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ebrius: drunk

ebriety, ebriosity, ebrious, inebriacy, inebriant, inebriate, inebriated, inebriation, inebriety, inebrious, insobriety, sober, soberingly, soberize, soberly, sober-minded, soberness, sobersides, sobriety

W3 claims that sober is only akin to ebrius.
ebur: ivory: see ebonoV

Ebur is derived from an Egyptian word through Greek ebonoV.

ecce: behold

ecce, ecce homo

edo, esum: eat

comestible, edacious, edacity, edibility, edible, edibleness, edibly, escarole, esculent, esurience, esuriency, esurient, inedible, inesculent, obese, obesity

egeo: need, want

indigence, indigency, indigent

ego: I (egw)

alter ego, ego, egocentric, egocentricity, egoism, egoist, egoistic, egoite, egoity, egomania, egomaniac, egomaniacal, egotheism, egotism, egotist, egotistic, egotistical, egotistically, egotize, ego-trip, superego

AHD and OED derive all ego words from L ego and not Grk egw, even those compounded of a Greek root such as egocentric.
elementum: element, atom, letter

element, elemental, elementalism, elementarily, elementary, elementary school, microelement, transition element

elephantum: elephant: see elefaV

Elephantum is derived from elefaV, which is derived from an Egyptian word.

elicio: see deliciae
emineo: see minae.
emo, emptum: buy; adimo: remove; eximius: outstanding

adeem, ademption, caveat emptor, coemption, co-redeem, co-redeemer, dirempt, diriment, e.g., emption, ensample, example, exemplar, exemplarily, exemplary, exemplification, exemplify, exempli gratia, exemplum, exempt, exemption, exemptive, eximious, impromptu, irredeemable, irredeemably, irredentism, irredentist, peremptorily, peremptoriness, peremptory, preempt, preemption, preemptive, preemptively, preemptor, preemptory, premium, prompt, promptbook, prompter, promptness, promptitude, promptly, pronto, ransom, ransomable, ransomer, ransomless, redeem, redeemable, redeemer, redemption, redemptive, redemptively, redemptorist, redemptory, sample, sample bag, sample case, sampler, tax exempt, teleprompter, unexampled, unprompted, unransomed, unredeemable, unredeemed, vendange, vendemmia, vendimia, vintage, vintager

See also sumo.
en-: in, into, on, onto

enable, enter etc. (variation of in-, q.v.)

-ens: see -ent
ensis: sword

ensate, ensiform, ensisternal

-ent: -ing

docent etc. (= Eng. -ent)

-entia: quality of -ing

regency, reticence etc. (= Eng. -ence, -ency)

eo, itum: go; adeo: approach; comes: companion; comitia: assembly;ineo: go in; intereo: die; obeo: meet; pereo: die; praetor: praetor; redeo: go back; transeo: cross

abience, abient, ab initio, adit, ambiance, ambience, ambient, ambit, ambition, ambitious, ambitiously, circuit, circuit breaker, circuitous, circituously, circuitry, circumambience, circumambient, coital, coition, coitus, coitus interruptus, coitus reservatus, comitative, comitatus, comitia, comitial, comitium, commence, commencement, commencer, concomitance, concomitancy, concomitant, concomitantly, constability, constable, constableship, constabulary, count (title), countess, countship, county, county court, county seat, countyism, countyocracy, disentrance, entrance (vb), entranced, entrancement, entrancingly, exeunt, exit, imperishability, imperishable, imperishably, initial, initialism, initialization, initialize, initially, initiate, initiation, initiative, initiator, initiatory, intercircuit, intransit, intransitive, intransitively, introit, issuable, issuance, issuant, issue, issueless, issuer, ite missa est, itineracy, itinerancy, itinerant, itinerantly, itinerary, itinerate, itineration, microcircuit, microcircuitry, multicircuit, ob(it), obit, obiter dictum, obituarist, obituary, overambitious, overissue, paratransit, perish, perishable, perisher, perishingly, perishless, Posse Comitatus, postcoital, postobit, praetor, praetorial, praetorian, praetorium, praetorship, precoital, preterit, preterition, preteritive, propraetor, recommence, reinitialize, reissue, sedition, seditionary, seditionist, seditious, seditiously, shortcircuit, sic transit gloria mundi, subito, sudden, suddenly, suddenness, tank circuit, track circuit, trance, trancelike, transience, transiency, transient, transiently, transientness, transire, transit, transit camp, transit circle, transit duty, transit instrument, transition, transitional, transitionary, transition element, transition probability, transition temperature, transitive, transitively, transitiveness, transitivism, transitivity, transitivize, transitorily, transitoriness, transitory, transitron, transit visa, unambitious, unambitiously, uninitiated, unissued, viscount, word-initial

