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The Disclosure Document

Under the Rule, sellers have to give you a one-page disclosure document that offers five key pieces of information. Use the information in the disclosure document to fact-check what the seller tells you about the opportunity and what you find out from your own research.

The document has to:

  • identify the seller;

  • tell you about certain lawsuits or other legal actions involving the seller or its key personnel;

  • tell you if the seller has a cancellation or refund policy. If so, what are the terms of that policy?

  • say whether the seller is making an earnings claim. If so, the seller has to give you another document called an earnings claim statement; and

  • give you a list of references.

The Rule says that a seller has to give you the disclosure document at least seven days before you sign a contract or pay them anything. Use that time to check out the information in the disclosure document, including contacting references. Be aware that some questionable biz opp promoters have been known to name "insiders" who give glowing – but bogus – recommendations. Don't just talk to the few people they suggest. Choose whom to contact. What if what the seller is telling you is different from what's on the disclosure document or what you hear from another buyer? Step on the brake. An inconsistency could be a tell-tale sign of a biz opp rip-off.

In addition, the disclosure document has to be in the language the seller used to offer you the biz opp. If you discussed the deal in a language other than English, the document has to be in that language. Also, the seller has to make it clear that if you buy a business opportunity from them, your contact information will be given to prospective buyers in the future.

The Earnings Claim Statement

What if the seller makes a claim about how much money a person can earn? Under the Rule, they have to give you a separate document that says in big type across the top: EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT REQUIRED BY LAW.

This document has to include:

  • the name of the person making the claim and the date;

  • the specifics of the claim;

  • the start and end date those earnings were achieved;

  • the number and percentage of people who got those results or better;

  • any information about those people that may differ from you – for example, the part of the country where they live; and

  • a statement that you can get written proof of the seller's earning claims if you ask for it.

Since the Rule gives you the right to see written proof for the seller's earnings claims, savvy buyers exercise that right and study those materials carefully. Compare that information to what the seller has told you about how much money people make. If the dollar amounts don't line up, your best bet is to walk away. Like the disclosure document, the earnings claim statement has to be in the same language that the seller used to communicate with you.

Misleading Claims

The revised Business Opportunity Rule spells out that certain practices are against the law. For example:

  • It's illegal for biz opp sellers to say anything that contradicts what's in their disclosure document and earnings statement.

  • Under the Rule, sellers can't claim they're offering you a job when they're really promoting a business opportunity.

  • The Rule makes it illegal for sellers to misrepresent the nature of the investment – for example, to claim they'll help you line up locations, outlets, accounts, or customers or that you'll have an exclusive territory if it's not true.

The revised Rule puts new protections in place for prospective buyers. But for added protection, take the time to find out what the Rule requires of sellers. Did they give you the disclosure document with the five key pieces of information? If they made earnings claims, did they give you a separate statement with the specifics? If you spot a seller who isn't complying with the law, it's a red flag: You could be in the cross hairs of a biz opp scammer.

  • What else can you do to add an extra layer of protection? Before you buy a business opportunity:

  • Study the disclosure document, the earnings claim statement, and the proposed contract.

  • Insist on seeing proof in writing for earnings claims, including statements like "Earn up to $10,000 a month!" Phrases like "up to" aren't a way out for the seller. It's an earning claim and it's your right to demand proof.

  • Interview current owners of the seller's business opportunity. Ask the tough questions – like if the information in the disclosure document matches their experience with the company.

  • Listen to sales presentations with a critical ear. They are – of course – trying to sell you something.

  • If a seller doesn't give you the information you know they have to provide, walk away.

  • Consider getting professional advice. Ask a lawyer, accountant, or business advisor to read the paperwork before you sign.

  • Check out the seller with your local consumer protection agency, state Attorney General's Office, and the Better Business Bureau. Do a few internet searches by entering the company's name and "complaint" or "scam." You could get an eyeful. But be wary: No complaints doesn't necessarily mean the company is legitimate. And scammers have been known to post phony testimonials online.

Report Possible Fraud

If you suspect a biz opp seller is fraudulent, report it to:

  • The state attorney general's office both where you live and where the business opportunity promoter is based.

  • Your county or state consumer protection agency. Check the blue pages of the phone book under county and state government.

  • The Better Business Bureau in your area and the area where the seller is based.

