'Goa, 16th May, 1964

Yüklə 436,08 Kb.
ölçüsü436,08 Kb.
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Rice, sugar, tea, Spi-CM, foodgraJns', pulses, soaps, coffee fire­'works, firecrackers, tinned fO'o'dstuffs, toba:cco, m3Jtchri'S, assafoetida, confectionery, bi'scuiits, jaggery, vegetable ghee, edihl'e -& n'on-ediNe oils and aluminiumware.

AU kinds o-f cloths, hosiery, 'rea'dymade ga'rments, ra:incoals, ha:berdashery, cQ'smeties, -toi,let aritiJcles, ,perfumery, hand­bags, sui,tcases, footwea:r, headwear, toys, plasticware, trunks, 'trav:eUing articles, immiita:tion jewelle'ry 'and all kinds of ithreads & needles.

Rectif.ied spi'l'its, bottle c:apsules, labiels, gum, casks, bal'~ rels, corks, bottling machinery, distilling machinery and essences, packing wood, iron hoops, strapping material -and nails. '

CQPper & brassware, stainless steelware, aluminiumwal'e, zinc ware, and all other non pr.ecious metalwares, copper and brass sheets, scraps, zinc ingots, tin and tin ingots.

Motor spare parts, its tyres .& tubes, cycles, motor cycleR, scooters, their spar:e parts, tyre-es .& tubes. Timber and all other kind of Wood.

Regis­tration No.

NamE: 01 the Dealer

Address of th(~ business business

Goods covered b~· the Ce,·tificfI,te of Registration

Rauji 'Roghuvir Salkar 734 C. P. !Shah & Sons 735 .ussen1Yhai Ismail n6 IDamania Stores Bar R.estaurant

7·37 Balbubhai Chunilal

738 Central Electorica ILimitada

Govind Anant IShinde

740 Abdul Gha.ni Pawanna

741 Santil-ru Calanchande 742 Shantilal 'Liladhar

743 Chowgule 'Staff CouCo-.ope­tive !Society Ltd.

744 Medimahomed Khushal

745 Drngaria Shri Shantadurga

746 rSi,tarama lBalcrisna Nrugwekar -

Sue. 'Sr,i.pad Sit&rama Nagwekar

747 Sripada Camotim Tarcar

148 M'ahatrua Masala & Vegetable De­!pot

749 Loximona Porobo .concar

750 Keshav 'Shridhar Zoshi

751 Balcus-tam Xete Colopo -'Suc. Lax­

midas Balcustam tXete Colopo 70,2 .Devji Kanji Tandel 753 Visnum Ganexa Pernencar·

7054 Sulsman Ibrahim

755 .M/s. ~akanbhai Moravji

The :Indo~Goa Traders -PJ'of. Data ,At-chuta .poi !Budbude 757 Gurudas Pundolica Nag.venca.r



Nani Daman, man


Nani Daman, Da­man


Mapuga (Bardez Taluka)




Vasco da Gama

Margao (Salcete Taluka)



de Linhares) Bicholim

Panjim (Pon:te

Naveli'm (Salcete Tauka) V'asco da Gama

Mapu~a (Bardez

Taluka) Daman BichoHm

Ma;puga (Bardez 'I'aluka)


Margao (SaIcete Taluka) Curchorem (Que­pem Taluka)

Gold, silver, _stainless steel ornaments, white coating metal ornaments. Petrol, kerosene, diesel, light diesel, oils, motor 'accessories their tyr.e8 and tubes. Oils, kerosene, sugar, tea, soap, foodgrains and spices.

Wine, liquor, beer, tobacco, cigarettes, tea, coffee, chocp­lates, biscuits confectionery, butter, syrup & squash drinks, aerated water, electric articles, watches, stationery, glasses, pottery and cutlery. All kinds of oils, kerosene, sugar, tea, soap, foodgrains, spices, indigo, candles, coffee, watches, assafoetida, p:er­fumery, petrol lubricants, and sweet oil. Engine spare parts, lubricant oil, copper wire, insulators, angle iron, iron bars, lamps, meters, galvanised wire. cotton waste and switches. Copper & brass wares, stainless steel & ,aluminium utenSilS, zincware, and ,all other non-precious metal wares, copper & brass sheets 'and Circles, zinc ingots, tin and tin ingots. Hosiery, cutlery, stationery, hides & skins, leather, leather and rexine goods, 'electrical goods & bulbs, perfumery, cosmetics, sports goods, footwear, aluminium, copper brass, .~tain1ess steel utenSilS, glassware, crockery, indian drugs .& medicines, preserved fruit products, syrups, oils, condi­ments; foodstuffs, foodgrains, pulses, cereals, spices, edi.bIe oils, soaps, agarbatties, textiles, sandalwood, cement, plywood, motor oils, Lyres, tubes & accessories & spare parts for cycles, motor cycles, motors & machineries, bat­teries, and component part for it, flash lights & its batte­ries, torches & its cells, ingredients used in soap manu­facture, i. e. caustic soda scillicate soda, karanjia oils, groundnut oil, soda 'ash, ultramarine blue, hardware, plastic­goods toys, toothpaste and brushes, sewing & embroidery threads, buttons, made of plastic, nylon and metals, timber ·and tiles.