epistula: letter: see epistolh

epulum: banquet

epulary, epulation

equus: horse; equa: mare; eques: horseman; equitatus: cavalry (cf. ippoV)

equerry, equestrian, equestrienne, equine, equitation, equites, equus

ergo: therefore

cogito ergo sum, ergo

ericius: hedgehog

sea urchin, urchin

erro (1): wander

aberrance, aberrancy, aberrant, aberrate, aberration, aberrational, aberrometer, arrant, err, errancy, errant, errantly, errare humanum est, erratic, erratically, erraticism, erratum, erring, erringly, erroneous, erroneously, error, errorless, errorlessly, inerrable, inerrably, inerrancy, inerrant, inerrantly, knight-errant, knight-errantry, tracking error, unerring, unerringly

-esco: begin

coalesce etc. (= Eng. -esce)

esse: see sum
et: and

divide et impera, et al., et alia, et alii, etc., et cetera, et tu Brute, panem et circenses, urbi et orbi, vi et armis

ex: from, out of

ex (former) Also prefix of many words: e- (emit etc.), ex- (expel etc.).

excellens (outstanding), excello (be superior): see culmen
exiguus (small): see ago.
experior (try): see peritus
exploro (1): seek out; explorator: scout (OLD: exploro may be a compound of ploro.)

exploration, explorational, explorative, exploratively, explorator, exploratory, explore, explorer, unexplored

exsul: one sent into exile; exsilium: exile

exile, exilic, post-exilian

OLD suggests independent root; LS: perhaps related to salio.
exter: outside; extra: outside (of); extremus: last; externus: outside

ad extremum, estrange, estrangement, exterior, exteriorize, exteriorly, external, externalism, externalist, externality, externally, externalize, extra, extrageneus,

extraneous, extraneously, extrapolate, extravagance, extravagancy, extravagant, extravagantly, extravaganza, extravagate, extravagation, extreme, extremely, extremism, extremist, extremity, extrinsic, extrinsical, extrinsicity, extrinsically, in extremis, strange, strangely, strangeness, stranger

For complete list consult reverse index under exter-, extra-, extro-.

Note that extract etc. derived from traho contain the prefix ex-, not extra-.
exuviae: spoils; exuo: to shed

exuviae, exuvial, exuviate, exuviation


faba: bean

fabaceous, Fabian, Fabianism, fabiform, favism

faber: workman

fabric, fabricate, fabrication, fabricative, fabricator, fabricless, forge, forgeability, forgeable, forgeless, forger, forgery, petrofabrics, petroforge, prefab, prefabricated, prefabrication, refabricate

fabula: see for
facetus: witty

facetiosity, facetious, facetiously, facetiousness

LS says same root as facio; OLD, OED disagree.
facio, factum: make, do; facies: face (italicized words below from facies); facilis: easy; facinus: crime; conficio: finish; deficio: fail; difficilis: hard; efficio: cause; interficio: kill; officium: duty; perficio: finish; proficio: accomplish; reficio: repair

