Honors and Awards
2004+ Selected for inclusion as biographee in Who’s Who in Social Science Higher Education.
2004+ Selected for inclusion as biographee in
2000 Outstanding Academics of the 21st Century, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge University.
2003+ Selected for inclusion as biographee in
America’s Registry of Outstanding Professionals.
2003+ Selected for inclusion as biographee in
Who’s Who in the World (Marquis), starting with 21
st Edition (2003).
2000+ Selected for inclusion as biographee in
Who’s Who in America (Marquis), starting with 55
th Edition (2001).
2000+ Selected for inclusion in
Directory of American Scholars, starting with 10
th Edition.
1999 Promoting Polyarchy was a finalist for the 1999 Distinguished Publication Award of the American Sociological Association.
1999 Globe of the Month Recipient, The Center for International Programs, New Mexico State University. Award in recognition of outstanding efforts in the promotion of international understanding, cooperation, involvement and development.
Promoting Polyarchy won the 1997 PEWS (Political Economy of the World System section of the American Sociological Association) Award for Distinguished Scholarship.
1995 Inductee, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
David and Goliath won the Outstanding Book Award, Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights in the United States, University of Arkansas, for books published in 1987 on the subject of intolerance in the United States.
Invited Public Presentations, Interviews, and Conference Presentations
(The following is a partial listing)
2008 “El Proceso Electoral Norteamericano: 15 Puntos de Analsis y Debate,” presentation and panel discussion, Mesa de Reflexion Sobre Relaciones Internacionales y Politica Exterior Estadounidense,” Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomaticos, Caracas, Venezuela, 17-19 June.
2008 “The Follies of ‘New Imperialism’ Theories,” keynote presentation, Global Studies Association, annual conference, New York City, 7 June.
2008 “Democracy and Global Crisis,” invited speaker, “Democracy Dinner,” Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California-Irvine, April 10.
2008 “Labor and the Global System,” public lecture sponsored by the Labor Studies Program, University of California-Irvine, April 9.
2008 Three weeks of public lectures, workshops, and other engagements in Colombia. March 3-7, Medellin, “La Globalizacion, Procesos Sociales, y Medio Ambiente: El Caso de Colombia,” 20 hour intensive workshop for 100 staff and board members of
Penca de Sabila, a Colombian national Non-Governmental Organization addressing environmental and social issues. March 10-14, Bogota, “El Capitalismo Global y America Latina: Colombia en la Mira,” 20 hour public lecture series, Universidad Central de Colombia, sponsored by departments of Economics and International Relations. March 15-16, talks given at invitation of indigenous groups and social organizations, Popayan (March 15) and Silvia (March 16), province of El Cauca, western Colombia.
2008 “Crisis Global y America Latina: El Salvador en la Mira,” university-wide lecture, University of El Salvador, San Salvador, 21 february.
2008 “El Salvador y la Crisis del Capitalismo Global,” university-wide and public lecture, sponsored by Department of Economy, Central American University, San Salvador, and Frederick Ebert Foundation, Germany, 19 February.
2008: Seminar/lecture series, “Capitalismo Global y America Latina: Crisis y Desafios”, Universidad Centroamericana “Jose Simeon Cañas,”, San Salvador, 18-22 February.
2008: Invited lecture, “The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Can Humanity Survive It,” Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 23 January.
2008: Centennial Lecture Series, “Trends in Global Capitalism,” University of the Philippines, Manila, 8-18 January. Two weeks of public, university-wide lectures as visiting professor on occasion of the 100
th anniversary of the University of the Philippines, jointly sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Focus on the Global South.
2008: One dozen public lectures and talks given during 3-week stay in the Philippines, Jan. 4-28, at numerous academic, NGO and public venues, including (among others) guest lectures at Miriam University, Ateneo de Manila University, Center for Democratic Projects, Transform Asia Institute.
2007 Invited to give opening lecture for screening of documentary “Assaulted Dream”, about immigrants from Central America in Mexico, UCSB Multicultural Center, Nov. 7.
2007 Interviewed by Univision, Canifornia Central Coast local Spanish television language station, on recent immigrant legislation in United States, Nov. 6, Santa Barbara.
2007 Panel presentation and discussion, “Empire and Dissent: Latin America and the New World Order,” Latin American Studies Association, 27
th International Congress, Montreal, 5-8 September.
