Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Educational Act of 1998 (Perkins III)
(Name and Complete Address, Including Zip Code)
Dept. of Education Basic Grant – VO48A020052
P.O Box 190759 Tech-Prep – V243A020052
San Juan, PR 00919-0759
Basic Grant to States: $20,519,543.00
Tech-Prep Education: $1,925,255.00
4. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT (mm/dd/yy): From: July 1, 2002 To: September 30, 2003
6. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report, including the attached FORMS I-IV and Narrative Performance Report, is correct and complete and that all outlays and unliquidated obligations are for the purposes set forth in the award documents.
December 30, 2003
José O. Berdecía Pérez, Assistant Secretary
Vocational and Technical Educational (787) 758-4132
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………… 1 - 2
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ……………………………………………….. 3 - 4
PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION…………..................... 4
STATE ADMINISTRATION …………………………… 4 - 8
REQUIRED ACTIVITIES ………………………….. 9 - 32
PERMISSIVE ACTIVITIES ……………………........ 32 - 50
PROGRAM PERFORMANCE …………………………………. 52
SPECIAL POPULATION ………………………………. 57 - 62
STATE PERFORMANCE SUMMARY………………………………….. 63 - 66
TECH PREP ………………………………………………………………. 68 - 70
The Puerto Rico Department of Education submits this document as required and stipulated by the Carl D. Perkins Act, amended on October 31, 1998.
Three basic tasks were carried out for the preparation of this document:
1. The Transition Plan was studied carefully to determine the following:
The total of activities that were carried out in agreement with those planned to develop each section of the law.
The degree of quantitative and qualitative effectiveness of the activities that were carried out.
2. The OMB NO: 1830-0503 that expires on 12-31-2004 was also studied. In agreement with this document, the sections that require the presentation of evidence of the accomplished work were identified, according to the following items for the section of the EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:
a. State Administration
b. State Leadership (Sec. 124): required and permissible activities and core indicators related activities and outcomes.
c. Implications on the State Plan for next fiscal year.
a. Performance Accountability - Core indicators (Sec. 113)
b. Special Populations [section 122(c), (7), (8), (13), (17), (18)]
c. Tech-Prep [Sec. 204 (c) and 205]
3. The requirements for Sections D and E were also studied, since Section C is informed separately.
We trust that the information included in each part of the report complies with all the stipulations established in the guide. The discussion of the most significant findings has been initiated with the school directors and the supervision personnel, in such a way that the necessary corrective action is taken and the weakest areas in the performance of each school are strengthened.
We expect, therefore, to receive feedback from the pertinent authorities in Washington regarding any other immediate action that Puerto Rico needs to implement, after the analysis of the present report.
We certify that the quantitative and qualitative data presented here, has been gathered with the utmost responsibility and is precise, valid, and trustworthy.
We are thankful for your time, analysis, and favorable consideration.
José O. Berdecía Pérez
Assistant Secretary
Vocational and Technical Education
The Vocational and Technical Education Assistant Secretariat has the responsibility to prepare students of the vocational and technical area as an answer to their needs and skills, parallel to the labor market requirements in such a way that they may become a competitive working force that responds to demands of a globalize society.
Attuned with the philosophy of the Educational System of Puerto Rico, we intend that the Technical and Vocational Education Programs heighten and reinforce the students personal and social fulfillments, and for so the diversification and creativity of offerings is essential. Said philosophy has the goal of preparing students with a cognitive-humanistic base, with a development of academic, occupational and employability skills that empower them to obtain an employment and progress in it, attending to their emotional and social needs. In doing so, we will be achieving the Educational System positive direction acquiring knowledge and developing necessary skills for a significative contribution to the Technical and Vocational Education in our society, and, therefore, in Puerto Rico.
THE VISION of the Vocational and Technical Education Assistant Secretariat aspires to achieve an effective integration and curricular articulation, so the students may develop the excellent standards that strengthen their abilities, skills and competencies related with:
Decision making
Effective transition from school to work
Employment achievement, retention and progress
Contribution to a dynamic society with a competitive global economy
THE MISION of the Vocational and Technical Education Assistant Secretariat is to guarantee that youth and adults participating in high quality vocational and technical programs and services satisfy their continuing educational needs, as well as the variable employment market demands in the present and in the future.
