'Goa, 16th May, 1964

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845 M. A. IM-arehon "Mwgao (Salcete Whilsky, brandy, gin, rum. beer, tinned foodstuffs and other Talul",,) beverages..

RegisM (rationNo.

Name of the Dealer

Addre.ss of tlw principal place of business

Goods covered by lllt' Certificate of Registration


~agar. Printing Press


Na.-ra.sinh M-ukund Bhaitt


Tavannap.pa A. Hazare


Casa Sirodcar


John Chagas PelLeira


Pr~manand Printing Press


INQvem ·Goem Periodical


-Ema-nuel IA. G. Printing Press


'Venus Distillery & Br,ewery


'Antonio 30ao Gomes


Loximona Natque ,Ba:tcar


Varagidas Geraje


Ha.smu:k)lal Gulabchande


.GoouJdas Qula;bchande


Aladin RaJa;n.


'Shrt IDiu Sahkart Bhandar Ltd.

Vasaram Harji

Mahadeo AJbhisheki

B. X. !Furtado & 'Sons -Successor

J. Gomes


Roghupot! Ramacrislma !Bhandari

Gomantak. IMahiia Sahakari Au­

dhyogik Utpadak Sanstha LN.


Margao (Salcete Taluka) Caranzol -Mal"Ca­

irn (Ponda Ta­

luka) Margao (Salcete

Taluka) Panjim Panjim

Mar,gao (Salcete Taluka) Mallgao (Salcete Taluka) Margao (Salcete


Mormugao H a I'­bour

Cuncolinl (Salcete Taluka) Panjim


Dana Bazar, Diu

Dana Bazar, Diu Bazar Gogola-Diu


Gogola-Diu Manguesh (Ponda Taluka)

Margao (Borda-Taluka) ponda-!VUa

Nerul (Bardez Ta­luka)

Mar.gao (Salcete Talukla)

printing materials such as paper, printing ink, types, pr-iIllt­ing machinery and their parts. Roof·jng tHe'S and ridges.

Aluminium, brass, coppeT & stainless steel utensils.

Readymade garments, hosi'ery, shoes" ha:berdasherry. & 'sandals. Bicycles & spare ·parits, ityres & tubes, gadvani'SeQ \Sheets, watches & spares, 'sewing machines, motor 'cars spares & accessories, .paints, primers and thinners,

P:rmting machinery, 'spares, 'inks, gums, [types, paper, ca:rd­board, staitionery, blocks and rollers. Paper and .blocks.

Religious pictures & statues, aH kinds of printing ma:ter.i-aJ.s, paper, stationery, books, writing & draWing mater'ials, metal for manuf·acture of types, IPaper, prJ.nting ink and printing machin~ry.

Re:ctifi~d spilrits & :essences, dimi:llin-g uniJts, -motors of :3 -or "5 H. P., motor of % lEI. P., gener~tors of '3 or 10 kwu" :bundles of barbed wire, .rolls of expanded m.etal, ,gunny cloth, yeast, .filters, empty!bron tanks, 'hose or 'rubber pipes, wooden casks, bot.tle filling machine, cleaning machine, m:al,t, hOops :and baJrley, dry fruits, hoUer for distillery, empty bottles, metal corks, bottles corking machines, wo"o'den tubes, kHu, iron straps, :cas'es sealing machines, skyeshydro~ meters, t-ele'scope, and electric 'Wi~es.

Timber & logs, roof\ing itHes and 'ridges.

Steel furni,ture, tilIln'ed food products, butter, coniectioll'ery, biscuits, coffee, tea, buckets, taluminium utensi'ls, c'otton­waste, -pressure stoves & lamp'S, all kinds of 'cloths bicydes and hurri"-c3Jfi lan;te:rns.

Photo 'cameras, lenses, photo 'a:ccessori;e:s, photog,r&phi'ne~ gatives iill f.irims & ·rolls, pr.1nting paper, printi-ng & deve­loping :Ch'emicals in us'e 'in phototrade, photo 'enlargers, photo f-rames & mounts, cricket balts, baH & goods used in

cricket, footballs, yolley-balls, sports nets, bandminton & tenni'S balls, shuttlecock-s', ,tennis rackets, carrom boards & access'ori:es, playing caTds, home gam-es and, past-rtimes, printing !& w.rappIng pap'ers, exercise bookis, letter pads, inks, inkpots -& stalllds, fountain pens, ba:ll--poinit pens, pen nibs, 'refHls, s-ea'ling wax, stamp pads, office f·i!l'es, acc'ount books, desk calendrurs, diaries blotting papers in -reams, cardboards, dlrafit :paper, lWaiSte p3Jper, punches-, stapling

machines, carbon papers, rubber erasure, duplicating inks, ty;pewriter ribbons, .gums & mucilages, :pins, clips, hair o':}s, 'Sh'a:1llpoo's, toi'let soaps, toHet powders & fae'e powder'S, face creams, :and snows, rouge, 1,LPlSti'Clts, illail polJsh'es, hair dyes, 'scents, eau de cologne, bath-sal'ts, tooth past-es-, and to'oth ,pOWder, 'sheet glass, cut glass, mirrors and lo'oking glasses, f:rames & frame materials, pictures for rpicture framing hrurdboa..rds and Itoilet ,compacts.