2007 “Lucha Indigena Colombiana,” speech to indigenous assembly of the Regional Indigenous Council of Colombia, El Cauca, Colombia, 29 August.
2007 “La Mundializacion de las Luchas de Resistencia: Crisis y Futuras Alternativas,” keynote speech to 6
th Annual Congress of the Cooperativa Financiera (CONFIAR), Medellin, Colombia, 24 August.
2007 “Democracia e Imperio: la Estrategia Norteamericana hacia Colombia,” workshop given at the party headquarters of the Polo Democratico Alternativo, Bogota, Colombia, 23 August.
2007 “Democracia e Intervencion en las Americas: Colombia en la Mira,” public lecture, Universidad Central de Colombia, Bogota, 22 August.
2007 “Global Labor Pools and Immigrant Rights,” presentation and panel discussion, conference on “Labor, Immigration, and Globalization,” University of California at Riverside, 12 May.
2007 “Conmemorando el Quinto Aniversario del Golpe en Venezuela: El Significado de la Revolucion Bolivariana,” keynote speech, public meeting to commemorate 5th anniversary of coup d’etat in Venezuela, Los Angeles Workers Center/Cine Latinoamericano Roque Dalton, 1 Abril.
2007 “Sistema Global, Crisis Global, y Politica Exterior Norteamericana,” two-week course, Instituto de Altos Estudios Diplomaticos Pedro Gual (Institute for Superior Diplomatic Studies Pedro Gual), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Caracas, Feb. 5-15.
2007 “De Bush a Bush: Globalization, Crisis, y la Political Exterior de Estados Unidos hacia America Latina,” public address, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, Caracas, 7 Feb.
2007 “Globalization and the Struggle for Immigrant Rights,” keynote address, Immigrant Rights Conference, March 25 Coalition, Los Angeles, Loyola Law School, Feb. 3.
2007 “Whither Global Capitalism? The Rise and the Coming Demise of Neo-Liberalism,” Lecture, The Humanities Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 25 January.
2007 Interviewed by WBAI (New York) on IMF policies towards Latin America, 13 January.
2006 Media activity, 26 October:: 1) interviewed by O Globo, Brazilian daily newspaper, on Nicaraguan electoral process; 2) interviewed by Univision, Spanish-language television station, on U.S. government immigration policy.
2006 “The Immigrant Rights Struggle: Ten Points for Analysis and Discussion,” public presentation in forum “Immigration: Where are we Going? Local and National Updates,” Alliance for Immigrant Rights/Casa de la Raza, Santa Barbara, October 9.
2006 Multiple professional activities in Costa Rica, September 5-26: 1) One week intensive course (15 hours, 11-15 Sept.) for Masters Program in Political Science, University of Costa Rica (San Jose), titled “Globalizacion en Centroamerica: Crisis y Transformacion”; 2) Public Lecture, 11 Sept, University of Costa Rica, titled “America Latin y Sociedad Global” 3) One week intensive course (15 hours, 18-22 Sept.), Masters Program in International Relations, National University of Costa Rica (Heredia), titled “America Latina y Crisis Global: Perspectivas y Desafios para Centroamerica”; 4) Radio Interview (21 Sept), “Radio Nacional”, Costa Rican public radio station; 5) presentation and intensive roundtable discussion, workshop on “Entre la Acumulacion y la Resistencia: Bosquejando las Nuevas Geografias de Centroamerica,” 23-24 September, organized by PRISMA/Central American University-San Salvador campus and sponsored by Ford Foundation.
2006 Multiple participation in 2006 annual congress of the American Sociological Association, 11-14 August, Montreal, including: “Beyond the Theory of Imperialism: Global Capitalism and the Transnational State, paper presentation and panel discussion; “The Chimera of Democracy and Socioeconomic Development under Neo-Liberal Global Capitalism,” paper presentation and panel discussion; organizer of two panels on Sociology of Globalization.
2006 Keynote Speech, “Globalization, Imperialism, and Resistance: Concepts for the 21
st Century?,” conference on “Globalization, Imperialism, and Resistance,” University of Stockholm, Sweden, 12-13 May.
2006 Interviewed by FM Radio KCVX, San Luis Obispo, on immigrant rights and related themes, May 9.
2006 Interviewed on “The Paul Berenson Show,” News Radio 990 KTMS, Santa Barbara, on immigrant rights. May 6.
2006 Interviewed four times during May 1 live from Los Angeles by
Radio Payumat and
Radio Indimedia Colombia, Putumayo and Bogota, Colombia, May 1.
