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Oportunitati de cooperare romano-bulgare in implementarea

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5. Oportunitati de cooperare romano-bulgare in implementarea

Programului Turistului Artist si diversificarea serviciilor conexe
1. Programul Operational Regional, Axa Prioritara 1: Sprijinirea dezvoltarii durabile a oraselor - poli urbani de crester, DMI Planuri integrate de dezvoltare

Surse suplimentare de informare:
Operatiunea 1.1 Reabilitarea infrastructurii urbane si imbunatatirea serviciilor urbane, inclusiv transportul urban

Activitati eligibile orientative:

  1. infrastructura publica urbana transport si mobilitatea populatiei

  2. transport si mobilitatea populatiei

  3. patrimoniu cultural mondial – UNESCO - national si local din mediul urban, precum si infrastructura pentru activitati culturale:

    • Restaurarea, consolidarea, protejarea si conservarea cladirilor de patrimoniu, inclusiv prin:

    • Restaurarea, protejarea si conservarea picturilor interioare, frescelor, picturilor murale exterioare;

    • Refacerea/amenajarea cailor de acces (pietonale si carosabile) catre obiectivele reabilitate, in interiorul zonei de protectie a acestora;

    • Lucrari si dotari pentru asigurarea iluminatului interior si exterior, a iluminatului de siguranta precum si a celui decorativ;

    • Amenajarea zonelor de protectie prin delimitarea si imprejmuirea obiectivelor de patrimoniu (acolo unde este cazul)

    • Construirea utilitatilor anexe (parcari, grupuri sanitare, indicatoare etc)

    • Restaurarea, reabilitarea sau consolidarea cladirilor in care se desfasoara activitati culturale (teatre, muzee, centre culturale, etc.) si dotarea lor cu echipamente specifice, inclusiv echipamente pentru comunicare si servicii de informare.

2. Programul Operational Regional , Axa Prioritara 5: Dezvoltarea durabila si promovarea turismului

Surse suplimentare de informare:
DMI 5.1 Restaurarea si valorificarea durabila a patrimoniului cultural, precum si crearea/ modernizarea infrastructurilor conexe

Obiectivele acestui domeniu major de interventie sunt:

  • Cresterea importantei turismului si culturii, ca factor care stimuleaza cresterea economica in regiuni, respectand principiile dezvoltarii durabile si ale protectiei mediului;

  • Extinderea sezonului turistic;

  • Cresterea numarului de turisti, prin valorificarea potentialului turistic cultural local si regional pe piata turistica nationala si internationala.

In cadrul acestui domeniu major de interventie se vor finanta proiecte care au ca obiectiv conservarea, restaurarea, consolidarea, reabilitarea, protejarea monumentelor istorice.In conformitate cu Legea nr.422/2001 privind protejarea monumentelor istorice, republicata, acestea se claseaza astfel: in grupa A – monumente istorice de valoare nationala si universala; in grupa B - monumente istorice reprezentative pentru patrimoniu cultural local. Monumente istorice reprezentative pentru patrimoniu cultural local pot fi localizate in mediul urban precum si in mediu rural.


  • Unitati administrativ – teritoriale (Autoritati ale administratie publice locale)

  • Autoritati ale administratiei publice centrale

  • Unitati de cult

  • Organizatii nonguvernamentale (Persoane juridice de drept privat fara scop patrimonial)

  • Unitatati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritate a administratiei publice locale) leader al unui parteneriat cu : unitati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale); autoritate a administratiei publice centrale; unitati de cult; persoane juridice de drept privat fara scop patrimonial)

  • Autoritati ale administratiei publice centrale leader al unui parteneriat cu : unitati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale); unitati de cult


  • Restaurarea, protectia si consecvarea patrimoniului cultural mondial si modernizarea infrastructurii conexe;

  • Restaurarea, protectia si conservarea patrimoniului cultural national si modernizarea infrastructurii conexe, cu potential turistic important in vederea introducerii lor in circuite turistice;

  • Restaurarea, protectia si conservarea patrimoniului cultural din mediul urban

Activitatile eligibile orientative in cadrul proiectului:

  • Restaurarea, consolidarea, protectia si conservarea cladirilor de patrimoniu;

  • Restaurarea, protectia, conservarea si realizarea picturilor interioare, frescelor, picturilor murale exterioare;

  • Lucrari si dotari pentru asigurarea iluminatului interior si exterior, a iluminatului de siguranta precum si a celui decorativ;

  • Restaurarea si remodelarea plasticii fatadelor;

  • Amenajari peisagistice pentru evidentierea obiectivului turistic de patrimoniu reabilitat;

  • Dotari interioare (instalatii, echipamente si dotari pentru asigurarea conditiilor de climatizare, siguranta la foc, antiefractie);

  • Modernizarea utilitatilor aferente obiectivului de patrimoniu (energie electrica, alimentare cu apa, canalizare);

  • Dotari pentru expunerea si protectia patrimoniului cultural mobil si imobil

  • Amenajarea zonelor de protectie prin delimitarea si imprejmuirea obiectivelor de patrimoniu (acolo unde este cazul);

  • Constructia utilitatilor anexe (parcaje, grupuri sanitare, puncte de informare, reclame si indicatoare);

  • Amenajarea / marcarea de trasee turistice / itinerarii culturale la obiectivele turistice de patrimoniu reabilitate;

  • Constructia / reabilitarea / amenajarea caii de acces catre obiectivul turistic de patrimoniu reabilitat; aceste activitati sunt eligibile numai in cazul in care se poate argumenta ca valorificarea obiectivului de patrimoniu restaurat este afectata de infrastructura de acces deficitara.