abortifacient, about-face, absorbifacient, acidification, acidify, aerification, aerify, affair, affaire (Fr), affect, affectation, affected, affectedly, affecter, affection, affectional, affectionate, affectionately, affective, affectively, aficionado, aftereffect, AIDS, airified, airify, amplification, amplified, amplifier, amplify, artefact, artifact, artifice, artificer, artificial, artificiality, artificially, aurification, aurify, barefaced, beatific, beatification, beatify, beautification, beautifier, beautify, benefaction, benefactive, benefactor, benefactress, benefactrix, benefice, beneficence, beneficent, beneficently, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiary, beneficiate, benefit, benefiter, bifacial, blackface, boldface, Boniface, bonification, box office, calcific, calcification, calcify, calefacient, calefaction, calefactory, calorific, caprification, carbonification, carbonify, cause-and-effect, centrification, centrify, certifiable, certifiably, certificate, certification, certified, certify, chafe, chafing, chauffeur, chylific, chylification, chymification, citify, clarification, clarified, clarifier, clarify, classifiable, classification, classified, classifier, classify, codification, codifier, codify, coeffect, coefficient, coefficiently, co-factor, cofeature, colorific, comfit, comfiture, commodification, commodify, complexify, confect, confection, confectionary, confectioner, confectionery, confective, confectory, confetti, consignificant, conspecific, contrafactum, co-ossify, cornfactor, cornification, cornify, coronofacial, co-specific, counterfactual, counterfeit, counterfeiter, counterfeitly, counterfeitness, countrified, craniofacial, cretification, cretify, crudification, cutification, cutify, damnification, damnify, deacidification, deacidify, decalcify, decertification, decertify, declassification, declassify, de-electrify, deface, defaceable, defacement, defacer, de facto, defeasance, defease, defeasible, defeat, defeater, defeatism, defeatist, defeature, defect, defectibility, defectible, defection, defectivation, defective, defectively, defectiveness, defectless, defector, deficiency, deficient, deficiently, deficit, dehumidification, dehumidifier, dehumidify, deific, deification, deificatory, deifier, deify, delirifacient, demagnify, demystification, demystify, denitrification, denitrify, dentifactor, dentification, deossification, deossify, desanctify, desertification, desilicify, detoxify, devitrification, devitrify, diabolification, diabolify, difficult, difficultly, difficulty, dignified, dignifiedly, dignifier, dignify, disaffect, disaffected, disaffectedly, disaffection, disbenefit, disclassify, discomfit, discomfiter, discomfiture, diselectrify, disfashion, disfeature, disinfect, disinfectant, disinfecter, disinfection, disinfector, disintensify, dispersonification, dispersonify, disqualification, disqualify, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, dissatsfiedly, dissatisfy, disunify, diversification, diversify, divinify, dog-faced, dolorific, domify, dulcific, dulcification, dulcify, duncify, Dutchify, dux femina facti, edification, edificatory, edifice, edify, edifying, edifyingly, efface, effaceable, effacement, effect, effecter, effectible, effective, effectively, effectiveness, effectless, effector, effectual, effectuality, effectually, effectuate, effectuation, effectuative, efficacious, efficaciously, efficaciousness, efficacity, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, -efy, electrifiable, electrification, electrifier, electrify, emulsification, emulsifier, emulsify, etherification, exemplification, exemplify, ex officio, ex post facto, facade, face, face card, facedown, faceless, face lift, facemask, face-saving, facet, face value, facial, facially, faciation, facies, facient, facile, facilely, facilis descensus Averno, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facility, facing, facinorous, faciolingual, facsimile, fact, facta non verba, fact-finding, faction, factional, factionalism, factionalist, factionalistic, factionalization, factionalize, factionally, factionary, factioneer, factionist, factious, factiously, factiousness, factitive, factitious, factitiously, factitiousness, factitive, factoid, factor, factless, factlessness, factorable, factorage, factorial, factorially, factoring, factorist, factorization, factorize, factorship, factory, factotum, factual, factualism, factualist, factuality, factually, factualness, facture, facty, facultate, facultative, facultize, faculty, facunduty, facy, faena, fait