2006 Interviewed by
Radio Nacional de España on theme of immigrant protests in the United States. May 1.
2006 Interviewed by Santa Barbara studios of
UNIVISION Spanish-language television on theme of immigrant rights in the United States. April 27.
2006 “Crisis and Transformation in the Global System,” invited presentation and discussion, workshop “Finance, Industry and Power: The Capitalist Corporation in the 21
st Century,” York University, Toronto, 11 April.
2006 “Democracy, Polyarchy, and U.S. Policy Towards Latin America,” Keynote address by invitation, conference “In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Electoral Intervention in the Americas,” Yale University, April 7-8.
2006 “Globalizacion y Transnacionalismo: Problemas Tendencias, y Perspectivas en la Politica Exterior Norteamericana Hacia America Latina,” paper presentation and panel discussion, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 15-18 March.
2006 Interviewed (on U.S.-Latin America relations) by 93.3 CFMU FM, in Toronto, “Unusual Sources,” weekly program. February 14.
2006 “Los Desafios Latinoamericanos Frente a La Crisis del Capitalismo Global,” Lecture, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencas Sociales (FLACSO), sede Ecuador, Quito, February 2.
2006 “La Crisis de la Globalizacion y la Coyuntura Latinoamericana, 2006,” invited lecture, Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Quito, Ecuador, February 1.
2006 “Politica Exterior Norteamerica Hacia America Latina, Analisis de Coyuntura,” Lecture and discussion by special invitation, “Mesa de Reflexion Sobre Relaciones Internacionlaes y Politica Exterior,” Institute for Higher Diplomatic Studies (Institution de Altos Estudios Diplomaticos ‘Pedro Gual’), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Caracas, Venezuela, January 28.
2006 Participation (presentations and panel discussions) in multiple panels, World Social Forum, Caracas, Venezuela. January 24, panel on “The Struggle for Social Justice in Haiti”. January 27, panel on “Meeting of Sociologists of the Americas: Sociologos Sin Fronteras”. January 28, panel on “In the Name of Democracy: Political Intervention in the 2006 Latin America Electoral Cycle.”
2005 “Toward New Social Cartographies in Development and Trade Studies,” plenary presentation and discussion, conference on “NAFTA and Beyond: Alternative Disciplinary Perspectives in the Study of Global Trade and Development,” Princeton University, December 2-3.
2005 “Crisis in the Global System,” university-wide invited lecture, Texas A&M, November 11.
2005 “Globalization and Global Crisis,” university-wide invited lecture, Bucknell Univeristy, November 1.
2005 “Reigning in on Corporate Power: The NAFTA, the CAFTA, and the Corporate Agenda,” public lecture, Falkner Gallery, Santa Barbara Library, Main Branch, 26 July.
2005 Interviewed by on-line news and analysis journal,
Venezuelanalysis: Venezuela Views, News, and Analysis. Interview posted at
http://www.venezuelanalysis.com in June 2005.
2005 “Altering the Course of Globalization,” public lecture, “Forum and Town Hall Meeting: The Impact of Corporate Globalization,” Falkner Gallery, Santa Barbara Public Library, Main Branch, June 9.
2005 Interviewed by
Newsday on U.S. involvement in Venezuela. Interview published in May 1 issue and available from n http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/world/ny-wovene034241232may01,0,4533593.story?coll=ny-worldnews-headlines.
2005 “The Crisis of Global Capitalism and the Folly of Conventional Thinking on It”, paper presentation and discussion, 29
th Conference of the Political Economy of the World System (PEWS) Section of the American Sociological Association, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, April 14-17.
2005 “Marxism, the Crisis of Global Capitalism, and the Folly of Conventional Marxist Thinking on it,” and “Public Sociologies and Critical Globalization Studies: Six Theses,” two panel presentations and discussions, International Studies Association, Annual Congress, March 1-5, Honolulu.
2005 “The Global System and Resistance and Transformation in Latin America,” presentation and discussion, conference on “Homelands, Borders and Trade In Latin America: Freedom, Violence, And Exchange After 9-11”, Center For Iberian And Latin American Studies (CILAS), University of California-San Diego, Feb. 24-25.
2005 “The Crisis of Global Capitalism: 21
st Century Challenges,” university-wide invited lecture, University of California, Riverside, January 19.
