UNESCO Chair Biophys. & Mol. Neurobiol
Universidad Nacional del Sur
054 2914861201
Bahia Blanca
C.C. 857
cell-surface receptors / lipid-protein interactions / membranes / structure / dynamics
biochemistry and biophysics of lipids cell-surface membrane structure and dynamics lipid-protein interactions in nicotinic receptors lipids in embryonic development lipids in neuronal differentiation and survival lipids in retina lipids in plants lipids in reproductive system
Inst. Biophysics & X-ray Structure Research / Fct. Lipidomics
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Schmiedlstrasse 6
lipid polymorphism, membrane biophysics, membrane mimetic, membranolytic peptides
Our research aims at the elucidation of the molecular mode of action of host defence peptides that affect cells by interacting in a non-specific manner with their membranes and not via specific receptors. An understanding of how these peptides distinguish between bacterial and mammalian cell membranes will allow the design of novel peptide antibiotics, which can selectively kill bacteria. Bacterial resistance to such antimicrobial peptides is less likely to occur owing to the nature of their target and fast killing kinetics. However, there has been evidence that resistance to antibiotics may also arise due to changes in lipid composition of their membranes. Therefore, the design of novel and effective antimicrobial peptides will only be possible, if the entire lipid spectrum of its membrane has been identified, which nowadays owing to recent advances in analytical instrumentation can be addressed both at the qualitative and quantitative level. Experimental approach - membrane biophysics (structural, thermodynamic and spectroscopic techniques)- lipid analysis of target membranes - peptide libraries
BIOCRATES Life Sciences
BIOCRATES Life Sciences
Innrain 66
Metabolomics, Lipid quantitation, Bioinformatics
Targeted metabolomics Mass spectrometry Quantitation of phospho- and glycolipids, eicosanoids etc. Bioinformatics and biostatistics Biomarker discovery and validation
Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics
Graz University of Technology
Petersgasse 14
transcriptional regulation, microarrays, adipogenesis, lipotoxicity
Transcriptional regulation of lipotoxic pathways. Gene expression analysis of mouse models of lipid-associated disorders.
Institute for Molecular Biotechnology
Graz University of Technology
Petersgasse 14/I
yeast lipids, sterols
Lipid transport in yeast The roles of sterols in membrane transport in yeast Sterol homeostasis in yeast
Institute of Biochemistry, Cell Biology Group
Graz University of Technology
Petersgasse 12/2
yeast, mitochondria, lipid particles, phospholipids, neutral lipids
The main subjects studied in our group are synthesis of lipids and their assembly into organelle membranes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The majority of yeast lipids are synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum with some significant contributions of mitochondria, the Golgi and the so-called lipid particles. Other subcellular fractions, e.g. the plasma membrane, are devoid of lipid-synthesizing activities. Spatial separation of lipid biosynthetic steps and lack of lipid synthesis in several cellular membranes necessitate an efficient transfer of lipids from their site of synthesis to their proper destination(s). The maintenance of organelle lipid profiles requires strict coordination and regulation of biosynthetic and translocation processes. Specific aspects currently studied are the assembly of lipids into mitochondrial membranes and lipid homeostasis in this compartment, and dynamics of neutral lipid storage in lipid particles. Recently we started to extend our studies to organelles of Pichia pastoris as a basis for future research of protein expression in this biotechnologically important yeast. Enzymes and other proteins involved in the above mentioned processes are investigated using biochemical, cell biological and molecular biological methods.
Structural biology
Inst. of Chemistry
Heinrichstr. 28
membrane protein, conjugation, T4SS
We are working on the characterization of a typ IV-like secretion system (T4SS) from Gram positive bacteria. The system is encoded on the resistance plasmid pIP501. The tra region shows a modular organization and contains 15 ORFs, of which several have been predicted to encode for transmembrane or membrane asociated proteins. Our aim is the structure elucidation of the components essential for the conjugative DNA transfer.
Institute of Medical Technologies and Health Mangement
Joanneum Research
Auenbruggerplatz 20/3
acyl-coA, mass spectrometry, interstitial fluid analysis
analysis methods based on GC-MS, HPLC-MS^2 and nano-HPLC-MS^2 analysis of interstitial fluid of humans and animals method validation according to GLP guidelines
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry,
Medical University Graz
Harrachgasse 21
cholesterol metabolism, nuclear receptors, atherosclerosis
Novel and already identified genes involved in lipid homeaostasis of different organs including liver, intestine, endothelial cells, macrophages-foam cells. Cholesterol efflux and cholesteryl ester hydrolases. Pathophysiology of athersoclerosis. Lipid metabolism in gneral. Lipidome of human plasma in health and diseases. Lipidome of enterocytes and cardiomycytes .
IMB Biochemistry - Yeast Genetics Group
University of Graz
++43 316 380 5487
Schubertstr. 1
yeast, fatty acid, membrane and lipid imaging
Lipid metabolism and membrane assembly in yeast, yeast as a model of lipid-associated disorders, regulation of fatty acid, triglyceride and phospholipid metabolism, high-resolution microscopy, implementation of novel imaging methods to investigate membrane and organelle stucture and dynamics in yeast, yeast lipidomics
Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, Bio and Polymer Analysis
Vienna University of Technology
++43 1 58801 15160
Getreidemarkt 9/164
MALDi, ESI, multistage MS, plant lipids, human blood
Characterisation of lipid pattern in human blood during dietary treatment Characterisation of lipid pattern of industrial (as a renewable source of chemicals), pharamceutical and medical relevant plants Development of ultrafast and structurespecific MALDI and ESI mass spectrometric techniques for all classes of lipids
Core Facility for Mass Spectrometry
ZMF/Medical University Graz
++43 (316) 385-73005
Stiftingtalstrasse 24
Mass Spectrometry, FT-MS, Glycerolipids, Sphingolipids
Development of mass spectrometric tools for the analysis of lipids (neutral and polar glycerolipids, sphingolipids, cholesterols) and lipid derived second messengers (e.g. eicosanoids) is a key research interest of our facility. This is reflected by participation in center grants such as SFB Lipotox and the technology based initiative Lipidomic Research Center (LRC) Graz. Currently we develop an analytical platform based on UPLC-FT-MS/MS for differential quantitation of the lipidome at the level of molecular species. Finally these data should enable researchers to establish up- and down regulated metabolic pathways for different sets of samples. If it is needed to provide absolute quantitative data for single species or a limited set of them, we have the possibility to quantify them in a targeted approach with LC-MS/MS.
Div. Pharmacology - Dep. Mol. Cell Biology
Campus Gasthuisberg, Herestraat
phytanic, pristanic, ceramide, sphingosine-phosphate
Breakdown of fatty acids/derivatives via alpha-oxidation and beta-oxidation, peroxisomal lipid metabolism, bioactive sphingolipid metabolism, mouse models related to peroxisomal disorders,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
++32 16 32 96 88
Kasteelpark Arenberg 20
yeast, sphingolipid, ESI-MS
We are interested in sphingolipidomics in yeast. Using ESI-MS, we have optimized a method to determine and relatively quantify the three different classes of complex inositolphosphoryl-containing sphingolipids [i.e. IPC (inositolphosphoryl ceramide), MIPC (mannosyl inositolphosphoryl ceramide) and M(IP)2C (mannosyl diinositolphosphoryl ceramide] in S. cerevisiae [Aerts et al., 2006, FEBS Letters, 580(7):1903-7]. We are interested in technologies enabling quantification of sphingoid bases and ceramides in yeast membranes.
Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Endocrinology (LEGENDO)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Herestraat 49 bus 902
cancer, lipid rafts, protein acylation
Our team is interested in the metabolic changes in cancer cells versus normal cells, and particularly in the marked increase in lipogenesis that is observed in nearly all cancer types. We 1. study the mechanisms that underly this increase (imvolvement of oncogenes, steroid hormones,...), 2. We examine the impact of these chnages on lipid profiles, lipid rafts and lipid-modified proteins, 3. We investigate the consequences of these changes for cancer cell biology (growth, metastasis,...), and 4. We explore the potential clinical applications (diagnosis, therapy).
Neuronal Differentiation Unit
VIB and Catholic University of Leuven
Herestraat 49
cholesterol lipid rafts senescence
We are interested in analysing the role of cholesterol in the cell senescence/survival process. We postulate that cholesterol reduction in membrane lipid rafts it might be a central effector in survival of senescent neurons, implying that brain cholesterol regulation could be crucial for death/survival equilibrium durin brain aging.
Laboratório de Bioquímica e Biologia Celular de Lipídios
Departamento de Bioquímica - ICBS- Universidade Federal do rio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre
Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2600- anexo
shingolipids, gangliosides, adipogenesis, lipogenesis
- Sphingolipid metabolism and their cellular functions in central nervous system and hematopoietic differentiation. - Adipogenesis and lipogenesis.
Research Institute, Boggs Laboratory
Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Ave.
sulfatide, galactosylceramide, glycosynapse
Structural organization of glycosphingolipids and effect of length of fatty acid chain and hydroxylation of fatty acid, Lipid rafts and membrane domains in myelin and oligodendrocytes and role in signalling, Trans interactions between glycosphingolipid head groups and formation of a glycosynapse between apposed cell membranes, Role of phosphatidylinositides.
CIHR Group in Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
University of Alberta
T6G 2S2
328 Heritage Medical Research Centre
atherosclerosis, obesity, neurodegeneration, lipids
Goals of our CIHR Group in Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids (MCBL) * To enhance the knowledge and understanding of the metabolism, function and transport of mammalian lipids, lipid biosynthetic enzymes and transport proteins, and the regulation of the genes that encode these proteins * To facilitate the translation of discoveries into potential diagnostics and treatments of human diseases * To provide fundamental knowledge that will improve the health of Canadians and peoples throughout the world * To provide an environment that will enhance scholarly and scientific endeavors. The principal investigators * Luis B. Agellon, PhD, Associate Professor of Biochemistry * Gordon A. Francis, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine * Richard Lehner, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Cell Biology * Dennis E. Vance, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry * Jean E. Vance, PhD, Professor of Medicine Our research program The MCBL Group research program is organized into four major themes: * molecular regulation of genes involved in lipid homeostasis * biochemistry of lipid-protein interactions * lipid compartmentalization and intracellular trafficking * lipid homeostasis in murine models The current major research projects are: * regulation of phosphatidylcholine metabolism * molecular and cell biology of phosphatidylserine metabolism * triacylglycerol synthesis * role of triacylglycerol hydrolase in triacylglycerol metabolism * function and metabolism of sterols in the liver * metabolism of lipids in the enterohepatic circulation * cellular lipid efflux and HDL formation * lipid homeostasis in neurons Our Core Resources Members of the MCBL Group contribute specific technical expertise and newly developed technologies which are shared with other projects and laboratories through our Core resources. * The Core Cell Culture Laboratory provides access to a variety of cell lines (including various derivatives of McArdle RH7777 cells expressing recombinant forms of enzymes important in the metabolism of lipids), and technical support for immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy studies. * The Core Metabolism and Physiology Laboratory provides access to genetically-modified mouse strains used by investigators in the MCBL Group. This laboratory also provides access to primary cell cultures, in conjunction with the Core Cell Culture Laboratory, and technical support for surgical procedures. * The Core Lipid Analysis Laboratory provides access to current, standardized and validated analytical procedures, and technical support for the detection and analysis of lipids and their metabolites. * The Core Training Program provides opportunities for qualified postdoctoral fellows and graduate students to participate in our integrated research program.
Lab 305
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Datun Road,Chaoyang District
lipid, gene cloning, gene function characterization
I am interested in improvement of oilcrops, lipid synthesis related gene cloning and gene function characterization.
Biochemistry and Nutrition Group, Biocentrum-DTU
The Technical University of Denmark
+45 45252744
Building 224, DTU
LC/MS, animal experimental facilities, GC, TLC
Research areas/competencies related with lipidomics: Identification and quantification of triacylglycerols and phospholipids by LC/MS, separation and quantification of different phospholipids and lipid classes by NP-HPLC, separation and quantification of triacylglycerol molecular species by RP-HPLC, separation and purification of lipids by TLC and SPE, analysis of fatty acid profiles by GC, analysis of lipid regiostructures by partial degradation (Grignard degradation for triacylglycerols & phospholipase degradation for phospholipids) followed with GC, GC/MS, LC/MS, analysis of plasma lipids by Cobas Mira, quantification of cholesterol in different lipoproteins using HPLC. Other research activities: Lipid absorption and metabolism, application of stable isotope techniques and GC/C/IRMS in metabolic studies, effect of dietary fats on learning ability and visual function, bioavailability of n-3 fatty acids, applying enzymatic technology in studies on lipid modification including structured triacylglycerols and structured phospholipids, studies on new dietary lipids such as diacylglycerols and conjugated linoleic acids, interactions of lipids with other food components, lipoprotein oxidation, development of analytical methods, especially emphasized on separation techniques and mass spectrometry for analysis of lipids and lipid soluble vitamins, qualitative and quantitative analysis of carbohydrates. We possess extensive expertise in lipid biochemistry and lipid analysis, and we have the following facilities: Analytical instruments for lipid analysis of food and biological systems (GC, HPLC, TLC, GC/MS, LC/MS, GC/C/IRMS, Cobas Mira, Spectrophotometer) Animal experimental facilities
University of Helsinki
Department of Medicine
+358 50 563 6899
PO Box 700
liver insulin marker
Profiling of human serum in individuals with a fatty vs no-fatty liver in collaboration woth Matej Oresic.