The Vocational and Technical Education Assistant Secretariat, in compliance with the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998 requirements, combines efforts with the purpose of achieving the integration of academic and occupational skills so students graduating from its programs may perform productively and efficiently facing the constant changes of a dynamic society like ours. For achieving these postulates, the Secretariat has eight programs indicated below:
Consumer and Family Education Program
Agricultural Education Program
Business Education Program
Education Program on Health Occupations
Industrial Vocational Education Program
Technical Education Program
Marketing Education Program
Industrial Arts Education Program
During the school year 2002-2003, we served a global enrollment of 127,308 students through these programs, namely:
Conducive to certificate – 35,808
Not conducive to certificate – 91,500
The Annual Progress Report includes a description and report of achievements in Puerto Rico, which were accomplished by means of mandatory and permitted activities stipulated in the Perkins III Four Year Plan, negotiated with the Federal Education Department for the fiscal year 2002-2003. Section 113 of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998 establishes the basic criteria to be used in the design of the evaluation standards and the measuring system, to guarantee educational excellence and efficiency in the use of the appropriated funds. Five (5) measures with specific characteristics have been established in agreement with the law.
a. State Administration
In order to develop, improve and expand the access to quality and state of the art advances in the Technical and Vocational Education Programs, the Secretariat developed the following innovator projects Curricular Revision: Third Urban Forest, Compost Preparations and Recycling, Graft Forages Production, Vegetable Production under a Controlled Atmosphere, Hospitality and Tourism, Economy Project, Enriching Curriculum with New Technology, Underwater Welding, Marine Diesel Engine Mechanics, Occupational Practice with students from the Industrial Vocational and Agriculture Education Program, High Technology Handling in Health Programs, First Responder, First Aid and CPR, Helping the Pregnant Adolescent, Stop the Violence, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Finance, Sustainable Agriculture, Coffee and Citric Nurseries.
The Puerto Rico Department of Education is considered a Local Educational Agency and a State Educational Agency. The Department of Education is highly centralized and it is the agency responsible for most of the aspects related to public education, such as curriculum, finances, certification and teacher placement, physical facilities, acquisition of equipment, in addition to educational planning, evaluation, investigation and the administration. The decision and policies related to vocational education is the responsibility of the Department of Education in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is divided into ten educational regions, each one with its corresponding regional director, namely: San Juan, Ponce, Bayamón, Caguas, Mayagüez, Humacao, Arecibo, Fajardo, Morovis and San Germán.
Through the Secretariat of Technical and Vocational Education Programs, several activities aimed to prepare students to continue postsecondary studies or to join the working market in high-wage and high-skills current and emerging occupations were developed. The activities to which the students were exposed were:
13 orientations regarding Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998 and Civil Rights were offered, with the participation of 208 teachers, school directors, supervisors and special aids of the 10 educational regions.
Sixty seven percent (34 of 51) of the schools found in non-compliance in the progress indicators were monitored.
During the 2002-2003 school year, 87.58% of the Technical and Vocational Education Programs students received A and B grades in the vocational area, and 86.86% received A, B, and C grades in the academic area, surpassing the expectations of the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998 indicators.
During the 2002-2003 school year, the 35,808 students enrolled in high school and postsecondary courses received orientations in different needed areas.
8,739 participated in other activities performed by the vocational programs such as; youth events, conventions, open houses, achievement days and career days.
7,080 students participating in the commercial education, marketing education, industrial vocational education, consumer and family education, and agricultural education programs, made their occupation practice in the industry. In doing so, students acquire real experiences by means of an industry internship refining skills and enriching their knowledge.
Through PROICC, 1,618 counselors from the different educational regions received guidance on the following topics: Career Information System, Training on Clusters, Job Fairs and Related Services.
Parental development activities to facilitated parental and community involvement:
Participate actively and develop strategies to provide services aimed at identifying and finding solutions to community problems.
Collaborate and make recommendations related to the plan submitted by the school principal concerning educational services offered.
Ensure that the school facilities, equipment and structures are inadequate and safe conditions.
The Basic State Grant (VO48A0/0052) was for $19,089,614.00, and for Tech-Prep Education (V243A010052) was 1,921,202.00. These allotments cover the period reported, July 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003.
With the purpose of improving and increasing technology use in the classroom:
During the 2002-2003, 66 orientations in technology were offered on subjects related with the 8 vocational programs, influencing 1,623 teachers, directors and personnel from different schools.
To help teachers in their professional development 68 trainings were offered on different subjects related to vocational programs, influencing 2,565 teachers.