2004 Interviewed by
The NewStandard on Iraqi elections and U.S. involvement. Interview published on Dec. 13 in article titled “Controversial U.S. Groups Operate Behind Scenes in Iraq Vote,” available from http://newstandardnews.net/content/?action=show_item&itemid=1311.
2004 “Latin America and the Crisis of Global Capitalism: Challenges, Opportunities, Hazards,” first Annual Lecture, Society for Lati n American Studies, London, October 29.
2004 “Neo-Liberalism and Global Crisis: Opportunities, Challenges, and Hazards,” keynote address, conference, “Neo-Liberalism: Historical Perspectives and Critical Possibilities,” Princeton University, 15 October.
2004 “Critical Reflections on Global Society,” keynote address, Illinois Sociological Association, Annual Congress, Chicago, 14 October.
2004 “Latin America in the Global System: Crisis and Change,” paper presentation and panel discussion, and Discussant for panel on “Latin America in the Changing International Political Economy,” Latin American Studies Association, Congress, Las Vegas, 6-9 October.
2004 “Nuevas Modalidades de Intervencion Norteamericana en el Marco de la Globalizacion: La ‘Promocion de la Democracia’ y el Caso de Venezuela,” presentation and audience discussion, Conference on “Como Nos Ven? Venezuela en La Academia Anglo-Sajona,” Facultad de Economia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, 5 August.
2004 “Los Desafios del Siglo XXI: Globalizacion y Crisis,” Public Lecture, sponsored by Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5 July.
2004 “Debate sobre Globalizacion y Coyuntura Mundial,” Public Lecture, sponsored by Postgraduate Program, Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3 July.
2004 “Capitalismo Global y Crisis Global: Respuestas Teoricas y Politicas,” public lecture sponsored by the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales and the Programa de Estudios Sobre Democracia y Transformacion Global, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, 9 June.
2004 Visiting Professor, Instituto de Asuntos Publicos, Universidad de Chile, May/June, lecture series on “Las Relaciones Internacionales y las Teorias de la Globalizacion,” Santiago, Chile.
2004 “What Empire? Whose Hegemony? The Transnationalization of Capital and the Gramscian Critique of ‘Statolatry’,” paper presentation and panel discussion, International Studies Association annual convention, Montreal, March 16-21.
2004 “Perspectives on Recent U.S. Foreign Policy and Democracy,” radio interview on KZYX and KZYZ, Medocino County, California, Feb. 7.
2003 The Contribution of Latino Immigrants to the California Economy, Television Interview, UNIVISION Spanish language television network, Dec. 10.
2003 “Gramsci and Globalization: From Nation-State to Transnational Hegemony,” paper presented by invitation and plenary discussion, workshop on “Images of Gramsci: Connections and Contentions in Political Theory and International Relations, Oct. 24-25, University of Nottingham, UK.
2003 Lecture by invitation, Moscow Linguistic Institute, “Globalization: The Latest State of Capitalism, From Lenin to Bush,” Moscow, Oct. 20.
2003 Presentation and discussion, “Social Activism and Democracy in South Africa: A Global Perspective,” IDASA (Institute for Democracy in South Africa), conference on “Social Activism and Socio-Economic Rights: Deepening Democracy in South Africa,” Cape Town, Aug. 11-13.
2003 Multiple participation and presentations in plenaries and panels, conference on “Towards Critical Globalization Studies: Continued Debates, New Directions, and Neglected Topics”, UCSB/Global Studies Association, May 1-4.
2003 “Global Capitalism, Global Crisis,” university-wide lecture, by invitation, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, March 19.
2003 “Latin America in the Empire of Global Capital,” paper presentation and plenary discussion, conference on “Labor, Race and Empire,” University of California-Irvine, UCI Labor Studies Program, March 6-7, 2003.
2003 Public lecture and panel discussion, “The Collapse of Neo-Liberalism and Political-Economic Crisis in Latin America,” “South America Forum,” University of California at Santa Barbara, public forum organized by Honor y Orgullo Latinoamericano student forum.
2002 Week-long series of lectures on globalization, world political economy, transnational processes in Latin America, and U.S. foreign policy, University of Havana, Cuba, November 3-7. Lecture series included paper presentation, “La Crisis Global y la Politica Exterior Norteamericana hacia American Latinoamerica, and panel discussion, conference on “Hemispheric Relations After September 11,” November 4, Center for the Study of the United States and Center for the Study of the Americas.
