'Goa, 16th May, 1964

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locks, ;iron nails" -scissors, blades, nail cutters, foun­tain pens, ball pens, refllls, iron -goods, slates, slates pencils, kmves-, money purses, haberdasherry, cut­lery, ghamelas, condensed & 'powdered milk, torches, lanterns and its accessories, glassware and china clay goods, buttons, 'cotton thread, 'Soaked ,parched manure (amonium sulphate superphosphate, mix­ture), snuff, tubes, petrom-ax, stoves, and Us ac­cessories, biscuits, bicycle 'accessories, mining tool, automo.bile spare parts and accessor·ies, :building materials, steel chairs and tables, confectionery, zinc sheets.

192 'Cereals, pulses in all forms, ferti-lizers, flour, sugar, safety matches, -glassware and chinaware, vegetable oHs jnclud'i:r.g vanaspati, ,edible :oils, electrical .goods. fu.rniture, ,razor a·nd razo,r blades, soaps, s·pectacle fl'ames & lenses, bicycles and their accessol'ieB, coffee & tea in leaf & powder, fireworks, vaccum flasks, and 'thermos, pepper -and other spices, food provisions, clocks, time-pieces, watches, domestic electrical appliances, perfumes and cosmetics, stain­less st-eel articles, and sport goods, fancy goods, agarbatti, cookers, cigal"ettes~


1ration No. umbrellas, hardware. 'Paints & varnishes, building materi&ls, cement, industrial, agricultural and 'elec­trical machinery. rubber, tyres 'and .tubes. 211 Glass material, electric goods, 'essences & -colours, and foodstuffs. 224 Blydrochloric acid, thinners, fresh 'polish and buckets. 225 Kerosene 'additive. 226 Hardware, photographic goods, bicycles, accessol'ie;.;, reN:gious arNdes, mats, copper & other non-pre­cious metalware, leather, shoelaces. shoe..,polish, foodgrains, prov-isi'ons spectacles and their accesso­ries and tobacco, bottles, corks, essence, colours and

drinking shaws.

237 Motor spare parts including tyres & tubes, brushware, dryfruits, cooking utensils (brassware, copperware, aluminiumware, stainless steelware & enamelware:), stoves, cookers and ether ceeking devices, ceat stand, lampware (bed lamps, petromaxes), um­brellas, bicycles and bicycle spare parts (tyres and tubes), measure tapes, soda water bottles and openers, furniture (steel & wooden),.perfumed hair oils, caster 'Oil (purgative), drugs, medicines and ether chemicals.

251 Electrical fittings, fixtures & accessories and 'Office equipments, synthetic insulating material, metals for casting purpeses.

271 Watch belts.

288 Rolling shutters, electrical appliance & accessories, slotted angles, hardware & teols, motor accessories and construction material such as -bricks & cement blocks.

328 Furniture of all types, garage & refrigeration service teels, materials, spares and accesseries, spraying machines, all types of 'Pumps, compressors and their spares and accesseries.

341' Match bexes and syrups of various types, teilet re­quisites, cosmetics, tinned bottle feodstuffs, jams, fi,ewerks, biscuits and cenfectienery.

344 Timber, weeden & steel furnitur.e including cushions. -355 Toilet requisites and perfumes. ·378 Ef-(~ycles, refrigerators, 'car-air-conditi:011'ers and batte­

:ries, typewriters and biscuits. 382 Tinned and bottled foodstuffs, cosmetics goeds and toilet articles.

386 IFoetw.ear, perfumery, tOilet, stationery, toys, um­brellas, chinaware automobile parts, radi'O & their parts, accumulators & batteries, white metal, Un, hose pipe, rubber matting, to'Ols, stone crasher, compressor, welding machine, diesel machine and their parts.

408 Gum tape, metal wares, laces and glasswares.

422 Latches, locks, hinges, screws (either of brass ,'Or steel 'Or tren) , zinc pipes, m.s. },ren or steel :bars and all other sort of construction materials, 'Oil & other simple paints, tools & 'implements, dry fruits, com­pressor accessories, hose ptpes, robes 'Of all varie­ties pelish paper, c'Otton waste, electric accesseries. sted fu.rn:ture, hose :pipes and cement pipes.

'4'31 Assafoetida, vvrapping"paper (waste news papers for


460 lBuilding constructien materials such as M. S. iren bars, portland cemen,t, ,hardware, porcela'inwal'e, tiles, glasses, electrical goods, rolling shutters, grills, furniture, sanitaryware 'and varnishes and paints.

480 'Stoves, lanterns and th'el'r a:ccess'oni.les. 489 Ste'e1 furniture. 497 Linoleum floor cover-jng. 501 Hygienic seda straw pipes, nephtaUne -balls, -chuni &

old cakes, (food for animals), petromax & acces­soriles, hurriean'e lanterns & ace:essori:e's, pi'ckI-es, baH 'lJell'S and accessories, -assafoetida, glroundnuts and bi'di'es.

