese landskap. [Mono- or multilingual signs?] Perspectives on the regulation of language visibility and the South African linguistic landscape. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe. Volume 47 (4): 550-567 December 2007.
Taalsigbaarheid en die standaardisasie van geografiese name in Suid-Afrika – ’n beleidsoorsig. [Language visibility and the standardisation of geographical names in South Africa – a policy overview]. In Lubbe, H.J. (Red.) Kritiese perspektiewe op naamsverandering. Acta Academica Supplementum 2007(1): 19-53..
Perspectives on managing Afrikaans and English as ‘equal’ languages of learning and teaching at the University of the Free State. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 26(3): 315–332.
The Pan South African Language Board and the regulation of language visibility in South Africa – an analysis of language rights complaints. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 27(2): 173-188.
Language visibility and the transformation of geographical names in South Africa. Language Matters, 40(2): 215-238.
Taalwetgewing in Suid-Afrika. Litnet, 6(3): 132-154.
‘n Taalwet vir Suid-Afrika? Die rol van sosiolinguistiese beginsels by die ontleding van taalwetgewing. Litnet 7(2): 65-97.
Language planning from below: the case of the Xhariep District of the Free State Province. Current Issues in Language Planning, 11(2): 130-151.
Language policy-making in the Free State: an analysis of language policy activities between 1994 and 2007. Language Learning Journal, 38(3): 307-326.
Terminologiebestuur in Suid-Afrika: ‘n Ideaalmodel. Co-author: M. Ferreira.Lexikos 20 : 2010; 621-643.
A Critical Comparison of Legal Interventions Regarding the Officiality of Languages in Israel and South Africa. Alternation 17 (1); 382-416.