  • The FTC. File a complaint online or call toll-free 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357).

This article was previously available as Looking to Earn Extra Income? Rule Helps You Avoid Bogus Business Opportunity Offers.

Tagged with: business, business opportunity, jobs, scam, work at home

We assume that the last deposit was a reimbursement.

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My travels around the world have allowed me to provide you with unknown beauty secrets that other doctors and scientists don't understand.

While the corporations are busy in their labs mixing synthetic and often harmful ingredients for you to slather on your face, I'm out in the field. I speak with herbal doctors and natural healers to learn the ancient secrets they've passed down through the generations.

I'm a doctor and a researcher. My love of all-things-natural to promote youth and beauty is always at the forefront of my practice. I'll give you the key to looking as young as you can, naturally.  also included Asocophyllum Nodosum andAsparagopsis Armata, more commonly known as kelp and algae. The reason these work so well is because they help improve your skin's thickness, and have powerful absorption abilities that attract and retain moisture. Both are also powerful antioxidants rich in vitamins and minerals.

 funding for experts to advise parliament and the government in changing and improving legislation to help foster the NPPO sphere.54 


With the conundrum Soros faces outside the USA as to how to stimulate new thinking, it is no wonder that he has turned much of his focus to problems in American society.  He has been especially interesed in the U.S. health-care crisis since the early 1990s and philanthropy for medical projects.  His concerns about the American situation led him to initiate a “Project on Death and Dying,” dedicated to research and issues of terminal illness and pain management (which he had faced in the death of his own father).  He intends to focus more of his energies and funds on this project with the goal of expanding the  understanding of and transforming the forces that have created and sustained the current culture of dying.  The $5 million project supports epidemiological, ethnographic, and historical research, as well as other programs that illuminate the social and medical context of dying and grieving.55   In Soros’ own words within the American medical culture, “modern medicine is so intent on prolonging life that it fails to prepare us for death.” The results of the research will help encourage family involvement and to reduce the dehumanizing effect of medical treatment.  By becoming involved in identifying solving U.S. problems, Soros has diverted funds from his National Foundations to support a host of other American projects, such as the Reproductive-Rights Program,56 the Emma Lazarus Program, and, the Center for Crime Prevention Program.  


     Although Soros has not led foundations to follow him into Eastern Europe and Russia (with perhaps the exception of Bill Gates who will build libraries and Internet educational sites in Russia), in the long term his Foundations provide a model for the future—a model that works without regard to borders. 

      Regardless of what his detractors claim, Soros has tried to put half of his profits to good use.  He has helped open a healthy competition by engaging in the "race of giving” with Ted Turner (owner of CNN) and Bill Gates (Microsoft.).  Where their programs have tried to solve global problems (such as disease prevention), Soros stresses national development of civic society and Civil Society.  To this end, Soros has most recently focused on human rights issues in what appeared to have been lost cases such as Haiti and Guatemala, where education for the masses and open communications have been nearly non-existent.57 

     Soros is a “responsible” capitalist committed to building and promoting democratic institutions.  In 1999, he  helped lay the basis of the 1999 Warsaw Pact, which promoted global democracy.58  He has helped build democracy in many nations by implicitly replicating the U.S. NGO model.  This consists of an open elected board made up of local prestigious people from different interest groups: businessmen, doctors, academics, union leaders etc. Where Rockefeller failed, Soros has created successful NGOs, with local boards. 

     Soros’ local boards of directors make their decisions openly and transparently. Projects are being funded by open review of the projects.  They spend their funds with transparency and also submit a final report at the end of the year.  If NGOs have not been successful in completing the operation, no further funding will be available. 

     Clearly this major world figure not only has created the Decentralized Model of Philanthropy, but he continues to be ever more active around the world. Ironically, his move out of hedge-funds in 2000 will give him even more time to keep his existing NPPOs operating. If he runs true to form, Soros will no doubt surpass 31 as the number of Foundations he seeks to leave to world history.  

