Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Swartz, Richard C.; Kemp, Paul F.; Schults, Donald W.; Ditsworth, George R. and Ozretich, Robert J. Acute toxicity of sediment from Eagle Harbor, Washington, to the infaunal amphipod, Rhepoxynius abronius. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1989. v.8:215-222.

Swartz, Richard C.; Kemp, Paul F.; Schults, Donald W. and Lamberson, Janet O. Effects of mixtures of sediment contaminants on the marine infaunal amphipod, Rhepoxynius abronius. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1988. v.7:1013-1020.

Swartz, Richard C.; Schults, Donald W.; DeWitt, Theodore H.; Ditsworth, George R. and Lamberson, Janet O. Toxicity of fluoranthene in sediment to marine amphipods: a test of the equilibrium partioning approach to sediment quality criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1990. v.9:1071-1080.

Swartz, Richard C.; Schults, Donald W.; Ditsworth, George R. and DeBen, Waldemar A. Toxicity of sewage sludge to Rhepoxynius abronius, a marine, benthic amphipod. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1984. v.13:207-216.

Swartz, Richard C.; Schults, Donald W.; Ditsworth, George R.; DeBen, Waldemar A.; Cole, Faith A.; Hatfield Marine Science Center and Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory. Sediment toxicity, contamination and macrobenthic communities near a large sewage outfall. In: T. P. Boyle, eds. Validation and Predictability of Laboratory Methods for Assessing the Fate and Effects of Contaminants in Aquatic Ecosystems. Philadelphia, PA: ASTM. (ASTM Special Technical Testing Publication)no. 865. 1985. p.152-175.

Swartz, Richard C.; Schults, Donald W.; Ditsworth, George R. and Lamberson, Janet O. Toxicity of fluoranthene in sediment to marine amphipods: a test of the equilibrium partitioning approach to sediment quality criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1990. v.9:1071-1080.

Swartz, Richard C.; Schults, Donald W.; Ozretich, Robert J.; Lamberson, Janet O.; Cole, Faith A.; DeWitt, Theodore H.; Redmond, Michele S. and Ferraro, Steven P. EPAH: a model to predict the toxicity of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures in field-collected sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1995. v.14 (1):1977-1987.

Swartzman, G.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Napp, J.M.; Hunt, G.; Demer, D. and Hewitt, R.P. Spatial proximity of age-0 walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to zooplankton near the Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 1999. v.56 (4):545-560.

Swartzman, G.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Napp, J. M.; Walsh, D.; Hewitt, R.; Demer, D.; Hunt, G. and Logerwell, E. Relating spatial distributions of acoustically determined patches of fish and plankton: data viewing, image analysis, and spatial proximity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 1999. v.56 (Suppl. 1):188-198.

Swartzman, G.; Napp, J.M.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Winter, A. and Ciannelli, L. Spatial patterns of pollock and zooplankton distribution in the Pribilof Islands, Alaska nursery area and their relationship to pollock recruitment. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2002. v.59 (6):1167-1186.

Swartzman, G.; Winter, A.; Coyle, K.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Buckley, T.; Cianneli, L.; Hunt, G.; Ianelli, J. and Macklin, A. Relationship of age-0 pollock abundance and distribution around the Pribilof Islands, to other shelf regions of the eastern Bering Sea. Fisheries Research. 2005. v.74 (1-3):273-287.

Sydeman, William J.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Grimes, Churchill B.; Bychkov, Alexander S. and McKinnell, Stewart. Marine habitat "hotspots" and their use by migratory species and top predators in the North Pacific Ocean: Introduction: Top predator "hot spots" in the North Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2006. v.53 (3-4):247-249.

