Formulation of Working Experimental Prototype for Landuse, Landform and Soil character extraction using remote sensing data: Field investigations in the Rann of Kutch

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Name : Dr.Bhushan S.Deota

Date of birth : 23rd July 1964

Age : 49years

Nationality : Indian

Educational Qualification: M.Sc.( Geology) , Ph.D.(Geology)

Title of Ph.D. Thesis:” Geological studies of the South –Gujarat Quaternary landscape with

special reference to environmental planning and management.”




Name of Authors

Name of Journal

Year of


Title of the paper


B.S.Deota and Nikhil Desai




Geo- environmental categorization of

S.Gujarat terrain on the basis of land



Alpa Dholakia ,B.S.Deota

And Nikhil Desai

Jour. M.S.

University of

Baroda. V.XLI,

No.3 pp.71-78.


Remote sensing approach to coastal

zone mapping in parts of S. Gujarat


Alpa Dholakia,B.S.Deota

And Nikhil Desai



pp. 219-224.


Wave refraction and associated longshore

current patterns along Goa coast


B.S.Deota and Nikhil Desai



pp. 225-230


Slope controlled landuse pattern : A

case study of South Gujarat .


B.S.Deota and Nikhil Desai

Gond.Geol. Mag.

V.14,No1 pp.


Quaternary Landscape of S.Gujarat: an

implication for modern land use


B.S.Deota ,Alpa Dholakia

And Nikhil Desai

Proc.Dim. of Env.

Stress in Ind. M.S.U.

Baroda. Pp.219-223


Vadodara floods : A case study of

unplanned urbanisation


Alpa Dholakia,B.S.Deota

And Nikhil Desai

Ind.Assoc.of sedim.

V.18, No 2 pp. 223-



Processes of sediment movement along

the beaches of Goa , W.India


Alpa Dholakia,B.S.Deota

And Nikhil Desai

Proc. Int. Conf. On

Quat. Sea Level

Variation, Shoreline

Displacement and

Coastal Env. , New

Academic Pub. Delhi

pp. 70-73.


Manifestations of Holocene sea levels

along Goa coast


B.C. Sarskar, B.S. Deota,

P.L.N. Raju and D.K. Jugran

Journal of ISRS



Geographic Information System Approach

to evaluation of ground water potentiality

of Shamri Micro-watershed in the Shimla

Taluka, Himachachal Pradesh


B.S.Deota, M.A.Limaye, and

Mandar Mehta

Mem.of Mineralo-

gical Society of India

pp. 95-103.


Probable Ground-water potential zones of

Sasutan Watershed, Gujarat- GIS approach


A.V.Kulkarni and B.P.Rathore

Proc.5th Int.Asia Pacific

Remote sensing



Geomorphic records of paleoglacial activity from

the upper reaches of Baspa valley, H.P.



A.V.Kulkarni and B.P.Rathore

Indian Journal of Geomorphology ,pp 79-90


IRS Images for glacial Geomorphological studies

Of Baspa Valley.



A.V.Kulkarni and B.P.Rathore

Current Scienec V.100 No.10. pp 1555-1563.


RS &GIS in Mapping of Geomorphic records and understanding the local control of glacial retreat from the Baspa valley, (H.P.) India.


Aditya Joshi , M.A.Limaye and

Bhushan S. Deota


V.28 (1) pp. 53-56


A model representing successive deformational events of Ankalwa Synform, Lunawada Group, Gujarat.


1. Seminar on role of Earth sciences in Environment at I I T Bombay Dec. 87

2. Workshop on Geoscientific writing and editing conducted by AGID ( Bangkok ) at M.S.University of

Baroda Feb.1988.

3.Seminar on Remote sensing activities in Gujarat at Gujarat Engineering Research Institute, at Baroda

4. Ist conference of Indian Institute of Geomorphology at Vishakhapatnam Oct, 1988.

5. Seminar on Recent Quaternary studies in India at M.S.University of Baroda, February.1988.
6.National seminar on Quaternary landscape of Indian sub-continent at M.S.University of

Baroda 1988.

7.Workshop on Remote sensing in Geology and Geomorphology sponsored by Space

Applications Center (Ahmedabad) at I I T Bombay 1989.

8. Attended 79th Indian Science Congress at Baroda 1992.
9. Attended four week UGC sponsored Refresher course on Remote Sensing applications in

Geology and Geomorphology at Tiruchirapalli 1993.
10. Workshop on Engineering Geomorphology at Gujarat Engineering Research Institute

Baroda Jan.1994.

11. Attended UGC sponsored refresher course in Oceanography at Calcutta from 11th to 30 th July 1994.

12. Attended International Geological Correlation Programme 349 at M.S.University of Baroda, 1995 .

13.DST sponsored Contact Programme for Excellence in Diagrammatic and Cartography in Earth

sciences at Pune 22- 29th Feb.1996 .

14.INSA Visiting Fellowship awarded to work on GIS at C-DAC and Department of Geology, Pune

University ..

