Edse 620 Advanced Internship Course Syllabus

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PACE Annotated Syllabus Guide

(This information is needed in addition to the syllabus. It is NOT for distribution to participants.)

Course Title: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Fundamentals & Intervention Strategies


Will any instructor compensation to be paid by UAA COE PACE? If so, how much should be added per student per credit? For each credit, the instructor may be paid up to $80 per student up to a cap of $1600. This amount will be added to the base UAA course rates to determine the amount that will be charged to students.


OTHER COSTS (i.e. texts, room charges, supplies) to be incorporated into amount charged to students?


PARTICIPANTS: What is the minimum number of participants for the course to run?


PARTICIPANTS: What is the estimated number of participants?


TOTAL CHARGE: Amount to be charged to students based on self-supported fee structure (contact PACE for final amount).


Complete this section only if this course is NOT ASD-sponsored and requires the PACE Office to enter the course into ASD’s MLP. (ASD sponsored courses should be entered into MLP by the initiating ASD instructor or sponsor.)

ASD GOAL(s) and OBJECTIVE(s): Please check one of more goals that this course will address.


  • School Climate

  • Special Education Safe Learning Environment


  • Special Education Student Achievement

  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)


  • Resource Responsibility

  • Parent Involvement

  • Special Education Public Accountability

  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

ASD PURPOSE(S): Check the aligned purpose(s) of this course (in the list below).

  • Certification

  • Professional Licensure

  • Salary Advancement

  • Personal Individual Growth

STATE STANDARDS: Check one or more of the state standards in the list below that this course will address.


  • N/A




Course requires internet access and capacity to communicate online.

University of Alaska Anchorage

College of Education

3211 Providence Drive

Anchorage, Alaska 99508-8269

EDSE 591 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Fundamentals & Intervention Strategies

1 Credit, Pass/Fail

Summer 2014

Course Sponsor: Arctic FASD Regional Training Center, Center for Behavioral Health Research & Services, UAA

Co-Instructor: Emilie Cattrell, B.A., CDC I

Research Associate, Arctic FASD Regional Training Center

Co-Instructor: Becky Porter, MS

Project Manager, Arctic FASD Regional Training Center

Contact Information:

Address: Center for Behavioral Health Research & Services

University of Alaska Anchorage

3150 Alumni Loop

Natural Science Building

Anchorage, AK 99508

Telephone: 907.786.6381

FAX: 907.786.6382

Email address: elcattrell@uaa.alaska.edu; rrporter2@uaa.alaska.edu

Course Meeting Information

Location: Distance-based

Start and End Date: June 3-July 13, 2013

Class Day(s) & Time(s): TBD

Final Proj/Paper Due: July 20, 2013

Course Description: This course will cover the biomedical foundation of FASDs, an overview on assessment and diagnosis of FASDs, and strategies to develop interventions when working with individuals living with FASD. Participants will increase their understanding of the issue, learn to recognize potential signs of the condition, and gain knowledge of the resources and accommodations that are commonly associated with individuals experiencing an FASD.

Intended Audience: Course content is useful for various disciplines working with children and adolescents (i.e., school psychologists, school counselors, social work, special educators, human relations, and nursing).

Enrollment Restrictions: None

Course Prerequisite/Co-requisites: None

Alignment with College of Education Vision, Mission, and Conceptual Framework:

We believe that the preparation and support of professional educators is the shared responsibility of the University of Alaska Anchorage and our partners, and that our programs must evolve dynamically in response to unique community needs, research, and continuous program assessment. This PACE course is designed to meet a professional development need in response to our partner school districts and professional organizations. The course fits within the mission of the UAA College of Education as we encourage lifelong learning to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Link to Standards for Alaska Teachers:

This professional development effort is rooted in the fundamentals of the standards for Alaska Teachers. It is offered to encourage and support practicing educators in attaining, maintaining, or surpassing the standards that, as stated in Standards for Alaska’s Teachers, “define the skills and abilities our teachers and administrators need to possess to effectively prepare today’s students for successful lives and productive careers.” (Roger Sampson, http://www.eed.state.ak.us/standards/pdf/teacher.pdf)

Course Design:

a. Requires 15 contact hours and an average of approximately 30 hours of engaged learning outside of class.

b. Does not apply to any UAA certificate or degree program.

c. No UAA lab and/or materials fees beyond standard charges.

d. This course will be conducted through online lecture, video material, and through collegial sharing.

