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fundus: bottom

co-founder, defund, de profundis, found (originate), foundation, foudational foundationless, founder, founding, foundling, foundress, fund, fundable, fundament, fundamental, fundamentalism, fundamentalist, fundamentality, fundamentally, fund-raising, humifuse, ill-founded, latifundium, newfound, Newfoundland, overfunded, profound, profoundly, profoundness, profundity, underfunded, underfunding, unfounded, unfunded, well-founded

fungor, functum: perform

defunct, defunctionalize, defunctive, defunctness, dysfunction, dysfunctional, dysfunctionally, eigenfunction, function, functional, functionalism, functionalist, functionalize, functionally, functionary, functioning, functionless, functions, fungibility, fungible, malfunction, monofunctional, multifunctional, nonfunctional, perfuntorily, perfunctoriness, perfunctory, polyfunctional, stream function, theta-function, transfer function, trifunctional, utility function, wave function, weight function, work function, zeta-function

fungus: fungus

fungal, fungate, fungation, fungic, fungicidal, fungicide, fungicolous, fungiform, fungivorous, fungoid, fungology, fungous, fungus

funis: rope

funambulism, funambulist, funic, funicle, funicular, funiform, funipendulous

funus (gen. funeris): dead body, funeral rites

funeral, funerary, funereal, funereally

fur: thief; furtim: secretly; furtum: theft

ferret, ferreter, furtive, furtively, furtiveness, furuncle

furca: fork

bifurcate, bifurcation, carfax, Caudine Forks, fork, furca, furcal, furcate, furciferine, furciferous, furculum, hayfork, multifurcate, pitchfork, postfurca, trifurcate

furfur: bran

furfur, furfuraceous, furfural, furfurous, furyl

furo: rage; furia: raging

Furies, furiosity, furioso (It), furious, furiously, furiousness, furor, furore, fury, infuriate, infuriating, infuriatingly, infuriation

fuscus: dark

fuscin, fuscous, infuscate, obfuscate, obfuscatingly, obfuscation, obfuscatory, subfuscous

fustis: club

fustian, fustigate, fusty

fusus: spindle

fuse (n), fuselage, fusiform, fusilier, fusillage, fusimotor

futo: see foveo
futurus (about to be): see sum


Gaius: Gaius

bluejay, jay, jaybird, jayhawk, jaywalk, popinjay See OED: jay

galbinus: greenish-yellow

jaundice (AHD, ODEE support; OED does not.)

galea: helmet

galea, galeate, galeiform
galena: lead

Gallia: France

anti-Gallic, Gallic, Gallo-, Gaul, Gaulic, Gaulism, Gaulist
gallus: rooster; gallina: chicken

galimatias, gallic, galliform, gallinaceous, galline, gallinule, gallium, gallo-

garrio: chatter

garrulity, garrulous, garrously, garrulousness

gaudeo: rejoice; gaudium: joy

begaud, enjoy, enjoyability, enjoyable, enjoyableness, enjoyably, enjoyer, enjoyingly, enjoyment, gaud, gaudeamus igitur, gaudery, gaudify, gaudily, gaudiness, gaudy, joie de vivre (Fr), joy, joyful, joyfully, joyfulness, joyless, joylessly, joyous, joyously, joyousness, joy ride, joystick, killjoy, overjoyed, rejoice, rejoicing, unenjoyed

gelu: frost, cold; gelidus: cold

congeal, congealability, congealable, congealer, congealment, congelation, congelative, congelifract, galantine, gel, gelate, gelatigenous, gelatin, gelatiniferous, gelatiniform, gelatinous, gelation, gelid, gelidity, gelignite, jell, jellied, jellify, Jello, jelly, jellybean, jellybelly, jellyfish, metagelatin, petroleum jelly, plasmagel, plastigel, regelate, regelation

geminus: twin

congemination, gemellion, Gemini, geminate, gemination, geminiflorous, gimball, ingeminate, ingemination, jiminy, tergeminate, trigeminal

gemma: jewel

begem, begemmed, gem, gemel, gemma, gemmary, gemmate, gemmation, gemmiferous, gemmiparous, gemmule, gemology, gemstone

gena: cheek

gena, genal, postgenal
gens: see genus
Gentianus: Gentianus (king)

genu: knee

genicular, geniculated, geniculation, genu, genuant, genuflect, genuflection, genuflector, genuform, infragenual, supergenual

See note under genus. Only ODEE suggests genuine from genu.

