Workpackage progress report for workpackage No.WP 6
High-performance scientific computing
March 2001 - August 2001
We have installed the hardware extension at the Informatics Laboratory as planned. It is a Pentium IV - based PC-workstation with Linux as an operating system. We have installed a Mathematica 4.1 symbolic computational platform on the machine above. We have installed a Magma 2.7 system on the machine above. We had some simple test runs to experiment with the system.
We have made some preparatory processing steps to solve a large-scale problem coming from a data mining application.
The members of group played active role in university education related to our field. We have related courses at Budapest Technical University, Central European University, Eotvos Lorand University.
L. Ronyai has given seminar lectures a Renyi Institute of Math. and at the Technical University on related algorithmic/algebraic subjects:
Name: Dr. Gabor Ivanyos
Dates: June 18 -July 14
Visited the Dept. of Math. of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE).
He worked with prof. A. Cohen there on research problems related to the geometry of long roots in Lie algebras.
Name: Ms. Marta Pinter (Ph.D. student), Dr. Andras Antos, Dr. Laszlo Gyorfi Dates: July 9 -July 13.
Took part in a summer school on non-parametric statistics and applications, hosted by the CISM, Udine, Italy. Dr. Gyorfi was one of the principal organisers and lecturers.
Our plans:
To WP6:
We intend to develop solutions to subproblems related to data mining applications. We intend to use these to demonstrate (to students, industry partners) the applicability of scientific computing results and paradigms. We plan to maintain our strong presence in university education of these subjects.
To WP E:
Nov 12 - Dec 12, Dr. Ivanyos visited the CNRS, Paris Orsay.
Jan 21, 2002- Feb 22, 2002, Dr. Ivanyos visited the CNRS, Paris Orsay.
The purpose of the visits is to study quantum algorithms and quantum computation with the French partner.
February 1, 2002 - July 31, 2002, Dr. Katalin Friedl visited the CNRS, Paris, Orsay.
The objective is joint work and exchange of knowledge on quantum computing and proof checking.
To WP C:
Dr. Ulrich Meyer (V3 visitor) from MPI, Saarbrucken, Germany intends to visit us for the period of January - April 2002. The objective is exchange of ideas on graph algorithms.
To WP D:
It has been decided that the 17 World Congress of IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, a prestigious world-wide organisation) will be held in Hungary in 2003. We shall take part in the organisation of the event; Lajos Ronyai is a member of the Local Organising Committee.
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