Continue the proposal that was initiated in August 2001 In August 2001, we began a proposal in coordination with the University of Puerto Rico to certify 40 teachers of the Consumer and Family Education Program; it will end in December 2003 at a cost of $131,895.00.
The proposal initiated in March 2002 with the Interamerican University with the purpose of preparing 20 teachers to obtain their Master in Vocational Education ended in May 2003. The total cost was $135,060.00
As a key figure and promoter of changes, the teacher should improve professionally; therefore, during the 2001-2002 school year we authorized payment of credits in different universities for 333 teachers at a cost of $129,592.00.
Bachelor degrees
Master degrees
119 teachers of the programs on marketing education, commercial education, industrial vocational, consumer and family education, agricultural education, technical education, and health occupations and industrial arts education, participated in industry internships during the school year 2002-2003 with the intention of acquiring skills and update their knowledge in their specialized areas.
We continue working with the Curricular Renovation Committee (see page # 13) where they offer assistance to the Auxiliary Secretariat in the process of integrating resources and strategic, in order to design and innovative curriculum according to the needs of the industry and to help students compete in the labor market.
These are the achievements obtained with the participation of the Curriculum Renovation Committee:
- Identification of employability needs, in coordination with industry representatives and the Department of Labor, to meet the technical vocational needs of the Port of the Americas, Occupational Clusters, Techno-economic Corridor and the Economic Poles.
- Development of industry internships for teachers and students.
- Development and implementation of curriculums that respond to the needs of identified industries: electronics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, textiles, tourism, transportation and construction. As a recommendation of the Committee, incorporate entrepreneurship courses in the Marketing Education and Commercial Education Programs.
- As a recommendation of the Committee, restructure academic courses to make them applicable to the different occupational offerings.
The Secretariat of Technical and Vocational Education offered the following services to special populations:
Psychological services
Vocational courses in extended school hours
Work and Study Program
Transportation Services
Experience Accreditation
Vocational Courses in Institutions of the Correctional Administration and the Youth Institutions Administration
Special Populations Projects
Stop the Violence Project
Helping the Pregnant Teenagers
Taxi Drivers Training
First Responder Training
LEP (Limited English Proficiency) Project
Gender Equity
Student Organizations
Technological Preparation
Cooperative Program
Afternoon courses
STW proposal with the University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus where STW contributed $516,370.05 to produce and revise curriculums.
“From the Needle Industry to Technology” Project
Puerto Rico updated the method to compile data related with retention, progress, skill mastering, completion of diplomas, participation in advance training programs and military service and employment placement by means of a school register. In doing so, we will obtain data reported by the teachers of each vocational offering which guarantees us the veracity of the same.
Puerto Rico promotes student participation in Technical and Vocational Education Programs, taking into consideration the students skills and interests. Puerto Rico is committed to offer non-traditional occupational courses with the purpose of eliminating gender discrimination in the Technical and Vocational Education Programs. During the summer of 2003, 9 schools offered 20 courses were developed in order to promote gender equity in vocational schools at a cost of $37,360.00 and a participation of 328 students. Also, during the year 2002-2003, 18 courses of Gender Equity were developed in 14 schools with the participation of 270 students and an investment of $81,583.40.
These funds were used to provide support to the following activities:
Provide training activities to teachers, counselors, administrators, parents and community employers.
Develop recruiting materials to promote nontraditional employment opportunities.
Provide training activities on recruiting strategies.
Ensure that curriculum materials eliminate sex bias and stereotypes.
Provide support services, such as orientation and counseling, transportation and child care to students participating in nontraditional programs.
The Technical and Vocational Education Secretariat attended 1539 offenders in 37 vocational courses in 16 Correctional Institutions at a cost of $118,058.00 In addition, 27 vocational courses were offered to 624 offenders in 9 youth institutions at a cost of $293,278.00
During the school year 2002-2003 the 85.17% of the students in twelve grade was completed, the 67.91% of students who have completed vocational courses were self-employed, and enrolled in postsecondary studies and in military service. The 63.28% complied with the secondary and postsecondary level retention criteria as required by the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act of 1998.
B. State Leadership (Section 124)
Evaluation and attention to the needs of the special populations to prepare them to be able to obtain well remunerated employment.
An annual evaluation will be performed to determine the progress made by students participating in vocational and technical education programs based on the performance indicators and identified levels of performance.