Genua: Genoa

bluejeans, Genoa, jeans

genus (gen. generis): type, kind; gens: clan, race; gigno: bear; genitor: sire; germana: sister; germanus: brother;ingenium: talent; progenies: race (genoV)

altrigenderism, benign, benignancy, benignant, benignity, benignly, bigeneric, bioengineer, bioengineering, cogeneric, congener, congenerate, congeneration, congeneric, congenerous, congenial, congeniality, congenialize, congenially, congenital, congenitally, degeneracy, degeneralize, degenerate, degenerately, degeneration, degenerative, degenerescence, degentilize, degerm, degerminate, degerminator, disgeneric, disingenuous, disingenuously, disingenuousness, dominigene, egerminate, engender, engenderer, engenderment, engine, engineer, engineering, engineership, engineless, engineman, enginery, fire engine, florigen, gas engine, gendarme, gender, genderless, genera, generable, general, generalate, generalism, generalissimo, generalist, generality, generalization, generalize, generalizer, generally, generalship, generant, generate, generation, generational, generative, generatively, generator, generatrix, generic, generical, generically, generification, generosity, generous, generously, generousness, genial, geniality, genialize, genially, genie, genital, genitalia, genitally, genitival, genitivally, genitive, genitocrural, genitospinal, genitor, genitourinary, geniture, genius, genre, gens, gent, genteel, genteelism, genteelly, gentile, gentilic, gentilism, gentility, gentle, gentlefolk, gentleman, gentlemanly, gentleness, gentlewoman, gently, gentrification, gentrify, gentry, genuine, genuinely, genuineness, genus, Gen X, germ, German, germane, Germania, Germanic, Germanism, Germanize, Germanomania, Germanophile, Germanophobe, Germany, germarium, germcell, germcenter, germen, germicidal, germicide, germiculture, germinduct, germigene, germinal, germinally, germinant, germinate, germination, germinative, germinator, germiparity, germless, germiparity, germplasm, germproof, germy, gin (machine), incongenial, indigenization, indigenous, ingenerable, ingenerate, ingeneration, ingenious, ingeniously, ingeniousness, ingenue, ingenuity, ingenuous, ingenuously, ingenuousness, intergenerational, jauntily, jaunty, malign, malignance, malignancy, malignant, malignantly, maligner, malignity, malignly, multigenerational, miscegenation, multigeneric, multigerm, nongenteel, orogenital, outgeneral, overengineer, overgeneralize, overgenial, overgentle, ovigerm, pathogerm, piston engine, postgenital, primigenal, primogenital, primogenitary, primogenitive, primogenitor, primogeniture, progenerate, progenitive, progenitor, progenitorial, progenitorship, progenitress, progenitrix, progeniture, progeny, rear-engine, regenerate, regeneration, regenerative, regeneratively, regenerator, secundogeniture, steamengine, subgerminal, sui generis, summum genus, superregeneration, traffic engineer, transgender, trigeneric, turbo-generator, ultimogeniture, uncongenial, ungenerous, ungenteel. ungentle, ungently, unigeniture, unregenerate, urinogenital, urinogenitary, urogenital, vicar general, wall engine, war generation, water engine, water engineering

Underlined words from genus (OED, OLD, W3), from genu (ODEE.)

N.B. I am not confident that I have divided the words from genus and genoV correectly. OED says suffixes -gen, -generous, -gene are all ultimately from genoV. For most words I have followed that guideline, although it goes against my instincts. Like pono/pauw perhaps a lot of fire about very little!

OLD says germanus from germen which may be from either gero or gigno. Gigno, gens, and genus are all related.

gerboa: gerbil

germanus: see genus and note under genus.