1775 - se inaugurează noua clădire a şcolii piariste cu 188 de elevi (actualul sediu al muzeului).=Dragos Voda.
1783 - evreilor li se acordă dreptul de şedere şi comerţ în oraş.
1786 - mare foamete.
1802 - începe construirea Liceului reformat (actuala clădire a Liceului Pedagogic) care la 1836, prin contele loan Buttler, devine "academie de drept". În 1837 liceul, avea secţii de teologie, drept, filosofie, filologie etc.
1816 - pe toate edificiile publice s-au afişat: însemnele imperiale: vulturul cu două capete,- limba oficială germana,- limba de cancelarie şi în congregaţia comitatensă latina.
1830 - 12 martie împăratul Francisc I dă un nou privilegiu breslei.
1830 - apar şcolile evreieşti Talmud Tora pe lângă sinagogă şi casa de rugăciune
1840 - recensământ 5908 locuitori.
1844 - deschiderea grădiniţei de copii a oraşului.
1844 - cutremur care distruge o parte din oraş
1848 - 3-15 mai Tivadar Mihai din Rona de Jos participă la Adunarea de la Blaj.
1848 - 30 sept. ţăranii din Borşa rup emblemele maghiare de pe clădirea primăriei şi alungă jandarmii.
1853 - incendiul care a devastat biserica reformată şi a scos la iveală zidurile originare.
1860 - 13 dec. înfiinţarea Asociaţiunii pentru cultura poporului român din Maramureş la propunerea lui losif Man, comitele suprem al Maramureşului în Congregaţia Comitatensă.
1862 - îşi începe activitatea Preparandia română (Institutul de învăţători care va da peste 120 de învăţători români).
1867 - 23 oct. se înfiinţează în cadrul Asociaţiunii "Societatea de lectură a românilor din Maramures "Dragoşiana".
1869 - la Bocicoi se înfiinţează fabrica de produse chimice
1869 - se înfiinţează fabrica de cherestea la Cămara, la Sighet, la Bocicoi, Lunca, Vişeu de Sus şi Macarlău
1870 - cele 4 ieraşe sunt transformate în 10 plaşi administrative: Vişeu, Iza, Cosău, Tisa, Sighet, Taras Teceu, Hust, Dolha şi Boureni
1870 - se deschide Şcoala superioară de fete susţinută de către Asociaţia femeilor din judeţul Maramureş, la iniţiativa Doamnei Clara Stoica, soţia comitelui suprem al Maramureşului losif Man preşedinte al Asociaţiei
1870 - la Sighet se deschide Banca populară maghiară
1871 - se înfiinţează Tribunalul şi Judecătoria
1871 - se înfiinţează prima parohie românească la Sighet Parohia greco-catolică Română
1872 - se construieşte linia ferată Sighet-Colomeia
1873 - începe zidirea Convictului Sf. Vasile care se termină în 1875
1873 - Asociaţia pentru Muzeul judeţean Maramaros varmegyei Muzeuni Egyesulet
1877 - 28 sept. la Sighet şi Sarasău se adună o impresionantă colecţie de ajutoare pentru soldaţii care luptă pentru independenţa naţională.
1884 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia de ajutorare a evreilor bolnavi
1889 - 6 aug. - la Sighet au loc lucrările Societăţii Istorice Maghiare, loan Mihalyi a susţinut cu argumente ştiinţifice originea şi continuitatea românilor în Maramureş.
1891 - Asociaţia de ajutor pentru refugiaţii din Rusia
1893 - Asociaţia filantropică a femeilor evreice 
1900 - loan Mihalyi de Apşa tipăreşte la Sighet primul volum din Istoria Comitatului Maramureş Diplome maramureşene din sec. XIV-XV pentru care şi în general pentru munca sa va primi premiul Academiei Române (1901).
1900 - Comunităţile sefardă şi hasidică înfiinţează Asociaţia de ajutorare a evreilor refugiaţi din Rusia
1913 - 25 ianuarie, loan Mihalyi de Apşa iniţiază o adunare în scopul înfiinţării unui Despărţământ ASTRA la Sighet
1914 - octombrie intrarea trupelor ruseşti în Maramureş şi jefuirea populaţiei sighetene.
1918 - 11 noiembrie se constituie la Sighet Sfatul Naţional Român care s-a afiliat la Statul Naţional Român cu centrul la Arad.

Se lansează Apelul.