DMI 5.2 Crearea, dezvoltarea, modernizarea infrastructurii de turism pentru valorificarea resurselor naturale si cresterea calitatii serviciilor turistice

Obiectivele acestui domeniu major de interventie:

  • Valorificarea resurselor naturale in scop turistic;

  • Diversificarea serviciilor turistice;

  • Imbunatatirea calitatii serviciilor de cazare;

  • Crearea / extinderea structurilor de agrement turistic, in scopul cresterii numarului turistilor si a duratei sejurului.


  • Solicitant A: Pentru infrastructura de turism de utilitate publica/ privata (care intra sub incidenta ajutorului de stat)

    • A1 Unitatati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale, APL)

    • A2 Parteneriate constituite intre unitati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale)

    • A3 Asociatii de dezvoltare intercomunitara (ADI)

  • Solicitant B: Pentru infrastructura de turism de utilitate publica/ privata (care intra sub incidenta ajutorului de stat)

    • B1 Unitatati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale, APL)

    • B2 Parteneriate constituite intre unitati administrativ-teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale)

    • B3 Asociatii de dezvoltare intercomunitara (ADI)

    • B4 Intreprinderi mici (inclusiv microintreprinderi), si mijlocii din domeniul turismului si/ sau activitati conexe (B4.1 Intreprinderi mici, inclusiv microintreprinderi, din domeniul turismului si/ sau activitati conexe; B4.2 Intreprinderi mijlocii din domeniul turismului si/ sau activitati conexe)

    • B5 Parteneriate constituite intre unitati administrativ – teritoriale (autoritati ale administratiei publice locale) si ONG-uri din domeniul turismului si/ sau activitati conexe (B5.1 Unitatea administrativ – teritoriala, lider al parteneriatului cu un ONG; B5.2 ONG, in calitate de partener al unui parteneriat cu o unitate administrativ – teritoriala)


5.2.1 Pentru infrastructura de turism de utilitate publica (care nu intra sub incidenta ajutorului de stat) (solicitanti A1, A2, A3):

  • Amenajarea obiectivelor turistice naturale cu potential turistic

Activitati eligibile orientative pentru aceasta operatiune:

  • amenajarea in scop turistic a obiectivelor turistice naturale (formatiuni geologice, pesteri, saline, mine, vulcani noroiosi, lacuri) prin: instalatii de iluminat, incalzire, ventilatie, crearea / modernizarea grupurilor sanitare, crearea punctelor de colectare a gunoiului menajer

  • construirea/ modernizarea cailor de acces la principalele obiective turistice naturale (aceste activitati sunt eligibile numai in cazul in care se poate argumenta ca valorificarea obiectivului turistic este afectata de infrastructura de acces deficitara)

  • Valorificarea potentialului turistic montan

Activitati eligibile orientative pentru aceasta operatiune:

  • construirea / modernizarea punctelor (foisoare) de observare / filmare / fotografiere,

  • construirea / modernizarea refugiilor montane,

  • amenajarea posturilor Salvamont.

          • Dezvoltarea turismului balnear

Activitati eligibile orientative pentru aceasta operatiune:

  • reabilitarea / modernizarea infrastructurii rutiere, inclusiv utilitatile din corpul drumului in statiuni turistice balneare, climatice si balneo – climatice,

  • crearea / reabilitarea parcurilor balneare, parcuri – gradina

5.2.2 Pentru infrastructura de turism de utilitate publica – privata (care intra sub incidenta ajutorului de stat) (solicitanti B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)

  • Dezvoltarea turismului balnear

Activitati eligibile orientative pentru aceasta operatiune:

    • dezvoltarea retelelor de captare si /sau transport a izvoarelor minerale si saline cu potential terapeutic (ape minerale, lacuri si namoluri terapeutice, gaze terapeutice, factorii sanogeni de la nivelul grotelor si salinelor) din statiuni turistice balneare, climatice si balneo – climatice

    • crearea, modernizarea, dotarea (inclusiv cu utilitati) a bazelor de tratament din statiunile turistice balneare, climatice si balneo - climaterice, inclusiv a salinelor terapeutice

  • Modernizarea si extinderea structurilor de cazare precum si a utilitatilor conexe

Activitati eligibile orientative pentru aceasta operatiune:

  • modernizarea si extinderea structurilor de cazare si a utilitatilor conexe

  • Crearea, reabilitarea si extinderea infrastructurii de agrement, inclusiv a utilitatilor aferente

Activitati eligibile orientative pentru aceasta operatiune:

    • crearea si dotarea platformelor de campare, inclusiv a utilitatilor specifice (grupuri sanitare, apa curenta, iluminat, puncte de colectare a gunoiului menajer);

    • construirea de piscine, stranduri, bazine de kinetoterapie;

    • construire terenuri de sport;

    • modernizare cai ferate cu ecartament ingust pentru transport feroviar de interes turistic din zonele de deal si de munte,

    • creare porturi turistice, inclusiv a debarcaderelor amplasate pe lacuri de agrement;

    • construire partii de schi (inclusiv construirea de instalatii de transport pe cablu pentru persoane, instalarea de echipamente pentru producerea zapezii artificiale, instalarea echipamentelor pentru iluminatul nocturn al partiilor de schi, dotarea cu echipamente pentru intretinerea partiilor de schi);

    • construirea / dezvoltarea partiilor destinate practicarii celorlalte sporturi de iarna

    • amenajari specifice sporturilor nautice;

    • crearea si extinderea infrastructurii de agrement, inclusiv a utilitatilor aferente

    • crearea/ modernizarea traseelor de cura pe teren, a locurilor de recreere si popas, a facilitatilor de utilizare a izvoarelor minerale;

    • construire piste pentru cicloturism

DMI 5.3 – „Promovarea potentialului turistic si crearea infrastructurii necesare, in scopul cresterii atractivitatii Romaniei ca destinatie turistica”

Obiectivele acestui domeniu major de interventie sunt:

  • Promovarea potentialului turistic romanesc prin imbunatatirea imaginii de tara, cu scopul de a promova Romania in strainatate si de a creste atractivitatea sa pentru turism si afaceri;

  • Crearea Centrelor Nationale de Informare si Promovare Turistica (CNIPT) in scopul cresterii numarului turistilor;

  • Instituirea unui sistem integrat si informatizat a ofertei turistice romanesti .