Instructional Goals and Defined Outcomes:


1.0 Instructional Goal:

Provide an overview of FASD including psychosocial, clinical and cultural aspects. Introduce participants to a process for analyzing behaviors/skills in order to design successful instructional and intervention strategies.

Defined Outcome:

    1. Participants will be able to describe the basic biomedical foundations of FASD including terminology, facts, and biological effects.

    2. Participants will be able to describe the birth defects associated with alcohol use.


2.0 Instructional Goal:

Provide information on the developmental and functional concerns for individuals with FASDs and their families across the life span.

Defined Outcome:

2.1 Participants will be able to describe various treatment interventions that might be helpful for an individual living with FASD.

2.2 Participants will understand the lifelong implications of student success associated with individuals living with FASD.


3.0 Instructional Goal:

Engage participants in designing intervention strategies for individuals living with FASD.

Defined Outcome:

Participants will analyze and reflect upon the issues of FASD in their specific workforce environments, consider the applicable resources in their local school system, and describe outcomes of a final case study through a reflection paper assignment.


4.0 Instructional Goal:

Describe the “Framework for FAS Diagnosis and Services” utilized in Alaska.

Defined Outcome:

Participants will understand appropriate criteria for referral for an FAS diagnostic evaluation.

Writing Style Requirements:

Participants’ writing will reflect the clarity, conciseness, and creativity expected of post-baccalaureate certificated educators.

Attendance and Make-up Policy:

This is a web-based distance education course. All of the content, activities, and student-to-student/student-to-faculty interactions for this course will be facilitated online through Blackboard. This course will consist of research article readings, supplemental readings, discussion topics, and a final assignment. Make-up for missed work will be approved by the instructor on an exception basis only.

Course Assignments, Assessment of Learning, and Grading System:

Course grading will be Pass/Fail based upon the following:

a. Online Blackboard Course Participation 70%

Participants will be expected to complete required readings and discussion board posts as indicated on the course syllabus.

b. Reflective Paper 30%

Participants will complete a reflection paper designing intervention strategies from a case study.

Quality of Work

Projects will be graded for quality as follows:

Pass” work is complete, on time, comprehensive, and well prepared; clearly indicates that sufficient time and effort was expended in fulfilling the assignment; assignment submitted in appropriate format.

Fail” work is below average; incomplete or late; not completed in the appropriate format; does not meet course standards; shows limited effort.

Course Calendar/Schedule:

Week of:

Topic & Materials

Assignment Overview

(Available under Course Materials in Blackboard)

June 2-8

  • “Start Here” Tutorial

Week 1 Course Materials: Foundations

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Reading Assignment

  • View Video Segments

  • Introduce yourself on Course Blog

  • Discussion Board Post

Deadline: June 8 at 11:59 pm

June 9-15

Week 2 Course Materials: Biological Effects of Alcohol on the Developing Fetus

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Reading Assignment

  • View Video Segments

  • Discussion Board Post

Deadline: June 15 at 11:59 pm

June 16-22

Week 3 Course Materials: Screening & Diagnosis of FAS

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Reading Assignment

  • FASD Conference Video Segment

  • Discussion Board Post

Deadline: June 22 at 11:59 pm

June 23-June29

Week 4 Course Materials: Lifespan Development Issues

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Reading Assignment

  • View Video Segments

  • Discussion Board Post

Deadline: June 29 at 11:59 pm

June 30-July 13

Week 5 & 6 Course Materials: Intervention Considerations

  • PowerPoint Presentation

  • Reading Assignment

  • View Video Segment

  • Discussion Board Post

Deadline: July13 at 11:59 pm

July 20

  • Final Paper (Chose from topics in the Assignments folder of Bb)

Deadline: July 20 at 11:59 pm

On Your Own Write a 4 page reflection paper on one topic included in the Assignments folder of Blackboard.

*Final paper due: July 20, 2013 11:59 p.m.

Related Professional Organizations:

Council for Exceptional Children

Anchorage Council on FASD

National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)

Course Texts, Readings, Handouts, and Library Reserve:

Required Text/Materials:
All materials will be provided on Blackboard.

Content References:

Week One:


AlcoholFreePregnancy. (2011) Dr. Philip May on FASD Prevalence Rates. YouTube. 6:44 minutes. (Link on Blackboard.)

AlcoholFreePregnancy. (2011) FASD: An Overview – NOFAS Archives. YouTube. 12:42 minutes. (Link on Blackboard.)

WIFamilyMedicine. (2010) Foundations of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. YouTube. 9:57 minutes. (Link on Blackboard.)