Sydeman, W.J.; Thompson, S.A.; Field, J.C.; Peterson, William T.; Tanasichuk, R.W.; Freeland, H.J.; Bograd, S.J. and Rykaczewski, R.R. Does positioning of the North Pacific Current affect downstream ecosystem productivity? Geophysical Research Letters. 2011. v.38 (L12606):doi:10.1029/2011GL047212.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Preliminary estimates of 1990 U.S. Commercial captured and farmed salmon production. Salmon Market Newsletter. 1990. v.2 (4):9-10.

Sylvia, Gilbert. 1991. Market opportunities for Pacific whiting. Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association. Newport, OR.

Sylvia, Gilbert. D. Liao, eds. 1991. Consumer preference and taste test analysis for pen-reared and high-seas captured salmon. Held 1989. Orlando, Florida. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Oregon State University// South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Dept.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Concepts in fisheries management: Interdisciplinary gestalts and socioeconomic policy models. Society and Natural Resources. 1992. v.5 (2):115-133.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Food trends and the changing consumer [review]. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1993. v.2 (4):101-103.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Where do we go from here? A summary of the conference on quality control and quality assurance for seafood. Windows on Pacific Whiting. 1993.2-4.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Quality control and quality assurance for seafood [conference highlights]. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1993. v.2 (4):97-100.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Market information and fisheries management: A multiple-objective analysis. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 1994. v.14 (2):278-290. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/25040

Sylvia, Gilbert. M. Antona; J. Catanzano and J. G. Sutinen, eds. 1994. The role of multiobjective policy models in fisheries and aquaculture development. Held July 6-9, 1992. Paris, France. Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer. 1. 171-182.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Global markets and products of hake. In: J. Alheit and T. Pitcher, eds. Hake: fisheries, ecology and markets. London: Chapman and Hall. (Fish and Fisheries Series)15. 1995. 15 p.415-435.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Generating information for aquaculture development: The art and science of economic policy modelling. Aquaculture Economics & Management. 1997. v.1 (1):87-98.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Fish and seafood. eds. Pacific Northwest Agricultural Situation and Outlook. 1998.

Sylvia, Gilbert. eds. 1998. Salmon ranching and changes in global salmon markets: attitudes and perceptions of the Alaskan salmon industry [abstract]. Held Feb.15-18, 1998

Las Vegas, NV. World Aquaculture Society. 529.

Sylvia, Gilbert. Session IV: Future Coordination and Management of Groundfish Research. eds. Working Together for West Coast Groundfish: Developing Solutions to Research Needs in 1998, 1999, 2000, and Beyond: Conference Proceedings. Portland, OR: 1999. p.64-72.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Anderson, J. L. An economic policy model for net-pen salmon farming. In: U. Hatch and H. Kinnucan, eds. Aquaculture: models and economics. Boulder: Westview Press. 1993. p.17-38.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Anderson, J. L. A multilevel, multiobjective policy model: the case of marine aquaculture development. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 1996. v.78 (1):79-88.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Anderson, J. L. and Hanson, E. The new order in global salmon markets and aquaculture development: Implications for watershed-based management in the Pacific Northwest. In: E. E. Knudsen; C. R. Steward; D. D. Macdonald; J. E. Williams and D. W. Reiser, eds. Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon. Boca Raton/ New York: CRC Press LLC. 2000. p.393-406 (Chapter 25).

Sylvia, Gilbert ; Banks, Michael A.; Bellinger, M. Renee; Lawson, Peter W.; Feldner, J.; Miller, Jessica A. and Fitzpatrick, N. Using “Real Time” Genetic Information to Address the Klamath ‘Weak’ Stock Crisis for Oregon’s Ocean Salmon Fishery. Report to the Oregon Watershed and Enhancement Board on Project CROOS (Collaborative Research on Oregon Ocean Salmon). In: Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center. Newport, Oregon: 2007. Executive Summary may be found on p.5-7 at: http://www.oregon.gov/OWEB/docs/board/2007-05/ItemF_CROOS.pdf

