səhifə 3/5 tarix 11.08.2018 ölçüsü 436,08 Kb. #69313
HosiJery, tyres for trucks and cyd:es,_ shoes, cloths, l:eatiterware, ,cosmeti-cs, plasticwar:e, readymade garments, tools for carpenters, hardware, bi:cydes, cycle rt)'ires & 'tubes, cutlery, sPaJre p~'I'ts for bi'cycles, electl1ilc fans, se'W,ing rna· chin,as & spa,re parts.
Foodgrains, foodstuffs, spices, chillies, itea, coffee, edi:ble & non-edible oils, vegetable ghee, washing & teHet soaps, clothes of alJ kimts h'o'SiJery, jagg-ery, mats and firecrack€'rs~
Printing & publ1shing of daily marathi newspaper 'Pradeep': Machinery, newsprin~t, ID'k, types and rubber lToles.
Cotton, silk and woolen cloths, readymade garments, plastic doths, res-in ,cloths, um-breLlas a.nd raincoats plastic ba'gs and paper.
Colours and essences, bottles & corks, machinery for preparation of ilce-,cream. .
S'ewilng machines & thek spare parts, tool'S & lubrilCaJting oil for sewing machines, 'SCissors, haberdashery, buttons and :buckles.
Canning machinery & spa"res, sugar, tinplate, 'rubber rings. labels, \tin containers, :empty 'cases of wood :and -cardboard.
Registration No.
Name of the Dealer
Address of the principal place of business
Goods covered b~' the Certificate of Registration.
7!}2 793 7114 795 796 7M 798 79!} 800 801 802 803
807 808
810 &H
817 818 819 820
822 823
patatraia .Balcrisna canec&r Ohaya Shoe Maru -Prop. Rohidas
Y. Eudalka.r Estancia Bi-eu -Prqp. Purxotoma
'Natque Chodnancar IShree Krishna Watch Co. & Shree Krishna S'tOl'e
Padmana:bh Ramrai Bale
iEsvonta IVisnum Xete
Esmail Cansar
S. IV. iMahtani Mad-eva Sinai Bobo ~tmarama D. P;hadke iEsvonta Ni!lcO'nta Sinai Singbai CaJl'IDO J'. Gomes
lLoja :BraganQa -Prop. Alexandre Jose Braganga
Yeswant Ladu Gov,enkar Xeque tDaud Xeque' Alii iN()Ol'llli)Mmed Kesh8lVji !shriiNagruexaAgen-cy-P.rop. Pan
durang Trivikram Kamat
ISadauand'a Govinda Sinai Talauli(}alr
Casa ,Menezes Viito Paule r8an,tana iMarchon
Ram'chand Kevalchand Doshi
The Ghcgola (Service Gooperati'Ve Society Ltd. iManguesh Bhaurau Dalal
~studio UniversaJl
Si'taram INaik Frank & Co.
:BabiioKTishna KJerkar iN. 'S _ RajUil'.car & Sons
.Ro.g.urvir Sinai iHede
Hal "as
SranqueLtm (Bicho
Hm Taluka)
Ourchorem (Que
,pOOl Taluka)
Bastora (Bardez
Small Daman, Da man Margao (Salcete Talulro.)
Comba -Margao
(Salcete Taluka)
Mapuga (Bardez Taluka) Ma.puga (Bardez
Taluka) Ma.puga (Bardez
"l'aluka) Panji.m
Calangute (Bardez
SioUm (Bardez Taluka)
Margao (Salcete
Verem-Rei's Magos (Bardez Taluka)
Ma'Pw~a (Bardez Taluka) Tivim (Bardez Taluka) Mar-gao (Salcete
Mapuga (Bardez T-aluka)
Mallgao (Salcete
Margao (Salcete
Mapuga (Bardez Taluk'a) Panjim
Oolvale (Bardez
'Viasco da Garrna
Margao (S'alcete
panjim Mavgao (Salcete
All kmds of wilrres, bee'r, staJtione:ry, hosi-ery, :vice, sugar, jag~ery, fooogralifrLS, foo'dnuts, essenC'e. Fo'()ltrwe:a:r, shoe'S and ohawals.
Timber. other kinds of wood and iogs, roofing tiles and ridges.
Watches, timep!i.eces, clocks, parts of watches, 'straps, bracelets, ,wines. liquO'rs 'and Qth:er akoholic dtinks. Snuff, biddies, washi-ng amP toi-let soaps.
AU 'ltJifrlds !Of .cloth -& hQsi~ry, readymad'e ,garmrots, umhre>llas :and rwilllC'Oaits.
Brass utensils, stainless steelware, 'aiuminiumware & buckets, copper sheets, copper ingots, zinc ingots and tin ingots. stationery, cutlery, immitation j,ewellery, toys, tOilet apparel,
hosiery. footwear, fountain and ball pens. Foodgrains, foodnuts, rice, jagg-ery., sugar, tea, coffee, spices, assafoetida, stationery goods. House wiring materials, 'electrical goods & instruments, electric metor & generaters, radiO' spares. Roofing tiles, ridges and ventilators.