2002 “Globalization and Resistance: Views from Above and Views From Below,” Center for Historical and Social Change, Historical Perspectives Lecture Series, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, invited speech, October 7.
2002 “The Crisis of Global Capitalism: How it Looks from Latin America,” paper presentation and panel discussion, annual international economics conference, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, September 9-11.
2002 “Remapping Development in Light of Globalization: From a Territorial to a Social Cartography,” and “Global Capitalism and Transnational Capitalist Hegemony,” papers presented and panel discussion, American Sociological Association annual conference, August 16-19, Chicago.
2002 "In the Aftermath of War and Pacification: Globalization and Social Change in 21st Century Central America," public lecture sponsored by Latin American and Iberian Studies program, University of California-Santa Barbara.
2002 “The Ongoing Debate on Transnational Class and State Formation,” paper presentation and panel discussion, Global Studies Association conference, Chicago, May 10-12.
2002 “Global Capitalism and Transnational Hegemony,” paper presentation and panel discussion, and discussant on panel on globalization and resistance, Political Economy of the World-System, annual conference, Riverside, May 2-4.
2002 Multiple participation in 43
rd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, New Orleans, March 24-27: 1) “Globalization and Development Theory in the Neo-Liberal Age,” paper presentation and panel discussion; 2) panel participant, “Roundtable on Historicising Globalization: The Question of the Political”; 3) discussant, panel on “The World System, Historical Materialism, and Gramsci: Revisiting the Agency-Structure Problematique”; 4) discussant, panel on “Globalization and the Politics of Protest.”
2002 “The Crisis of Global Capitalism: How it Looks from Latin America,” paper presented and session discussion, “Seminar on the Global Crisis,” Transnational Institute, February 17-18. Amsterdam
2001 Panelist/participant in seminar, “Rethinking Central American Modernization in the Age of Globalization,” Social Science Research Council, New York, October 28.
2001 “The Debate on Globalization, the Transnational Capitalist Class, and the Rise of a Transnational State,” paper presentation and panel discussion, American Sociological Association, 96
th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, August 18-21.
2001 “Transnational State Formation,” paper presentation and panel discussion, special meeting of the International Studies Association (US) and international studies associations from Hong Kong, Japan, and other countries, Hong Kong, July 23-25.
2001 “Globalizacion y Desigualdades Mundiales,” three-week seminar taught to graduate students, Masters Program in International Relations, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua, June 23-July 15.
2001 “Globalization and Development,” presentation and discussion, conference on “Latin American Sociology and the Sociology of Latin America,” Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida-Gainesville, April 19-21.
2001 “Promoting Polyarchy: Changing Modes of Social Control in Latin America,” presentation by special invitation and panel discussion, conference on “The United States and Latin America after the Cold War/Estados Unidos y America Latina Despues de la Guerra Fria,” Center for Intercultural Dialogue on Development and NACLA, Cuernavaca, Mexico, April 6-8.
2001 “The Global Economy and 21
st Century Politics and Social Struggles,” guest lecture by special invitation, “Forum on the Future of Politics: Globalization,” Northern Arizona University, March 28.
2001 “Alternative Futures in Global Society,” presentation, International Roundtable of Unions, Social Movements, and NGOs, Bangkok, Thailand, March 11-13, co-sponsored by Focus on the Global South and the Friedrich-Ebert -Stiftung Foundation.
2001 “Maldevelopment: Globalization and Social Change in Central America,” presentation, Center for Latin American Studies 2001 Colloquia Series, New Mexico State University, February 28.
2001 “Transnational Processes and Changing Social Hierarchies in the World System: A Central American Case Study,” and “Globalization as a Macro-Structural-Historical Framework of Analysis: The Case of Central America,” papers presented and panel discussion, International Studies Association, 42nd Annual Convention, Chicago, February 21 and 22. Discussant, panel on “Global Capital - global Labour? New Challenges and Strategies of Internationalism and Global Solidarity,” February 22.
2000 “Globalization and Resistance: Views from Above and Views From Below,” guest lecture by special invitation of Croft Institute for International Studies, University of Mississippi, Oxford (Miss.), November 16
2000 “The Emerging Global Society,” guest lecture by special invitation, delivered at Metropolitan State College, Denver, November 2.