accompli, falsifiability, falsifiable, falsification, falsifier, falsify, fancification, fancify, farcify, fashion, fashionability, fashionable, fashionably, fashioner, fashionist, fashionless, fashionmonger, fax, fazenda, feasibility, feasible, feasibly, feat, feature, featureless, featurely, featurette, febrifacient, feckless, felicific, fetish, fetisher, fetishism, fetishist, fetishistic, -fic, florification, forfeit, forfeitable, forfeiter, forfeiture, fortifiable, fortification, fortifier, fortify, frigorific, fructification, fructify, -fy, gasification, gasifier, gasify, gaudify, generification, gentrification, gentrify, gigantify, glacification, glorifiable, glorification, glorifier, glorify, granitification, gratification, gratifier, gratify, gratifying, gratifyingly, gravific, hacienda, heroify, hominify, honorific, horrific, horrifical, horrifically, horrified, horrifiedly, horrify, horrifying, horrifyingly, humanify, humidification, humidifier, humidify, hyperinfection, identifiability, identifiable, identification, identifier, identify, idolify, -ific, -ify, ignific, ignify, immunodeficiency, immunodeficient, imperfect, imperfectibility, imperfectible, imperfection, imperfective, imperfectly, imperfectness, inartifial, indefeasible, indefectible, indemnification, indemnify, ineffaceable, ineffective, ineffectively, ineffectiveness, ineffectual, ineffectually, inefficatious, inefficiency, inefficient, inefficiently, infeasibility, infeasible, infect, infection, infectious, infectiously, infectiousness, infective, infectively, infectivity, infector, infelicific, inofficious, inofficiously, insignificance, insignificancy, insignificant, insignificantly, insufficiency, insufficient, insufficiently, intensification, intensifier, intensify, intereffective, interface, interfacial, interoffice, intraspecific, ipso facto, jellify, justifiability, justifiable, justifiably, justification, justificatory, justifier, justify, karstification, laissez faire (Fr), laser, laserprint, latensify, letter-perfect, lichenification, liquefacient, liquefaction, liquefiable, liquefy, lithifaction, lithification, lithify, lucific, machinofacture, magnific, Magnificat, magnification, magnificence, magnificent, magnificently, magnifico, magnifier, magnify, malefaction, malefactor, maleficence, maleficent, malfeasance, malfeasant, malific, manufactory, manufacturable, manufactural, manufacture, manufacturer, massify, matter-of-fact, mellific, mellifica, mercurification, mercurify, metafacial, metrification, metrify, MIDI, minification, minify, mirifical, misfeasance, misidentification, misidentify, modifiability, modifiable, modification, modificative, modifier, modify, modifying, mollification, mollifier, mollify, monkeyface, monkeyfy, morbific, mortification, mortify, motific, mucific, mucification, multifaceted, multifactional, multifactorial, multifaculty, munificence, munificent, munificently, mutafacient, mystification, mystifier, mystify, negrification, negrify, nidificate, nidification, nitrifiable, nitrification, nitrfier, nitrify, noneffective, nonefficient, nonfactual, nonfeasance, nonidentifiable, nonproficiency, nonproficient, nonprofit, nonscientific, nonscientifically, nonsignificant, nonspecific, notification, notifier, notify, nullification, nullifier, nullify, nutrify, objectifiable, objectfication, objectify, office, officeholder, officer, officerless, officership, official, officialdom, officialese, officialism, officiality, officialize, officially, officiant, officiary, officiate, officinal, officinally, officious, officiously, officiousness, old-face, old-fashioned, olfaction, olfactive, olfactometer, olfactometry, olfactorily, olfactorium, olfactory, olfacronics, omnific, omnificence, opacification, opacify, open-faced, optimific, orofacial, organific, organification, organify, orifice, orofacial, ossific, ossification, ossificatory, ossify, outface, outfit, oval office, overface, overprolific, overqualified, oversimplification, oversimplify, overspecify, ozonify, pacifiable, pacific, pacifically, pacification, pacificator, pacificatory, Pacific Ocean, pacifier, pacifism, pacifist, pacifistically, pacify, palafitte, paleface, panification, pansified, parfait, parturifacient, patent office, perfect, perfecta, perfecter, perfectibilism, perfectibility, perfectible, perfection, perfectionism, perfectionist, perfectionistic, perfectism, perfective, perfectly, perfectness, perfecto, perfector, perfect square, perfect ten, personification, personifier, personify, petrefact, petrifaction, petrifactive, petrifier, petrify, petty officer, photoeffect, pie-faced, pig-faced, pinch effect, pluperfect, police office, police officer, pontifex, pontific, pontifical, pontificality, pontifically, pontificate, pontificating, pontification, pontiff, post factum, postinfectious, postmodification, postoffice, prefect, prefectorial, prefecture, premodify, prima facie, printing office, proficiency, proficient, proficiently, profit, profitability, profitable, profitableness, profitably, profiteer, profiter, profitless, prolific, prolificacy, public