Stationery, glassware, photographic materials, sport maJte­riaIs, books perfumery -& toHeit articles, bui'l

Rice, suga.r, m·Hk, butter and cement. Foodg:rains, ,rice, sugar, baj.ril, jagree, perfum'ery, kerosene, vegeta'ble ghee-, 'edLble oi,ls, wa'Shlillg soap, confectionery, eigaret:t'e:.s 'and "oB colours. FoodgraJin's, pulses, rice, 'sugar, baZ31l"li" jagree, .toilet, perfu­m'ery products, ,c'ement, 'construction materi:a:ls, k-eros:ene,

nylon fiS-hing thread, 'edible o'ills -& vegetable' gh~e, Bamboo and timber. Empty glass bottles, corks, bakelite caps, simple and plastic

washers, synthetic essenc'es, colours, bdttle fHling ma.chin'eS, filteving machines, ,gum 3!rabica, cardboa:rd paper boxes.. butter and .gelatine ,paper for :wra:pping the bottles.

Spotts gouds, bonk,s, re'lirgtou~., goods, muskal 'instruments and :a'ccessori'es and stationery. Foodgrains, ;fo-odstuffs, edtble oHs, nQn ed1lhl'e -oils, tobacco in lea.f and poWder, washing soa:ps & jaggery.

Canning machinery: & 'Spare pa~ts, bottles, labels, covks, wooden bar.rels, essenc"es. boxe's 'and 'cardboard pa-p

Paper, 'exercise books", off.ice & school statronery', fWlI'i1ti1Ilg & drawing maiterials, paper, ink, typ"es, printing press, 'lTI'achi­nery and spa..N$.

Goa 1611 MAY. 1964


aU cP·,--------------------------------r------------------;------------------------------------------------------­

s!~bs('r;· I

to its s­advE"l'rm Mff'rtJ·


Name 0(



Address of the principal place of business

Goods covered by the Certificate of Registration

T, tur~68 tra

Pereira Tyre Works

Santa-Cruz jim)


Slab t:Ubber, .cushion gum, Nulcanising solution, .currmg ,bags.. bwby ·boi'ller, giant ·boHer, mil'" ;comp'reSs'OII', vulcaJ1!iLs.ful.g ·un:1Jts..

.resoling and :r:etrea:d!in.g units, rolling machines, shafts for

::'-uffing, tyre-'iJdliut and fj,re eXtinguishers.

The -amendments and additions made to the Itst 'Of goods .covered by the cer.t-iiDicates g'ranted to the dealers regiBt-ered

under Centra'! Sales Tax Aot, ,1956, are as follows:

Regis­traUOI) No.

:3 Machin:el'Y, bottles, -caps and -alcohol. 12 !Shut'ters and aN 'kinds of >construction matemials. 31 'Electric goods, oN millIs, rna.'chil1'ery, toilet. :requisiltes,

fountain :pens,' 'aluminiullW8!re, vt3--cuum bo:ttles, :thread & sewing ruaterial, plasHc goods, steel fur­ni1tul'e, meta'!· 8!rtware, sporting goods, footwear, umbreHas, rubber goods, lea:th:cr goods, toothbrush and tooth pastes. ­

41 Metal stra;ppi!Ugs.

4:2 SPClltt goods.

5'2 Indian made foreign 'liquors, Whisky, brandy, gin, rum, beer and boot poEsh, dena,tured spi'rit, phenile, drugs of any 'k'ind and pa;t-en't medicin:es, aluminium & stainless steel utensnes~ buoket'S, stoves, lanterns, m-inoifl1g ma'chines, sandals, glalSsware, earthenware, cutlery, ,plast~cwa:re and thermos flasks.

53 Arms and ammuniltion and sports goods.

55 'Cotton ,waste, polishing ddth, cow fodder, wooden sleepEn'S, iTon sle'epers, timber 'logs, scantling & planks, iWaotors and implements for wgruculture.

70 IMotor -cars, omnibuses, buses, trucks, tractors, trai­i'ers, and 'their respe-ctive spare parts, -ri'Ce and sugar.

7Q Ag.ricultural and !industrial machi,nery.

74 Roof.ing material, ,ridges, dolyethene goods, baH point pens and fHIers, w.riting and foun::bain pens, tnks, gums, pastes, pads, sealing wax, carbon papers, petrol-eum ,produots of all types, lubrificants, dry Icolours, dyes, ·culin-ery colours and ult:ramal'ine blue, 'dry ,cells, ti,shtng yarn, nets and tWirne, garden 'seeds and o.ther seeds and ,plants, 'dry f,yuit'S, saffron, 'leather goods, ;road building machinery, artificial jeweUery and 'stones for jewel-lery, incandesC'ent lamps, 'lampw-are and accessori'es.