Helsinki Biophysics & Biomembrane Group
Institute of Biomedicine
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
POB 63
lipids, drugs, proteins, amyloids
lipid phase behavior, bioactive lipids, lipid-protein interactions, drug-lipid interactions, cationic lipids in gene delivery, lateral organization of biomembranes
Institute of Biomedicine/Käkelä Group
University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 63
Haartmaninkatu 8/P.O. Box 63
Lipid-protein interactions, Mass spectrometry, Ion channels, Fatty acids
-Interactions of lipid membrane and membrane proteins/ion channels -Cellular metabolism of lipids and fatty acids -Mass spectrometry of lipids
Institute of Biomedicine/Somerharju group
University of Helsinki
Haartmaninkatu 8/PL 63
mass-spectrometry, trafficking, membrane,phospholipase
1)Lipid trafficking 2)Regulation of lipid composition of cells (lipid homeostasis) 3)Mode of action of phospholipases 4)Membrane structure, expecially lateral distribution of lipids 5)Atherosklerosis and other lipid related diseases 6)Development of MS tools for lipid analysis
Department of Biochemisty
University of Oulu
+358-8-553 1150
POB 3000
mitochondria, peroxisomes, structural enzymology
Lipids and metabolic disorders, yeast lipids, fatty acid synthesis, membrane lipidomics, lipid metabolism, lipid metabolizing enzymes,
Quantitative Biology and Bioinformatics
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
FIN-02044 VTT
Tietotie 2, P.O. Box 1500
systems biology, early markers, metabolomics, phenotype characterization
Animal model phenotype characterization using lipid (and general metabolite) profiling approaches - Bioinformatics method for integration of lipid profile information from mass spectrometry based approches with other levels of data such as gene expression and protein profiles - Clinical applications of lipidomics for early disease detection and disease progression studies, focus on diabetes
Biological Chemistry Laboratory
Biological Chemistry LaboratoryNational Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA)
Thiverval Grignon
BP 1
oil, oil bodies, A thaliana, Y lipolytica, B napus
We are interested in understanding the biology of oil bodies, with special emphasis on assembly and degradation. We are currently studying two organisms: - A. thaliana, a model for for oil crop. -- Y. lipolytica, yeast capable to use and transform lipids. We combine a multiscale approach going from: -the identification of oil bodies proteins (proteomics, enzymatic studies, immunochemistry) --the study of isolated proteins (purified of recombined) in solution (enzymology, interfacial properties using hanging drop methods), or within model interfaces (Langmuir balance experiment) --- the study of proteins within complete organelle (from wt or mutants organisms) ----the study of wt and mutant model organism. ----- transcriptomic analysis of yeasts genes expressed or repressed upon shift from glucose to oleic acid medium. -Our goals are - to identify all protein component involved in oil bodies biogenesis -- to understand their role and identify their activity ---to study the influence of oil body protein composition on lipid content (nature, amount) Principal collaborations: -Within France Dr. M Miquel, Dr. L Lepiniec, Seed Biology Laboratory, INRA, Versailles: Molecular biology of A. thaliana seeds, Dr JM Nicaud Molecular Genetic Laboratory, INRA CNRS, Grignon: Molecular biology of Y. lipolytica. Dr. M Axelos: BIA Laboratory, INRA, Nantes. Interfacial methods -Within European Union Prof. G Daum, Dr K Athensdaedt, technical University, Graz: Lipid particles from yeast Dr. S Papanikolaou, Agronomic University of Athens, Biotechnology of Oleaginous yeast
INSERM-538 (biomembranes)
CHU Saint-Antoine
27 rue Chaligny
membrane, microdomains, traffic, phospholipids
Membrane heterogeneity and polarized cellular traffic. Cholesterol and sphingolipids enriched membrane microdomains Rotavirus traffic in Caco-2 cells. Synthesis of bile phospholipids
Laboratory of Enzymology at Interfaces and Physiology of Lipolysis
33 4 91 16 41 34
Marseille cedex 20
31 chemin Joseph Aiguier
lipases, TLC-FID, monolayers
Lipolytic enzymes and their use for the characterization lipids Production facilities, purification and kinetic characterization of several recombinan t lipases, including gastric and pancreatic lipases, pancreatic lipase-related proteins, hormone-sensitive lipase, microbial lipases, Plant phospholipase D, phospholipase A2, phospholipase A1, galactolipase Use of thin-layer chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (TLC-FID, Iatroscan) for quantitative measurement of neutral and polar lipid species and their lipolysis products. Use of the monomolecular film technique for studying lipid-protein intercations and lipolytic enzymes kinetics. This technique allows measurement of lipolytic activity with very low amounts of substrate (g)and is therefore suitable for rare lipids.
33 491269404
parc sxcientific de luminy
abc transporters, abca1, malaria, flippase
lipid transport /flip by abac transporters of the A class lipidomic analysis of microparticles during malaria infection
Laboratoire de Biogenèse Membranaire
CNRS UMR 5200 Université V. Segalen Bordeaux 2
+33 (0)5 57 57 10 45
Bordeaux cedex
146 Rue Léo Saignat
Plant lipids, waxes, fatty acids, GC, Lipid analysis
The Membrane Biogenesis Laboratory (MBL) has a long history of research in membrane biogenesis and lipid biosynthesis. This lab is internationally known and has been recently chosen to organise the International Plant Lipid Symposium in 2008. The aims of the research concern the identification and the characterisation of the genes involved in the regulation of lipid metabolism. Using Arabidopsis thaliana as the main plant model, the topics currently developed in the unit are: i/ research project I: Genomics of epicuticular wax metabolism. The objective is to characterise the genes involved in the biosynthesis of epicuticular waxes in order to understand the regulatory mechanisms of the expression of genes, which control the composition of the wax layer in response to various stress conditions. ii/ research project II: Membrane biogenesis and homeostasis. This project aims to characterise the mechanisms controlling the membrane lipid composition, the lipid transfer between organelles and membranes, and the lipid composition of lipid rafts in relation to hormonal signalling. iii/ research project III: SNAREs, lipids and endomembrane dynamics. The objective is to study the role of SNAREs in membrane dynamics between the ER and the Golgi apparatus in the secretory pathway leading to the biogenesis of plasmalemma and the formation of lipid rafts through the secretory pathway. The MBL is one unit of the IFR 103 Integrative Biology which involves 6 labs covering the different areas of plant research (pathogenesis, biotechnology, agronomy), and technological platforms (imaging, lipidomic, metabolism, transcriptome). The MBL has in charge the lipidomic platform which consist of 3 GLC,1 GC/-MS 1 densitometer, 1 phosphor imager and 2 TLC spotters. This platform allows lipid and fatty acid analysis and lipid metabolism studies.
Institute of molecular and cellular pharmacology
Sophia Antipolis- 660 route des lucioles
phospholipase A2, lipid mediator, cancer, inflammation
Eleven genes coding for secreted phospholipases A2 (sPLA2s, 14-18 kDa) and 2 types of receptors (M and N) have now been identified in mammalian tissues. sPLA2s and their receptors are found in several tissues, and their expression levels are increased in inflammation, associated diseases, different types of cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Although the biological functions of sPLA2s and their receptors are still ill-defined, some sPLA2s are mitogenic and/or apoptotic, pro-inflammatory and/or pro-tumoral, but also anti-tumoral, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic. At the molecular level, sPLA2s are most likely bifunctional proteins, acting as both enzymes and ligands for a variety of soluble and membrane proteins. sPLA2 enzymatic activity participates in the control of the rate-limiting step in the production of lipid mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotrienes which are involved in a myriad of biological effects. We have previously identified for the first time the M and N type receptors for sPLA2s using snake venom sPLA2s as ligands. More recently, we have cloned 7 of the 11 known mammalian sPLA2s, and we have shown that several of these enzymes are the natural ligands of the M-type receptor, suggesting that mammalian sPLA2s are true ligands for mammalian proteins. The main objective of our research program is to determine the function of sPLA2s, while continuing their molecular characterization. Our specific aims are : 1) To analyze the molecular properties of sPLA2s and to develop key tools to determine sPLA2 function (recombinant production, native structure, crystallization, enzymatic and binding properties, search of specific inhibitors, characterization of receptors, transgenic mice), 2) To analyze the tissue distribution of sPLA2s and their receptors in normal and pathological states in relation with the following item, 3) To study the role of sPLA2s in three major research areas : colorectal cancer, inflammation, and host defense against viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
INSERM U467/IFR94 Proteomics Platform
Faculté de Médecine René Descartes Paris 5
+33 1 40 61 56 21
156 rue de Vaugirard
lipid rafts, eicosanoids, epithelium
Protein-lipid interactions, proteomics and lipidomics of lipid microdomains, and their relevance in physiopathology of epithelial cells. Regulation of inflammation in cystic fibrosis.
French Institute for Fats and Oils (ITERG)
Industrial Technical Center
+33 5 56 36 00 44
rue Monge
nutrition bioavailability cancer CHD
Nutritional impact of lipids (in relation to diseases : CHD, cancer, obesity). Biomarkers studies (adipose tissue, plasma, erythrocytes).
IMBL-Lipid Signaling (UMR 585 INSERM / INSA-Lyon)
INSA-Lyon and CNRS / INSERM / Univ Lyon1
33-4-72 43 82 40
20 Ave A. Einstein
Signaling , Fatty acids , Lipid mediators , Analysis
INSERM UMR 585 / INSA-Lyon is part of IMBL (Institute for Multidisciplinary Biochemistry of Lipids). This UMR works on lipid signaling, in blood, vascular cells and adipocytes, in the context of aging, atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity. Lipids of interest are membrane phospholipids as reservoirs of polyunsaturated fatty acids which serve as precursors of eicosanoids and docosanoids. The production of those oxygenated metabolites through cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways is the main focus. The role of oxidative stress/lipid peroxidation in those pathways as well as their control by polyunsaturated fatty acids of nutritional value are of special interest. The sphingomyelin / ceramide / sphingosine / sphingosine-1-phosphate is also taken into consideration.
15 rue de l ecole de medecine
adipocyte obesity lipid droplet
Synopsis of current research interest in the field of lipid droplet biology: We are working in the field of metabolic diseases associated with obesity in an INSERM unit in Paris (UMR 671). In these diseases, ectopic lipid storage is a key deleterious event at the whole body level, associated with grave metabolic complications. In this regard, we are interested in lipid trafficking in adipose cells specialized in the storage of fat. Caveolins have been found at the surface of lipid droplets, but their functional role in the dynamics of fat storage remains unknown. Since caveolins are highly expressed in adipocytes, and caveolin-KO mice have revealed a striking inability to store fatty acids from extracellular sources into their adipose tissue, we focused our research on the role of caveolins in lipid homeostasis. In a recently published paper (Le Lay et al., Traffic 2006), we have shown that adipocyte lipid droplet composition was dependent on caveolin expression and that exogenous cholesterol was able to induce caveolin targetting to these lipid droplets through a process sharing many features in common with caveolar endocytosis. We are now interesting in elucidating the dynamic relationship between cell surface and lipid droplets through caveolin trafficking, and identifying the adipocyte lipid species that can be stored through a caveolin dependent pathway. In this line, our future projects deal with the functional role of caveolins in lipid targeting to the fat storage compartment, the lipid droplet.
INSERM U586 (Obesity Research Unit)
CHU Rangueil BP84225
lysophosphatidic acid, autotaxin, lysophospholipase D, adipocyte,
My group is interested in the regulations and the biological consequences of the release of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) by adipocytes. We are particularly interrested in a lysophospholipase D (autotaxin) which appears to be the main source of LPA release by adipocytes but which could also be involved in synthesis of several other bioactive phospholipids. ATX expressio is adipose tissue is up-regulated in association with insulin-resistance and type 2 diabetes. In paralelle, we are also interrested in understanding the transduction pathways (particularly the receptors) involved in LPA actions on the different cell types surrounding adipocytes in the adipose tissue including preadipocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells.
IFR30 Lipid Analysis Platform
INSERM/Toulouse Genopole
33 (0)561779414
CPTP Bat C, Hopital Purpan BP3028
neutral lipid, ceramide, bile acid, phytosterol
Our Lipid Analysis Platform belongs to the French Nationale Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM). It is located in the Federative Research Institute (IFR30) in Toulouse, France and is associated to the Toulouse Genopole. The platform created in 2003 proposes a number of lipid analysis using chromatographic methods, either adapted from the litterature or original. We are equiped with 3 gas chromatographs (GC) with FID detection, one GC coupled to a mass spectrometer and one liquid chromatograph (HPLC) coupled to a light scattering detector (LSD). We propose qualitative and quantitative analysis of lipid molecules following extraction from micro-samples (biological fluids, tissues, cells). We thus have access to the molecular species of the following lipids : - Neutral lipids including cholesterol and related sterols, diacylglycerol, cholesterol ester and triacylglycerol (on the basis of carbon number) - Free or total fatty acids - Sphingomyelines and usual ceramides - Phytosterols - Bilary acids (conjugated or free) - We are in progress to propose in the near future the analysis of major phospholipids classes, galactolipids and cerebrosides by HPLC-LSD. Analysis are proposed on the basis of a price per sample. Collaboration on specific projects is opened. Present ongoing projects include the fields of intestinal lipid absorption, cancer and apoptosis, lipoprotein metabolism, nervous system functionnning, lipid transduction
Microbiology and Molecular Genetic Laboratory, UMR2585
National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) and National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
++33 130815450
CBAI B.P. 01
yarrowia lipolytica, lipid accumulation, genetic
We are interested in understanding the degradation of hydrophobic substrates (alkanes, fatty acids, oils) by the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. We combine a multistage approach going from: - transcriptional analysis of gene expression during growth on hydrophobic substrates using Y lipolytica micro array, - the identification of peroxisomal and oil bodies proteins (proteomics), - the study of wild-type and mutants affected in HS utilisation, in beta oxidation, in lipid accumulation, ... Our goals are to identified genes involved in lipid accumulation (functional analysis, nature and amount of fatty acid accumulated), lipid and HS transport into different cell organelles. Principal collaboration: - within France Dr T Chardot, Biological Chemistry, INRA, Grignon (biochemistry of lipid bodies), Prof N Latruffe, Burgundy University, Dijon (peroxisome), MC C Molina-Jouve, INSA, Toulouse (Biotechnology of oleaginous yeast), - within European Union: Prof G Daum, Dr Athensdaedt, Technical University, Graz (lipid particles from yeast), Dr S Papanicolaou, Agronomic University of Athens (Biotechnology of oleaginous yeast).
