Sofia, 2010 1
Abbreviations list 4
Summary of allocation principles for the allocation of the allowances 11
1. Calculation of the total amount of allowances for allocation 12
1.1 Bulgaria’s commitment under the Kyoto Protocol 12
1.2 Principles, assumptions and data for calculation of the contributions of the sectors falling under the scope of the Directive 12
1.3 Calculation of the total amount of allowances for allocation 12
1.4 Measures for emissions reduction outside of the Scheme, energy policy 12
1.5 Taking into consideration the national energy policy 15
1.6 Ensuring Compliance with the Criteria under Annex III of the Directive 15
1.7 – 1.9 Rendering an account of the emissions reduction potential and the EU legislation. Allocation of allowances through auctioning 16
2. Allowances for Allocation at Sector Level 18
3. Allowances for Allocation at Installation Level 19
5. Community Legislative and Policy Instruments 28
5.1. Competition policy 28
5.2 Internal Market Policy (Article 43 of the Treaty)) 28
Transfer of allowances between operators in case of installation division 29
New entrant reserve 30
Reserve of allowances for avoiding double counting of greenhouse gas emission reductions for JI projects, to be transferred to other parties 32
7. Criteria other than those under Annex III of the Directive 36
Annex 1 37
Annex 2 44
Annex 3 65
Annex 4. 69