Operatiunea: Crearea Centrelor Nationale de Informare si Promovare Turistica (CNIPT) si dotarea acestora din cadrul Programului Operational Regional.

Beneficiari: Unitati administrativ-teritoriale (Autoritati ale administratiei publice locale (APL)) – Consiliul Local Sighisoara si consiliile judetene prevazute in Anexa 11 la prezentul ghid, si anume: CJ Suceava, CJ Tulcea, CJ Constanta, CJ Rimnicu Vilcea, CJ Cluj Napoca, CJ Baia Mare, CJ Oradea, CJ Arad si Consiliul General al Municipiului Bucuresti

Activitati eligibile orientative in cadrul proiectului:

  • Construirea/ modernizarea/ consolidarea /extinderea cladirilor in care vor functiona Centrele Nationale de Informare si Promovare Turistica;

  • Achizitionarea de echipamente si software, pentru dotarea Centrelor Nationale de Informare si Promovare Turistica;

  • Crearea bazelor de date cu informatii turistice, necesare Centrelor Nationale de Informare si Promovare Turistica

Operatiunea: Dezvoltarea si consolidarea turismului intern prin sprijinirea promovarii produselor specifice si a activitatilor de marketing specifice

Beneficiari: Autoritati ale administratiei publice locale (APL); Organizatii non-guvernamentala (ONG), care desfasoara, conform statutului, activitati in domeniul turismului si are cel putin 6 luni vechime la data depunerii Cererii de Finantare; Parteneriatele intre APL si ONG, APL si APL, ONG si ONG

Activitati eligibile orientative in cadrul proiectulu:

  • marketing prin internet si prin alte mijloace electronice (CD/DVD) precum si alte activitati de promovare on-line;

  • participarea la targuri si alte expozitii de turism in tara;

  • organizare de evenimente si misiuni cu rol in cresterea circulatiei turistice in Romania sau cu impact in cresterea notorietatii Romaniei ca destinatie turistica, in tara;

  • activitati de marketing direct, de tipul: distributie fluturasi publicitari, scrisori personalizate (in cutii postale, zone de trafic intens, la domiciliu/sediu pe liste de destinatari);

  • activitati de promovare prin intermediul posturilor de televiziune care realizeaza emisiuni de turism sau alte emisiuni cu impact in cresterea circulatiei turistice in Romania, cresterea notorietatii destinatiilor turistice romanesti sau constientizarea importantei turismului romanesc;

  • actiuni generale de publicitate si reclama a destinatiilor turistice romanesti si a produselor turistice romanesti: insertii publicitare in presa, pagini web, ghiduri turistice, cataloage, albume, carti cu specific de turism, publicatii de specialitate, publicitate outdoor in tara (afisaje, difuzare clipuri TV, bannere, etc, in metrou, aeroporturi, gari, zone de trafic intens, etc), publicitatea destinatiei si a produselor turistice romanesti in mass- media interna, pe pietele tinta, realizarea de cataloage, brosuri, pliante, postere si foi volante, diverse tiparituri, ghiduri si harti turistice, panouri, fotografii, diapozitive, materiale audio – video, casete, filme cu specific de turism, CD-uri si DVD-uri turistice, etc.

3. Programul de Cooperare Transfrontaliera Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013, Axa prioritara 3: Dezvoltare economica si sociala – Dezvoltarea economica si coeziunea sociala prin identificarea si consolidarea in comun a avantajelor comparative ale zonei

Surse suplimentare de informare:
DMI 3.1 - Sprijinirea cooperarii transfrontaliere in mediul de afaceri si promovarea unei imagini si identitati regionale

Operatiunea: Promovarea retelelor turistice transfrontaliere si diversificarea serviciilor turistice transfrontaliere existente

Activitati eligibile orientative in cadrul acestei operatiuni:

  • Sprijinirea crearii, moderinzarii si imbunatatirii atractiilor turistice;

  • Sprijinirea infiintarii unei agentii transfrontaliere pentru dezvoltarea turismului care sa coordoneze si sa promoveze potentialul turistic al regiunii;

  • Sprijinirea dezvoltarii de facilitati, produse si servicii turistice integrate;

  • Elaborarea unor studii regionale pentru identificarea produselor turistice avantajoase si a pietelor tinta pentru acestea;

  • Dezvoltarea si modernizarea facilitatilor si infrastructurii pentru a permite o dinamizare coordonata a activitatilor transfrontaliere de petrecere a timpului liber

  • Promovarea si dezvoltarea infrastructurii transfrontaliere publice pentru turism, precum drumuri turistice istorice, drumuri in interiorul zonelor turistice (inclusiv drumuri pitoresti), drumuri care permit accesul la aceste situri, poteci si piste de ciclism, facilitati pentru turism de aventura;

  • Dezvoltarea produselor turistice ecologice sau “verzi” cu caracter transfrontalier;

  • Crearea unor sisteme comune de informatii turistice bilingve;

  • Crearea unor semne bilingve continand informatii turistice;

  • Crearea unor sistemele comune de legatura intre operatorii turistici din zona Dunare-Marea Neagra;

  • Elaborarea unor studii de cercetare si colectarea de date pentru a sustine dezvoltarea turismului si a industriilor creative, precum studii de fezabilitate, elaborarea de harti si studii de impact asupra mediului inconjurator.