Cyberlipid Center
2 rue du colonel Marchand
database internet lipids
Construction and administration of an internet site devoted to all lipid aspects which is yet cited in your links page
Nutrition, Croissance et Cancer, INSERM E211
Université François Rabelais
+33 (0)247 366179
CHU Bretonneau
diet, cancer, lipidome, PUFA, CLA
In the field of cancer prevention through dietary lipids, we use the white adipose tissue lipid composition as a qualitative indicator of past dietary intake of lipids. Through a reappraisal of white adipose tissue data obtained recently in human and animal models, we individualized a composite lipid profile associated with a low risk of breast cancer. This profile has led us to elaborate a composite index indicative of the risk of breast cancer. This biomarker offers the opportunity to quantify the part due to modifiable dietary factors in the risk of breast cancer and complements the currently known risk factors for breast cancer. Bougnoux P, Giraudeau B, Couet C. Diet, cancer and the lipidome. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 2006, 15(3):416-21.
University of Bourgogne
+33 3 80 39 63 12
6 Bd Gabriel
Diacylglycerols, MAP kinases, T cells, Macrosomia
Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have been classified into two categories, belonging to n-6 and n-3 families. These fatty acids are indispensable for animal cell to maintain its structure, fluidity and function. The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUPA) of n-3 family have been considered as authentic immunosuppressors, however, their mechanisms of action in T-cell activation have not been well elucidated. T-cell activation involves a series of complex mechanisms from membrane receptor to gene transcription via the second messenger cascades. The main theme of our research is to elucidate the role of dietary PUPA of n-3 family in human T-cells activation which might be involved in the pathology of several diseases like diabetes and obesity. We are studying the interaction of these fatty acids with the second messenger cascade / cell signalling (MAP kinases, calcium signalling, protein kinases C & diacylglycerol).
Applied Biosystems
Applera Deutschland GmbH
Frankfurter Strasse 129B
SOP, MS, LCMS, funding, TaqMan Assays
Co-Developement of Gene Expression Assays Standard Operating Procedures for MS Lipid Analysis Business developement / Product & Service developement in Lipidomics
Arzneimittelkommission der deutschen Ärzteschaft
Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1
Clinical effects of lipid lowering, outcome trials, statins, safety of statins
Clinical effects of lipid lowering, outcome trials, statins, safety of statins
Julius-v-Sachs-Institute for Biosciences, Pharmaceutical Biology
Biocenter, University of Wuerzburg
Julius-von-Sachs-Platz 2
plant oxylipins, isoprostanes
We are interested in the functional analysis of plant lipids. There is a long track record on plant oxylipins of the jasmonate type. However more recently we came interested in oxidized lipids derived from non-enzymatic oxidation of plant membrane lipids. The current focus is on hydroxy fatty acids and prostaglandin-like plant isoprostanes termed phytoprostanes. Formation of these compounds in response to environmental stress conditions is intensively been investigated in cyanobacteria and plants. It has been shown by our group that oxidized lipids (including phytoprostanes)represent archetype signals that induce detoxification and defence responses in plants and cyanobacteria. Moreover oxidized plant lipids also have an pronounced effect on mammalian immune cells. In the future, a comprehensive analysis of plant oxidized lipids and their biological effects in vivo (cyanobacteria, plants) will be performed. The lab is equipped with three GC-MS (sector field MS and quadrupol MS instruments). More recently, an Nano-ESI-HPLC-Ion-Trap MS instrument for plant proteome analysis and a HPLC-Triple Quadrupol MS for plant lipidomics have been purchased.
Eicosanoids and Tumor Development
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
49 6221 424506
D 69120
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
Lipoxygenase, ichthyosis, epidermal barrier
The long-term objective of the research group is to substantially contribute to the understanding of the role of eicosanoids, which perform important tasks as local signals coordinating the concerted activities of different cell types in tissues under normal and disease conditions with a special focus on cancer. As autocoids the biological activities of eicosanoids are primarily determined by their biosynthesis via the cyclooxygenase (COX) and the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathways. Accordingly, the expression and activity of COX and LOX are strictly regulated under normal conditions, transiently up- or down-regulated during irritation and tissue regeneration, and permanently deregulated during carcinogenesis in both humans and mice. The group’s experimental strategy is to establish expression and activity profiles of individual LOX in mouse and human biopsies in order to bridge the animal data with clinical investigations. The experimental models used for functional studies include phorbol ester-irritated or wounded mouse skin, the two-stage skin carcinogenesis approach, and transgenic mouse lines with targeted over-expression or deletion LOX genes in skin epidermis or other epithelia in vivo and epithelial cells in vitro. Our current work is focussed on analyses of molecular mechanisms involved in the functions of epidermis-type LOX in tissue homeostasis and disease-related deregulation of eicosanoid metabolism.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Proteomforschung
089-1897 9007
Am Klopferspitz 18
Proteomics, proteome research
department of cellular and molecular pathology
DKFZ(German Cancer Research Center)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
glucosylceramide synthase,cerebrosidesulfotransferase,cell-specific deficiency,fertilify
Glycosphingolipid and immune function Glycosphingolipid and transgene mice
Dept. of Neonatology, Lipid Metabolism and Developmental Physiology Group
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Calwerstr. 7
Phospholipids, in vivo metabolism, D9-choline, human
The Lipid Metabolism and Developmental Physiology Group focuses on clinical as well as on developmental and comparative aspects of the metabolism of individual (phospho)lipid molecular species. Main topics are: (1) the metabolism of pulmonary phospho- and other lipids, together with that of their hydrophobic and hydrophilic proteins, in relation to pulmonary maturation, ante- and perinatal diseases and the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. (2) the function of individual and characteristic phospholipid molecular species with respect to air-liquid interface function under dynamic conditions and to immunological differentiation of immune-competent cells in terminal lung tissues. (3) the metabolism and secretion of hepatic phospholipids and their role in the supply of peripheral organs with lipids and lipid precursors during postnatal development and at different clinical settings, where liver function is compromised. To investigate these issues we have performed a lipidomic approach to individual phospholipid molecular species composition and metabolism of pulmonary surfactant systems. This includes investigation across a wide spectrum of vertebrate species in relation to development and their differing parameters of pulmonary physiology, air-liquid interface dynamics and parenchymal structures (avian air capillaries, mammalian sacculi, alveoli and airways). Furthermore, it includes investigation of functional characteristics of individual phospholipid components for phagocyte differentiation and function as well as for surface tension function. We have furthermore studied the relation of pulmonary surfactant molecular composition to extrapulmonary interfaces, like that of the hydrophobic gastric barrier. To investigate phospholipid metabolism under different clinical conditions and during postnatal development we have developed and established strategies using stable isotope labelled precursors in vivo in human subjects as well as in animal models, combined with electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometric (ESI-MS/MS) analysis of hydrophilic phospholipid precursors and their synthesis products. We have furthermore established animal models suitable for the investigation of inflammatory and hereditary diseases and during development, where changes of pulmonary and/or hepatic phospholipid metabolism as well as that of lipid-derived mediators is prominent (bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hyperoxic lung injury, cystic fibrosis).
Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences/Plant Biochemistry
Justus-von-Liebig Weg 11
Plant lipid metabolism, lipid peroxidation processes, oxylipins, β,-oxidation
A central aspect in lipid metabolism is lipid peroxidation. It is common to all biological systems, both appearing in developmentally and environmentally regulated processes. Products are hydroperoxy polyunsaturated fatty acids and metabolites derived there from collectively named oxylipins or eicosanoids in mammals. They may either originate from chemical oxidation or are synthesized mainly by the action of various highly specialized forms of lipoxygenases. We are analyzing the physiological function of oxylipins during the degradation of storage lipids in oilseed seedlings as well as the involvement of lipoxygenases in the interaction of plants with pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Another research focus is the ana- and catabolism of lipid peroxides by analyzing the biosynthesis of hydro(pero)xy polyenoic fatty acids, aldehydes, ketols and divinyl ethers by combined biochemical and analytical methods as well as by using a metabolomic approach (oxylipin profiling). The use of plants as bioreactors for biotechnological purposes is addressed by isolating new fatty acid desaturases, acyl transferases and double bond isomerases in order to introduce new functional groups in seed oils for nutritional and industrial purposes. In order to identfy bottle necks within these projects we use lipid profiling methods.
Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Sciences/Plant Biochemistry
Justus-von-Liebig Weg 11
Plant lipid metabolism, lipid peroxidation processes, oxylipins, β,-oxidation
A central aspect in lipid metabolism is lipid peroxidation. It is common to all biological systems, both appearing in developmentally and environmentally regulated processes. Products are hydroperoxy polyunsaturated fatty acids and metabolites derived there from collectively named oxylipins or eicosanoids in mammals. They may either originate from chemical oxidation or are synthesized mainly by the action of various highly specialized forms of lipoxygenases. We are analyzing the physiological function of oxylipins during the degradation of storage lipids in oilseed seedlings as well as the involvement of lipoxygenases in the interaction of plants with pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Another research focus is the ana- and catabolism of lipid peroxides by analyzing the biosynthesis of hydro(pero)xy polyenoic fatty acids, aldehydes, ketols and divinyl ethers by combined biochemical and analytical methods as well as by using a metabolomic approach (oxylipin profiling). The use of plants as bioreactors for biotechnological purposes is addressed by isolating new fatty acid desaturases, acyl transferases and double bond isomerases in order to introduce new functional groups in seed oils for nutritional and industrial purposes. In order to identfy bottle necks within these projects we use lipid profiling methods.
Department of Macromolecular Structure Research
GKSS Research Center
Max-Planck-Str. 1
peptide antibiotics, membrane biophysics, scattering
interaction in or at membrane interfaces sensing of biophysical membrane properties by proteins modification of biophysical membrane properties by proteins, peptides or membrane active molecules peptide antibiotics, viral infectivitity
Institute of Biology/Molecular Biophysics
Humboldt-University Berlin
49 (0) 30 2093 8860
Invalidenstr. 42
lipid, transport, fusion, virus
The research is interdisciplinary ranging from structural biology, molecular and cell biology, virology, spectroscopy to the design and synthesis of biomolecule analogues. The topics of basic and applied research are protein-mediated fusion of membranes (viral fusion proteins), virus budding, lipid-trafficking in eukaryotic cells, protein-lipid interaction in membranes, and application of membranes in nanobiotechnology. Cell Entry and Budding of Enveloped Viruses: A focus of our research is an early step of cell entry of enveloped viruses. Enveloped viruses as influenza virus or HIV fuse with respective membranes to deliver their genome into the host cell. In our lab enveloped viruses are employed to study the molecular mechanism of protein-mediated virus-membrane fusion. We use various biophysical and cell biology methods to follow directly the fusion process and to identify structural intermediates mainly by fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy. To understand the functioning of viral fusion proteins, specific mutants and chimeras of those proteins are created and probed for their fusion activity. By strong collaboration with groups specialised in electron microscopy and in image reconstruction, we identify the three dimensional structure of complete viral fusion protein at conditions typical for triggering membrane fusion. Another research focus is the assembly and budding of enveloped viruses. We are interested in mechanisms underlying local enrichment of viral components at the budding site of the host membranes. Lipid-trafficking in eukaryotic cells: Lipids play an essential role in various cellular processes including signal transduction. Our specific interest is the protein-mediated translocation of lipids across cellular membranes and their intracellular transport to distinct organelles. Although indirect evidence already exists the molecular identification of translocases pumping on the expense of energy (specific) lipids across membranes and of flippases facilitating a rapid, energy independent and unspecific movement of lipids in membranes is still awaiting. We are very much interested in the physiological relevance of those protein-mediated lipid transports and their function(s), for example in cell genesis, apoptosis, fertilisation, cell shape, exo- and endocytosis, in the enrichment of specific lipids in the bile fluid as well as in the mechanism and consequences of the lipid transport mediated by multi drug resistance proteins in tumor cells.