gero, gestum: bear, carry, wage

armiger, armigerous, augur, augury, belligerence, belligerency, belligerent, belligerently, calcigerous, carnigerous, cirrigerous, claviger, co-belligerence, co-belligerent, congeries, congest, congestant, congested, congestible, congestion, congestiparous, congestive, contra-suggestible, contra-suggestion, cornigerous, cotyligerous, criniger, crinigerous, crystalligerous, cutigeral, cystigerous, decongestant, decongestion, dentigerous, deregister, digest, digestant, digestibility, digestible, digestibly, digestion, digestive, digestively, digestiveness, discigerous, dorsigerous, egest, egesta, egestation, egestative, enregister, enregistry, exaggerate, exaggeration, exaggerative, exaugural, frondigerous, gerent, gerund, gerundial, gerundival, gerundive, gest, gestagen, gestate, gestation, gestative, gestatorial, gestatory, gesticular, gesticulate, gesticulation, gesticulative, gesticulator, gesticulatory, gestural, gesture, globigerina, hederigerent, inaugural, inaugurate, inauguration, inaugurator, indigested, indigestible, indigestion, indigestive, ingest, ingestible, ingestion, ingestive, jest, jester, jesting, jestingly, lanigerous, larvigerous, mentigerous, misregister, misregistration, monadigerous, nonbelligerent, ocelligerous, omnigerent, ovigerous, ovuligerous, palpiger, palpigerous, pedigerous, pennigerous, piligerous, placentigerous, pollinigerous, postinauguration, predigest, predigestion, preinauguration, pre-register, proboscidigerous, progestational, progesterone, progestin, progestogen, proligerous, punctigerous, pupigerous, ramigerous, register, registrar, registration, registry, res gestae, scutiger, scutigerous, setigerous, shift register, social register, spicigerous, spinigerous, squamigerous, suggest, suggester, suggestibility, suggestible, suggestingly, suggestion, suggestionism, suggestive, suggestively, suggestiveness, tide register, undigested, unregistered, unsuggestive, utero-gestation, veliger, veligerous, verbigerate, verbigeration, vermigerous, vesiculigerous, vitelligerous

See augeo and avis for augur.
gibbus: heap

gibbose, gibbosity, gibbous

gigeria: giblets


gigno: see genus
gingiva: gums

gingival, gingivectomy, gingivitis, subgingival

glaber: bald

gabbro, glabella, glabellar, glabrate, glabrescent, glabrirostral, glabrous

glacies: ice

degaciate, deglaciation, englacial, glace, glacial, glacialist, glacially, glaciarium, glaciate, glaciation, glacier, glacierization, glacification, glacifluvial, glaciform, glaciolacustrine, glaciological, glaciologist, glaciology, glaciometer, glacis, infraglacial, intergacial, interglaciation, intraglacial, monoglacial, neoglacial, periglacial, periglaciaition, polyglacial, postglacial, proglacial, unglaciated

gladius: sword

gladiate, gladiator, gladiatorial, gladiola, gladiole, gladiolus, glaive

glans (gen. glandis): fruit, nut

eglandular, eglandulose, gland, glanders, glanderous, glandiferous, glandiform, glandless, glandular, glandulation, glandule, glanduliferous, glanduliform, glandulose, glandulous, glans, lymph gland, neuroglandular, periglandular, stink gland, triglandular, wax gland

gleba: see globus

globus: spherical mass

conglobate, conglobation, conglobe, conglobulate, conglobulation, cryoglobulin, englobe, glebe, glebose, global, globalism, globalization, globalize, globally, globaloney, globate, globe, globetrotter, globiferous, globigerina, globin, globoid, globose, globosity, globous, globular, globule, globulin, globulous, globus, globy, glucohemoglobin, haptoglobin, hemoglobin, immunoglobulin, keratoglobus, lactoglobulin, macroglobulin, myoglobin, ovoglobulin, oxyhemoglobin, oxymyoglobin, paraglobulin, transglobal

glomus (gen. glomeris): ball-shaped mass; glomero: gather

agglomerate, agglomeration, conglomerate, conglomeratic, conglomeration, conglomerator, glomerate, glomeration, glomerular, glomerule, glomerulus

gloria: praise

ad maiorem Dei gloriam (AMDG), Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo, gloriette, glorifiable, glorification, glorifier, glorify, gloriole, glorious, gloriously, gloriousness, glory, gloryless, inglorious, ingloriously, ingloriousness, morning-glory, sic transit gloria mundi, vainglorious, vainglory

gluten: paste, glue

agglutin, agglutinate, conglutin, conglutinant, conglutinate, conglutination, conglutinative, conglutinator, deglutinate, deglutination, deglution, glue, gluer, gluey, glulam, gluten, glutin, glutinize, glutinosity, glutinous, glutinously, hemagglutinate, isoagglutination, pan-agglutination, unglued

gluttio, gluttitum: swallow

deglutible, deglutition, glut, glutition, glutton, gluttonous, gluttony

gnarus: see nosco
gnatus: see nascor
gracilis: slender

gracile, gracilis, gracility

graculus: jackdaw


gradior, gressus: step, walk; grallae: stilts; gradus: step; aggredior: approach; egredior: leave