Cement, civil construction materials, iron, glassware, tiles, slates, fibro cement.

Electric_ goods, photographic articles, sporting articles machines and tools, lime stones, firewood, coal, coppet:, war.e, brassware and other non-precious metalwares, clothes, iron 'articles, matches, beans, foodstuffs, books, civil construction materials, ,paints, office articles such as stationery, drawing and writing materials, papers, files, perfumery, toilet, empty gunny bags, and tins, shoes and sandals, tobacco, kerosene, lubrificant Oils, glassware, cutlery, hosiery and crockery.

Foodgrains, cereals, pulseg, tinned & bottled foodstuffs, edible oil, butter, ghee, cheese. milk and mllk products, writing materials, stationery, washing and bath soaps, wrapping papers, bags and cardboard boxes.

StaUonery, lamps & other parts, hosiery, perfumery, toilet articles. toys, glassware, earthernware, ·enamelware, a!u­miniumwar.e, hardwal'e, kitchenware & cutlery.

Drugs -& ayurvedic medicines, perfumery & toilet requisites,. and baby food products.

Pure silver articles, silver plated & silver coated articles, German silver ·articles. electro plated articles and white' metal articles.

Motor -cycles, side ,cars, -bicycles, tricycles their spare parts,. -lyres and tubes.

Foodgrai-ns, pulses, ·cereals, 'tinned & bottled foodstuff, spices. Itea, coffee, jargree, assafoetida, ~onfectionery, -sweets, dry frui'ts, Ive,getable -and .:floWel" seeds.

Timber ·and roofing -stones.

Synthetic immitation stones.

Stationery, penCils, papers, pens, compass :boxes, exercise'

Ibooks, !books, writing -and drawing mater·ials. Cemen!t, tiles and tar. M()tor Ipar.ts, tyres & tubes, electric materia~s, paper, statio-·

nery, writing & .draWing materials, perfumery & toilet requiSites, hosiery, readymade :gaJMl1ents, raincoaJts, umbrel­las, iheadwear and footwear.

Hosi-ery, footwear, 'cutlery, textiles, _cosmetics, lealtherware, toys, garments, toilet requisites, :ceraIllic 'ar,tic1es, travelling articles, watC'h straps, umbrellas, raincoats, thermoflasks rel'!,gious articles, haberdashery, -glassware and .f.rames.

Kerosene, ghee, sweet oil, coconut '01'1, tea, !provision, sugar,. .so8ips, ,cells, ,wines, brandy and liquors. Bicycles spare parts, auto-cycle parts, and their tyres and tubes. Gamela, pavada, pikas, ',ex;pan-ded metals, wire :nettings, crow 'bars, ;chiseLs, hinges, nails, hammers and 'hardware.


16TH MAY, 1964 357

I }{egis-1 tration /'::"To.

Name of the Dealer

Address of the principal place of business

Goods covered by the Certificate of Registration







759 760

761 762


764 765

766 767 768 769 770

771 772 773 774


776 777 778


7-80 781 782

783 784



787 788

789 790


National Commercial Agency

Silirukhan Opticians The Capuchine ,Friars Minor Society

Narandas Popatlal Venctexa Raanachondra Quenim

Anaillta N iliralna Monercar

'Laxnu 'Stores-Prof. Magan'Maiap­pa Nane

'Domingos Abreu

Naguexa Datta Parodkar

Mandovi :Motors

Deu ROglUlaita Goencar

fF·arma.cia Jose S. Fernandes Inter,continental (India) Ltd.

