What has been changed in Turkish regional policy within last decade in terms of legal, economic and administrative aspects?
What is the most important factor that is responsible for this change? (To what proportion do the EU/other international factors/domestic development have played a role during this process?)
How can the EU promote regionalization process? (Which instruments/ strategies; what kind of incentive mechanisms).
How important regionalization in Turkey is to the EU? Does Turkish regionalization process satisfy the EU’s expectation? If it is not, what are the most important factors which affect the regionalization process in Turkey?
Can the EU make any difference to SNAs domestically – through additional resources, legitimacy, knowledge etc? If it can, what is the most important factor which induces SNAs to engage with the EU institutions?
How ready are Turkish national government and/or administrative structure and SNAs in the situation of subnational mobilization? If they are not ready, what are the biggest obstacles which obscure Turkish SNAs to mobilize across the EU arena?
What channels (if any) are Turkish SNAs aware of (apart from the national channels)?
How do Turkish SNAs know about these channels?
What do Turkish SNAs know about these channels?
What do they expect from the engagement with the EU level mobilization?
What are the costs and benefits of their involvement?
Do you believe that SNAs also need to involve / be involved in Turkey’s accession process? (If yes, in what way?)
What kind of preparation has your institution done for Turkey’s accession process? (Such as recruiting personnel, designating special post and/or office)
Have you consulted with other institutions in your region or do you get support from those institutions for your EU activities? How do you describe your relations with other institutions in your region? (Strong-Moderate-Weak) (Give Examples)
Do you get enough information from centre regarding the EU opportunities? (Give Examples)
What kinds of opportunities (Rewards and benefits) do you see, if your organization starts to engage with the EU institutions?
What kinds of risks do you see, if your organization starts to establish interaction with the EU institutions? What sources do you prefer to access to learn more about the EU?
What issues should be kept in mind when your organization is developing interactions with the EU institutions?
What does the EU want to see/expect in terms of Turkey’s regionalization and role of SNAs in Turkish governance?
Does Turkish regionalization process satisfy the EU’s expectation? If it is not, what are the most important factors affecting the regionalization process in Turkey?
What are the incentives exerted by the EU for domestic change? Which instruments/ strategies; what kind of incentive mechanisms?
Does your institution open to representations from Turkish SNAs or welcoming to the input of such actors?
Does your organization open to the claims of Turkish SNAs in the area of the structural funds? Or are you welcoming the local expertise of SNAs and relying on their cooperation in implementing and delivering the structural funds in their areas?
Has there any municipality or regional development agency seeking an autonomy directly contacted with your organization or institution?
Does your organization seek to find a partner in city or regional level in Turkey? if does so, what plays role in the selection of this partnership?
When did Turkish municipalities or regional administrations first start establishing relations with your institution?
How do Turkish SNAs know about your organization?
To what extent are they engaged in your organization’s activities? (willing to take part in executive committees, working groups etc).
Are they active in their engagement with your organization? How active are they in their engagement?
What do they expect from this engagement?
What are the costs and benefits of their involvement? (How much they should pay for the membership fee? What they gain)
Considering the last decade, have you observed any increase in Turkish SNA’s engagement with your institutions or their institutions in Brussels?