DMI 3.3 Cooperarea „People-to-people”

Operatiunea: Intensificarea schimburilor in domeniile: educatiei, culturii, sanatatii, tineretului si sportului

Activitati eligibile orientative in cadrul acestei operatiuni:

  • Suport pentru activitatile care sustin identitatea si traditiile comunitatilor locale: cooperarea transfrontaliera a institutiilor culturale (muzee si teatre, biblioteci, centre culturale comunitare) si cooperarea intre institutiile educationale si culturale locale pentru promovarea mostenirii culturale si reinnoirea si mentinerea traditiilor locale culturale, protejarea valorilor culturale, artistice si etnice;

  • Suport pentru crearea produselor comune de cultura, arta (festivaluri, prezentari, expozitii, ateliere de arta) si meserii traditionale.

Programe de sprijinire ale turismului si serviciilor conexe asemanatoare se regasesc si in Bulgaria, iar prin implementarea de proiecte de impulsionare si crestere a competitivitatii acestui domeniu in zona transfrontaliera Constanta-Dobrich, atat la nivel local, de o parte si de alta a granitei, cat si in comun (prin programele adecvate), se vor putea atinge, pe termen mediu si lung, dezideratele de dezvoltare durabila. Programului Operational Regional din Romania ii corespunde in Bulgaria, Programul Operational „Dezvoltare Regionala”, dezvoltarea industriei turismului fiind sprijinita prin Axa Prioritara 3: Dezvoltarea durabila a turismului, ale carei operatiuni sunt:

  • 3.1 Dezvoltarea atractiilor turistice si a infrastructurii de turism

  • 3.2 Dezvoltarea produsului turistic regional si marketingul destinatiilor

  • 3.3 Marketingul turismului national

English Summary
Tourism is an economic and social phenomenon, specific to modern civilization.

John Naisbitt identifies tourism, in his famous book “Megatendencies”, as the industry with the fastest development at the beginning of the 3rd millennium.

Analyzing the links between the tourism market and the service market, one has to notice that firstly, the tourism market is, through its nature, a service market, its development being conditioned by the existence of a wide range of offers transport, accommodation, restaurants, leisure, cure facilities. On the other hand, one can also notice the interference between the tourism market, and that of the goods for the tourism consumption.

On the world-wide tourism market, the countries which will succeed in attracting the tourists will be those proving a deep preoccupation with the increasing of the competition on the top levels of the tourism sector.

In Constanta-Dobrich cross-border area, tourism offer is not competitive on the international market. Tourist accommodation facilities and leisure facilities and offer are obsolete, uncompetitive, and the tourism services and programs are static and stereotype.

In order to become competitive on the international market it is necessary to modernize, relaunch and develop the tourism in the cross-border area and the creation of modern tourism products. Not only the accommodation facilities must be rehabilitated, but new tourism products, original, attractive, innovative leisure programs should be created, which could, through an aggressive marketing on the international market, to attract more and more tourists in the region.

Constanta-Dobrich cross-border area has an enormous tourism potential that could transform the region in a tourist destination all year long, if understanding and maximising all the opportunities offered by the natural and cultural heritage. Therefore, the tourism in this cross-border area should diversify its offer, limited to the seaside mass tourism (which can pe practiced for only for 3-4 months/ year), and to turn to alternative forms of tourism, such as: active tourism, cultural tourism, ecotourism, sport tourism, adventure tourism.
Tendencies of tourism market in Europe. Alternative types of tourism services
Ecotourism is: "Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." (TIES, 1990)

"Cultural Tourism is a genre of special interest tourism based on the search for and participation in new and deep cultural experiences, whether aesthetic, intellectual, emotional, or psychological" (Stebbins 1996).

According to a UNESCO report (2003), cultural tourism “has a positive economic and social impact, it establishes and reinforces identity, it helps build image, it helps preserve the cultural and historical heritage, with culture as an instrument it facilitates harmony and understanding among people, it supports culture and helps renew tourism” (p.5)

Europa Nostra, Europe's most prestigious cultural heritage organisation, at the 2006 annual congress, declared:

  • Cultural tourism is one of the key drivers of European economic growth and development and plays a vital role in fostering greater understanding of the rich diversity of regional cultures of Europe and a deeper appreciation of the common European heritage;

  • European cultural heritage is a distinct feature of the European identity which should be safeguarded through maintaining high standards training and professional practice in the conservation and management of the cultural heritage for the benefits and well-being of people in the host communities, who should be made more aware of the need to sustain their cultural heritage, as well as those engaged in cultural tourism;

  • Cultural tourism is among the foremost means of cultural exchanges between the people of European countries and among the most valuable instruments of inter-cultural dialogue;

Cultural tourism includes tourism in urban areas, particularly historic or large cities and their cultural facilities such as museums and theatres. It can also include tourism in rural areas showcasing the traditions of indigenous cultural communities (i.e. festivals, rituals), and their values and lifestyle. It is generally agreed that cultural tourists spend substantially more than standard tourists do. This form of tourism is also becoming generally more popular throughout Europe.

One type of cultural tourism destination is living cultural areas. For an indigenous culture that has stayed largely separated from the surrounding majority, tourism can present both advantages and problems. On the positive side are the unique cultural practices and arts that attract the curiosity of tourists and provide opportunities for tourism and economic development. On the negative side is the issue of how to control tourism so that those same cultural amenities are not destroyed and the people do not feel violated. Other destinations include historical sites, modern urban districts, theme parks and country clubs, coastal or island ecosystems, and inland natural areas.
Active Tourism is a new travelling philosophy that combines adventure, ecotourism, educational and cultural aspects of a discovery tour, and bring benefits to both the tourist as well to the visited land.