Jones, K. L., & Streissguth, A. P. (2010). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A brief history. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 38(4), 373-382.

May, P. A., & Gossage, J. P. (2011). Maternal Risk Factors for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Not As Simple As It Might Seem. Alcohol Research & Health, 34(1), 15-26.

Nguyen, T. T., Coppens, J., & Riley, E. P. (2011). Prenatal alcohol exposure, FAS, and FASD: An Introduction. In E. P. Riley, S. Clarren, J. Weinberg & E. Jonsson (Eds.), Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Management and Policy Perspectives of FASD (pp. 1-13). Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Popova, S., Stade, B., Bekmuradov, D., Lange, S., & Rehm, J. (2011). What Do We Know About the Economic Impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder? A Systematic Literature Review. Alcohol and Alcoholism 46 (4), 490-497.

Riley, E. P., Infante, M. A., & Warren, K. R. (2011). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Overview. Neuropsychology Review, 21(2), 73-80

Schoellhorn, J. (2010). Decline in the birth prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in Alaska. State of Alaska Epidemiology Bulletin 3.

Week Two:


PBS. (2002). The Secret Life of the Brain: The Baby’s Brain – Wider than the Sky.

Minutes 6:35 through 12:45. (Link on Blackboard.)

NIAAA video segment (YouTube). Minutes 9:00 through 12:55. (Link on Blackboard)


Chung, W. (2004) Teratogens and their effects. Retrieved from www.columbia.edu/itc/hs/medical/humandev/2004/Chpt23-Teratogens.pdf.

Goodlett, C. R., & Horn, K. H. (2001). Mechanisms of Alcohol-Induced Damage to the Developing Nervous System. Alcohol Research & Health, 25(3), 175-184.

Mattson, S. N., Schoenfeld, A. M., & Riley, E. P. (2001). Teratogenic Effects of Alcohol on Brain and Behavior. Alcohol Research & Health, 25(3), 185-191.

Zakhari, S. (2006). Overview: How Is Alcohol Metabolized by the Body? Alcohol Research & Health, 29(4), 245-255.

Week Three:


Hoyme, H.E. (2010) FASD Conference: Diagnosis and the Brain. (YouTube). 8:20 minutes. (Link on Blackboard.)


Astley, S. J. (2011). Diagnosing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). In S. A. Adubato & D. E. Cohen (Eds.), Prenatal Alcohol Use and FASD: Diagnosis, Assessment and New Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment (pp. 3-29): Bentham Science Publishers.

Coles, C. D. (2011). Discriminating the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure from other behavioral and learning disorders. Alcohol Research & Health, 34(1), 42-50.

Hoyme, H.E. (2010) Identifying children with fetal alcohol syndrome: The earlier the better. Medscape Today: News. www.medscape.com/viewarticle/733781. Accessed 1/13/2012. (Link available on Blackboard.)

Mattson, S. N., Crocker, N., & Nguyen, T. T. (2011). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Neuropsychological and Behavioral Features. Neuropsychology Review, 21(2), 81-101.


Kooistra, L., Crawford, S., Gibbard, B. E. N., Ramage, B., & Kaplan, B. J. (2010). Differentiating attention deficits in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or attention-deficit–hyperactivity disorder. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 52(2), 205-211.


Rasmussen, C., Benz, J., Pei, J., Andrew, G., Schuller, G., Abele-Webster, L., . . . Lord, L. (2010). The Impact of an ADHD Co-Morbidity on the Diagnosis of FASD. Canadian Journal Clinical Pharmacology, 17(1), e165-e176.

Week Four:


Clarren, S. (2010). FASD and Brain Function. (YouTube). 2:12 minutes. (Link on Blackboard.)


Dej, E. (2011). What once was sick is now bad: The shift from victim to deviant identity for those diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 36(2), 137-160.

Duquette, C., Stodel, E., Fullarton, S., & Hagglund, K. (2006). Persistence in high school: Experiences of adolescents and young adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 31(4), 219-231.

Kelly, K. A. (2011). Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Law. In S. A. Adubato & D. E. Cohen (Eds.), Prenatal Alcohol Use and FASD: Diagnosis, Assessment and New Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment (pp. 148-160): Bentham Science Publishers.

Kodituwakku, P., & Kodituwakku, E. L. (2011). From Research to Practice: An Integrative Framework for the Development of Interventions for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Neuropsychological Review, 21, 204-223. doi: 10.1007/s11065-011-9170-1

Traustadóttir, R.& Sigurjónsdóttir, H.B. (2008). The 'mother' behind the mother: Three generations of mothers with intellectual disabilities and their family support networks. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(4), 331-340.