Puerto Rico has a computerized system that allows for the compilation, utilization and distribution of information for the follow-up study of program completers, employer survey, enrollment, retention and achievement. The system will be organized to include new performance measures. PRDE is currently contracting with a consultant to develop a new computer database to gather and compile information related to the new core indicators and performance measures.
Curricular Revision
Below we offer a detail of the curricular revision
Commercial Education Program
Business Development
Introduction to Computers (Theory)
Information Processing – Elemental Phase / Software Programs, Text Processing and Calculations Sheet (Basic Functions)
Information Processing – Intermediate Phase / Software Programs, Calculations Sheet
Information Processing – Advanced Phase / Software Programs, Data Bases and Graphic Presentations
Elemental and Intermediate Speed Writing and Transcription
Human relations
Computerized Accounting with “Peach Tree”
Computer Keyboarding and Production of Documents
Curricular Guide for the Future Business Leaders of America Student Organization
Office Technology
Health Occupations Education Program
Medical Emergencies Technician
Medical Offices Assistant
Medical Record Clerk
Clinical Services Coordinator
Surgical Technology
Health Assistant
Pharmacy Aid – Secondary Level
Pharmacy Aid – Postsecondary Level
Principles of Nursing Investigation
Fundamentals of Pharmacology
Introduction to Nursing – Secondary Level
Health – Alteration of Human Needs I
Health – Alteration of Human Needs II
Health – Alterations of the Mother and the Newborn
introduction to Nursing –Associate Degree
Fundamentals of Nursing
Health – Alterations of Infants, Children and Adolescents
Health – Alteration of the Human Conduct
Marketing Education Program
Manual of the Laboratory Shop
The Small Business Entrepreneur
Introduction to the Tourism Industry
Marketing of Business and Personal Services adapted to Special Education Students
Manual on the Administration of a Young Consumer Union
Tourism Geography
Employability Skills
Consumer and Family Education Program
Responsible Fatherhood and Motherhood
Industrial Arts Programs
Basic Principles of Auto Maintenance and Safety Measures while Driving
Introduction on the Management of Home Tools
Home Mechanics
Toy Preparation and Construction
Principles of Technical Drawing with Tools
Computer Assisted Drawing
Basic Electronics
Manufacturing of Typical Musical Instruments
Technology Exploration
Industrial Vocational Education Program
Auto Collision Reparation Technician
Diesel Mechanics
Technology Preparation
Activities for the Job Application Process
Special projects entitled “Ayudando a la Adolescente Embarazada” (Helping the Pregnant teenager) with a participation of 175 pregnant youngsters, two hours daily during a school semester, at a cost of $45,000.00. The project was established in 11 schools:
Petra Corretjer – Manatí
Margarita Janer – Guaynabo
Adela Rolón Fuentes – Toa Alta
Miguel Meléndez Muñoz – Cayey
Carlos Escobar – Loiza
José Collazo Colón – Juncos
DR. Efraín Sánchez Hidalgo – Moca
Porfirio Cruz – Corozal
Ramón José Dávila – Coamo
Aurea Quiles – Guánica
Gilberto Concepción de Gracia – Carolina I
The Educational Program for the Family and the Consumer developed the Project “Alto a la Violencia” (Stop the Violence) in 155 schools with the participation of 2,989 students.
Other Project, LEP, for students with Limited English Proficiency, covered up 4,903 students at 15 schools:
Abelardo Martínez Otero
Lino Padrón Rivera – Vega Baja
Santiago Rivera Garcia in Yauco
Luis Llorens Torres in Juana Díaz
Pedro Perea Fajardo in Mayagüez
Manuel Méndez Liciaga – San Sebastián
Francisco Zayas Santana in Villalba
Salvador Fuentes – Aguadilla
Petra Zenón – Trujillo Alto
Miguel Such – Río Piedras
Antonio Luchetti – Arecibo
Tomás C. Ongay – Bayamón
Republica de Costa Rica – Caguas
Manuel Mediavilla – Humacao
Bernardino Cordero – Ponce
The different Projects are distributed in schools of the ten Educational Regions of the Puerto Rico Department Education which includes urban and rural areas.
Vocational training in 37 courses was given to 1,539 adult offenders at 16 correctional institutions at a total cost of $111,058.00. Also 624 young offenders received training in 27 courses in 9 institutions at a total cost of $293,278.00.
(2A) In-Service Training of Personnel Concerning High Technology
1,340 teachers and students of the Technical and Vocational Education Programs were trained in the effective use of state-of-the art technology.