Active Tourism is “responsible travel to foreign areas requiring physical and mental participation from the tourist and following the maxims of sustainability, protection of Biodiversity and conservation of culture.”

Active Tourism is the contrary of passive tourism. This travelling concept is also opposed to Mass Tourism in the sense that is small scale, low-impact, run and administrated locally. An active tourist is eager to learn and wants to know closely another culture and way of living.

Active Tourism has many aspects in common with ecotourism and nature tourism and it also integrates some activities of action and adventure tourism. Additionally it also includes some aspects of cultural tours and academic and scientific expeditions. There are many aspects in common between all this forms of travelling, but there are also important differences which need detailed explanation.

Active Tourism - Ecotourism

Both Ecotourism and Active Tourism share a high respect for Nature and Biodiversity. They both follow the belief that even global concerns need local solutions. Both Ecotourism and Active Tourism aim to have as little impact as possible on the ecosystem and the visited country. They both seek long-term and sustainable benefices. Their services are delivered primarily to small groups by small-scale businesses requiring the lowest possible consumption of non-renewable resources.

Opposed to the consequences of traditional Mass Tourism, both philosophies are committed to conserve the environment as well as local culture, traditions and values, to offer work to local people and help to the development of the region.

The differences between Ecotourism and Active Tourism are subtle but nevertheless important: 1) location of travelling, 2) objects and subjects of visiting and 3) in the attitude during visiting.

Firstly, Active Tourism is possible in almost any location, in intact nature, in rural as well as in urban environments, in industrial as well as in developing countries. For Active Tourism, human activity is not a foreign or undesired component of the environment, but it is an integral part of it. Humans are part of nature, even if they destroy some features of landscape and reshape the environment to meet their needs.

Secondly, the products of human activity and creativity, like culture, language, cuisine, music, dance, handcrafts, architecture and also social reality and history are all focus of Active Tourism. For example, dancing or cooking lessons are perfect examples of Active Tourism that hardly fit into the scope of Ecotourism. These activities fit into the concept of Cultural Tourism which is indeed an important aspect of Active Tourism.

Thirdly, Active Tourism requires active physical and mental involvement of the tourist, including more adventure and action than traditional Ecotourism or Cultural Tourism.
Active Tourism - Action Tourism – Adventure Tourism

Active Tourism does offer some activities of Action and Adventure Tourism but it excludes activities and practises that are harmful to the environment and pose a threat to biodiversity and local culture. Most important is the attitude and the practices and guidelines by which an activity is carried out. Thus, is not so much of what it is done, but how is done.

Active Tourism should not be confused with Action Tourism, which involves many sports activities like mountain bike, cross country rally, speed boat riding, bungee jumping and extreme sports. Indeed, many these activities are already offered as part of Mass Tourism infrastructure. The main motivation is excitement and amusement. The production and delivery of adrenalin to the body is the desired result. Often, some of the activities involve high personal risks and dangers. Action Tourism does not necessarily require a close or authentic interaction with intact nature and it can be delivered in amusement and recreation parks and in artificially reconstructed environments. The main clientele is formed by predominantly male teenagers and young people in the early 20's.

Adventure Tourism offers also exciting experiences that are physical demanding. Adventure travel is personal accomplishment through the thrills of dominating dangerous environments. White-water rafting, ocean canoeing, horse riding, free climbing, hiking and trekking through natural areas are some examples. Adventure Tourism is linked to an intact nature with a minimum of civilization influences. The search is for personal redemption through challenge and sacrifice, and nature is the backdrop to an intensely personal experience.

Most pure adventure activities appeal to the animal instinct by trespassing the limits of muscular strength and survival. Active Tourism adds an intellectual component to the travel experience. It takes into account that there is a fundamental attitude difference between nature conquering and nature study. The activities offered by Active Tourism are more motivated from the learning experience point of view, and are less motivated by pure adrenaline production. The main clientele is formed by couples between 25-54 years old of high educational background.

To guarantee protection of the environment, Active Tourism activities are carried out by local professional personnel and under strict scientific supervision. The tour guides of Active Tourism have an academic degree in ecology, biology, ethnology, arts, architecture, archaeology, history or sociology. This also guarantees the quality of the learning experience, and the validity of the biological or cultural information based on scientific knowledge.

Tourism depends on people wanting to visit that area or take part in a certain activity. It is affected by trends and market fashions that change quickly. Any tourism business must react rapidly to such changes or suffer the consequences. A decrease in visitors not only has a negative effect for a particular business but also for the whole local infrastructure e.g. accommodation, restaurants, guides, etc. Active tourism must be properly managed to conserve and preserve the natural environment. If the environment is damaged then it will lose its appeal to active tourists and the active tourism industry will decline.

Best practices of alternative tourism in Europe
A Road of Emperors and Kings

Since the era of Charlemagne, emperors and kings have progressed from Regensberg (Germany) to Vienna (Austria), and via Bratislava (Slovakia) on to Budapest (Hungary). All of the cities and towns on the Kings’ Route lie on the banks of the Danube. The route is studded with ruined castles, baroque palaces, and peaceful monasteries. Whether clinging to rocky cliffs above the river, nestled in deep forest, or surrounded by vineyards and gentle river plains, the monuments are striking and the natural setting is magnificent.

The Route of Emperors and Kings can be covered by car, bicycle, ship – or a combination of all three. The Emperors’ Road is especially well-suited to cycling; The Danube Bicycle Track and part of the European Cyclists’ Association EuroVelo 6 cover the entire route.