1918 - 22 noiembrie se înfiinţează Consiliul Naţional Român Dr. Vasile Chindriş preşedinte, prof. I. Bilţiu Dăncuş secretar şi Lt. Florentin Bilţiu Dăncuş, şeful Gărzilor naţionale.
1918 - 7 dec. apare primul ziar românesc "Sfatul".
1919 - 28 aprilie - depune jurământul primul prefect român, Vasile Chiroiu.
1919 - se deschide primul liceu românesc Liceul "Dragoş Vodă".
1919 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia sportivă Samson
1926 - cu ocazia Congresului Naţional al profesorilor de geografie din România, care s-a ţinut la Sighet, se deschide muzeul etnografic organizat de G. Vornicu.
1926 - ia fiinţă „Aviva" şi „Aviva Ketana" (Asociaţii de fete)
1929 - Organizaţia Tzeirei Mizrahi condusă de Dr. S.B. Danzig
1932 - apare "Graiul Maramureşului", organ de presă.
1932 - se înfiinţează Asociaţia presei din Maramureş. În oraş, în această perioadă, apar mai multe ziare cotidiene, săptămânale, reviste culturale, literare etc.
1940 - Dictatul de la Viena. Maramureşul este încorporat Ungariei horthiste. Tot acum apare Istoria Maramureşului de Alexandru Filipaşcu.
1944 - mai - evreii din zonă şi din Sighet sunt internaţi în ghetouri şi apoi duşi în lagăre. Din Sighet, din cca. 15.500 evrei deportaţi nu s-au mai întors decât circa 2000, printre care şi Elie Wiesel.
1944 - 18 octombrie oraşul a fost eliberat de către Armata a 40-a sovietică. Tot acum se înfiinţează Consiliul Naţional condus de Ion Bilţiu Dăncuş.
1945 - Maramureşul este încorporat Ucrainei subcarpatice prin diversiunea organizată de Ivan Odoviciuc. După scurt timp, prin acţiunea ţăranilor din satele Maramureşului conduşi de preoţi şi dascăli concertată pe plan diplomatic, Maramureşul reintră în graniţele fireşti.
1948 - se desfiinţează judeţul Maramureş cu reşedinţa la Sighet, fiind încorporat regiunii Baia Mare, sistem administrativ impus de ocupaţia sovietică care va duce la decăderea treptată a oraşului.
1950 - la închisoarea din Sighet sunt întemniţaţi tinerii opozanţi ocupatiei sovietice, liceeni, miniştri, şefi de guverne, liderii partidelor istorice, generali, academicieni şi oameni de cultură, episcopii bisericii greco-catolice, opozanţi ai instalării comunismului în România.
1948 -1989 - după război se încearcă refacerea oraşului. În ultimii cca. 25 de ani, apar la Sighet câteva mari întreprinderi industriale: Combinatul de prelucrare a lemnului (cu mai multe fabrici); fabrici şi uzine de prelucrare a fierului şi mai multe unităţi de industrie uşoară, sis coli de vocative (LA CURTEA VECHE, INDUSTRI DE PRELUCRARE A LEMNULUI, LICEUL FORESTIER UNDE A TERMINAT MAMA MEA IN 1963, IOSEFCIUC MAGDALENA). Tot acum se construieşte noua policlinică, spitalul de copii deficienţi, spitalul de pediatrie şi alte instituţii de ocrotire.
În paralel, s-au construit câteva şcolii şi cartiere de locuinţe, într-o arhitectură neadecvată. Din păcate, în ultimii 50 de ani, oraşului nu i s-a acordat atenţia meritată, pe măsura prestigiului de veche capitală a unei provincii istorice româneşti de mare rezonanţă, spre care au gravitat, de-a lungul secolelor, oamenii Maramureşului de pe toate văile.
Municipiul are în componenţă localităţile şi cartierele: Iapa, Lazu Baciului, Şugău, Valea Hotarului. Raza municipiului este de cca. 6 km, iar suprafaţa este de 13.535 ha, din care 1000 ha în intravilan.

Populaţia totală a municipiului (Recensământul din ianuarie 1992) este de 44.229 locuitori. Structura pe naţionalităţi: români 33.873 (76,5%); maghiari 8.245 (18,6%); ucraineni 1508; ţigani 340; germani 157; alţii 106.


Extras din lucrarea : Cât îi Maramureșu' nu-i oraș ca Sighetu', autor Dr. Mihai Dăncuș.


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