515 Pipe Une & fittings ,pumps, fire servi,ce e,quipment air compressors, -Iubricati-ng 'equ-ipment and valves.

.540 Motor cycles, cy

5&2 :Foot'We-ar 'Of {tIl tyipes. 569 OH w'gines, .engines w&th pumps (-Lndustrial use), 'l'O'Uing shu:tt-ers, window ;f.rames, cement Itile..'"i sani..


tration No. tary t'Hrt4ngs, 'construction maier-ia-ls, electric lU( and meters (industrial use) 'and sewing machi 604 Bottle washi-ng machtne. 639 Sugar, khanda:sari, gur, 'overissued newspapers, \t­ge;tabl'e ghe'e, soap, ground nuts, tea, potaJtot mattresses, cottonseeds, cotton. seed 'Oil cakes, khardi, khardiseeds, wheat fleur & soji; gunny bags, 'emr>ty ;t.i_ns, jute t,wi-Ile '8Zld dates. 642 Sport goods, ,tmhea. feodstuffs and 'all kinds of elec­;tIli'ca'} ftppli,amces and m8!terials. 647 Grocery (ka'ryana), drugs, jewellery, precious stones and metals, kerosene, alumi-niumwaTes, gooding

stones" karanja 'ON, -chillies, toys, watches, seWing machines, radios, 'cycles ailld 'its spare parts, docks, -cutlery, spare 'parts of motc,r ca.'l'S and ,air compres­

sors, coeking stoves, Qlllcandecent lamps (petromax type) and its 'spare pads, and fi're-crackers.

8 Denaturea sp1rfts, paj,nts, varnishes, celeurs, matches, hard-boaJi(ls, -ply.woods, furndture, footwear, house­hold' and sanitary, 'eartheJ,lware, stove & lampware, spiees, scales, bui'lding material, enamelware, p1aiStic leather and 'rubber ,goods, "cycles and -accessories, tim. ingdts, mats, k;itchenwar-e, optical and gogals, textile ar;ticl"es.

48 Bicydes & a;cce~sor-ies, sewing machines and acces­sories, pumps and 'engines for industrial ;PU1'lposes, -essences and syrups, jute bags, tyres and tube's, mil:k and milk powder, stoves, lamps, pamts, tools, mantI-es, electric goods, steel fumiture, corks, bottles, 1mrdwar-e playi!ug cards, pickles, gJrass mats, ca'{::tle fodder, Iwoolen shamls (cambolins), naptha­lime, lire'll. steel & -copper, methi. seOOs paper ,of all k-inds, ,cutlery, En and papadkhar.

49 Se)¥l,ng machines & -acce~ories, eng'ine & pumps fcr 'industrial pur-poses, ;tin, 'essences, jute bags, stove.s, lamps, paints, teols, 'electric goods, steel fUlllljJture, co,rks, hardware, playing ,cards, ,p:i!ckles, gtra.Ssmaits, cattle. fodder, bottles, iron, steel, copper, papadkhar, ffi'etM seeds-and paper 'Of aU 'lctnds.

138 Burshane cylinders and -ap.pliances, wines & liquors, motorcycles, scooters, accesssories and spare parts ther.eof, wheat flour, t-ea, sugar, confecticnery and typewriters, cement, bricks, tiles, asbestos, sheets, pipes.

238 AutemobU-e spares & accesseries, automobile tyres & tubes, electrical goods, wines & liquors, radios, gra~ maphones & r,ecords, steel furniture, refrigerators and a'ir conditioners, rubber & plasti'cware, 'Optical gocds, toys, drugs, medicines, cigarettes and ready­made garments.

249 Dete....gents, water distillation plant, industrial safety appliances (such as gloves, welders gogles, dust-foe respirators), calcium carbide, electrical tools, meters, ·electrical material and coil winding machines.

335 Chemicals, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, medi­c:ines in the form of syrup, tablets, capsules, injec­tables and ,empty glass bottles with corks.

411 Sewing maChines. 468 Tea, coffee, seap, matches, biscuits and 'confecticnery. 579 Electric metors, starter, transform_ers, switchboards,

electric wires, switches, fuses, ..insulators, instru­ments and gaug,es, meters, cables, lamps and shao.P ", glassware, pans, measuring glasses, funnels, ratory equipment, microscopes, -precision balm scales, sterilizers, auteclaves, incubators, ena~ , ware, plastics and measuvement recepticIes, slides fer microscopes, surgical equipment chemicals, ce­

, ment, iren bars, round and flat bars, channels, zinc & fibrocement sh€ets, constructien material, reefing tiles, floor tHes, sanitaryware and fittings, wooden frames, doors, windows, metal windows, shutters, pipes -& pipe fittmgs, paints, varnishes, hardware, lather, shaping machines, milling machines, mecha­nical hacks'aws, ha.cksaws and tools,

677 Hosiery, cutlery, raincoats, umbrellas, purses, belts, and travelling reqUisites.

854 Dry fruits, boiler fer distillery, empty bottles, metal corks, bottles corking machines, wooden tubes, kilu, iren straps, cases sealing machines skyes hydre­meters, telescope, electric wires.

Panjim, 21st April, 1964. -The Notified Authority, Rajaram Hedo, Commissioner of Revenue & Taxes.

GOVT. PRINTING P~SS-GOA (Imprensa Naelonal -Goa) • PRICE -67 n. p .

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