The royal route begins in the Bavarian Forest at Regensberg which was the richest city in southern Germany in medieval times. This wealth accounts for the number of wonderful constructions still standing today. From even further back in time, you can visit one of the largest preserved Roman buildings in Germany, the Porta Praetoria, built by Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the 2nd century A.D.

In addition to its spectacular forest, Southern Bavaria is also famous for glass. Bohemian crystal has been produced and prized for over 500 years –and as you travel the Route of Emperors and Kings, you’ll also be covering part of the Glass Route. In the town of Passau, visit the Glass Museum to learn more about this craft, and visit Dom St Stephen to see – and with luck, hear – the largest church organ in the world.

The next major stop along the route is at Linz, which will be the Capital of Culture in 2009. Linz is a busy port on the Danube, but it has attracted international attention with its eclectic music festivals. The Bruckner Festival highlights classical music and the Ars Electronica showcases technology and avant-garde music. The bends and curves of the Danube next bring you to Melk and its marvellous Benedictine abbey. This is the beginning of the lovely Wachau Valley, a UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage site. The leafy protection of the forest gives way to open sky, orchards, and old, terraced vineyards.

The route continues through lovely towns such as Aggsbach, Spitz and Weissenkirchen to the capital city of Vienna. This city has such cultural and architectural wealth it will make your head spin - in the most wonderful way.

Intrigued with palaces? Explore Schloss Schönbrunn, the grand Hofburg (Imperial Palace) and gardens, seat of the Hapsburg Empire for over six hundred years, and the Belvedere, which now houses works by important Austrian artists. The collections at Vienna’s numerous museums are astounding. Whether you prefer art from the Middle Ages or the most contemporary works, you’ll find a museum to suit your interests.

For your ears: Vienna’s opera house, the Staatsoper, is world-renowned, as are the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and the Vienna Boys’ Choir. Be sure to check dates and ticket availability well in advance, as performances are extremely popular with locals and visitors alike.

Traveling onward, the next large city on the Danube is Bratislava. Settled since the 10th century, it is now the capital of Slovakia. See what’s on exhibit at Bratislava Castle and visit St. Martin’s Cathedral, where coronation ceremonies for Hungarian kings and queens were held for centuries! Other architectural highlights include St. Michael’s Gate, the Primate’s Palace, with its Hall of Mirrors and unique tapestry collection, and monasteries and churches founded by the Ursulines, Franciscans, Jesuits, and Capuchins, among others.

But all this sightseeing is going to give you an appetite – and there are culinary treats to enjoy in Bratislava as well! Taste Pressburg cuisine, a local blend of Slovak, Hungarian, German, and Jewish cooking.

At last, you arrive in Budapest, the beautiful city astride the Danube. It’s said that the city is most beautiful at dawn, with rosy light playing on the majestic buildings along the river, but night time is splendid as well, with illuminated buildings at differing elevations making a beautiful tableau. In fact, the Budapest panorama is A UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Green Routes

Cycling is very popular in Europe and comes in many forms: road racing, touring and mountain biking. Cyclotourism is primarily done in rural regions and as such can play an important role in supporting rural regions lacking an infrastructure. The development of new route-ways and the improvement of the infrastructure attract more and more bikers to rural areas.

The European Cyclists' Federation supports and promotes the exploration of Europe by bicycle. A European initiative begun in 1995 will continue until 2010: EuroVelo. The objective of this project is to establish a network of twelve pan-European cycling trails spanning over more than 65,000km/40,000 mi., about half of which are already constructed.

EuroVelo 1 is the Atlantic Coast route, starting at the North Cape of Norway, the northern tip of Europe, and ending at the southwest tip of the continent, at Sagres, Portugal. It crosses six other European countries along the way: Ireland, the United Kingdom (England, Wales, and Scotland), France, and Spain.

EuroVelo 6, the Atlantic - Black Sea tour, leaves France and the Atlantic at Saint-Nazaire, follows the Loire river and its famous chateaux, crosses Bourgogne’s vineyards, the Doubs Valley, and having reached Switzerland and the Rhine, crosses the Black Forest in Germany, at the source of the Danube. You follow this great river, in its turn, which leads through magical Bavaria and into Austria, then on to Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria. Just like the Danube, you conclude your trek in Romania, on the shores of the Black Sea.

EuroVelo 8 is the Mediterranean Route. Commencing in Cadiz, Spain, to finish in Cyprus, you’ll cross France, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and Greece.

EuroVelo 12, the North Sea Cycle Route, presents an unforgettable tour of 6,000 curling km/3700 mi. From Bergen, Norway, you travel along the coastline of Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland, and Belgium, and then up back north along the shores of the United Kingdom. This is the longest international bicycle route in the world.

Green Ways are available to a larger public than the cycle routes, as they are attractive not only to cyclists but pedestrians, rollers and horseback riders.

The network of Green Roads in Spain is highly developed: former railway lines have been resurfaced. France has 124 Green Routes. In 2005 the Hautes-Vosges Green Way was awarded the second annual 2005 European Green Way prize.

A big achievement for Lithuania is a seaside cycle route, developed with the funds of PHARE program. The seaside cycle route consists of 3 different parts whose total length is 216 km.:

1. from Curonian Spit in Klaipėda to Nida – 55 km

2. from Klaipėda to the border of Latvia – 49 km

3. along the seaside from Klaipėda to Rusnė Island –115 km
The Moravian Wine Trails

The Moravian Wine Trails are a long-term project for the development of viniculture and sustainable tourism in South Moravia. The project has been implemented by Nadace Partnerství in collaboration with 280 wine-growing municipalities and other partners. Each of the 10 wine-growing regions in Moravia is connected by its own wine trail loop, with all loops connected to the arterial Moravian Wine Trail. Visitors can thus choose from one-day trips or longer tours on which to discover local culture, wines and monuments.