Roofing tiles and ridges.
Moter spal:e parts, tyres and tubes, hardware, pins made of iron, toys of different kinds, stationery and writing material such as exercise boeks, p.ens, lnkpots, penCilS, writing pads, slates, compass bexes, coleured paints for school & cellege boys, lamps, mats, torches, threads, hooks, reals, leather, laces, cutlery, iron made articles and utensils, stove, petromax and their spare parts, hosiery, gangifraks, umbrellas, raincoats, and covers, glassware, iron material, cosmetic goods, perfumes, lotions, soaps, paints, turpentine, iron Screws and nails, cement, foodstuffs, foodgrains, spices, syrup, glass ware, oils such as coconut oil, groundnut oil and other edible oils, shoes, liquor, soda bottles, firecrackers and other fire werks and match boxes.
Roofing tiles 'and ridges.
Leather, footwear, rubb.er seles, eil, grease.
Plasticware, cutlery, shoes, glassware, umbrellas, toys, footwear, lampware, 'enamelware and aluminiumware.
Newspapers (daily, monthly, weekly), foodstuffs, soaps, food~ grains, ',eatable oils, ghee, spices, jaggery and stationery and books.
Timber and logs.
'TImber and logs.
Wine, chocolates, biscuits, teffees and peg-measures.
Foodgrains, pulses, cereals, edible & non-edible oils, SPiCes, foodstuffs, tea, coffee, sugar, jaggery, oilcakes, butter, veg.etab.l:e ghee, biscuits, confectionery, seaps, wrapping paper, assafoetida, tinned foodstuffs, matches, paper & statienery, :oilseeds, seWing threads, flour, rava, incense, agarbathi, firecrackers, firewerks, toeth pastes & o.ther tailet reqUisites, perfumed oils, glasswares and fertilizers.
All kinds of cloths, sarees, banians.
Cloths" vegetabJ.e ghee and oil, foodstuffs, thread, seaps, ce~ ment, materials of construction, hardware & kerosene.
Spices, tea, coffee, cereals, ,pulses, edible & non-edible 'Oils, f'Oodstuffs, foodgra;iIITs, soap, 'oi:lc-akes, ,paddy, floUT, ,rava, mats, vegetable ghee, oNseeds, a'Ss,afo'etida -amd jute.
Photographic materials, including films & photO' -papers, flash bulbs, camera cases, mounts, albums, frames, corn-ers -& photographic chemicals, films, cut films, photo-papers, mounts, flash bulbs, photo chemicals, photographic machi
j nes and its accessories. Cotten textiles, woolen textiles, umbrellas, all kinds of cleths, sarees hosiery -and raincoats. Optical goods, spectacle, spectacle frames, lenses, cases, magnifyers and sylvets. Timber and logs.
Timber, plywood, aU types :ef wooden furniture, flush doors and bal1ies, n'alils, screws, saws blades, other hardware nec'essary for manufacturing the furniture, doors and windows.
Metor spare, tyres & tubes, eledttical goods, .batteries, radios,
~adio spare parts, hulbs 'and wires. Marriage inrvitation Ican-ds & a11 kinds of !papers. UmbreUa fittings .(in-c1uding rods, iI'ibs, handles & cloth),
brassiers -:fIttings, talcum :powder, ?hina clay ,and' gypsum.
16TH MAY. 1964
R(,gistration No.
Name of the Dealer
Address of the pr,Ilcipai place of business
Goods covered by the Certificate of Registration
824 Souza & Paul (Succesor) Panjim Cameras, accessories, -photographic films (1nclu-dlnJg"-' X-Ray film), cine films, p-hotogr-8{Ph1c {>J.a:tes &-pap,ers .-oh-emi:ools, :pheto@r3.>phic stationery, pheteirames.
825 Vilasrao Naik Comba (.l\rIargao) lnjection moulding machines, thermestate & 'Other machinery ,required for pen manufacturing mdustry, brass plpes, cellose acetate butyrate moulding pewder 'refils, golden foil and ni'bs.
826 Vinayak Naik Margao (Salcete All kinds ,of cloth, sarees, 'hesiery, readyma_de gmllll-ents, ,um TalulIbrellas, Taincoats, ,suit-cases, plastic :cloth and travelling articles.
827 Joao 'carlos :Quintino da Cunha Panjim Time pieces, watches, clecks and their SQ>are ,parts, watoh straps, machines & teels for repai'r of watches, .time :pieces and clocks.
828 Mataya Udyog Sanvodaya Sahakall'.i Small Daman, Da- AU kinds of ropes, nets, nylon -twine and ethel" kinds of
Mandali-Daman man threads necessa.ry for ,llets, wood ·and -timber for building 'Of ceuntry crafts & fishing boats, nails, tar, e.dible oils, :diesel and 'mobile 'Oils, chandruB, lubrific-ant 'Oils, treofing tiles and ridges, Ijute bags and plastic bags.