aggrade, aggress, aggression, aggressive, aggressively, aggressiveness, aggressor, arithmetic progression, biodegradable, centigrade, CIO, cirrigrade, citigrade, cogredient, congress, congressional, congression(al)ist, congressman, congresswoman, contragredience, contragredient, degradability, degradable, degradation, degradational, degrative, degregator, degrade, degraded, degrader, degree, degreeless, degression, degressive, degressively, digitigrade, digress, digressional, digressionary, digresser, digressingly, digression, digressive, digressively, disgrade, dorsigrade, downgrade, egress, egression, egressive, first-degree, geometric progression, grad, gradate, gradatim, gradation, gradational, gradatory, grade, gradeability, grader, grade school, gradient, gradienter, gradin, gradine, grad school, gradiometer, gradocol, gradometer, gradual, gradualism, gradualist, graduality, gradually, graduand, graduate, graduately, graduation, graduator, gradus, grallatorial, grallatory, grallic, gravigrade, gressorial, high-grade, improgressive, ingredience, ingredient, ingress, ingression, ingressive, ingressively, intergrade, introgressant, introgress, introgression, introgressive, laterigrade, millidegree, milligrade, multigrade, nonaggression, nonprogressive, phalangigrade, photodegradable, pinnigrade, plantigrade, posigrade, postgrad, postgraduate, progradation, prograde, progress, progression, progressional, progressionist, progressism, progressist, progressive, progressively, progressiveness, progressivism, progressivist, pronograde, rectigrade, regrade, regress, regression, regressive, regressively, regressivity, retrogradation, retrograde, retrogress, retrogression, retrogressive, saltigrade, second-degree, second-grade, spinigrade, stress-grade, subgrade, taligrade, tardigrade, third-degree, transgredient, transgress, transgression, transgressive, transgressively, transgressor, undergraduate, ungraded, unguiligrade, upgradable, upgrade, vermigrade, vowel gradation, weapon grade, zero-grade

Graecus: Greek; Graecia: Greece

Grecian, Grecism, Grecize, Greco-, Grecomania, Grecophil, Greece, Greek, Greekish, Greekling, verdigris

gramen: grass

graminaceous, gramineous, graminiferous, graminifolious, graminiform, graminivore, graminivorous, graminology

grandis: full-grown, large

aggrandize, aggrandizement, GOP, gran, grand, grandam, grandaunt, Grand Canyon, grandchild, granddad, granddaddy, granddaughter, grandee, grandeeship, grandeur, grandfather, grandiform, grand jury, grandiloquence, grandiloquent, grandiloquently, grandiose, grandiosely, grandiosity, grandisonous, grandly, grandma, grandmaternal, grandmother, grandnephew, grandness, grandniece, grandomania, grandpa, grandparent, grandpaternal, Grand Rapids, grandsire, grandson, grandstand, granduncle, granny, Grand Prix, greatgrandchild, greatgrandfather, greatgrandmother, greatgrandparent, greatgrandson, Rio Grande

granum: kernel

cum grano salis, degrain, degrainer, degranulate, degranulation, degranulator, engrain, filigree, garner, garnet, grain, grainage, grained, grainer, grainering, grainless, grainy, granary, granellae, grange, granger, graniferous, graniform, granite, granitic, garniticoline, granitiferous, granitification, granitiform, granitization, granivorous, granola, granolithic, granophyre, granose, granular, granulate, granulated, granulation, granulative, granulator, granule, granuliferous, granuliform, granulocyte, granulometric, granulose, granulous, granum, gravy (see OED), gravytrain, Grenada, grenade, grenadier, grenadierial, grenadine, grog (see OED), grossgrain, hand grenade, ingrain, lymphogranuloma, metagranite, microgranite, millegrain, multigranulate, pomegranate, quartergrain, short grained, supergranulation, whole grain

gratus: pleasing; gratia: thanks; gratulatio: thanksgiving

agree, agreeable, agreeably, agreement, congrats, congratulable, congratulant, congratulate, congratulation, congratulative, congratulator, congratulatory, coup de grace (Fr), Dei gratia, Deo gratias, disagree, disagreeability, disagreeable, disagreeableness, disagreeably, disagreement, disagreer, disgrace, disgraceful, disgracefully, disgracefulness, disgracer, disgracious, e.g., engrace, exempli gratia, grace, graceful, gracefully, gracefulness, graceless, gracelessly, gracelessness, gracioso (It), graciosity, gracious, graciously, graciousness, grateful, gratefully, gratefulness, gratification, gratifier, gratify, gratifying, gratifyingly, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuitously, gratuitousness, gratuity, gratulant, gratulatory, grazioso (It), ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiatingly, ingratiation, ingratiatory, ingratitude, NAFTA, persona (non) grata, uncongratulated, ungraceful, ungracefully, ungracious, ungraciously, ungrateful, ungratefully, ungratified

