Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Stafford, Kathleen M.*; Nieukirk, Sharon L. and Fox, Christopher G. Low-frequency whale sounds recorded on hydrophones moored in the eastern tropical Pacific. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1999. v.106 (6):3687-3698.

Stafford, Kathleen M.*; Nieukirk, Sharon L. and Fox, Christopher G. An acoustic link between blue whales in the eastern tropical Pacific and the northeast Pacific. Marine Mammal Science. 1999. v.15 (4):1258-1268.

Stafford, Kathleen M.*; Nieukirk, Sharon L. and Fox, Christopher G. Geographic and seasonal variation of blue whale calls in the North Pacific. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 2001. v.3 (1):65-76.

Standley, Laurel J.* and Simoneit, Bernd R.T. Characterization of extractable plant wax, resin and thermally matured components in smoke particles from prescribed burns. Environmental Science and Technology. 1987. v.21 (2):163-169.

Standley, Laurel J.* and Simoneit, Bernd R.T. Preliminary correlation of organic molecular tracers in residential wood smoke with the source of fuel. Atmospheric Environment. 1990. v.24B (1):67-73.

Starr, Richard M.; Fox, David S.; Hixon, M.A.; Tissot, B. N.; Johnson, G. E. and Barss, William H. Comparison of submersible-survey and hydroacoustic-survey estimates of fish density on a rocky bank. Fishery Bulletin, U.S. 1996. v.94 (1):113-123.

Starr, Richard M.; Fox, David S.; Stein, D. L. and Fisher, J. P. Section 6.0. Biological characteristics of nearshore sand areas off southern Oregon. In: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, eds. Preliminary Resource and Environmental Data: Oregon Marine Placer Minerals. Portland, Oregon: (Open-File Report)91-2. 1991. p.127-188.

Steel, Debbie 1; Un, M.Y.; Funahashi, N.; Lukoschek, V. and Baker, C. Scott DNA profiling of North Pacific minke whales from Korean markets shows true takes exceed officially reported bycatch. In: Scientific Committee Report (SC). International Whaling Commission; 2010. SC/62/BRG21 http://iwcoffice.org/_documents/sci_com/SC62docs/SC-62-NPM26.pdf

Steel, Ronald Edward**. Shrimp processing waste as a pigment source for Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri). Master's Thesis Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1971. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26836

Steidl, R. J.; Hayes, John P. and Schauber, E. Statistical power in wildlife research. Journal of Wildlife Management. 1997. v.61:270-279.

Steiner, W. W. ; Luczkovich, J. J. and Olla, Bori L. Activity, shelter usage, growth and recruitment of juvenile Red Hake Urophycis chuss . Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1982. v.7 (2):125-135.

Steiner, W. W. and Olla, Bori L. Behavioral responses of prejuvenile red hake, Urophycis chuss , to experimental thermoclines. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 1985. v.14 (2-3):167-173.

Stekoll, M.S. and Hansen, Gayle I. Unusual fat Alaria found near Juneau, Alaska [abstract only]. Journal of Phycology. 2006. v.42 (Suppl. 1):39.

Stern, R. J.; Tamura, Y.; Embley, Robert W.; Ishizuka, O.; Merle, Susan G.; Basu, N.K.; Kawabata, H. and Bloomer, S.H. Evolution of West Rota volcano, an extinct submarine volcano in the southern Mariana Arc: Evidence from sea floor morphology, remotely operated vehicle observations and Ar-40-Ar-39 geochronological studies. Island Arc. 2008. v.17 (1):70-89.

Stevenson, J. M. ; Hildebrand, J. A. ; Zumberge, M. A. and Fox, Christopher G. An ocean bottom gravity study of the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1994. v.99 (B3):4875-4888.

Stewart, I. J.; Keller, A. A.; Fruh, Erica L.; Simon, V. H. and Horness, B. H. Throwing in the towel: When do adverse conditions dictate a weather day during a bottom trawl survey? Fisheries Research. 2010. v.102 (1-2):130-140. 10.1016/j.fishres.2009.11.001.

