Examine the finished tests and write a conclusion on the basis

Step 1: Start by Answering the Thesis Questions

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Step 1: Start by Answering the Thesis Questions
If you have been wondering how to start a thesis conclusion, the best way is restating the main study questions and thesis. The conclusion offers you the chance to show the reader that the thesis achieved the core goal it was intended to. So, it is important to craft a straightforward answer to the questions of the research. Remember to avoid simply restating the findings because you will sound repetitive. Instead, synthesize them and put them across in an easy-to-remember manner. See the examples of how to restate thesis in conclusion.
By evaluating the fast-changing representation of migration and Italy border policy in the past 15 years, this demonstrated that media discourse can help to shape the decision making in a country.
Step 2: Summarize the Thesis Findings
The person who is reading your dissertation conclusion has come a long way from the first chapter. Before finishing reading the study, this is a great opportunity to remind him/her why you started working on the study in the first place. Well, go a step further and demonstrate how articulately the results from the study synched with your main expectations. So, summarize the study coherently, showing the entire journey that was followed during the study.
At this point, many students find themselves doing a lot of repetition, which can make the conclusion boring. Instead of simply summarizing chapters, consider using a reflective approach. For example, how effectively did the findings answer the questions of the study? Here are some examples of how to do it:
This study strongly demonstrates that Y, but further raises fundamental questions about X and Z
Step 3. Draw Key Recommendations
Although you are likely to have highlighted the recommendations when writing the discussions, here is another opportunity to provide further elaboration. So, how do you do it? Here are some examples:

  • From these conclusions, researchers should factor ….

  • To comprehend the impacts of the findings brought out in this study, more studies could help to find out …

  • Additional studies are required to bring out the relationship between …

Here, it is important to be factual. Remember that when you call for additional studies, a question about it could be thrown your way during the thesis defense.

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