76 Aluminium and ha'rdwaTe, 'SpiTits, 'cements, hosiery, electric mate!'liuls, petromax arrd 'stove's spa're pal'1Us, mantles, all k1il1ds .of pwpers ailld grass ma.!ts, edihle 'colours, playing ,cards, !edt-ble :spices and tin blocks


96 Wooden and steel furniture, mattress, pillo·ws, -bags, ladi'es and gents purses, plastioware, 4,mbrellas, ~noo~h~a~~% .

99 Cutlery, thread, iron materials, enamelware, material for construction, toys, doth, garnmnts, t'ravelldng requisites. shoes, radios, ma:te!'lial for 'electrlcity, ---': neons, gramaphones, records, radiograms, motor ,spare parts,. tyres, tubes, ty.pewriters, calculating machi'ne.s, watches, glassware, hosiery, household

requ'i:s1tes, foO'dgra;ns, sugar-and oil products. 106 Ceramic ,U:les, 'Cisterns, wash !basins and sinks. 112 Mats, 'carpets and foam rubbered goods. 114 Rosin, vegetable and mutton tallow, soap moulds, soap

cutting machines with wire frames, printed poly­thene paper and plastic bags, hydrometers, starCh, soapstone and talc.

128 ,P1rinting presS-ma'chinery, crushers & ta-r boilers.

129 Rolling shutters, tyres & tubes, paints, oils & grease, painting brushes, asbestos sheets & galvaniS'ed tp:.i'Pes, industri'al machin'ery & their parts, 'steel bars, ~heets & ste'el leaves, .batterl'es, accumulators & theitr 'pa'w, motor hood parts, .brak'e lini,ng, rivets fo.r motor vehicles, fan ,belts, links, be1:tings, rubber V belts, hydraulic brake fluid, brade parts, cork sheets, cork mater-ial, triplex glass sheets, laminated glass, plastic & :rubber hose .pipes & ·rubber material, upholstery goods & car rubber matting.

136 Marln.e machinery equipment & spares,. explosives, beltIng, bolts & nuts, bushings, armature winding wire, solder and alik'e filling material, painting Ibrushes, gaskets & gasket ma;t~rial and"brake fluid, gramaphone records, record play.ers & .'reproducers,



baby-walk-ers, radiogrammes, refrigerators accesso­ries and spares, fans, spar,es <& accessories, tinned prOVisions, leather & rex-ine bags, p. v. c.. pipes, their fittings & accessories, polyvinyl chloride and alkathene, polythene (high & low density) copper, zInc, aluminium, gypsum, clay, carbon steel wire and mild steel. .

140 Tooth paste, sulpha drugs, sanitary towels, medicinal soap, feeding bottles, douch cans & fittings, bed pans, thennometers, ,gum & 'beladona plasters, pas­saries, D. D. T. liquid & powder, paper boxes & bags f'Or diBp:ensing ointments & tablets and acces­sories of pharmacy.

142 Oil grinding & :rice milling machineries, boilers, water pumps, tools and their accessories, pipes & fittings~ glass-sheets/vla:tes, s~nitarywar:e, -asbestos sheets.. iron rods, angles and bars.

143 Hardware, ohemicals, workshop machinery including welding machines, lathe machines and tools. 152 Wooden and steel new furnitur:e, paper and othel~

writing materials, stationery, maps and globes. 158 Baby food, milk powder and toilet articles. 179 Carbonic gas cylinders. 181 Textiles, footwear, raincoats, hats, handbags, um­

brellas, tOYs, belts, readyn1ade garments, watch­-straps, -lmmitati'on jewellery, embrOideries, el'astics, ribbons, needles, buckl'es, buttons, hooks, tai,lor's crayons, c.rayons, toilet articles, zi'p fasterners, spare parts of hiicycle and motorbicycles, mats, ma·t­tings, :oleo paints; sanitary, tobacco, glassware crockery, alumin'iu'lllware, hardware, building mate­rials, biscuits, dental cream, doop, cotton, spirit, waxes, razor sets, blades, cement, varnishes, all kinds of 'Oils, tU!'lpentines, flooring and roofing tiles, camplior, soda-hi,carbonate, soap, -rice, sugar;' tea,


coffe, sy.rup, e3s,';nce, straw pipe, stove, thread, iron, steel, sport goods, agarbatties, petromax, ,electrical articles, and indust:rial machinery.

191 Tooth brush, tonth paste, hoot polish, fireworks, tiles~ Jagree foodstuffs, chillies, assafoetida, crackers, tea, coffee, tin, linseed on, refined oil, butter, washing, bathing & tOilet so~p, vegetable ghee, :oilc.:tkes, c)t­tonseeds, wrapping .paper, jute thread, gh~-e, match boxes, coffee seeds, stainless steel, hardware, alu­m.inium, cilndles, plastic goods, umbrellas, saboo­dana, potatoes, 'oni-on, gjnger, incense, -camphol". pa·ints, bidies & cigarettes, tamarin:g, mats, ,cement,

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