Stick, David A.*. Identification of optimal broodstock for Pacific Northwest oysters. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis: Oregon State University. (Fisheries Science). 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26654

Stick, David A.; Langdon, Christopher J.; Banks, Michael A. and Camara, Mark D. Preliminary analyses of genetic structure within and among remnant populations of the Olympia oyster, Ostrea conchaphila [abstract only]. Journal of Shellfish Research. 2008. v.27 (2):471-472.

Stick, David A. *; Langdon, Christopher J.; Banks, Michael A. and Camara, Mark D. Analysis of genetic structure within and among remnant populations of the Olympia oyster, Ostrea conchaphila [abstract]. Journal of Shellfish Research. 2009. v.28 (3):732-732.

Stick, David A.*; Langdon, Christopher J.; Banks, Michael A. and Camara, Mark D. . Nineteen novel microsatellite markers for the Olympia oyster, Ostrea conchaphila/lurida. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2009 v.9 (1):153-155.

Stierhoff, K. L.; Targett, T. E. and Power, James H. Hypoxia-induced growth limitation of juvenile fishes in an estuarine nursery: assessment of small-scale temporal dynamics using RNA:DNA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2009. v.66 (7):1033-1047. 10.1139/f09-066.

Stiffler, Daniel F.*. Cardiac and respiratory responses to hypoxia in the crab, Cancer magister (Dana). Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1970.

Stiffler, Daniel F.*. Renal function in urodele amphibians. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1973.

Stimson, J. and Larned, Scott T. Nitrogen efflux from the sediments of a subtropical bay and the potential contribution to macroalgal nutrient requirements. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2000. v.252 (2):159-180.

Stimson, J.; Larned, Scott T. and Conklin, E. Effects of herbivory, nutrient levels, and introduced algae on the distribution and abundance of the invasive macroalga Dictyosphaeria cavernosa in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Coral Reefs. 2001. v.19 (4):343-357.

Stocks, K. I.; Boehlert, George W. and Dower, J. F. Towards an International Field Programme on Seamounts Within the Census of Marine Life. Archive of Fishery and Marine Research. 2004. v.51 (1-3):320-327.

Stoecker, D.K.; Gallager, S.M. ; Langdon, Christopher J. and Davis, L.H. Particle capture by Favella sp. (Ciliata, Tintinnina). Journal of Plankton Research. 1995. v.17 (5):1105-1124.

Stoffers, P.; Worthington, T.J.; Schwarz-Schampera, U.; Hannington, M.D.; Massoth, G.J.; Hekinian, R.; Schmidt, M.; Lundsten, L.J.; Evans, Leigh J.; Vaiomo'unga, R. and Kerby, T. Submarine volcanoes and high-temperature hydrothermal venting on the Tonga arc, southwest Pacific. Geology. 2006. v.34 (6):453-456.

Stoner, Allan W. Hunger and light level alter response to bait by Pacific halibut: laboratory analysis of detection, location and attack. Journal of Fish Biology. 2003. v.62 (5):1176-1193.

Stoner, Allan W. What constitutes essential nursery habitat for a marine species? A case study of habitat form and function for queen conch. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2003. v.257:275-289.

Stoner, Allan W. Effects of environmental variables on fish feeding ecology: implications for the performance of baited fishing gear and stock assessment. Journal of Fish Biology. 2004. v.65 (6):1445-1471.

Stoner, Allan W. Habitat-mediated survival of newly settled red king crab in the presence of a predatory fish: Role of habitat complexity and heterogeneity. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2009. v.382 (1):54-60. 10.1016/j.jembe.2009.10.003.

Stoner, Allan W. Prediction of discard mortality for Alaskan crabs after exposure to freezing temperatures, based on a reflex impairment index. Fishery Bulletin. 2009. v.107 (4):451-463. http://fishbull.noaa.gov/1074/stoner.pdf

Stoner, Allan W. and Abookire, A.L. Sediment preferences and size-specific distribution of young-of-the-year Pacific halibut in an Alaska nursery. Journal of Fish Biology. 2002. v.61 (3):540-559.