office, pulpify, purification, purificator, purifier, purify, putrefaction, putrefactive, putrefy, putrify, Q.E.F., qualification, qualificator, qualified, qualifier, qualify, qualifying, quantifiable, quantification, quantificational, quantifier, quantify, quantum defect, quantum sufficit, ramifactive, ramification, ramify, rarefaction, rarefactional, rarefy, ratification, ratify, recertification, recertify, reclassify, rectification, rectifier, rectify, redfaced, reface, refashion, refection, refectory, refortify, reification, reify, reinfect, repacification, repacify, repurification, repurify, resurface, reunification, reunify, revivification, revivifier, revivify, Rh factor, rigidify, rubefacient, rubefaction, rubify, sacrifice, sacrificer, sacrificial, sacrificially, salification, salify, salsification, salsify, sanctifiable, sanctification, sanctifier, sanctify, sanguification, sanguify, saponification, saponify, satisfaction, satisfactorily, satisfactory, satisfiability, satisfiable, satisfier, satisfy, satisfyingly, savoir faire (Fr), scizoaffective, scientific, scientifically, scientificity, seaface, self-defeating, self-effacement, self-sacrifice, self-sacrificing, sebific, self-satisfaction, self-satisfied, self-sufficiency, self-sufficient, self-sufficing, semi-official, sensify, sex factor, shamefaced, side-effect, signific, significance, significancy, significant, significantly, significate, signification, significative, significator, significatory, significs, signified, signfier, signify, silicification, silicify, simplification, simplify, sinify, smooth-faced, solidification, solidify, somnifacient, somnific, sonifaction, sonorific, soporific, sorbefacient, sound effect, species-specific, specifiable, specific, specifically, specification, specificity, specifier, specify, speechify, staff office, stellification, stellify, stereospecific, stratification, stratificational, stratify, stress factor, stultification, stultify, stupefacient, stupefaction, stupefier, stupefy, subfactor, subfactorial, subsurface, sudorific, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficiently, superefficient, superfecta, superficial, superficiality, superficially, superficies, superinfect, superinfection, surface, surfaceman, surfacer, surfactant, surfeit, surficial, syllabification, syllabify, technification, telefacsimile, tenebrific, tepefy, tepify, terrific, terrifically, terrified, terrify, terrifying, terrifyingly, testifier, testify, thermal efficiency, thurification, thurify, torpefy, torporific, torrefaction, torrefy, transfax, transfection, transfer effect, transfer factor, transignification, transmogrify, transpacific, transpecific, trifacial, trifecta, tubifacient, tumefacient, tumefaction, tumefy, two-faced, typeface, typify, uglification, uglify, ultrafashionable, unaffected, uncertified, undefeated, underofficer, underofficial, undignified, undiversified, unedifying, unfashionable, unfashionably, unfashioned, unfeasible, unidentified, unifacial, unifiable, unification, unifier, unify, unjustifiable, unmodified, unmollified, unmortified, unofficial, unofficially, unpacific, unpacified, unprofitable, unprofitably, unpurified, unputrified, unqualified, unratified, unrectified, unsacrificed, unsanctified, unsatisfactorily, unsatisfactory, unsatisfiable, unsatisfied, unscientific, unscientifically, unspecified, unverifiable, unverified, user-interface, vaporific, ventifact, verbification, verbify, verifiability, verifiable, verification, verificationism, verificationist, verificatory, verifier, verify, versification, versificator, versifier, versify, victualling-office, vilification, vilifier, vilify, vinification, vinify, vitrifiable, vitrification, vitrify, vivific, vivificate, vivification, vivified, vivifier, vivify, volte-face (Fr), wallface, watch-officer, wallface, wave surface, white-faced, word- perfect, work surface, worm-faced

Italicized words are derived from facies, which OED asserts may be derived fom facio.

The suffix -fy normally is derived from facio, but defy from fides, crucify from figo.

For office see note under opus.

See OED: face.

faenum: hay


faex (gen. faecis): dregs

defecate, defecation, defecator, fecal, fecality, fecaloid, feces, feculent

fallo, falsum: deceive

default, defaultant, defaulter, fail, failer, failing, fail-safe, failure, fallacious, fallaciously, fallaciousness, fallacy, fallibilism, fallibilist, fallibility, fallible, fallibly, false, falsehood, falsely, falseness, falsetto, falsies, falsifiability, falsifiable, falsification, falsifier, falsify, falsism, falsity, false step, faucet (W3, but not OED), fault, faultage, faulter, faultfinding, faultful, faultfully, faultily, faultiness, faultless, faultlessly, faultlessness, faulty, faux (Fr), faux pas (Fr), infallibilism, infallibilist, infallibility, infallible, infallibly, no fault, overfault, pass-fail, power failure, type fallacy, unfailing, unfailingly

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