All signposts and information boards contain the logo of the Moravian Wine Trails. The colour of the logo indicates on which of the 11 wine trails the visitor is at the moment. In each town on the wine trails, you will find an information panel containing a map of trails in the given wine region. The maps also indicate the level of motorised traffic and the quality of the road surface, allowing visitors to plan their route along, for instance, calm paved roads suitable for families with children.
Customs and Traditions in Cyprus

Many folk traditions, such as the Carnival and Kataklysmos (Festival of the Flood) have overtones of ancient themes. Carnival Festivities take place 50 days before Greek Christian Orthodox Easter and it means the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting before Easter. The centre of Carnival festivities is Lemesos. The annual Kataklysmos (Festival of the Flood) is a festival celebrated for five days fifty days after Easter in all the coastal towns, but the biggest event takes place in Larnaka. Every September the Wine Festival takes place in Lemesos, a tribute to the fruit of the vine as it grows and thrives in Cyprus.

ABC - the cultural triangle Amsterdam, Brussels and Cologne

The three cities are offering the best of Europe within close reach. Whether you travel from Amsterdam to Brussels, from Brussels to Cologne or from Cologne to Amsterdam, or any other order within the triangle, the travel time by train (Thalys or the red train) will be less than two and a half hours.

All three cities are also connected through major highways and picturesque country roads leading you through beautiful landscapes in a rented car. Last not least, a river cruise is a great way to see Amsterdam, Brussels and Cologne. Whether you are planning a short boat tour or a day's excursion or a weekly cruise within the ABC region, the different waterways offer an unforgettable travel experience.

Opportunities for developing tourism related services in Constanta-Dobrich cross-border area, through valorising local arts and traditions

1. Artistic events

Constanta regional and international festivals include:

  • Constanta’s Celebration Day – 21st May

  • Festival of twin and partener cities of Constanta

  • National Festival of Romanian folk song and dance - Constanta

  • International Festival of BD (comic book) - Constanta

  • HOP Young Actors Gala – Mangalia

  • Opera, ballet and symphonic Festival – Constanta

  • Independent Producers International Film Festival – IPIFF Constanta

Dobrich regional folk festivals include:

  • The International Children Festival in Kroushari in May

  • "Spring Songs and Dances from Sunny Dobroudja” in Debrene in June

  • The village of Dabovik’s summer festival in July

  • “Dobroudja Folklore” in September in Tervel

Local saints day celebrations are held in:

  • Shabla – 10 February (St. Haralampius day)

  • Kavarna (St. George’s day – 6th May)

  • Bulgarevo and Dourankoulak (St. Arch. Michael Day – 8th November)

  • Kamen Briag, Rakovski, Shabla and Vranino – a forthnight after 21 May –
    St. Constantine and St. Hellen Day

  • Sveti Nikola – on 1st May (Prophet Jeremia)

2. Art Museums and Galleries

Art Museums and Galleries in Constanta County

  • Art Museum – Constanta

  • The National Museum of History and Archaeology – Constanta

  • Romanian Navy Museum – Constanta

  • Roman Edifice with Mozaique – Constanta

  • Folk Art Museum – Constanta

  • Archaeology Museum – Adamclisi

  • Axiopolis Museum – Cernavoda

  • “Ion Jalea” Sculpture Museum – Constanta

  • Callatis Archaeology Musum – Mangalia

  • Carsium Museum – Harsova

Art Museum and Galleries in district Dobrich

Art Gallery Dobrich

The gallery has history on its own: the building used to house the City Court until 1940,then it was a Police station (one can still see the cells) and then it was used by the Communist Party till 1981.

Art Gallery - Dobrich is a city museum of fine arts, located in the administrative center of the North - Eastern region with the same name - Dobrich and specializing all kinds of museum activities. It is a cultural institute, participating in the accomplishment and implementation of the regional policy, regarding preservation, study and popularization of fine arts. The Gallery works for the benefit of the local community. It encourages and popularizes the local creative groups. It works for various public groups. The Gallery is "open" for new contacts with national and foreign cultural institutions and implementation of various projects.

Working time: Monday - Friday 9.00 – 12.30 / 13.30 – 18.00

The City Historical Museum Dobrich

It houses few collections from prehistorical and ancient times until nowadays. Here you can see artifacts from the times when Dobrudja was inhabited among all by the thracians of the Geti tribe, by the the pecheneges, the early bulgarian tribes, and many many more. Here is one of the largest collection in bulgaria of late medieval arms.

Working time: Monday - Friday 9.00 – 18.00
Open-Air Architectural and Ethnographic Museum The Old Dobrich

It shows the architecture, the way of life and the economic past of the town of Dobrich from the end of c. 19 and the beginning of C. 20. The visitors of the complex can watch the manufacturing process of traditional Bulgarian crafts - tailoring, knitting, wood turnery, goldsmith's craft, etc. An attraction for the visitors is the opportunity to participate in the making of pottery, to visit the cafe and taste the traditional white jam, millet-ale and the whine with exclusive gustatory qualities.