2000 “Social Theory and Globalization: The Rise of a Transnational State,” paper presented and panel discussion, American Sociological Association, 95
th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 13.
2000 “Defining National Interests in the Age of ‘Stateless” Capital,” keynote address, conference on “Globalization and U.S. Foreign Policy,” American Friends Service Committee, Cambridge, Mass., May 6.
2000 “Global Democracy” and “Analysis of a Transnational State Apparatus,” papers presented and panel discussion (two panels), International Studies Association, 41
st Annual Convention, Los Angeles, March 14 and 15.
2000 “Sociologia de las Desigualdades Globales,” two-week intensive post-graduate seminar taught, as visiting professor, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua. February 26-March 3.
1999 “Central America and Global Capitalism: Regional Lessons for the Sociology of Development,” paper presented and panel discussion, American Sociological Association, 94
th Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 7; “ and discussant for session on “Cross-Cultural/Comparative Sociology: Comparative Studies Encounter a Global Economy,” August 10.
1999 “Twenty Years Later: Reflections on the Nicaraguan Revolution,” Radio Interview, KGNY, Boulder Couny Public Radio, 19 July.
1999 “La Globalizacion y Su Incidencia en la Sociedad Centroamericana y la Gobernabilidad,” Keynote Address, conference on “Globalizacion, Gobernabilidad, y Desarrollo,” Iberoamerican University for Science and Technology/Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Managua, Nicaragua, May 6.
1999 “Globalizacion y la Transformacion de Centroamerica,” lecture given by invitation of Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Guatemala branch, Guatemala City, May 3.
1999 “Globalization and the Rise of a Transnational State,” lecture, Institute of Public Policy, De Montfort University, Leicester, England, April 14.
1999 “Capitalist Globalization and the Transnationalization of the State,” paper presented and panel discussion, Transatlantic Workshop on Globalization and Historical Materialism, University of Warwick, England, April 15-17.
1999 “Globalization and Development,” lecture, Center for Migration and Development, Princeton University, March 11.
1999 “The Nigerian Elections in International Perspective,” radio interview, Pacifica News Service, February 23.
1998 “Global Capitalism and the U.S. Promotion of Polyarchy in Latin America,” and “Central America in the Global System,” papers presented and panel discussion, Latin American Studies Association, (LASA) Congress, Chicago, Sept. 23-26.
1998 "Neo-Liberalism, The Global Elite, and the Guatemalan Transition: A Critical Macrostructural Analysis," paper presented (in Spanish) and panel discussion, conference on "Guatemalan Develoopment and Democratization: Proactive Responses to Globalization," sponsored by National Science Foundation, UNICEP and UNDP (United Nations), Universidad del Valle (Guatemala), and Johns Hopkins University (US), Guatemala City, March 26-28.
1998 "La globalization, el nuevo model de desarrollo en Centroamerica y sus perspectivas," keynote address, conference on "La Globalizacion y los Factores de Riesgo en Nicaragua," sponsored by Fundacion Millennium and Superior Council of Private Enterprise (Nicaragua), Managua, Nicaragua, March 23.
1998 "La economia global y los procesos transnacionales en Centroamerica," talk given by invitation of the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Costa Rican chapter), San Jose, 24 March.
1997 "Latin America and the United States: The Challenge of the Twenty-First Century," university-Wide and public lecture, University of Tennessee, College of Arts and Sciences, Knoxville, November 24.
1997 "Beyond Nation-State Paradigms: Globalization, Sociology, and the Challenge of Transnational Studies," paper presented and panel discussion, American Sociological Association (ASA) 92nd Annual Meeting, Toronto, August 9-13.
1997 "Centroamerica ante la Globalizacion y las Responsabilidades de los Intelectuales," university-wide address, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua, June 26.
1997 "Globalizacion y el Sistem Internacional," 20 hour intensive seminar as visiting professor, Master Degree in International Relations Program, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua, 16-29 June.
1997 "Transnational Processes in Central America: A Study on Globalization and Social Change," paper presented and panel discussion, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 17-19.
1997 "The Ogoni, the Environment, and Transnational Corporations," lecture and panel discussion, Amnesty International, Tennessee Chapter, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, March 17.
1996 "Sistema Contemporaneo Internacional", one-month intensive seminar as visiting professor, Masters Degree in International Relations Program, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua.