Niswanath 'R. Brabhu 'Gaunker

(I), D, Optical Works

IAtmarama Laxmana P. Dessai

KrIshna rUttam· Aras

IShamboo Vitba:l Gad

Attmaram Vitiayak LaJud

lBom.bi 'Successors Ananda & Co,


Xri Xantadurga T,rading CompanV

Bruburao Tucoba Natque

Ma,!l1COS Gomes

Farrnacia Cardoso

Visram Sinai COntoco

Carpi:utaria Modelar

iManguexa Data Teli

Madhavji Chatul1bh:uj & Companhia

.AJ>a IS!tiveram Sa'Vant Talaulikar

Marathi Daily p.radeep

V. :So Borcar

Xa,num Visso Vengurlencar

Sadassi'Va D. N. Counto

Costa eCompanhia Limitada


panjim Monte de GUiirim (Mapug-a T a ­

luka) , Panjim Mal'gao (Salcete


Valpoi (Satari Ta­luka)

M'apuga (Bardez Taluka) Panjim

Margao (Salcete Taluka) Gaspar Dias-Pan~ jim Siolim (B a r de z Taluks) Mapuga. (Bardez T·aluka) Panjim

Painguinim (Ca­nacona Taluka) Mapuga (Bardez

Taluka) K:orgao (Pernem Taluka) Panjim

Mapuga (Bardez Taluka)


Margao (Salcete Taluka) Ma:puga (Bardez


Curchorem (Que­

peru Taluka) Panjim Ponda (Vila) Curchorem (Que­

,pem Taluka)

Panjim Oalangute (Bardez Taluka)

Margao (Salcete Taluka)

Durbhat (Ponda Taluka)

Panjim (Portais)


Mapuga (Bardez Taluka) Panjim

Margao (Aquem Alto)

Toys, glasswaxe, ·crockery, :blades, syrup, foodstuft;'leather & leather goods, cosmetics, .confectionery, and shoes.

Optical goods. Books, sport goods and Ta.isin.s'.

HOSiery, goods and cloths. Provisions, foodgrains, foodstuffs, ;rice, wheat, sugar, jaggery, coconut, oil, caranja oil, edible & non-edible Oils, toilet soap, bar so~ and wax candles. Stationery of all kinds, perfumery, toilets goods, pla.stic goods, glassware, foodgrains, foodstuffs, tobacco in leaf and powder, and combs. COiPperware, alruminiumwa1r'e, stainless steelware and brass .ware. Typewriters, motor cycles, staJtionery, paper, writing & drawing materials, 'exercise ,books, spare: parts -of motov 'cycles and typewriters. Electrical wirJng, its accessories and 31Pplirunces, and electrical distribution equipment. Mortor spa,!re ,parts, tyres & tubes, batteries, hardware, elec­!trical goods, garage machinery and ,wols. Manuare and foofIng tiles.

Medicines, drugs, chemicals, perfumery, toilet goods, tinned foodstuffs, cerea}sfood.

Automobiles, their spare parts, sport goods, toys, doUs, suit­cases and other travelling ,articles, s'Oaps, perfumes and cosmetics.

Roofing tile:s and ridges.

Optical goods 'Of all kinds such as frames, Ilenses and cases 'Of SlPectacles. Tlles and ridges.

Ne.w & old steel >& wooden fumilture, paper & stationeryt cloths, readymade garments, toys, travel11tng, requisItes, readymade dresses, drawing & writing materIals, type­writers ;and calculatill1g maehanes.

Wines, HquOTs, beer:and other al-cO'hol~'C drinks, confectionery. ,cosmetics, toHe-t requ1sit'es, ItLnned and bottl-ed foodstuffs, biSCui!ts, soaps, itea, :coffee, 'refiltled sa:Hs, tinned vegetabl'e and tinned frwilts, jams and jelly, !Squashes.

T·imber and TO'Ofi1ng tU'OO 'aJIld ,ridges.

Biscuits rand confe0tionery.

Foodstuffs, foodgra:in:s, sugar, tea IYOwder, cerealS, iW,rapping papers, spices, soaps, 'cosmelti,cs, toilet requisiltes, pi'Ckles, matches, titnned' & Ib,ottled foodsituffs, bilscuits, c'Onfectio­n'ery, drted fruits, jams, grass-mats, flour, sooJi', butter. vegetable gh'ee, edible & [lon.Jedible oils, :asS'alfO'etidaJ, C'hiIllte:s~ joggery, oi,lcake\S and perfumery.

Timber logs and ~S'a"wn timber.

AU 'kinds of papers and stationery aritid:es. Drugs, medioiltl'es and perfumery. Cer.eals, f-oodgra:iIns, ,tinned. & bottled foodstuffs, Splices, bis­

cutts, confectionery, tea, cof.f:1ee, joggery, rOOys, building

rnaJterj.als, roofing IbHes & ridges. Wood and timber. Wines, liquors and oth'er alcohoHe drinks, glassware, cigars

and cigareHes, perfumery & toil:.et -requisiJtes, tinned & bottled foodstuffs, 'confectionery, b.iscuits and foodgrains.

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