Sylvia, Gilbert; Bertullo, E. and Werner, J. Recommendations on quality assurance for hake. In: J. Alheit and T. J. Pitcher, eds. Hake: Biology, Fisheries, Ecology and Markets. (Fish and fisheries)15. 1995. p.451-457.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Cai, D. Generating policy information for fisheries management: a comparison of alternative approaches. Marine Resource Economics. 1995. v.10 (1):77-91.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Enriquez, R. The geographic distribution of fishing effort: an analysis of alternative policy objectives in the Pacific whiting fishery. Natural Resource Modeling and Management. 1993. v.1 (1):99-118.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Enriquez, R.R. Multiobjective bioeconomic analysis: an application to the Pacific whiting fishery. Marine Resource Economics. 1994. v.9 (4):311-328.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Gaines, Lisa*. G. Sylvia and M. T. Morrissey, eds. 1992. Quality assurance programs for Pacific whiting. Held March 30-31, 1992. Newport, OR. Oregon State University Sea Grant College Progam. 41-46.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Graham, T. A comparison of farmed and wild salmon: consumer preferences, proximal analysis, taste test panel scores. In: Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: 1992.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Harte, M. A. L. Shriver, eds. 2006. Market based environmental standards for sustainable fisheries. Held July 11-14, 2006. Portsmouth, England. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Larkin, S. L. A Bioeconomic Analysis of the Falkland Island Loligo gahi Fishery. In: 2005. 150.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Larkin, S. L. and Harte, M. The economic costs of regulation: a bioeconomic comparison of legislative mandates for rebuilding fish stocks in the United States and New Zealand [abstract only]. Fisheries Centre Research Reports. 2006. v.14 (1):216. http://fisheries.ubc.ca/sites/fisheries.ubc.ca/files/pdfs/fcrrs/14-1.pdf

Sylvia, Gilbert; Larkin, Sherry L.* and Morrissey, Michael T. O. Bellwood; J. C. U. o. N. Queensland and P. C. o. M. S. a. Technology, eds. 1994. Product quality and resource management: bioeconomic analysis of the Pacific whiting fishery[abstract]. Held July 4-8, 1994

Townsville, Australia. James Cook University of North Queensland.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Larkin, Sherry L.* and Morrissey, Michael T. D. S. Liao, eds. 1995. Optimizing intrinsic characteristics of marine resources: A bioeconomic analysis of the Pacific whiting industry. Held July 18-21, 1994. Taipei, Taiwan. Institure of Fisheries Economics, National Taiwan Ocean University. 3. 212-219.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Larkin, Sherry L.* and Morrissey, Michael T. Intrinsic quality and fisheries management: bio-economic analysis of the Pacific whiting fishery. In: D. A. Hancock; D. C. Smith; A. Grant and J. P. Beumer, eds. Developing and sustaining world fisheries resources: the state of science and management: 2nd World Fisheries Congress. Collingwood, VIC Australia: CSIRO Publishing. 1997.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Larkin, Sherry L.* and Peters, Gregory J.**. D. S. Liao, eds. 1995. Firm-level demand for Pacific Whiting products: a multi-attribute, multi-sector analysis. Held July 18-21, 1994. Taipei, Taiwan. Institute of Fisheries Economics. 3. 31-38.

Sylvia, Gilbert and Morrissey, Michael T., eds. 1992. Pacific whiting. Harvesting, processing, marketing, and quality assurance. A workshop. Held March 30-31, 1992. Newport, OR. Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program. (ORESU-W: 92-001). http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/oresu/oresuw92001/oresuw92001_full.pdf

Sylvia, Gilbert; Morrissey, Michael T.; Graham, T. and Garcia, S. Organoleptic qualities of farmed and wild salmon. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 1995. v.4 (1):51-64.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Morrissey, Michael T.; Graham, T. and Garcia, S. Changing trends in seafood markets: the case of farmed and wild salmon. Journal of Food Products Marketing. 1996. v.3 (2):49-63.

Sylvia, Gilbert; Murphy, Michael and Larkin, Sherry L.*.
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