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Kunicka Ilona

Date of birth

Place of birth




2001 – present – LLU Studies leading to the doctor’s degree

2000 – Master’s degree in economics (DPU)

1998 – Economic Department of DPU

1996 – Master’s degree in psychology (DPU)

1994 – Psychology and Pedagogy Faculty (DPU)


2001 – prodecan on correspondence course at the Social Sciences Faculty

2000 – assistant of the chief in the Economics Department (DPU)

2000 – DU lecturer

1998 – DU assistant in the Economics Department

1992 – chief laboratory assistant of DU Philosophy and Economics Department


– History of national economy

– Macroeconomics

– Regional economics

Master Paper in psychology (DPU)

“Parameters of psychological readiness to school of preschool children”

Master Paper in economics (DPU)

“Process of privatization in Latvia”


  1. Starpt. konf. “ Profesionālā ekonomiskā izglītība:

problēmas un risinājumi” zinātniskie raksti// Ieskats

“Tautsaimniecības vēstures” kursa problēmās. – 66 – 67 lpp.

2. Starpt. konf. “ Centrālās un Austrumeiropas valstu

ekonomiskās integrācijas problēmas Eiropas

Savienībā” zinātniskie materiāli// Privatizācijas

ekonomiskās politikas prioritātes un reformas. –

Rēzekne, 1999.g., 90 – 92 lp.

3. Starpt. konf. “ Homo Ruralis”konf. lasījumi// Latgales iedzīvotāju socializācija un resocializācija. – Jelgava, 1998.g., 144 – 148 lpp.

4. Starpt. konf. “ Приграничное сотрудничество:

новые задачи и пути их решения” konf. materiāli//

Проблемы ресоциализации у жителей Латвии ( на

примере Латгалии). Vitebska, 1999. – 67 – 70 lpp.

5.Lauksaimniecības tendences Latvijā “ Reģiona finansu un ekonomiskais potenciāls”, Daugavpils DU, 2002.g. maijs, 27.-31. lpp.

6.Uzņēmumu konkurētspējas vides vērtējums Latgales reģionā “Reģiona konkurētspēja” 1.daļa, Daugavpils DU 2002. g. septembris, 159.-166.lpp.

7.The charecteristics of development of agricultural sector in Latgalia “Transactions of the Estonian agricultural university”, Tartu, 2003.g. novembris, 102.-115.lpp.

7.Estimation of agricultural development in the region Latgale “Globalization and integration challenges to the rural areas of East and central Europe”, Lietuvas akadēmija, 2003.g maijs, 77.79.lpp.


Collaboration with the colleagues from Belarus, Poland, Lithuania (conferences, exchange of experience, seminars, visitation, international projects realization)


The honourable letter from the LR Ministry of Economics

The honourable letter from the DU for successful pedagogical and organization work at the Faculty of Social Sciences (26.11.2001)

Kunicka Irena

Date of birth: 24.12.1953

Nationality: Polish

Address: Work: Parades 1-213, Daugavpils, LV 5401, Latvia

Home: Tukuma 79-3, Daugavpils, LV 5404, Latvia

Telephone: Work: +371 91-23775 E-mail:

Home: +371 54-37952 Fax: +371 54-23468
Occupation: Lecturer, Daugavpils University (DU), Dept. of Physiology and Health Studies

Director, DU Health Promotion Centre (NGO)


1998 Master of Science in Biology DPU

1995 Psychology and Pedagogy DPU

1978 Pediatrics Riga Medicine Institute

Languages: Latvian, Polish, Russian – fluent; English – good
Participation in projects:

2000, 2001 Summer training camps for students and teachers “I Choose the Freedom” (trainings “Life-skills education in drug abuse prevention at school”, trainer).

UNDCP project “Developing learning materials in drug abuse prevention and corresponding teacher’s training in the Baltic country”:

- participation in the teachers’ training courses and in the developing of educational materials, programs and school curricula on life-skills in drug education;

- preparing the program and leading five teacher trainings “Life-skills way in health and drug education at school” (for biology and health education teachers in Latgale).

UNFPA and Latvian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association project

Trainings and coordination for promoting gender equality in reproductive health” (project coordinator in Latgale’s region).

1999 Health Promotion Center projects financed by UNFPA:

- summer training camp for students and teachers “Reproductive Health and Family planning” (camp director, trainer);

- teacher training “How to protect a child against sexual violance” (organizator).

Training courses, study tours

2003 Conference ”Children health in Latvia” Riga

January- Health Promotion and Health Education in Community

Februrary 2001 World Bank and Ministry of Welfare project

(4 days, Sigulda, Latvia)
September 2000 Three-country Conference on Drugs, “No Time to Lose”

Norwegian Assoc. of Local and Regional Authorities

(2 days, Rezekne, Latvia)
January – May 2000 Introductory Course on Family Therapy

Estonian Family Therapy Association

(90 hours, Daugavpils, Latvia)
February 2000 Conference, “Teenagers’ Health 2000”

British Embassy Riga, Latvian Youth Center

(16 hours, Riga, Latvia)
March 2000, Teacher training course, “Developing Training Skills for ‘Life

November 1999 Skills’”, World Health Organization, TACADE

(11 days, Ligatne, Latvia)
February – Cooperative learning, Soros Foundation and LAPSA project

August 1999 (48 hours, Daugavpils, Latvia)

November 1998 Developing training skills to promote mental health in schools

The European Network of Health Promotion in Schools

World Health Organization

(5 days, Ligatne, Latvia)

April 1997 – Health Promotion Organizers Training Course

February 1998 British Council

British Health Education Authority

National Health Promotion Center

(Vaivari, Latvia, 20 days)

September 1998 Information/Education/Communication

National AIDS Center, World Health Organisatio (4 days, Riga, Latvia)
March – May 1998 Educating Latvian Non-Governmental Organisation Leaders,

“Starting from Zero”

NGO Center, UNDP

(4 days, Latvia)

Work experience:

1996 – Present Dept. of Physiology and Health, Daugavpils University, lecturer

1992 – 1996 Daugavpils Municipality School Dept., school doctor

1985 – 1992 Daugavpils Municipality Health Dept., head

1978 – 1985 Daugavpils Children’s Hospital, doctor

Participation in NGOs:

Head of Health Promotion Schools Center in Latgale
Latvian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health, board member

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