3. Archaeological Sites in Constanta-Dobrich cross-border area

  • Tomis fortified town (Greek and Roman antiquity) – Constanta county

  • Adamclisi historic site – Constanta county

  • Basarabi rupestral tomb assembly – Constanta county

  • Capidava archaeological site (Roman Fortification) – Constanta county

  • Histria fortified town (Greek antiquity) – Constanta county

  • Shabla archaeological site – Dobrich

  • The medieval fortress of Kaliakra – Dobrich

4. Contemporary artists from Constanta-Dobrich cross-border area that could be attracted in the Artist Tourist Program initiative

  • Constantin Grigoruta – painter and designer from Constanta

  • Daniela Turcanu Carutiu – painter and art teacher from Constanta

  • Ignat Stefanov – artist and art teacher (plastic arts) from Constanta

  • Ovidiu Felipov – artist (plastic arts) from Constanta

  • Cristian Maruntoiu – artist (plastic arts) from Constanta

  • Elena Dinu – artist (plastic arts) from Constanta

  • George Culea – sculptor from Constanta

  • Mircea Stoian – photographer from Constanta

  • Lyuba Zahova – painter; born in 1952 in Shabla, she has exhibited since 1980. She has also worked as an art instructor and director of a fine art gallery in Shabla, Bulgaria

  • Hristo Iliev Mitev – Sculptor; Hristo was born in Dobrich Bulgaria. He studied metal work and casting from 1967 until 1971 at a local technical college. From 1976 till 1981 he studied sculpture under the guidance of the sculptor Hristo Boev. Hristo became well known for his cast bronze and larger-scale carved sculptures. Substantially supported by the Dobrich art establishment, Hristo helped to introduce a particular form of modernism into Bulgaria

  • Artists from the theatres and other cultural institutions from Constanta-Dobrich cross-border area such as: State Theatre Constanta, Constanta Opera House, “Oleg Danovski” Opera and Ballet Theatre in Constanta, “Ovidius” Theatre in Constanta, “Iordan Iovkov” Drama Theatre in Dobrich, Summer Theatre in Dobrich, “Dora Gabe” Puppet Theatre in Dobrich


  1. Europa Nostra, The Malta Declaration on Cultural Tourism: Its Encouragement and Control, 2006

  2. Gerea Carmen, Globalizare si turism. Cazul Romaniei, revista Amfiteatru economic, nr. 17, Editura ASE, Bucuresti, 2005

  3. Go Frank M., Tourism in the context of globalization, revista Papers de Turisme, nr. 23, 1998

  4. Istocescu Amedeo, Strategia si managementul strategic al organizatiei, Editura ASE, Bucuresti, 2005

  5. Nedelea Alexandru, Particularitatile si structura pietei turistice, Revista Amfiteatru economic, nr. 18, 2005

  6. Nicolescu Ovidiu (coordonator), Strategii manageriale de firma, Editura Economica, Bucuresti, 1996

  7. Nistoreanu Puiu coordonator, Ecoturism si turism rural, Editura ASE, Bucuresti, 2003

  8. Rotaru Ilie, Globalizare si turism. Cazul Romaniei, Editura Continent, Sibiu, 2004

  9. Stanciulescu Gabriela, Managementul turismului durabil in centrele urbane, Editura Economica

  10. Stebbins Robert A., Cultural tourism and serious leisure, Annals of Tourism Research, vol 23, 1996,

  11. World Ecotourism Summit 2002 – Final Report, Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism

Publicaţie realizată în cadrul proiectului Programul Turistului Artist finanţat de Uniunea Europeană prin Programul de Cooperare in Afaceri si Dezvoltarea Mediului de Afaceri PHARE CBC 2005 ROMANIA - BULGARIA, RO 2005 / 017-535.01.01.19

Editor: Fundatia Menthor Constanta

Elaborat de : ROCAVI Consulting SRL

Data publicării: octombrie 2008.
Fundatia Menthor Constanta

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Comisia Europeană – Directoratul General pentru Extindere – Programul PHARE

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Misiunea Permanentă a României pe lângă Uniunea Europeană

1 Nedelea Alexandru, Particularitatile si structura pietei turistice, Revista Amfiteatru economic, nr. 18, 2005, pg. 48

2 Ibidem.

3 Gerea Carmen, Globalizare si turism. Cazul Romaniei, revista Amfiteatru economic, nr. 17, Editura ASE, Bucuresti, 2005, pg. 72

4 Go Frank M., Tourism in the context of globalization, revista Papers de Turisme, nr. 23, 1998, pg. 151-171

5 Gerea Carmen, Op. cit., pg. 73, apud. Serrière, F. Conquérir le marché des Seniors, Éditions Village Mondial, 2003, pg. 182

6 Rotaru Ilie, Globalizare si turism. Cazul Romaniei, Editura Continent, Sibiu, 2004, pg. 114

7 Gerea Carmen, Op. cit., pg. 73, apud. Cazelais, N. Hôtellerie et développement régional. Réflexions autour de paradoxes, TÉOROS, vol. 23, nr. 3, 2004 pp. 17-21

8 Nistoreanu Puiu coordonator, Ecoturism si turism rural, Editura ASE, Bucuresti, 2003

9 Nistoreanu Puiu, Op cit., apud. Jamieson W, Noble A., A manual for sustainable tourism destination management, CUC-UEM, Project, AIT, 2000

10 Ibidem.

11 Nistoreanu Pupiu, Op. cit..

12 Idem.

13 Idem.

14 The International Ecotourism Society,

15 The International Union for Conservation of Nature,

16 Quebec Declaration on Ecotourism, in World Ecotourism Summit 2002 – Final Report, pg. 64

17 Geotourism Charter,

18 Nistoreanu Puiu, Op.cit., apud. Eagles P., International Ecotourism Management, 1997

19 The International Ecotourism Society,

20 Stebbins Robert A., Cultural tourism and serious leisure, Annals of Tourism Research, vol 23, 1996, pg. 948,

21 Europa Nostra, The Malta Declaration on Cultural Tourism: Its Encouragement and Control, 2006


23 Istocescu Amedeo, Strategia si managementul strategic al organizatiei, Ed. ASE, Bucuresti, 2005

24 Idem.

25 Nicolescu Ovidiu (coordonator), Strategii manageriale de firma, Ed. Economica, Bucuresti, 1996

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