(2B) Provide vocational and technical education students the academic, vocational, and technical skills geared to high technology and telecommunications.
The programs of Vocational and Technical Education offered trainings to 127,308 students according to the present needs of the job market. In the conducive to certificate programs the registered enrollment was the following secondary and Postsecondary:
Program Enrollment
Agriculture Education 1,080
Business Education 12,214
Marketing Education 4,267
Education on Health Occupations 1,397
Home Economics 1,521
Industrial Education 12,355
Technical Education 2,974
Subtotal 35,808
In the not conducive to certificate programs, the following enrollment was registered:
Program Enrollment
Agriculture Education 5,532
Home Economics 52,765
Industrial Arts 33,203
Subtotal 91,500
The enrollment at the secondary level was of 124,240 students, and 3,068 at the postsecondary level. The total enrollment in vocational training was 127,308 students.
The total enrollment, separated by gender, is the following:
Conducive to certificate Not conducive to certificate
F : 19,353 45,914
M: 16,455 45,586
Total: 35,808 91,500
The high school global enrollment was served in a total of 143 schools.
(2C) Schools Working with High Technology Industries on Internships and Mentoring Programs.
We continue working with the following committees and alliances. A Committee on Technical and Vocational Renovation was established with 16 members from the industrial and educational sectors in order to integrate resources and strategies with the purpose of designing innovating curricula that respond to the working needs of the industry, so our students may become competitive participants in the present and future economy. The Committee is composed by:
Carlos Rivera – Allergan
Freddy Hilerio – Hewlett Packard
Sylvette Santiago Ramirez– Department of Education
Jorge Berlingeri – Executive Vice-president of AIPR
José Muratti – President of the Educational Committee AIPR
José O. Berdecía – Department of Education
José Rodríguez – Allergan
José Rodríguez – Leader – Facilitator
María del Carmen Aponte – Department of Education
Nicasio Cruz – Pfizer
Paulio López – Aireko
Priscilla Vázquez – AIPR
Ramón Bonilla – Abbott
Raúl Riollano – Abbot
Alliances Established by Some Programs of the Auxiliary Secretariat of Technical and Vocational Education
Marketing Education Program
Alliance for Finance and Economy Education
The following contact institutions and persons are part of established alliances:
Dr. Rafael Llompat
Dr. Josept Bromberg
Universidad Sagrado Corazón (Sacred Heart University)
Banco de la Reserva Federal (Federal Reserve Bank)
Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
Universidad Católica (Catholic University
Colegio Universitario de Mayagüez University of PR, Mayagüez Campus)
Alliance for the Development of Future Entrepreneurs
Cámara de Comerciantes Mayoristas (Wholesalers Chamber of Commerce)
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez (Ana G. Méndez University System)
Centro de Telecomunicaciones y Educación a Distancia (Telecommunications Center and Distance Learning)
Industrial Vocational Education
Industrial Education Council
Pilar Nacional Rimco Cater Company
Technical Committee of Auto Collision
Technical Committee on Aeronautical Maintenance
Technical Committee on Plumbing
Technical Committee on Electricity
Ports Authority
General Contractors Association of America
Programs on Health Occupations
Cooperating Agencies
Federico Trilla UPR
Cardiovascular Center
Dr. Pila Hospital
La Providencia Hospital
Tito Mattei Hospital
Hermanos Meléndez Hospital
San Juan Bautista Hospital
Episcopal Cristo Redentor Hospital
San Pablo del Este Hospital
Dr. Sulsoni Hospital
San Agustín Hospital
Alejandro Otero Area Hospital
Manatí CDT
Wilma Vázquez Medical Center
Matilde Brenes Hospital
The Agricultural Education Program, administered by the Secretariat of Technical and Vocational Education, has established various alliances, among which are:
Alliance between the Department of Education and the Natural and Environmental Resources Department with the purpose of promoting the Recycling Program in the schools through the preparation of organic fertilizers or compost.
Alliance between the Department of Education and the Rural Development Corporation with the purpose of creating or improving facilities in the schools that offer courses of the Agricultural Education Program and improve the services offered by these schools.
Alliance “Young Agro entrepreneurs” between the Agricultural Education Program and the Agriculture Department to motivate and offer help to young students that wish to initiate activities as agricultural entrepreneurs.