Microbial Expression Technology
Institute for Molecular Enzyme Technology, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf
Stetternicher Forst
lipolytic enzymes, biotechnology, biodetergents
- Biochemistry and biotechnology with lipases, esterases, phospholipases, thioesterases - Biodetergents, e. g. rhamnolipids from Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Membrane processes in pathogenic bacteria
Berliner Allee 261-269
eicosanoids, phospholipids, HPLC, mass spectrometry
Analytic of eicosanoid related substances like: Prostaglandins Leukotrienes Hydroxy- and Epoxy fatty acids High throughput analytics Replacement of immuno assays and: Fatty acids Phospholipids, Sphingolipids Lipid profiling using: HPLC - Triple quad mass spectrometry
Goethestr. 33
inflammation, eicosanoids, obesity
Arachidonic acid metabolism, pharmacology of inflammation, neurotransmitter, obesity
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology/Plant Lipid Group
Max Planck Society
Am Mühlenberg 1
galactolipid, tocopherol, phylloquinone
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plant Lipids: Galactolipids, Tocopherol, Phylloquinone, Chloroplast Lipids, Phospholipids, Fatty Acids
Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics
Medical Faculty, University of Leipzig
Härtelstrasse 16-18
MALDI, 31P NMR, Phospholipids, Lysophospholipids
We are using using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and 31P NMR spectroscopy for the evaluation of physiologicallly relevant phospholipids. Besides methodological work, we are particularly interested in - the activity determination of phospholipases and phosphoinositde kinase - the lipid / phospholipid composition of tissues and body fluids - the changes of the lipid patterns under inflammatory conditions (e.g. in rheumatoid arthritis and atherosclerosis) - the changes of the lipid pattern of cells during differentaition
Institute for Biology I, Botany
RWTH Aachen University
Worringerweg 1
plant glycerolipid isoprenoid
our research focuses on plant lipid metabolism with special interest in formation/function of glycerolipids (glycerophospholipids) and isoprenoids.
Institute for Pathology, University Hospital Áachen
Pauwelstr. 30
acyl-CoA, ceramide, liver
Functional characterisation of acyl-CoA synthetase and its products, esp. in gastrointestinal tract and liver. Cellular localisation, concentration and function of acyl-CoAs and lipids.
Kekulé Institut f. Organische Chemie und Biochemie
Universität Bonn
++49 228 735346
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1
Sphingolipids, Glykosphingolipids, Sphingolipidoses, Lipid transfer proteins
The research of Konrad Sandhoffs group focuses on sphingolipids and sphingolipidoses. Metabolism of sphingolipids and glycosphingolipids, its function, regulation and topology are studied in vitro at the cellular and organismic level. Sphingolipid disorders are analyzed to clarify human diseases and their molecular and cellular pathogenesis. At the biochemical level, we synthesize sphingolipid probes and analogues to analyze their molecular environment in the cells, and to characterize enzymes and sphingolipid activator proteins involved in sphingolipid metabolism and membrane digestion at lipid-water interphases. We develop lipid transfer assays for the analysis of lipid transfer between membranes by transfer proteins.
Kekulé-Institute for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
University Bonn
Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1
sphingosine-1-phosphate, ceramide-1-phosphate, neurodegeneration, postoperative ileus.
A)Sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling in terminally differentiated post-mitotic neurons and its implications for the pathology of neurodegenerative disorders. B)The pro-inflammatory functions of sphingosine-1-phosphate and ceramide-1-phosphate and its implications in postoperative ileus.
Department of Gastroenterology
University Heidelberg
(+49) 6221 5638960
INF 410
Acyl-CoA synthetases, Lipid droplets, Rafts, inflammatory bowel disease
Acyl-CoA synthetases in fatty acid uptake Lipid droplet formation Lipid rafts in fatty acid uptake Lipid rafts in intestinal inflammation Lipid MS analysis of intestinal mucus
Insitute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
University Hospital Leipzig
Liebigstraße 27
phytosterols, oxysterols, eicosanoids
Sterol lipids: sterol metabolismn and atherosclerosis. Application of LC-MS/MS for the measuerment of free and esterified phtyosterols, lanosterol and cholesterol in serum and tissue. Eicosanoids: Evaluation of a LC-MS/MS method for the measurements of eicosanoids as marker of oxidative stress and inflammation.
Institute of Biochemistry I
University of Cologne
Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 52
lipid droplets, biosensor technology, membrane protein trafficking, endocytosis
Our interest covers the analysis of lipid droplet associated proteins and their function in lipid turnover. Coming from the field of membrane protein trafficking we apply cell based assay based on life cell imaging and conventional confocal immunofluorescence techniques to localize proteins. We further have a long-standing expertise in the analysis of biomolecular interaction analysis using surface-plasmon-based biosensors (BIAcore 3000, T-100). We analyse protein-protein interactions as well as membrane protein interactions by this very sensitive method.
Biocenter Klein Flottbekand Botanical Garden/Plant Physiology
University of Hamburg
Ohnhorststr. 18
sphingolipid, desaturase, glycosyltransferase
Molecularbiology and biochemistry of plant and fungal lipids: Functional characterizations of sterol-, sphingolipid and glycerol lipid-modifying enzymes such as glycosyltransferases and desaturases/hydroxylases.
Institut of Nutrition
University of jena
Dornburger Str. 24
metabolism, CLA, omega-3, sterol
fatty acid metabolism, CLA, omega-3 LC-PUFA, sterol metabolism
Institut for Food Chemistry
University of Muenster
+49 251 83 33867
Corrensstr. 49
HPLC-MS/MS fumonisin sphingolipids food ceramide synthase
HPLC-MS/MS analysis of sphingolipids Influence of fumonisins on the sphingolipid metabolism
Leibniz-Institute of Arteriosclerosis Research
University of Münster
+49 251 8356181
Domagkstr. 3
coronary heart disease, biomarkers, NMR, mass spectrometry
Research on biomarkers related to chd, stroke, Alzheimer disease risk. Specific interest in technologies: H1-NMR, MS-MS, LC-MS, GC-MS.
Leibniz-Institute of Arteriosclerosis Research
University of Münster
+49 251 8356181
Domagkstr. 3
coronary heart disease, biomarkers, NMR, mass spectrometry
Research on biomarkers related to chd, stroke, Alzheimer disease risk. Specific interest in technologies: H1-NMR, MS-MS, LC-MS, GC-MS.
Department of Neurology
University of Regensburg
+49 941 9410
Universitätsstr. 84
alpha-synuclein, Parkinson, Neurodegeneration, synaptic plasticity
membrane microdomains and alpha-synuclein interaction in synaptic vesicle dynamics and plasticity
Institute for Clinical Chemistry
University of Regensburg
Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11
ABC Transporter, Lipid Biomarker, Biobanking
The research of the institute is directed towards the molecular analysis of metabolic and degenerative diseases. The central role of lipids in the pathogenesis of these disorders is a the main focus of the Institute of Clinical Chemistry. Our strategy combines basic research with clinical association studies enabling a rapid transfer of newly identified candidate markers from basic science to clinical diagnostics in order to support prediction, prevention, and therapy of diseases. The clinical part involves the Regensburg Diabetes Endpoint Prediction and Prevention Study (REDEPPS), an interdisciplinary platform that enables the establishment of large sample and data banks from patients with different endpoints or co-morbidities of diabetes, such as coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, obesity, nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy. Candidate markers which are verified for their diagnostic applicability in these cohorts are derived from basic research project focusing on the regulation of lipid homeostasis and vesicular traffic as related to disease pathogenesis. In this context the group has recently identified the ATP binding cassette transporter ABCA1 as a major regulator of HDL metabolism. The function of ABCA1 in the formation of lipid microdomains and vesicular transport is subject of a current project within the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 6031 entitled Membrane Microdomains and Their Role in Human Disease funded by the DFG. The available technologies include high throughput genotyping platforms and DNA-arrays for genetic analysis, protein analysis by MALDI-TOF and the 2D-Gel Typhoon system, multicolour flow cytometry and fluorescence imaging as well as tandem mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy for lipids analysis. The methodological expertise of the institute is complemented by the competence centre for fluorescent bioanalysis (KFB) a public private partnership involving various institutes of the University of Regensburg.
Department of Physiological Chemistry
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
++49-511-953 8780
Bünteweg 17
Lipid microdomains, early detergent-resistant membranes, polarized protein sorting, colitis
Membrane transport, polarized protein sorting: role of lipid microdomains/detergent-resistant membranes, Intestinal membrane topology in IBD
Laboratory of Lipid Analysis
University of Ioannina
451 10
Lung surfactant, apoptosis, inflammation
Analysis of lung surfactant lipids and their interaction with surfactant proteins Lipids as substrates for phospholipases: metabolism, structural studies, modeling Lipid modifications Lipids and signal transduction Techniques in Lipid Analysis: TLC, gas chromatography, HPLC (normal and reversed phase), Mass spectrometry (FAB, EI), Light scattering
Laboratory of Nutritional Bioactivation and Bioanalysis
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Debrecen
+36 30 320 97 69
Nagyerdei Krt. 98
HPLC MS-MS, retinoic acid, carotenoid, PUFA metabolite
HPLC MS-MS of retinoids, carotenoids and PUFA metabolites (HETEs, HODEs, eicosanoids).
Laboratory of Molecular Stress Biology
Institute of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre, HUng. Acad. Sci.
Temesvari krt. 62.
stress sensing, lipid molecular species, mass spectrometry, rafts
Regulation of heat shock gene expression by the physical state, lipid composition, mass spectrometry of lipids, microdomain organization of membranes in different systems, the mechanism of thermoadaptation, stress sensing and signaling, cellular thermosensors, etc.
Dept of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology
Semmelweis University
36 1 215 6924/3610
Tuzolto u. 58
caveoae, lipid rafts
In my lab we are very much interested in caveolae, mainly the function of these special lipid raft
Dept. Biophysics and Cell Biology
University of Debrecen
Egyetem ter 1.
P-glycoprotein, lipid rafts, cytoskeletal anchorage
We wish to understand the relationships between catalytic activity, conformational changes and topological constraints of the ABC transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp), both in the context of multidrug resistance (mdr) and its physiological roles, also to screen more efficient/ selective Pgp modulators. We are currently focusing on the localization of Pgp within and outside of lipid rafts, in conjunction with its conformational and catalytic characteristics. Our experimental systems include: (A) a novel flow-cytometric method to detect Pgp conformational changes upon its interactions with modulators, based on antibody competition, (B) a flow-cytometric platform for the measurement of raft-, and cytoskeleton-association of cell-surface proteins, applicable for rapid, simple, serial analysis of intermolecular associations between different cell surface proteins, (C) a simple method to completely block Pgp function using an anti-Pgp mAb, (D) a xenotransplantation system in SCID mice to study, by SPECT and PET, the effect of modulators, (E) methods for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on cell surface proteins to study inter-, and intramolecular distances. We have flow-cytometers, confocal microscope equipped with FCS, expertise in fluorescence-related methods, with special emphasis on FRET.
Sackler School of Medicine-Minerva Center
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv
fatty acid desaturases, nutrition,metabolic syndrome
Our interest is to understand the role of fatty acid metabolism : synthesis and desaturation specifically, in pathologies leading to the alteration of glucose and lipid homeostasis.The main emphasis is on nutritional essential fatty acids. We have developed animal and cell culture models of : hypercholesterolemia ,fatty liver and diabetes. We are employing "in vitro" and "in vivo" labelled precursors to follow up lipid synthesis, fatty acid desaturation, cholesterol , bile acid synthesis and lipid composition.We measure the enzymatic pathways involved. We utilize GC, HPLC and TLC methodologies , as well as biochemical and molecular biology determinations. Our purpose is to contribute to the understanding of the impact of nutritional fatty acids on the amelioration of lipid related diseases .
Dept of Biological Chemistry
Weizmann Institute
1 Herzl Street
sphingolipids, ceramide, glycolipids
For 15 years. my lab has worked on sphingolipids. We focus on sphingolipid synthesis, and also defective degradation in lysosomal storage diseases. More details can be found at:
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Via Piero Gobetti 101
trans lipid, radical stress, isomerization
Different aspects of the cis-trans isomerization of fatty acid residues by free radicals are developed: (a) Biomimetic studies using liposomes as a model for cell membranes and correlating the isomerization process with possible mechanisms of lipid alteration occurring in vivo. The role of different vitamins. (b) A general approach has been settled for building-up of trans lipid library with application to lipidomic researches. Analytical data on trans lipids and characterization of these lipid components in living organisms, thus contributing to the lipidomic target. This is also related to the examination of biological samples and correlation between trans lipid and radical stress. Endogenous formation of trans lipids and correlation with quality of life and various pathologies.
EPR Lipidomics
Dept Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
++39 080 5443367
V. E. Orabona, 4
phospholipid bilayer, spin labeling EPR, lipoperoxidation, oxidative stress
Phospholipid bilayer structure and biochemical/biophysical properties. Spin labeling of phospholipids. EPR studies of spin labelled natural and artificial membranes (mitochondria, erythrocyte ghost, lipid vesicles, oriented planar membranes). Lipoperoxidation. Synthesis and purification of oxidized phospholipid species. EPR studies of the effects of oxidized phospholipids in model membranes and in membranes reconstituted with lipidomes from pathological tissues (animal models and humans) and from cultured pathological cell mutants. Mass spectrometry lipidomics of peroxidized phospholipids, mainly lecithins (in collaboration with the local university Chemistry Department).
Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Dept of Cell Biology and Neurosciences
viale Regina Elena, 299
isoprostanes, prostaglandins, oxidative stress
isoprostanes, prostaglandins, oxidative stress
Anna Maria Vaccaro Unit of Physiopatology of genetic diseases
Istituto Superiore di Sanita
++39 06 4990 2416
Viale Regina Elena 299
sphingolipidoses, saposins, glucosylceramidase, anionic phospholids+
We works on a group of genetic diseases, the sphingolipidoses, characterized by the lysosomal storage of sphingolipids due to the defective activities of sphingolipid hydrolases or of their physiological activators. In particular, we have investigated the alterations in glucosylceramide catabolism in Niemann Pick disease type C. We have shown that the storage of cholesterol in Niemann Pick type C modulates the level and subcellular localization of glucosylceramidase affecting in this way the glucosylceramide degradation (Salvioli et al., J.Biol. Chem. 279, 17674-17680, 2004). Moreover, we have shown that the glucosylceramidase N370S mutation, the most common mutation in Gaucher disease, affects the capacity of the enzyme to interact with anionic phospholipid-containing membranes and saposin C, the main physiological activators of glucosylceramidase (Salvioli et al., Biochem. J., 390, 95-105, 2005). Our work is also focused on the study of the mechanism/s of action of saposins and on their interaction with lipids, especially phospholipids. Actually we have contribute to define the mechanism of action of saposin C (Vaccaro et al.,J.Biol.Chem.,272, 16862-16867,1997, Salvioli et al., FEBS Letters, 472, 1721, 2000), of saposin D (Ciaffoni et al., J. Biol. Chem., 276, 31583-31589, 2001) and of saposin B (Ciaffoni et al., J. Lip. Res., 47, 1045-1053, 2006).
Department of Cell Biology and Oncology
Mario Negri Sud Institute
+39 0872570353
Santa Maria Imbaro
Via Nazionale 8/A
phosphoinositides, glycerophosphoinositols, phospholipases, LXR-FXR nuclear receptors
Phosphoinositide metabolism and related diseases. Our expertises include: -- phosphoinositide analysis by standard HPLC, TLC, Lipid binding domain recognition -- PI kinase and phosphatase assays -- inositol phospate and glycerophosphoinositol analysis by HPLC and MS -- metabolism of the phosphoinositides and their metabolites -- Morphological approaches with reference to the LBD (IF, EM, Tomography, FRET, FRAP, Correlative light/EM) Our aim is to set and apply the lipidomic approach to the lipid profiling of cell models of different pathological conditions (Overexpressing or KO for proteins/enzymes involved in lipid metabolism and related diseases) Ongoing projects: The glycerophosphoinositols (GPIs) as modulators of the Rho-family cycle: Our studies have indicated that the GPIs, the cellular derivatives of the phosphoinositides, are modulators of actin cytoskeleton assembly through an action on the Rho GTPases (Corda et al., 2002, Mancini et al., 2003). These compounds have thus become the focus of further studies aimed at elucidating their mechanism of action (Mariggiò et al, 2006) and at exploiting them as potential leads for drug development in actin-related diseases (Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome, X-linked mental retardation due to defect in PIX, common variable immunodeficiency). Diseases due to defects in the PI phosphatases: OCRL-1, MTM1 and MTMR2 (Lowe Syndrome, Myotubular Myopathy, and Type 4B Charcot-Marie-Tooth). The aim of our project is to identify and validate the enzymes controlling the PI cycle as pharmacological targets, the activities of which can be modulated by inhibitors and/or activators to re-establish the correct balance between the PIs pools in the above-mentioned conditions in which this balance has been compromised by the lack or deregulation of the PIPtases. A similar approach is currently being undertaken in the case of the deregulation of PI 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, which occurs in cancer, thrombotic diseases, inflammation and diabetes. Other projects involving aspects of the lipid metabolism are: -role of PLA2 in membrane traffic -mechanism of membrane fissioning mediated by the protein BARS -Regulation of lipid metabolism by LXR and FXR nuclear receptor and relevance in the development of colon cancer
Department of Cell Biology and Oncology
Mario Negri Sud Institute
+39 0872570353
Santa Maria Imbaro
Via Nazionale 8/A
phosphoinositides, glycerophosphoinositols, phospholipases, LXR-FXR nuclear receptors
Phosphoinositide metabolism and related diseases. Our expertises include: -- phosphoinositide analysis by standard HPLC, TLC, Lipid binding domain recognition -- PI kinase and phosphatase assays -- inositol phospate and glycerophosphoinositol analysis by HPLC and MS -- metabolism of the phosphoinositides and their metabolites -- Morphological approaches with reference to the LBD (IF, EM, Tomography, FRET, FRAP, Correlative light/EM) Our aim is to set and apply the lipidomic approach to the lipid profiling of cell models of different pathological conditions (Overexpressing or KO for proteins/enzymes involved in lipid metabolism and related diseases) Ongoing projects: The glycerophosphoinositols (GPIs) as modulators of the Rho-family cycle: Our studies have indicated that the GPIs, the cellular derivatives of the phosphoinositides, are modulators of actin cytoskeleton assembly through an action on the Rho GTPases (Corda et al., 2002, Mancini et al., 2003). These compounds have thus become the focus of further studies aimed at elucidating their mechanism of action (Mariggiò et al, 2006) and at exploiting them as potential leads for drug development in actin-related diseases (Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome, X-linked mental retardation due to defect in PIX, common variable immunodeficiency). Diseases due to defects in the PI phosphatases: OCRL-1, MTM1 and MTMR2 (Lowe Syndrome, Myotubular Myopathy, and Type 4B Charcot-Marie-Tooth). The aim of our project is to identify and validate the enzymes controlling the PI cycle as pharmacological targets, the activities of which can be modulated by inhibitors and/or activators to re-establish the correct balance between the PIs pools in the above-mentioned conditions in which this balance has been compromised by the lack or deregulation of the PIPtases. A similar approach is currently being undertaken in the case of the deregulation of PI 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway, which occurs in cancer, thrombotic diseases, inflammation and diabetes. Other projects involving aspects of the lipid metabolism are: -role of PLA2 in membrane traffic -mechanism of membrane fissioning mediated by the protein BARS -Regulation of lipid metabolism by LXR and FXR nuclear receptor and relevance in the development of colon cancer
Biochemistry group
University Milano-Bicocca
Via Cadore, 48
Alzheimer, Lipid rafts, signal transduction
Lipids and neurodegenerative diseases Lipid rafts and disease Lipid rafts and signal transduction Lipid-protein interaction
Department of Experimental Medicine
University Milano-Bicocca
Via Cadore, 48
Alzheimer, Lipid rafts, signal transduction
Lipids and neurodegenerative diseases Lipid-protein interaction Lipid rafts and signal transduction Lipid rafts and disease
Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche
University of Florence
Viale G.B. Morgagni 50
sphingosine 1-phosphate, lipid microdomain, ceramide, ceramidase
Sphingosine 1-phosphate and its mechanism of action. Regulation of cellular sphingosine 1-phosphate content. Functional role of membrane lipid microdomains in sphingosine 1-phosphate production and signalling.
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Physiopathology, University School of Medicine
University of Perugia
Policlinico Monteluce, via Brunamonti
intranuclear lipid, DNA-lipid, RNA-lipid
We have demonstrated that a phospholipid cellular fraction is associated with chromatin. The presence, described by histochemical and biochemical techniques, is not due to membrane contaminations. The chromatin phospholipid fraction (CPF) can be considered a chromatin minor component. The CPF differ from that of microsomes and nuclear membranes as regard composition and turnover and changes in relation to hepatocyte maturation and proliferation. The main modifications, evident in several cellular functions, regard principally phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) that are metabolised directly in the nuclei in a very short time with a fine modulation of the enzimatic activities, regulated by PLs. The presence of a complex of base exchange enzymes for PC synthesis, a neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase), a sphingomyelin-synthase (SM-synthase), a phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C (PC-PLC) and a sphingomyelin-synthase-reverse (SM-synthase-reverse), which synthesises PC from SM have been demonstrated. These enzymes differ for pH and Km optima from those present in nuclear membranes, suggesting the possible existence of different isoforms. These results strongly support the presence of a metabolic machinery in the chromatin which probably is regulated in relation to cellular function. The PC-PLC and SM-synthase enrich the intranuclear pool of diacylglicerol (DAG), whereas the N-SMase and SM-synthase-reverse enrich the intranuclear pool of ceramide. DAG and ceramide are know as second messengers which play an important role in different physiological conditions, acting as a stimulating (DAG) and inhibitory factor (ceramide) of protein kinase C (PKC) The hypothesis has been made that the lipid messenger can favour the nuclear molecular events which precede DNA synthesis in liver regeneration. The results show that the DAG pool increases at the beginning of S phase, whereas the ceramide pool later increases. In the erythroleukemic cells, treated with DMSO and/or D3 vitamin, the N-SMase activity increases during the apoptotic process, whereas PC-PLC activity increases during cell differentiation. It will be interesting to know if DAG and ceramide, produced directly in chromatin, can play a role in cellular functions. 1. Viola Magni M.P., Gahan P.B., Albi E., Iapoce R. and Gentilucci P.F. "Chromatin phospholipids and DNA synthesis in hepatic cells". Bas. Appl. Histochem. 29, 253-259, 1985. I.F. 1.041 2. .Viola Magni M.P., Gahan P.B., Albi E., Iapoce R. and Gentilucci P.F. "Phospholipids in chromatin: incorporation of 32PO24 in different subcellular fraction of hepatocytes" Cell Biochem. and Function 4, 283-288, 1986. I.F. 1.452 3. Viola Magni M.P., Gahan P.B., Albi E., Iapoce R. and Gentilucci P.F. "Synthesis of chromatin phospholipids" Bas. Appl. Histochem. 31, 355-364, 1987. I.F. 1.041 4. Albi E., Viola Magni M.P. and Gahan P.B. "Age-related changes in chromatin phospholipid fraction" The liver, metabolism and ageing, Eurage 13,189-188, 1989. 5. Gahan P.B., Albi E. and Viola Magni M.P. "Changes with age in phospholipid composition of rat liver cell nuclei and nuclear envelopes". Drug metabolism, liver injury and ageing, Eurage, 16, 229-236, 1991. 6. Albi E., Viola Magni M.P., Lazzarini R. and Gahan P.B. "Chromatin phospholipid changes during rat liver development" Cell Biochem. and Function 9, 119-123, 1991. 1.452. I.F. 1.452 7. Albi E. "Presenza e ruolo dei fosfolipidi nella cromatina" Tesi di Dottorato in Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare. 1991. 8. Fraschini A., Albi E., Gahan P.B. and Viola Magni M.P. "Tem cytochemical study of the localization of phospholipids in interphase chromatin in rat hepatocytes" Histochemistry 97, 225-235, 1992. I.F 9. Albi E. , Mersel M., Leray C., Tomassoni M.L. and Viola-Magni M.P. Rat Liver Chromatin Phospholipids" Lipids 29, 715-719- 1994. I.F. 2.164 10. Albi E., Micheli M., Viola-Magni M.P. "Phospholipids and nuclear RNA" Cell Biol. Intern. 20, 6, 1996. I.F. 1.092 11. Albi E., Viola-Magni M.P. "Choline base exchange activity in rat hepatocyte nuclei and nuclear membrane" Cell Biol.Intern 21, 217-221, 1997. I.F. 1.092 12. Albi E., Tomassoni M.L., Viola-Magni M.P. "Effect of lipid composition on rat liver nuclear membrane fluidity" Cell Biochem. and Funct, 15, 181-190, 1997. I.F. 1.452 13. Albi, E. and Viola Magni, M.P. "Chromatin neutral spingomyelinase and its role in hepatic regeneration. Biochim. Biophys. Res. Commun., 236, 29-33, 1997. I.F. 2.836 14. Micheli,M., Albi,E, Leray,C., and Viola Magni,M.P. "Nuclear sphingomyelin protects RNA from RNase action" FEBS Letters 431, 443-447, 1998. I.F. 3.609 15. Tomassoni,M.L., Albi,E., and Viola Magni,M.P. Changes of nuclear membrane fluidity during rat liver regeneration Biochem. Mol. Biol. Intern. 47, 1049-1059, 1999. 16. Albi,E., Peloso,I., and Viola Magni,M.P. Nuclear Membrane Sphingomyelin-Cholesterol Changes in Rat Liver after Hepatectomy Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 262, 692-695, 1999. I.F. 2.836 17. Albi,E., Viola Magni,M.P. Sphingomyelin-Synthase in Rat Liver Nuclear Membrane and Chromatin FEBS Letters 460, 369-372, 1999. I.F. 3.609 18. Albi,E., and Viola Magni,M.P. Phosphatidylcholine-Dependent Phospholipase C in Rat Liver Chromatin Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 265, 640-643, 1999. I.F. 2.836 19. Albi,E., Viola Magni,M.P. The presence and the role of chromatin cholesterol in rat liver regeneration Journal of Hepatology 36, 395-400, 2002. I.F. 5.285 20. Caso,V., Panarelli,P., Albi,E., Viola-Magni,M.P., Parnetti,L., Gallai,V. Phospholipid autoantibodies: time for a new immuno-assay? Clin Exp Hypertens. 24: 511-516, 2002. I.F. 0.816 21. Panarelli,P., Viola-Magni,M.P., and Albi E. Antiphosphatidylinositol antibody in deep venous thrombosis patients Int.J. Immunopath. Pharm. 2003, 16: 61-6. I.F. 3.927 22. Albi,E., Cataldi,S., Rossi,G., and Viola Magni,M.P. A possible role of cholesterol-sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine in nuclear matrix during rat liver regeneration. J. Hepatology 2003, 38: 623-8. I.F. 5.283 23. Albi,E., Pieroni,S., Viola Magni,M.P., and Sartori,C Chromatin sphingomyelin changes in cell proliferation and/or apoptosis induced by ciprofibrate. J. Cell Physiol. 2003, 196:354-61. I.F. 5.436 24. Valeria Caso, Lucilla Parnetti, Paolo Panarelli, Maria Pia Viola Magni, MD, Virgilio Gallai, Elisabetta Albi Selection of Thrombogenetic Antiphospholipid Antibodies In Cerebrovascular Disease Patients J.Neurol 2003, 250: 593-597. I.F. 2.778 25. Albi,E., Rossi,G., Maraldi,N.M., Viola Magni,M.P., Cataldi,S., Solimando, L., Zini,N. Involvement of nuclear Phosphatidylinositol-dependent Phospholipases C in cell cycle progression during rat liver J. Cell Physiol. 2003, 197: 181-188. I.F. 5.463 26. Elisabetta Albi, Remo Lazzarini and Mariapia Viola Magni Reverse Sphingomyelin-Synthase in Rat Liver Chromatin FEBS Letters 2003, 549(1-3):152-156. I.F. 3.609 27. Elisabetta Albi, Samuela Cataldi, Mariapia Viola Magni and Claudia Sartori Plasmalogens in rat liver chromatin: new molecules involved in cell proliferation J. Cell Physiol, 2004, 201(3):439-46. I.F. 5.463 28. Elisabetta Albi, Samuela Cataldi, Elisa Bartoccini, Mariapia Viola Magni, Francesca Marini, Francesca Mazzoni, Giuseppe Rainaldi, Monica Evangelisti, Mercedes Garcia-Gil Nuclear sphingomyelin pathway in serum deprivation-induced apoptosis of embryonic hippocampal cells J Cell Physiol, 2005. I.F. 5.463 29. Elisabetta Albi, Caterina AM La Porta , Samuela Cataldi, Mariapia Viola Magni Nuclear sphingomyelin-synthase and protein kinase C delta in melanoma cells Arch. Biochem Biophys, 2005, 438:156-61. I.F. 2.338