15. National conference on Dimensions of Environmental stress in India at M.S.University of Baroda


16. Attended National Symposium on Quaternary of India at Nagpur Feb. 1999.
17. UNESCO regional training programme on Remote sensing applications to Geology at Anna


18. Attended NNRMS sponsored training course on GIS Technology and Applications at

IIRS,Dehradun from 3rd Jan. to 10th March 2000.

19. Attended UNESCO sponsored roving short course on Geological Parameters for Environmental

Protection at IIT , Mumbai from 25th Feb. to 2nd March 2002.

20.Attended DST sponsored training course on Remote Sensing for Glaciological Studies at SASE

Manali , from21st April 2003 to 2nd May 2003.

21.Attended International seminar on Earth Resource Management, Kuvempu university, Shimoga

Karnataka, from 28-30 January 2004.

22. Attended International symposium on Snow Monitoring and Avalanche at Manali

Sponsored by Snow and Avalanche Studies (SASE,DRDO) for 5ays from 12to 16 April

23. Attended International Seminar on Geoinformatics – 2004, Department of Geology, university of

Mysore, from 13th and 14th December 2004.

24.Attended ESRI India Sponsored GIS training programme on Introduction to Arc GIS 1 at Dept .of

Geology M.S.University of Baroda for 2days from 6th March to 7th March 2006.

25.Attended ESRI India Sponsored GIS training programme on Introduction to Arc GIS 2 at Dept .of

Geology M.S.University of Baroda for 3days from 15th May to 17th May 2006.

26. Attended 5th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Remote Sensing, National Institute of

Oceanography, Goa, from 13th to 17th Nov.,2006.

27. Attended 19th Conference of The Indian Institute Of Geomorphologists on “Himalaya to Indian

Ocean-Geomorphic Processes and Landscape Change, Dept. Of Geology, University Of Jammu.

For 3 days from 26th to 28th December, 2006.
28. Attended ESRI India Sponsored GIS training programme on Introduction to Arc GIS 9 at Dept .of

Geology M.S.University of Baroda for 3days from 22nd December to 24th December 2008.

29. Attended UGC sponsored symposium “Patent Awareness and Scientific Writing” at The

Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda on 27th March 2009.

  1. Attended 22nd National conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists on” Man-

Environment Relation : A Vision Plan for Green earth. Dept. of Geography, University of

Allahabad for 3 days from 29th to 31st October , 2009.

  1. Attended PCI Geomatica Sponsored GIS training programme on Introduction to Geomatica at

Dept .of Geology M.S.University of Baroda for 2days from 11th to 12thJanuary 2010.

  1. Attended XVIII International INQUA congress from 21st to 27th July 2011 at Bern,


  1. Attended XXVI (IGI) National conference on Dynamics of Earth Surface Processes

from 20th to 22nd November 2013 at The M S University of Baroda.

Conferences Organised
1. Organised XXVI (IGI) National conference on Dynamics of Earth Surface Processes

from 20th to 22nd November 2013 at The M S University of Baroda.

1. Title : Quaternary history and evolution of North Maharashtra coastline.

Funding agency : Minor research project under unassigned UGC grant

Year : 1991 – 92.
2. Title : South Gujarat coastline evolution : an appraisal of controlling factors .

Funding agency : Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda .

Year : 1992 – 93.
3.Title : Studies on the Quaternary landforms of RatnagiriGoa coast.

Funding agency : Minor Research Project under unassigned UGC grant.

Year: 1992 – 93.

4. Title : Seasonal Variation in Sediment Transport Pattern of Tithal beach ,South Gujarat

Funding agency: Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.

Year : 1995-97.

5.Title : Environmental Planning and Management in parts of Quaternary landscape of South


Funding agency : Minor Research Project under Unassigned UGC grant .

Year : 1997 – 98.
6.Title : A Geomorphic Information System (GIS) approach to groundwater potentiality of

Sasutan micro watershed S.Gujarat-N.Maharashtra

Funding agency : Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.

Year : 2001-2003.
7. Title : Effects of climatic variations on Himalayan Glaciers

Funding agency: Indian Space Research Organization(Space Application Centre), Ahmedabad

Year: July 2003- December 2006.
8.Title Formulation Of Working Experimental Prototype for Landuse, Landform and

Soil Character extraction using Remote Sensing Data : Field Investigation in the

Rann of Kutch.

Funding agency: Defence Terrain Research Laboratory (DTRL), Ministry of Defence,


Year: October 2005-October 2006.



  • Worked as an expert in the Space Applications Centre (SAC,ISRO) , Ahmedabad Quality Assessment (QA) Committee.

External examiner


  • Worked as an external examiner and paper setter for P.G.class in M.L. Sukhadia

University ,Udaipur , Rajasthan.

  • Worked as paper setter for P.G.class In ISM Dhanbad.

Resource person

  • Deliver lectures on Remote Sensing , GIS, and applied geology in the refresher courses conducted by Department of Geology,M.S.University of Baroda.

Visiting Faculty

  • Deliver lectures on Geomorphology and Environmental Geology as a visiting faculty in the self finance course on Environmental Sciences conducted by Faculty of Science, M.S.University of Baroda.

Honorary services

  • Worked as a member of advisory committee for the development of Geological park at Gandhinagar by Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation.

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