829 iNati.onai Footwear Mal"gao (Salcete Footwear. Taluroa)
830 Industrial Ente11priBes Co. Panjim Pilyweed, .ble.ckibeBJr-ds, flush deors, :va,rnishes, ~aiillt.s, stitchingmaterials, formica, nails, screws, hardbear.d, glass sheets and spares.
831 :studio Francisco da Costa M·apu~a (Bardez P.hotographic fiI-ms, cut films, plates, :ohemicals, moun.ts~ Taluka) phetographic stationery, papers. 832 ;Ghunllal IBhagvandas (iSuccessor & Panjim Foodgr·ains, cerea1s, pulses, spi-ces, sugar, jaggery, foodstuffs,.
Sons) edible -oils, -vegetable ghee, tea, coffee, wheat, flour, cutleI!Y.. stationery, colours and dyes, hardw:are, hosiery, readymade igal1ments, :radios, .cosmetics, tOilets, confectionery, :biscuits~ chocolates, cloths, !perfumery, refrigerators, fans, ,cement,. cement sheets, waltches, toys, electric _goods, matches, firecrackers, f.urniture, glassware, cro,ckery, tiles, ceramics, (firewood, WOOd, coal, ,cycles, motorcars, motor.cycles, plasiticware, lime, !Utensils of stainless steel, ,copper, bTass, ena mel, aluminium -and 1)lastic.
833 Shrikanta Uittam Y:ende Mapuga (Bardez Copper & brass utensHs, stainless steel :ware and alumin·ium Taluka) watre . 834 .Estudio Suraj -Prop. ".Ducarama Panjim Phdtog;raphi,c materials, flash bulbs, films, photo papers,. Vittola Naique mounts, albums, ,cerners, photo frames, photo -chemicals,. cameras 'and -accessories, :papers. 835 EStudio Goa -Rrxw. p.urxotoma P. Panjim Photographic ,materials, phote paper, mounts, a1bu-m ens,. Xete ,films, ,nash bulhs', ·photo chemi:ca:ls, carneras, accessories.. frames and photo.gr,aphic chemicals. 836 Gangarama Darma Gaocar Chopdem (Pernem ,Roofing tiles 'and ridges and fire wood.
837 U. tA. 'Sarmalkar Vasco da Gama Sanitaryware, steel & ,weoden furniture, construo't-ion materials such 'as :cement, iron :bars, hardware, rolUn.g shutters and zinc and -iron "sheets.
838 Rosario iDavid Gracias lVlal'gao (Salcete Wines, liquors and ether 'llicohelic drin-ks, electrical goeds,
Taluk,a) .radi'os, thelr s,pare parts, motor batteries, motor s.pare parts and accesseries, tyres & tubes, au'to -eleClbri-cal parts, paints. pt1lish, solution, grease, ':hardware, ti,nned & !bottled foo1.8tuffs.
839 PurxotOlna Harji Gogola-Diu iFoodst-uffs, tobacco, stationery, ;perfumery, soap, toilet requisites, kerosene, ,ghee, vegetable 'Oils, glassware and cut lery.
840 Narain Ramcrishna Pai VaBco oa Gama iFoodg,rains, cloths, washing soap, :toilet seap, sweets, to'bacca, cereals, pulse.<; edible - & .non-edib'le 'Oils, rv.egeta:ble ghee, hutter, -oiIcakes, for t,uffs, spices, -ofuSsafoelida, iHnned & -bottled foodstuffs, jui< \nfectionery ,bisouits, .agar,batti, .perfumery & toilet re.g. -.cosmetics, mats, hosielW, umbrellas, raincoats, bidiet. .I:garettes, and other tobacco products.
841 Vassudeva pundolica Salcar Vasco da Gama Road buiJdilJ1g machine·ry such as mixe-rs, vi;brators, trucks v~bra:tors, buHding matel,hls 'such 'as basin 'of lwtrirne with water, tank. ga:lvanized Ituba, lead pipe, wa'ter tap, jungly wood and ,teak waok, 'hinges, boltS', 'l'ocks; and iron m'a:teirials such as stripes, engine shaf,t, crusher plate, motor spaTe -pa·rts, ,crusher, :engin-e 'spare ,parts, mixer 'cement concrete (fo,r l'oad -work) mix'er ,as'phalt (for Irood· work), cement, home 'P·bpe and ,cast iron pipe.
842 Dinanata R. Naique OUrchorem (Que- Staltion'NY, aH kdnds of -papers, 'drawing & Iw.rtting ma;te:riais,
pem Ta1uka) glassware, perfumel'Y, co's'm,eti'cs & to-iJ'et requi&ite's, toeth .paste. tooth brush, p2-rfumed Ol'13, lampwa:r,e, aluminium waite, chi'nawa're, hosirery, umbrel1'as, hardware, building ma t-eT-ilals inc1udi,ng 'C'enient.
843 Veritas PUblisher < Panjim 'Shoes, cha'ppals, canvas-shees and other qualities of foot ~-\- wear.
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