gravis: heavy

aggravate, aggravating, aggravatingly, aggravation, aggrieve, aggrieved, aggrievement, antigravity, gravamen, grave (a), gravely, graveness, graveolent, gravid, gravida, gravidity, gravific, gravigrade, gravimeter, gravimetric, gravimetry, gravipara, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational, gravitationally, gravitative, graviton, gravity, grief, grief-stricken, grievance, grieve, griever, grieving, grievous, grievously, grievousness, ingravescence, ingravescent, multigravida, primigravida, rotogravure, secundigravida, thermogravimetry, zero gravity

N.B. There are three different words grave. Engrave is not ftom gravis.
gremium: lap

grex (gen. gregis): crowd; egregius: distinguished

aggregate, aggregation, aggregative, congregant, congregate, congregation, congregational, congregationalism, Congregationalist, congregationally, congregative, congregator, desegregate, desegregation, desegregative, disaggregated, disaggregation, disgregate, disgregation, egregious, egregiously, gregarious, gregariously, gregarization, resegregate, resegregation, seg, segregable, segregate, segregated, segregation, segregational, segregationist, segregative, segregatively, segragator
grossus: immature or malformed figure

engross, engrossedly, engrossing, engrossingly, engrossment, foie gras (Fr), grocer, grocery, groceteria, gross, grossgrain, grossly, grossness, Gros Ventre (Fr), Mardi Gras (Fr)

See also crassus
gruo: see congruo
grus: crane (geranoV)

gruiform, pedigree

gula: throat, gluttony

goliard, gulamentum, gular, gullet, gulley, gulosity

gurges (gen. gurgitis): whirlpool

disgorge, disgorgement, disgorger, engorge, engorgement, gargle, gargoyle, gorge, gurgitation, gurgle, ingurgitate, ingurgitation, regurgitant, regurgitate, regurgitation

gusto (1): taste

degustation, degustator, degustatory, disgust, disgusted, disgustedly, disgustful, disgusting, disgustingly, gustation, gustative, gustatory, gusto, ragout

gutta: drop

gout, goutish, gouty, guttate, guttation, gutter, guttiferous, gutiform, guttulate

guttur: throat

goiter, guttural, gutturalize, gutterally, gutturonasal


habeo, habitum: have; habilis: handy; habito: live; dubito: doubt; adhibeo: apply; inhibeo: control; praebeo:furnish; prohibeo: forbid

N.B. Many words compound -able, -ible, -ability, -ibility.

-ability, ability, -able, able, able-bodied, ableism, -ably, ably, adhibit, avoirdupois, binnacle, cohabit, cohabitant, cohabitation, cohabitee, cohabiter, disability, disable, disabled, disablement, disabler, disenable, dishabile, disinhibit, disinhibition, doable, enable, enablement, enabler, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, exhibitionist, exhibitionistic, exhibitive, exhibitor, exhibitory, habeas corpus, habena, habenula, habile, habiliments, habilis, habilitate, habilitation, habilitative, habit, habitability, habitable, habitancy, habitant, habitat, habitate, habitation, habitative, habitee, habitual, habitually, habitualness, habituate, habituation, habitude, habitue, habitus, homo habilis, -ibility, -ible, -ibly, inability, inhabit, inhabitability, inhabitable, inhabitance, inhabitancy, inhabitant, inhabitation, inhabitiveness, inhibit, inhibited, inhibitedly, inhibitingly, inhibition, inhibitionism, inhibitive, inhibitor, inhibitory, maladive, malady, microhabitat, nonhabitual, opium habit, overability, overinhibited, possibility, possible, possibilism, possibilist, possibilistic, possibly, prebendary, prohibit, prohibition, prohibitionism, prohibitionist, prohibitive, prohibitively, prohibitor, prohibitory, provender, redhibition, rehab, rehabilitant, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, topoinhibition, unable, uninhabitable, uninhabited, uninhibited, uninhibitedly

OLD denies that dubito = duo + habeo. See also debeo.

W2 lists average from habeo; OED, ODEE, W3 disagree.

N.B. The suffix -able (-ible), -ably (-ibly), -ability, (-ibility) is used in thousands of words, including many whose root is not derived from Latin. If the root is not derived from Latin, the word is omitted. Most derived from Latin are omitted here; they are indicated in the reverse index with an underlining.

Have is not a derivative of habeo; have is cognate with capio.

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