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Physiopathology, University School of Medicine
University of Perugia
Policlinico Monteluce, via Brunamonti
intranuclear lipid, DNA-lipid, RNA-lipid
We have demonstrated that a phospholipid cellular fraction is associated with chromatin. The presence, described by histochemical and biochemical techniques, is not due to membrane contaminations. The chromatin phospholipid fraction (CPF) can be considered a chromatin minor component. The CPF differ from that of microsomes and nuclear membranes as regard composition and turnover and changes in relation to hepatocyte maturation and proliferation. The main modifications, evident in several cellular functions, regard principally phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) that are metabolised directly in the nuclei in a very short time with a fine modulation of the enzimatic activities, regulated by PLs. The presence of a complex of base exchange enzymes for PC synthesis, a neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase), a sphingomyelin-synthase (SM-synthase), a phosphatidylcholine-dependent phospholipase C (PC-PLC) and a sphingomyelin-synthase-reverse (SM-synthase-reverse), which synthesises PC from SM have been demonstrated. These enzymes differ for pH and Km optima from those present in nuclear membranes, suggesting the possible existence of different isoforms. These results strongly support the presence of a metabolic machinery in the chromatin which probably is regulated in relation to cellular function. The PC-PLC and SM-synthase enrich the intranuclear pool of diacylglicerol (DAG), whereas the N-SMase and SM-synthase-reverse enrich the intranuclear pool of ceramide. DAG and ceramide are know as second messengers which play an important role in different physiological conditions, acting as a stimulating (DAG) and inhibitory factor (ceramide) of protein kinase C (PKC) The hypothesis has been made that the lipid messenger can favour the nuclear molecular events which precede DNA synthesis in liver regeneration. The results show that the DAG pool increases at the beginning of S phase, whereas the ceramide pool later increases. In the erythroleukemic cells, treated with DMSO and/or D3 vitamin, the N-SMase activity increases during the apoptotic process, whereas PC-PLC activity increases during cell differentiation. It will be interesting to know if DAG and ceramide, produced directly in chromatin, can play a role in cellular functions. 1. Viola Magni M.P., Gahan P.B., Albi E., Iapoce R. and Gentilucci P.F. "Chromatin phospholipids and DNA synthesis in hepatic cells". Bas. Appl. Histochem. 29, 253-259, 1985. I.F. 1.041 2. .Viola Magni M.P., Gahan P.B., Albi E., Iapoce R. and Gentilucci P.F. "Phospholipids in chromatin: incorporation of 32PO24 in different subcellular fraction of hepatocytes" Cell Biochem. and Function 4, 283-288, 1986. I.F. 1.452 3. Viola Magni M.P., Gahan P.B., Albi E., Iapoce R. and Gentilucci P.F. "Synthesis of chromatin phospholipids" Bas. Appl. Histochem. 31, 355-364, 1987. I.F. 1.041 4. Albi E., Viola Magni M.P. and Gahan P.B. "Age-related changes in chromatin phospholipid fraction" The liver, metabolism and ageing, Eurage 13,189-188, 1989. 5. Gahan P.B., Albi E. and Viola Magni M.P. "Changes with age in phospholipid composition of rat liver cell nuclei and nuclear envelopes". Drug metabolism, liver injury and ageing, Eurage, 16, 229-236, 1991. 6. Albi E., Viola Magni M.P., Lazzarini R. and Gahan P.B. "Chromatin phospholipid changes during rat liver development" Cell Biochem. and Function 9, 119-123, 1991. 1.452. I.F. 1.452 7. Albi E. "Presenza e ruolo dei fosfolipidi nella cromatina" Tesi di Dottorato in Patologia Cellulare e Molecolare. 1991. 8. Fraschini A., Albi E., Gahan P.B. and Viola Magni M.P. "Tem cytochemical study of the localization of phospholipids in interphase chromatin in rat hepatocytes" Histochemistry 97, 225-235, 1992. I.F 9. Albi E. , Mersel M., Leray C., Tomassoni M.L. and Viola-Magni M.P. Rat Liver Chromatin Phospholipids" Lipids 29, 715-719- 1994. I.F. 2.164 10. Albi E., Micheli M., Viola-Magni M.P. "Phospholipids and nuclear RNA" Cell Biol. Intern. 20, 6, 1996. I.F. 1.092 11. Albi E., Viola-Magni M.P. "Choline base exchange activity in rat hepatocyte nuclei and nuclear membrane" Cell Biol.Intern 21, 217-221, 1997. I.F. 1.092 12. Albi E., Tomassoni M.L., Viola-Magni M.P. "Effect of lipid composition on rat liver nuclear membrane fluidity" Cell Biochem. and Funct, 15, 181-190, 1997. I.F. 1.452 13. Albi, E. and Viola Magni, M.P. "Chromatin neutral spingomyelinase and its role in hepatic regeneration. Biochim. Biophys. Res. Commun., 236, 29-33, 1997. I.F. 2.836 14. Micheli,M., Albi,E, Leray,C., and Viola Magni,M.P. "Nuclear sphingomyelin protects RNA from RNase action" FEBS Letters 431, 443-447, 1998. I.F. 3.609 15. Tomassoni,M.L., Albi,E., and Viola Magni,M.P. Changes of nuclear membrane fluidity during rat liver regeneration Biochem. Mol. Biol. Intern. 47, 1049-1059, 1999. 16. Albi,E., Peloso,I., and Viola Magni,M.P. Nuclear Membrane Sphingomyelin-Cholesterol Changes in Rat Liver after Hepatectomy Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 262, 692-695, 1999. I.F. 2.836 17. Albi,E., Viola Magni,M.P. Sphingomyelin-Synthase in Rat Liver Nuclear Membrane and Chromatin FEBS Letters 460, 369-372, 1999. I.F. 3.609 18. Albi,E., and Viola Magni,M.P. Phosphatidylcholine-Dependent Phospholipase C in Rat Liver Chromatin Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 265, 640-643, 1999. I.F. 2.836 19. Albi,E., Viola Magni,M.P. The presence and the role of chromatin cholesterol in rat liver regeneration Journal of Hepatology 36, 395-400, 2002. I.F. 5.285 20. Caso,V., Panarelli,P., Albi,E., Viola-Magni,M.P., Parnetti,L., Gallai,V. Phospholipid autoantibodies: time for a new immuno-assay? Clin Exp Hypertens. 24: 511-516, 2002. I.F. 0.816 21. Panarelli,P., Viola-Magni,M.P., and Albi E. Antiphosphatidylinositol antibody in deep venous thrombosis patients Int.J. Immunopath. Pharm. 2003, 16: 61-6. I.F. 3.927 22. Albi,E., Cataldi,S., Rossi,G., and Viola Magni,M.P. A possible role of cholesterol-sphingomyelin/phosphatidylcholine in nuclear matrix during rat liver regeneration. J. Hepatology 2003, 38: 623-8. I.F. 5.283 23. Albi,E., Pieroni,S., Viola Magni,M.P., and Sartori,C Chromatin sphingomyelin changes in cell proliferation and/or apoptosis induced by ciprofibrate. J. Cell Physiol. 2003, 196:354-61. I.F. 5.436 24. Valeria Caso, Lucilla Parnetti, Paolo Panarelli, Maria Pia Viola Magni, MD, Virgilio Gallai, Elisabetta Albi Selection of Thrombogenetic Antiphospholipid Antibodies In Cerebrovascular Disease Patients J.Neurol 2003, 250: 593-597. I.F. 2.778 25. Albi,E., Rossi,G., Maraldi,N.M., Viola Magni,M.P., Cataldi,S., Solimando, L., Zini,N. Involvement of nuclear Phosphatidylinositol-dependent Phospholipases C in cell cycle progression during rat liver J. Cell Physiol. 2003, 197: 181-188. I.F. 5.463 26. Elisabetta Albi, Remo Lazzarini and Mariapia Viola Magni Reverse Sphingomyelin-Synthase in Rat Liver Chromatin FEBS Letters 2003, 549(1-3):152-156. I.F. 3.609 27. Elisabetta Albi, Samuela Cataldi, Mariapia Viola Magni and Claudia Sartori Plasmalogens in rat liver chromatin: new molecules involved in cell proliferation J. Cell Physiol, 2004, 201(3):439-46. I.F. 5.463 28. Elisabetta Albi, Samuela Cataldi, Elisa Bartoccini, Mariapia Viola Magni, Francesca Marini, Francesca Mazzoni, Giuseppe Rainaldi, Monica Evangelisti, Mercedes Garcia-Gil Nuclear sphingomyelin pathway in serum deprivation-induced apoptosis of embryonic hippocampal cells J Cell Physiol, 2005. I.F. 5.463 29. Elisabetta Albi, Caterina AM La Porta , Samuela Cataldi, Mariapia Viola Magni Nuclear sphingomyelin-synthase and protein kinase C delta in melanoma cells Arch. Biochem Biophys, 2005, 438:156-61. I.F. 2.338
Department of Internal Medicine
University of Perugia
0039 75 5857423
Via del Giochetto
pollen phospholipids, brain mitochondria, anionic phospholipids, cardiolipin
I)Plant pollens are an important source of environmental antigens that stimulate allergic responses. In addition to acting as vehicled for foreign protein antigens, they contain different molecular species of lipids, which are necessary in the reproduction of higher plants. The CD1 family of nonpolymorphic major histocompatibility complex-related molecules is highly conserved in mammals, and has been shown to present microbial and self lipids to T cells. We provided evidence that pollen lipids may be recognized as antigens by human T cell through a CD1-dependent pathway. Amonng phospholipids extracted from cypress grains, phosphatidylcholine (PC)and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)were able to stimulate the proliferation of T cells from cypresse-sensitive subjects. Particularly, 18:2/18:2 PC, a predominat component of cypress PC, could be one of the specific targets in pollen grain capture and recognition by CD1. Also pollen-derived unsaturated PE are antigens recognized by a variety of T clones derived from allergic subjects. The nature of the acyl chains in the lipid antigens contributes enormously to immunogenicity.(Agea et al. Journal Exp. Med. (2005) 202:295-308. The nature of lipid-protein interaction between phospholipids and CD1 is a target for future investigation. The antigenic properties of glycolipids extracted and purified from pollens will be also evaluated. II) We are also involved in projects aimed at studying the role of anionic phospholipids, particularly cardiolipin, in the functionality of mitochondria in the nervous tissue. A major finding of our previous studies was the effect exerted by exogenous phospholipids on the release of cytochrome c from the inner mitochondrial membrane and on the transmembrane potential of brain mitochondria. Mitochondria were enriched with exogenous phosoholipids through a fusion process in the outer mitochondrial membrane. The experimental system utilized a fluorescent probe inserted in the outer mitochondrial membrane to follow the kinetics of incorporation of lipids in mitochondria. By using a selective probe for cardiolipin, it has been demonstrated thet the fused lipid can reach the inner mitochondrial membrane and influence the membrane potential. We found that exogenous cardiolipin reinforced the binding of cytochrome c with the inner mitochondria, thus hindering its release following different stimuli. The interaction of cytochrome c with the components of the inner mitochondrial membrane is object of investigation. The mode of membrane association of cytochrome c is studied by using a model system of cytochrome c reconstituted in different cardiolipins. (Piccotti et al. JBC 2002, 277:12075-12081, Piccotti et al. J. Membr. Biol. 2004, 198:43-53)
Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Biochemistry
University of Perugia
Via del Giochetto
phospholipase A2, lipid mediators, PAF
This group is interested in the identification and localization of various phospholipases A2 in intracellular compartments. Particular attention is devoted to secretory PLA2s with the aim of uderstanding their functions in normal and pathological conditions. We have already demonstrated the presence of a group IIA sPLA2 from cerebral cortex mitochondria and its release under energy-deficient conditions and the location of group V sPLA2 in the nuclei of cultured PC-12 and U251 astrocytome cells of group V sPLA2 (Macchioni et al., J Biol Chem. (2004) Vol. 279, 36 (3), 37860-37869). Furthermore we have set up a procedure for a continuous monitoring PLA2 activities in cultured cells in vivo or subcellular organelles. Since many cell types release low molecular weight sPLA2, we are also studying the routing for their secretion of their translocation to intracellular compartments. This group is also interested on the formation of lipid mediators and particularly of PAF. We have identified the presence of the enzymes for its synthesis in the nervous tissue.
Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Biochemistry
University of Perugia
Via del Giochetto
phospholipase A2, lipid mediators, PAF
This group is interested in the identification and localization of various phospholipases A2 in intracellular compartments. Particular attention is devoted to secretory PLA2s with the aim of uderstanding their functions in normal and pathological conditions. We have already demonstrated the presence of a group IIA sPLA2 from cerebral cortex mitochondria and its release under energy-deficient conditions and the location of group V sPLA2 in the nuclei of cultured PC-12 and U251 astrocytome cells of group V sPLA2 (Macchioni et al., J Biol Chem. (2004) Vol. 279, 36 (3), 37860-37869). Furthermore we have set up a procedure for a continuous monitoring PLA2 activities in cultured cells in vivo or subcellular organelles. Since many cell types release low molecular weight sPLA2, we are also studying the routing for their secretion of their translocation to intracellular compartments. This group is also interested on the formation of lipid mediators and particularly of PAF. We have identified the presence of the enzymes for its synthesis in the nervous tissue.
Funato Group
Hiroshima University
1-4-4, Kagamiyama
ceramide, GPI, transport
lipid trafficking
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2-2 Yamadaoka
HPLC/MS, sphingolipids, phospholipids
I has developed an HPLC/ESI/MS-based method capable of analyzing a wider range of lipid classes from neutral lipids to phospholipids on a single chromatographic run with three solvent gradients and post-column mixing of solvent that helps ESI of lipids eluted earlier with non-polar solvents. We used this method to study on lipid anomaly of a variety of gene-targeted mice tissues and subcellular organellae [e.g., Takagi, S., Tojo, H., Tomita, S., Sano, S., Itami, S., Hara, M., Inoue, S., Horie, K., Kondoh, G., Hosokawa, K., Gonzalez, F.J. and Takeda, J. Alteration of the 4-sphingenine scaffolds of ceramides in keratinocyte-specific Arnt deficient mice affects skin barrier function. J. Clin. Invest. 112, 1372-1382 (2003)]. We are now extending the method amenable to analyzing more polar lipids that cantain important bioactive lipids. We eventually would like to develop a very comprehensive lipid analyzing system.
Department of Metabolome, Graduate School of Medicine
The University ofTokyo
7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku
lipid, database
create lipid database "LipidBank"
Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases
Academic Medical Center
NL-1100 DD
P.O. Box 22660
tandem-Mass Spectrometry, glycerophospholipids, cardiolipin, ceramides
HPLC-tandem mass spectrometric analysis of lipid compositions at different levels of complexity, such as cell compartments/organelles, cells, tissues in order to clarify/study biochemical processes in relation to disease based disorders. Research is biomedical orientated in a university hospital setting and findings are where possible translated into diagnostic tests.
0031 152792278
2600 MA
p.o. box 1
ceramides, sphingolipids
ceramides, sphingolipids
Lipid laboratory
Dept Internal Medicine, UMC Nijmegen
6500 HB
Geert Grooteplein zuid 8
GC-MS, steroids, lipoproteins
lipidperoxydation and antioxidants, lipid transfer, steroids, nutrients
Physics of Life Processes
Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University
+31 71 527 5982
2333 CA
Niels Bohrweg 2
cell signaling, model systems, lipid rafts, single-molecule biophysics, fluorescence microscopy
cell signaling, model systems, lipid rafts, single-molecule biophysics, fluorescence microscopy
31 222 369582
1790 AB
Den Burg
P.O. Box 59
organic geochemistry, biomarker
As part of the ICOMM ( we are building up a lipid database. If possible, we want to combine our data with yours. Firstly, we are interested in a procedure to find data from the database. What programs are developed, how do they work. If there is no such program exists, one has to be created. We hope we can work with you to get things working.
Philips Research, Molecular Diagnostics
5656 AE
High Tech Campus 4
cholsterol, membrane microdomains, sphingolipids, oxidized lipids, lipoproteins
Bioactive lipids relevant to diseases
Bijvoet Center
Utrecht University
NL-584 CH
Padualaan 8
membrane membrane-protein rafts
Lipids is membranes and as signalling entities
Institute of Biomembranes
Utrecht University
3584 CH
Padualaan 8
lipid cell biology - lipid mass spectrometry - model membrane biochemistry
The Institute of Biomembranes is an interdisciplinary research institute and graduate school at Utrecht University, accommodating 18 research groups from the faculties of Science, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine. The famous lipid biochemist Laurens van Deenen was one of the founding members of the institute in 1991, but unfortunately deceased in 1994. To remember him, since 2004 the Institute annually awards the "van Deenen Medal" to a leading active scientist in biomembrane research ( The present director chairs a specific support action of the European Commission entitled "The European Lipidomics Initiative" ( A number of groups in the institute work on questions related to the structure and function of lipids in cells, blood (lipoproteins) and model membranes. Notably, a dedicated effort in lipid mass spectrometry is ongoing in the Dept. of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (
Nutrition, metabolism and genomics group
Wageningen University
6703 HD
Bomenweg 2
transcriptomics, PPARs, fatty acids
Our group is interested in regulation of gene expression by fatty acids. We use transcriptomics (in house affymetrix platform) in combination with knock-out mice models to investigate the overall impact as well as the mechanism of fatty acid-dependent gene regulation in numerous organs (small intestine, liver, heart). Our expertise is: 1) design, analysis and interpretation of transcriptomics experiments, and 2) pathway mapping of transcriptomics data with special emphasis on lipid metabolism
Preclinical sciences
GE Healthcare
+47 2318 5666
Nycoveien 2
Phospholipids, blood, drug development
Phospholipid analysis related to contrast agents for medical imaging. Analyses of blood samples in order to describe pharmacokinetics/toxicokinetics.
Inst. for Cancer Research/Sandvigs group:Intracellular transport
The Norwegian Radium Hospital
47 22934294
glycosphingolipids, toxins, cholesterol, rafts
Studies of the role of different lipids on intracellular transport of protein toxins. For recent publications, please see the home pages: We have been studying the role of cholesterol in transport, and we have been investigating cells with mutations in (glyco)sphingolipid synthesis. Studies on the roles of glycospingolipids are in progress.
Laboratory of Transcriptional Regulation
Centre for Medical Biology PAS
Lodowa 106
ABC transporters, gene expression, transcription factors
Lipid hormones and second messengers - their direct and indirect effects on gene expression. Lipid-binding transcription factors. Lipid transporters from the ABC superfamily - mechanism of action, regulation of expression.
Department of Animal Physiology and Biophysics
Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest
00-40-21-318 15 69
Splaiul Independentei, 91-95
Plane lipid bilayers, Liposomes, Pharmacology
Our group is interested to test antidepressants (natural and synthetic) and neuroleptics on plane lipid bilayers by electrical recordings and liposomes by fluorescence polarisation.
Institute of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine
University of Ljubljana
-386 1 5437600
Lipiceva 2
vesicle shapes, membrane trafficking, amphitropic proteins
Mechanical properties of lipid membranes. Theoretical and experimental studies of phospholipid vesicle shape behavior. Shape induced mechanisms for the lateral segregation of membrane components. Role of vesicle shapes in intracellular membrane trafficking. Mechanism of action of amphitropic proteins studied by vesicle shape transformations induced by their binding to vesicle membranes.
Parque Tecnológico de Ciencias de la Salud. Avda. del Conocimiento s
Parasites, lipid translocation, Aminophospholipid translocases, ABC transporters.
Lipid translocation in arasites of health interest: their implications in the biology of parasites, and their potential use as drug targets. Aminophospholipid translocases and ABC transporters in parasites: its role in drug resistance and infectivity of parasites.
IQAC/Research Unit on BioActive Molecules
Jordi Girona 18
combinatorial chemistry, nuclear magnetic ressonance, drug discovery, environmental contaminants
Drug discovery and pharmacological tools: Effects of combinatorial libraries of synthetic chemicals on cell sphingolipid profiles. Toxicity of environmental contaminants: Deciphering whether the toxicity of selected environmental contaminants occurs by altering the sphingolipid composition of affected cells. Sphingolipid maps as sensors of environmental contamination. Analytical methodology: (1) Development of 15N and 31P NMR procedures to construct sphingolipid and phospholipid maps. (2) Application of biocompatible chemical reactions to the construction of pseudolipid maps and validation of this approach to research in cell biology.
Unidad de Biofísica
CSIC and Universidad del País Vasco
Sarriena s
membrane lipids, lipid biophysics, membrane domains, lipid-protein interaction
We are interested in the biophysics of membrane lipids, and lipid-protein interactions, with an emphasis on sphingolipids, lipid signalling, membrane domains, and, more recently, lipoproteins. Our techniques include calorimetry (DSC, ITC), spectroscopy (IR, fluorescence, UV-vis, stopped-flow, CD), confocal microscopy, Langmuir balance, and supported membranes.
National Center of Biotechnology
Spanish Research Council
Darwin, 3. Campus Cantoblanco University
signaling, chemotaxis, leukocyte, HIV
The previous work of my group has been focused in understand how lipid rafts organize cell signaling during leukocyte chemotaxis as well as in the pivotal function of these microdomains at the early steps of the human immunodeficiency virus infection.
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Spanish Research Council & University of Valladolid School of Medicine
Calle Sanz y Fores s
Phospholipase A2, Arachidonic Acid, Prostaglandins, Lysophosphatidylcholine
Eicosanoids, Lysophospholipids, Glycerophospholipids
BIOMIL (BIOphysics of Membranes and Lipid/Protein Interfaces)
Universidad Complutense
Fac. Biologia, Dept. Bioquimica
pulmonary surfactant, monolayers, membrane domains, surface activity
Membrane lateral structure and its role in the establishment of lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions. Lipids and lipid/protein complexes as surface-active agents, with particular emphasis in the structure and molecular mechanisms of membranes and surface layers of natural pulmonary surfactant and clinical preparations used in the therapeutical treatment of respiratory diseases.
Research Group in Biomembranes, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Murcia
Facultad de Veterinaria, Campus de Espinardo
lipid-protein interaction, PKCs, diacylglycerol, liposomes
Protein-lipid interactions: interactions with model membranes of signalling proteins, such as PKCs and Bcl-2 family of proteins associated to the regulation of cell apoptosis. Lipid regulation of the activity of PKCs. The action of a variety of bioactive lipìds on membrane translocation and activation of the Protein Kinase C family of proteins associated to cell signalling. The action of lipids such as phosphatidylserine, phosphoinositides, free fatty acids, diacylglycerols and ceramides is invetigated. Techniques used: NMR (CPMAS, HRMAS, deuterium NMR, 31P-NMR), DSC, ITC, Biacore, Fluorescence spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, X-ray diffraction.
Dept. Physiology, Medical School
University of the Basque Country
Cholesterol, Liver, VLDL secretion, functional genomics
Disorders of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism involved in hepatic and cardiovascular diseases. Molecular mechanisms underlying nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Functional genomics in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
The Wenner-Gren Institute
Stockholm University
Arrhenius lab. F3
fatty acid metabolism, elongase, gene expression
Our topic is the regulation of very long chain fatty acid syntersis in mammals and their significance in lipid metabolism.
Department of Crop Science
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
please fill in
Box 44
plant oil biosynthesis
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Department of Biophysical Chemistry
Umeå University
Linaeus väg 10
domains, lateral diffusion, Lipid/protein
Lipid/protein interaction, regulation of lipid composition in cell membranes, Formation of domains in lipid membranes, Lipid lateral diffusion, Molecular ordering in membranes,.
LC-MS Support
Applera Europe B.V.
+41 41 799 7742
Grundstrasse 10
phospholipid, eiscosanoids, PAF, biomarker
Understanding of succession at developing and self stabilising cell populations and response/adaptation in the membrane lipid composition to stress conditions. Reveal cell signaling processes and interactions with the environment depending on lipid molecules. Lipid synthesis and degradation depend on enzyme activities and specific genes. Supressing specific lipid synthesis process or facilitating adaptation processes may identify genes involved and clarify function of so far unknown gene sequences. Assessment of regulatory lipids (eicosanoids, PAFs) as presymptomatic harbingers of pulmonary pathobiology. Development of rapid and easy-to-use methods for assessemnt and analysis of phospholipid profiles based on mass spectrometry. Rapid and sensitive quantification of signaling lipid molecules. Since 2007 LC-MS Support for Switzerland and South of germany Area, providing expertise in Lipidanalysis by LC-MS
Life Sciences Mass Spectrometry
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences - University of Geneva
Bd Yvoy 20
Mass spectrometry, Pharmaceuticals, Proteins, C.elegans
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University of Basel, Experimental Immunology
University Hospital, Department of Research
+41 61 2652365
Hebelstrasse, 20
immune recognition of lipids
Identification of llipids with immunogenic activity and involved in activating lipid-specific T cells in diseases
Division of Biochemistry
University of Fribourg
0041 26 300 8630
5, chemin du musée
Ceramide, GPI, cell wall, heat shock, cholesterol, ergosterol, steryl esters, lipases, lipid bodies
Biosynthesis, Remodeling and transport and cell wall integration of GPI anchored proteins of Saccharomaces cerevisiae. Sphingolipid biosynthesis of S. cerevisiae. Sterol transport, neutral lipid storage and degradation. Lipid rafts transport and sortining of integral membrane proteins.
Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology, Section of Stem Cells
Academia Sinica
farnesyl pyrophosphate, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, E-Ras
Prenyl pyrophosphates as differentiation signals for stem cells
Institute of Bioinformatics and Structural Biology
National Tsing Hua University
Kung-Fu Rd
glycosphingolipid, cardiotoxin, phospholipase A2
Our main interest is to understand the role of various lipids and/or lipid domain responsible for the action of cobra venom components such as cobra cardiotoxins or phospholipase A2.
Dept. of Medical Biochemistry & Immunology, School of Medicine
Cardiff University
0044 29 2074 8447
CF14 4XN
Heath Park
United Kingdom
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Chemical Engineering Life Science Interface
Chemical and Process Engineering University of Sheffield
S3 7RD
40 LeavyGreave Road
United Kingdom
Sulfolipids, sulfoglycolipids, cyanobacteria, bioactive compounds
My area of interest is to mining lipid profile of cyanobacteria for identifying potential drug candidates.
School of Life Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
++44 131 451 3186
EH14 4AS
United Kingdom
Diet-gene interaction, lipogenesis,fungal lipid metabolism
We are interested in the influence of diet on the regulation of gene expression in hepatic tissue culture, in particular emphasis on lipogenic genes. A second area of interest focusses on fungal lipid metabolism, particularly in the oleaginous Yarrowia lipolytica.
The Chemical Biology Centre in the Department of Chemistry
Imperial College London in association with the Institute of Cancer Research and the London Research Institute of CRUK
+44 (0)20 7594 5787
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom
Lipid biophysical characterisation
Biophysical properties of lipids Phase behaviour studied by SAXRD, NMR, SSNMR, polarising microscopy, DSC, high pressure SAXRD Mesophase structure and energetics measured by SAXRD osmometry, SSNMR, ITC, DSC, direct vesicle manipulation and modelling using continuum elastic theories, mesoscopic modelling and full atomistic modelling (QMMD) Dynamics of phase transformations (the lipids role in cell division, fusion etc.) using synchrotron X-ray scattering on rapidly perturbed systems Studies of the short and long range coupling of membrane charge and curvature elasticity Lipid-protein and lipid-drug interactions Studies of the effect of membrane elasticity on enzyme activity, extrinsic membrane protein binding, membrane protein refolding dynamics, drug binding Studies of the coupling of membrane chemistry and biochemistry to lipid elastic properties Studies of lipid liquid ordered phases and protein associations within these domains Studies of membrane protein assembly, distribution and dynamics Development of novel single cell membrane proteomics and lipidomics A recently funded project to handle single cells inoptical traps within microfluidic flows, strip off membrane portions, separate components and analyse using a novel 2D-IR spectroscopy
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
N1 9XW
4 Crinan St
United Kingdom
Glycobiology Institute
Oxford University
+44 1865 275725
South Parks Rd
United Kingdom
Oligosaccharide analysis, lysosomal storage
Protein and lipid glycosylation and diseases, including the lysosomal storage disorders (Gaucher disease for example). Glycolipid (sphingolipid) analysis by HPLC and mass spectrometry. Chemistry and biology of imino sugars that modulate glycolipid biosynthesis
Shell Global Solutions (UK)
Shell Global Solutions (UK)
P.O. Box 1
United Kingdom
extraction analysis
Interest in extraction and analysis techniques for lipids
Refsum disease group
St Thomas Hospital
Lambeth Palace Road
United Kingdom
peroxisome, alpha-oxidation, omega-oxidation, isoprenoid, phytanic
The group has been interested in the transport and biochemical pathways of phytanic acid metabolism and thus alpha- and omega-oxidation pathways of alpha-methyl isoprenoid fatty acids. This pathway has recently been defined with the cloning of key enzymes in alpha-oxidation including phytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase (PAHX), 2-hydroxyphytanoyl-CoA lyase, alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase together with confirmation of their localisation in peroxisomes. PAHX, an iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate dependent oxygenase is located on chromosome 10p13. Mutant forms of PAHX have been shown to be responsible for some, but not all, cases of Refsums Disease. Certain cases have been shown to be atypical mild variants of rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata type 1a. Other atypical cases with low plasma phytanic acid may be caused by a-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency. A sterol-carrier protein 2 (SCP-2) knockout mouse model shares a similar clinical phenotype to Refsums Disease, but no mutations in SCP-2 have been described to date in man. SCP-2 acts as a solubilistaion factor/intracellular carrier for these hydrophobic fatty acids. Work on the omega-oxidation pathway for these fatty acids has clarified the role of cytochrome 4A1 enzymes in the intitial hydroxylation to dicarboxylic acids and the subsequent peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway. It has also led to interest in this pathway as a therapeutic option for peroxiosomal diseases. The pathway for synthesis of phytanic acid from phytol in man and possibly other mammals has also been clarified with the identification of the enzymes in the pathway and identification of FALDH-10 - the enzyme deficient in Sjogren-Larsson syndroem as one of the key enzymes in this pathway. The group is also interested in the role of PhyH outside the preroxisome where it may act as protein regulator and the possible importance of phytanic acid as a PPAR-alpha ligand.
Mass Spectrometry Facility
The School of Pharmacy
29/39 Brunswick Square
United Kingdom
sterols, steroids, lipid rafts
The research in the mass spectrometry group at the School of Pharmacy is focused on lipids and their interactions with proteins. Major efforts are being made in the development of new methodology for the mass spectrometric analysis of steroids and sterols. In parrallel with lipidomic studies, we are investigating the protein content of lipid rafts and studying protein-lipid interactions.
European application laboratory
Thermo Electron
+44 1442233555
Hemel Hempstead
1 Boundary Park
United Kingdom
mass spectrometry, phospholipids, sphingolipids
methods in mass spectrometry for high throughput lipid analysis
United Kingdom
Cardiovascular Genetics,
University College London
+44 207 679 6968
5 University St
United Kingdom
genes, apolipoproteins, triglyceridie metabolism
Cardiovascular Genetics
Aberdeen lipidomix group
University of Aberdeen
44 (0)1224 553020
AB25 2ZD
Polwarth building, Foresterhill
United Kingdom
inflammation-atherosclerosis-endothelial fonction-diet
function of biologically active lipids in cardiovascular disorders. Effect of dietary components on the expression and secretion of biologically active lipid derivatives in relation to inflammatory disorders.
Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology
University of Bath
Claverton Down
United Kingdom
Enzyme, phytanic acid, isoprenoids, long-chain fatty alcohols
Enzaymes involved in lipid metabolism, branched-chain lipids and their role in diseases, long-chain fatty alcohols,
Institute for Cancer Studies
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
Vincent Drive
United Kingdom
phosphoinositide, mass spectrometry, phospholipase, cancer
1. Analysis of lipid signalling in particular phospholipases D and C and PI-3-kinase. 2. Use of MS methods to analyse lipids in mammalian, dictyostelium, yeast and drosophila cells in order to determine functions of signalling pathways. 3. Analysis of lipids in tumour cells isolated by techniques such as laser capture microdissection. 4. Analysis of changes in lipids in other diseases for example vasculitis. 5. Development of MS methods to quantify all phosphoinositides.
School of Pharmacy
University of Bradford
Richmond Road
United Kingdom
eicosanoids, brain, skin, mass spectrometry
eicosanoids and other lipid mediators molecular mechanism of action of omega-3 fatty acids with emphasis on eicosapentaenoic acid eicosanoid-mediated pathways and signalling systems mass spectrometry high field NMR computational lipidomics cardiovascular disease neurodegenerative diseases brain function cancer melanocytes
Department of Pharmacology
University of Cambridge
Tennis Court Road
United Kingdom
multidrug transporters, steroids, structure/function
We study the molecular bases of the interactions of ATP-binding cassette transporters of human (e.g. ABCG1 and ABCG2) and bacterial origin (e.g., MsbA and LmrA) with chemotherapeutic drug and steroids and other lipids. We also study the potential physiological roles of multidrug transporters in lipid transport.
Dept. of Biochemistry
University of Oxford
+44 1865 275371
South Parks Road
United Kingdom
membrane protein
membrane protein/lipid interactions biomolecular simulations
School of Chemistry
University of Southampton
++44 (0)2380 796161
SO17 1BJ
University Road
United Kingdom
phospholipids, mass spectrometry, dynamic lipidomics
Mass spectrometry of lipids Dynamics of phospholipid synthesis Modelling lipid synthetic networks Lipid biomarkers in health and disease Synthesis, composition and function of endonuclear lipids Lung surfactant in health and disease Interaction between genotypic expression and diet in the regulation of the molecular species composition of cell lipids in vivo and in vitro Phospholipase-mediated cell signalling Membrane fusion Lipids in stem cell differentiation Lipids and nutrition Lipids in inflammation Oxidised phospholipids and cardiovascular disease
Centre for Equine and Animal Science
Writtle College
44 1245 424200
Lordship Road
United Kingdom
poyunsaturated fatty acids, conjugated linoeic acids, immunity, health
Nutritional and biochemical role of fatty acids in the health and performance of farm and companion animals.
Centre for Equine and Animal Science
Writtle College
44 1245 424200
Lordship Road
United Kingdom
poyunsaturated fatty acids, conjugated linoeic acids, immunity, health
Nutritional and biochemical role of fatty acids in the health and performance of farm and companion animals.
University of Iowa
Dept. of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Iowa City
6-530 Bowen Science Building
United States
multidrug resistance, sphingolipids, mitochondria
We study the interaction of sphingolipids and phospholipids with multidrug transporters in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Transcription factors that modulate the expression of membrane transporters, often in the plasma membrane, have recently been found to also control the expression of genes involved in sphingolipid biosynthesis. Our goal is to understand the physiological rationale this coordinate control.
Indiana Umiversity -Purdue University Indianapolis
Indiana Umiversity -Purdue University Indianapolis
723 W. Michigan St.
United States
yeast, sterol, ergosterol
yeast sterol biosynthesis
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Medical College of Georgia
GA 30912
1120 15th Street
United States
Sphiogolipids, glycolipids, developmental biology, neurodegenerative diseases, neurochemistry
Analysis of glycolipid structure and metabolism in the nervous system, lipid signaling molecules and signal trnaduction, cell-cell recognition and adhesion, cell migration.
COBRE in Lipidomics & Pathobiology
Medical University of South Carolina
PO Box 250509
United States
cell growth, cell death, cell aging, inflammation
Define the function of these fatty molecules in human disease, especially cancer, aging, neurologic disease and fungal pathogenesis.
COBRE in Lipidomics & Pathobiology
Medical University of South Carolina
PO Box 250509
United States
cell growth, cell death, cell aging, inflammation
Define the function of these fatty molecules in human disease, especially cancer, aging, neurologic disease and fungal pathogenesis.
Center for Developmental Genetics
Stony Brook University
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Stony Brook
438 CMM
United States
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The Polt Group
The University of Arizona
AZ 85721
Department of Chemistry
United States
PDMP, glycosphingolipid, sphingosine
Glycosphingolipids. Synthesis and structure elucidation. We are involved with the design and synthesis of glycosidase and glycosyltransferase inhibitors. We use Manduca sexta (tobacco horn worm) as a model system to explore the effects of GSLs on development.
San Diego Supercomputer Center / LIPID MAPS Bioinformatics Core
University of California San Diego
La Jolla
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0412
United States
lipid classification, lipid database, lipid proteome, lipid pathways
The LIPID Metabolites and Pathways Strategy (LIPID MAPS) Consortium represents a multi-institutional effort to develop a detailed understanding of lipid structure and function. As part of this effort, we will develop ‘parts lists’ of lipid metabolites and assemble these into metabolic networks. These networks will then provide an infrastructure for subsequent modeling using quantitative data from LIPID MAPS experiments.
Nutrition and Genomics
USDA-Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
711 Washington St
United States
genetic polymorphisms, gene-diet interactions, perilipins,
The Nutrition and Genomics Laboratory has been pionnering the study of gene-diet interactions in the area of cardiovascular diseases, utilizing both genetic epidemiology approaches as well as controlled dietary intervention studies. This research involves the investigation of nutrient-gene interactions in large and diverse populations around the world with long-standing collaborations with investigators in Europe, Asia, Australia and the United States. More recently our interest has been focusing on the genetic factors involved in fat metabolism in the adypocite and more specifically the PATS family of genes. In addition, we seek to identify genes involved in longevity and healthy aging and to understand their regulation in response to dietary factors. For this research we use model organisms such as Drosophila and mouse. Further comprehension of the relation between genetic factors, nutrients and the rate of aging will provide better understanding of the pathology of age-related diseases and lead to improved strategies for their prevention.
Department of Biochemistry
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
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Medicial Center Boulevard
United States
phospholipase D, bicelles, eicosanoids, lipoproteins, lipid kinases, virus assesmbly
The Department of Biochemistry (and affiliated faculty) at Wake Forest University has a working group of faculty members (about 14 faculty members) interested in the role of lipids in signal transduction, atherosclerosis, cancer, host defense, and inflammation. Techniques in use include thin-layer chromatography, HPLC, and mass spectrometry to identify phospholipid and fatty acid species, vesicle and solid-phase lipid binding assays, NMR spectroscopy and other biophysical approaches, coupled with site-directed mutagenesis, to study structural features of lipid:protein interactions, and computational modeling of signaling pathways involving lipids. Professor McPhail represents the lipid signaling working group on the departmental Development Committee, which advises the Chair on departmental development and policy.