With the purpose of retraining personnel from the Department of Transportation and Public Works, an alliance was established between this agency and the Department of Education.
Ports Authority
(3B) Helping Students Accomplish the Indicators.
A Committee on Programmatic Monitoring was created with the intention to follow up schools that did not comply with indicators. The Committee on Programmatic Monitories inspected the following 67% (34 de 51) schools during the year 2001-2002, 2002-2003, since they reflected noncompliance with the progress indicators.
First School Cycle (2001-02)
Antonio Luchetti – Arecibo
Abelardo Martínez – Arecibo
Francisco Mendoza - Isabela
Tomás C. Ongay – Bayamón
Troquelería y Herramentaje – Bayamón
Instituto Tecnológico – Guayama
Pablo Colón Berdecía – Barranquitas
Vocacional de Área Santiago Rivera – Yauco
Second School Cycle (2001-02)
José Montañez Genaro – Manatí
Luis Muñoz Rivera – Utuado
Benjamin Harrison – Cayey
Superior Vocacional – Cidra
Ramón Ávila – Guayama
República de Costa Rica – Caguas
Manuel Mediavilla Negrón – Humacao
Teodoro Aguilar Mora – Yabucoa
Salvador Fuentes – Aguadilla
Pedro Perea Fajardo – Mayaguez
Emilio R. Delgado – Corozal
Bernardino Cordero - Ponce
Rafael Cordero – San Juan I
Ramón Power y Giralt – San Juan I
Petra Zenón de Fabery – Trujillo Alto
Trina Padilla de Sanz – San Juan II
Carlos F. Daniels – Carolina I
Metropolitana Miguel Such – San Juan III
Instituto Tecnológico de Manatí
Instituto Tecnológico de Ponce
Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan
Third School Cycle (2002-2003)
Vocacional Agrícola Soller – Camuy
Vocacional Agrícola Bucarabones – Toa Alta
Manuel Méndez Liciaga – San Sebastián
Vocacional Agrícola José B. Barceló – Adjuntas
Superior Vocacional Francisco Urgell – Fajardo
Description of the school that were subject of a programmatic monitory in accordance with Carl D. Perkins Act Progress Indicators during fiscal years 2001-2002 and 2002-2003
Monitory Year
Actual Situation
Abelardo Martinez
This schools are presently completing their respective Corrective Action Plan, and will soon submit their Achievement Report.
Antonio Luchetti
Francisco Mendoza
Luis Muñoz Rivera
José Montañez Genaro
Tomás C. Ongay
Troquelería y Herramentaje
This school was exempted from submitting the Corrective Action Plan in as much as it excelled the established percentages in regard to academic and occupational achievement.
Benjamin Harrison
This schools are presently completing their respective Corrective Action Plan, and will soon submit their Achievement Report.
Ramón Avila
República de Costa Rica
Superior Vocacional
Manuel Mediavilla
Teodoro Aguilar
Salvador Fuentes
Pedro Perea Fajardo
Pablo Colón Berdecia
Emilio R. Delgado
Bernardino Cordero
Santiago Rivera García
Trujillo Alto
Petra Zenón de Fabery
This schools are presently completing their respective Corrective Action Plan, and will soon submit their Achievement Report.
Carolina I
Carlos F. Daniels
San Juan I
Rafael Cordero
San Juan I
Ramón Power
This school was excluded from submitting the Corrective Action Plan due special conditions.
San Juan II
Trina Padilla de Sanz
This school did not submit the Corrective Action Plan regardess of a series of warnings to this end. Consequently noncompliance measures and steps have been taken to the present.
San Juan III
Miguel Such
This schools are presently completing their respective Corrective Action Plan, and will soon submit their Achievement Report.
Instituto Tecnológico
The Puerto Rico Technical Institute campuses were excluded from submitting the Corrective Action Plan due to modifications in the school grade process, and are presently evaluating the new process.
Instituto Tecnológico
Instituto Tecnológico
San Juan
Instituto Tecnológico
Vocacional Agrícola Soller
These school were the last one monitored during the process.
Toa Alta
Vocacional Agrícola Bucarabones
San Sebastián
Manuel Méndez Liciaga
Vocacional Agrícola José R. Barceló
Superior Vocacional Francisco Urgell
(3C) Orientation of personnel so that they are up-to-date in their areas of expertise.
424 tuition payments were granted to teaching personnel for completing their studies, at a cost of $148,190.00
Bachelor’s Degree
Master’s Degree
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