1995 "Democracy in the New World Order," one-half hour radio presentation, "The Gary Null Show: Natural Living," WBAI, New York, 26 October.
1995 "Nicaragua and the World, 1960s-1990s," paper presented and panel discussion, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) conference, September 28-30, Washington, D.C.
1995 "Incorporating Latin American Studies into High School Curriculum," workshops organized and lectures for a two seek seminar on Latin America in high school curriculums, "Resources for Teaching About the Americas," sponsored jointly by the U.S. Department of Education and the Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, May 30-June 17.
1994 "Fuerzas Armadas, Democracia en America Latina, y Politica Exterior Norteamericana" Invited by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to present lecture and paper, International Conference on "Estado, Sociedad, Fuerzas Armadas y Derechos Humanos," January 13-14, Managua, Nicaragua.
1994 "Central America: Which Way After the Cold War?," lecture for the Central America Peace Alliance, and Channel 27 (local public television), Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 10.
1993 "The National Endowment for Democracy in Latin America: Promoting Polyarchy and Preempting Social Justice," Keynote Speech and paper, Conference on the National Endowment for Democracy and U.S. Policy in Latin America, University of Ohio, Athens, September 30.
1993 "Latin America and the Clinton Administration," lectures at University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, and University of Iowa at Ames, invited by local peace groups, July 17-20
1993 "Cuba and the Clinton Administration," lecture, Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 30 April.
1993 "U.S.-Cuban Relations and the New World Order," two weeks of public lectures in Havana, Cuba, on U.S.-Cuban relations and the New World Order. Invited by the University of Havana and the Centro de Estudios sobre America, January.
1990 "The Communications Media in Central America," lecture, Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico, October.
1990 Participant in "Frontline," CNN, panel discussion on results of Nicaraguan elections, Washington, D.C., February.
1987-90 Regular Guest Speaker, Close Up Foundation, Washington, D.C., Lectured on U.S.-Central American relations.
1989 Panelist, "Nicaraguan Dialogue", five days of sessions on conflict resolution in Central America, sponsored by the U.S. Institute for Peace, the Trinity Forum and the Latin American Institute of the University of New Mexico, February and April.
1989 "Anti-Americanism or Anti-Interventionism," speech, Latin American Seminar, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, July.
1988 "Beyond the Cold War in the Caribbean Basin," Lecture and paper presented, Biannual Conference of National Alliance of Third World Journalists," Atlanta, April.
1987 "An Alternative U.S. Policy for Central America," guest lecture, Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists, Washington, D.C., September.
1984 National Speaking tour in the United States as representative of
Agencia Nueva Nicaragua international news service, invited by universities, educational and public advocacy groups to lecture on the November 1984 Nicaraguan elections. Spoke at some 30 university and 10 public forums in 15 states of the United States, September and October 1984.
Numerous Journalist Reports in the Following Outlets (1980-1996)
(partial listing of news publications and media outlets in which articles and commentaries have appeared)
Baltimore Sun (Baltimore)
Barricada (Nicaragua)
British Broadcasting Corporation (London)
Business and Society (New York)
Covert Action Quarterly (Washington, D.C.)
Crossroads (Oakland)
El Nacional (Mexico)
El Nuevo Diario (Nicaragua)
El Pais (Spain)
El Periodista (Argentina)
El Proceso (Mexico)
Excelsior (Mexico)
Insight (Washington, D.C.)
In these Times (Chicago)
La Juventud (Uruguay)
La Prensa (Nicaragua)
Latinamerica Press (Lima)
Multinational Monitor (Washington. D.C.)
Noticiero Latino (Los Angeles radio news reports)
Oakland Tribune (Oakland, CA)
Orlando Spectator (Orlando, Fla.)
Pacific News Service (subscriber news service, San Francisco)
Radio Primerisima (Nicaraguan radio talk show)
San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco)
'Smysl' Magazine (Moscow)
Soberania (Nicaragua)
Southern Africa Magazine (New York)
The Guardian (London)
The Guardian (New York)
Uno mas Uno (Mexico)
Professional Memberships
American Sociological Association
Latin American Studies Association.
International Studies Association.
Global Studies Association.
Sociologists Without Borders
Union of Nicaraguan Journalists (past member and officer 1984-1990)
Language Skills
* Spoken and Written Fluency in Spanish
* Translation/Interpreting Spanish-English,
* Working Knowledge (spoken and written) of Portuguese