Weeks Five & Six:


Bertrand, J. (2009). Interventions for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs): Overview of findings for five innovative research projects. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30, 985-1005.

Bohjanen, S., Homphrey, M., & Ryan, S. M. (2009). Left Behind: Lack of Research-Based Interventions for Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 28(2), 32-38.

Chandrasena, A. N., Mukherjee, R. A. S., & Turk, J. (2009). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: An overview of interventions for affected individuals. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 14(4), 162-167.

Jirikowic, T., Gelo, J., & Astley, S. (2010). Children and youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Summary of intervention recommendations after clinical diagnosis. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 48(5), 330-344.

Kully-Martens, K., Denys, K., Treit, S., Tamana, S., & Rasmussen, C. (2011). A Review of Social Skills Deficits in Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Profiles, Mechanisms, and Interventions. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 1-9.

Olson, H. C., Jirikowic, T., Kartin, D., & Astley, S. (2007). Responding to the Challenge of Early Intervention for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Infants and Young Children, 20(2), 172-189.

Pierce-Bulger, M. (2011). Strategies for working with individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Lessons learned in Alaska. In M. d. Chesnay & B. A. Anderson (Eds.), Caring for the Vulnerable: Perspectives in Nursing Theory, Practice, and Research (3rd ed., pp. 429-441). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Thomas, J. D., & Riley, E. P. (2011). Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Implications from Basic Science Research Prenatal Alcohol Use and FASD: Diagnosis, Assessment and New Directions in Research and Multimodal Treatment (Vol. Chapter 2, pp. 30-42).


Olson, H. C., Oti, R., Gelo, J., & Beck, S. (2009). "Family matters": Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and the family. Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 15, 235-249.


Paley, B., & O'Connor, M. J. (2011). Behavioral interventions for children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Alcohol Research & Health, 34(1), 64-75.

Standards References:

Alaska Native Knowledge Network. (1998). Alaska standards for culturally responsive schools. Retrieved April 3, 2004 from http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/standards/standards.html.

Council for Exceptional Children. (1993). Professional Standards: CEC Code of Ethics for Educators of Persons with Exceptionalities. Retrieved, November 1, 2004, from http://www.cec.sped.org/ps/ps-ethic.html.

State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. (1997). Standards for Alaska teachers. Retrieved April 3, 2004 from http://www.eed.state.ak.us/standards/pdf/teachers.pdf.

State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. (1999). Performance standards for Alaska students: Special Education and Alternate Assessment. Retrieved April 3, 2004 from http://www.eed.state.ak.us/tls/PerformanceStandards/reading.pdf.

Course Policies:

Incomplete Grades

Due to the nature of this course, grades of incomplete will not be permitted.

ADA Policy

The provision of equal opportunities for students who experience disabilities is a campus-wide responsibility and commitment. Disabilities Support Services (DSS) is the designated UAA department responsible for coordinating academic support services for students who experience disabilities. To access support services, students must contact DSS (786-4530 or 786-4536 TTY) and provide current disability documentation that supports the requested services. Disability support services are mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Additional information may be accessed at the DSS Office in Business Education Building (BEB105) or on-line at www.uaa.alaska.edu/dss.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Academic integrity is a basic principle that requires all students to take credit only for the ideas and efforts that are their own. Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are defined as the submission of materials in assignments, exams, or other academic work that is based on sources prohibited by the faculty member. Academic dishonesty is defined further in the “student Code of Conduct.” In addition to any adverse academic action that may result from the academically dishonest behavior, the University specifically reserves the right to address and sanction the conduct involved through student judicial review procedures and the Academic Dispute Resolution Procedure specified in the University catalog.

Professional and Ethical Behavior

University of Alaska Anchorage College of Education students are expected to abide by the State of Alaska Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and professional teaching standards as they concern students, the public, and the profession. The standards, adopted by the Professional Teaching Practices Commission, govern all members of the teaching profession. A violation of the code of ethics and professional teaching standards are grounds for revocation or suspension of teaching certification.

Technology Integration

University of Alaska Anchorage College of Education students are expected to (a) demonstrate sound understanding of technology operations and concepts; (b) plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology; (c) implement curriculum plans that include technology applications in methods and strategies to maximize student learning; (d) facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies; (e) use technology to enhance productivity and professional practice; and (f) understand the social, ethical, and human issues surrounding use of technology in PreK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice.

Guide revised 10/8/2010

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