Stoner, Allan W. and Kaimmer, S.M. Reducing elasmobranch bycatch: Laboratory investigation of rare earth metal and magnetic deterrents with spiny dogfish and Pacific halibut. Fisheries Research. 2008 v.92 (2-3):162-168. 10.1016/j.fishres.2008.01.004.

Stoner, Allan W.; Laurel, Benjamin J. and Hurst, Thomas P. Using a baited camera to assess relative abundance of juvenile Pacific cod: field and laboratory trials. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2008. v.354:202-211.

Stoner, Allan W.; Manderson, J.P. and Pessutti, J.P. Spatially explicit analysis of estuarine habitat for juvenile winter flounder: combining generalized additive models and geographic information systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2001. v.213:253-271.

Stoner, Allan W. and Ottmar, Michele L.*. Relationships between size-specific sediment proeferences and burial capabilities in juveniles of two Alaska flatfishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2003. v.283 (1-2):85-101.

Stoner, Allan W. and Ottmar, Michele L.*. Relationships between size-specific sediment preferences and burial capabilities in juveniles of two Alaska flatfishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2003. v.282 (1-2):85-101.

Stoner, Allan W. and Ottmar, Michele L.*. Fish density and size alter Pacific halibut feeding: implications for stock assessment. Journal of Fish Biology. 2004. v.64 (6):1712-1724.

Stoner, Allan W.; Ottmar, Michele L. and Copeman, Louise A. Temperature effects on the molting, growth, and lipid composition of newly-settled red king crab. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2010. v.393 (1-2):138-147. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2010.07.011.

Stoner, Allan W.; Ottmar, Michele L. and Haines, Scott A. Temperature and habitat complexity mediate cannibalism in red king crab: observations on activity, feeding, and prey defense mechanisms. Journal of Shellfish Research. 2010. v.29 (4):1005-1012. doi:10.2983/035.029.0401

Stoner, Allan W. ; Ottmar, Michele L. and Hurst, Thomas P. Temperature affects activity and feeding motivation in Pacific halibut: implications for bait-dependent fishing. Fisheries Research. 2006. v.81 (2-3):202-209.

Stoner, Allan W. and Ray-Culp, M. Evidence for Allee effects in an over-harvested marine gastropod: density-dependent mating and egg production. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2000. v.202:297-302.

Stoner, Allan W.; Rose, C. S.; Munk, J. E.; Hammond, C. F. and Davis, Michael W. . An assessment of discard mortality for two Alaskan crab species, Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) and snow crab (C. opilio), based on reflex impairment. Fishery Bulletin. 2008 v.106 (4):337-347. http://fishbull.noaa.gov/1064/stoner.pdf

Stoner, Allan W.; Ryer, Clifford H.; Parker, Steven J.; Auster, P.J. and Wakefield, W.Waldo. Evaluating the role of fish behavior in surveys conducted with underwater vehicles. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2008. v.65 (6):1230-1243. http://article.pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/RPAS/RPViewDoc?_handler_=HandleInitialGet&calyLang=fra&journal=cjfas&volume=65&articleFile=f08-032.pdf

Stoner, Allan W.; Spencer, Mara L. and Ryer, Clifford H. Flatfish-habitat associations in Alaska nursery grounds: use of continuous video records for multi-scale spatial analysis. Journal of Sea Research. 2007. v.57 (2-3):137-150.

Stoner, Allan W. and Sturm, Erick A. Temperature and hunger mediate sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, feeding motivation: implications for stock management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2004. v.61 (2):238-246.

Stoner, Allan W. and Titgen, Richard H. Biological structures and bottom type influence habitat choices made by Alaska flatfishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2003. v.292 (1):43-59.

Strand, R.;
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