Hatfield marine science center station bibliography

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Tucker, Gabriel F. Crown architecture and xylem-born sucrose production in stand-grown sugar maple, Acer saccharum Marsh, of the Adirondack Mountains. Ph.D Dissertation. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences,). 1990.

Tucker, Gabriel F.; Hinckley, T.M.; Leverenz, J.W. and Jiang, S.M. Adjustments of foliar morphology in the acclimation of understory Pacific silver fir following clear cutting. Forest Ecology and Management. 1987. v.21 (3-4):249-268.

Tucker, Gabriel F. and Powell, J.R. An improved canopy access technique. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 1991. v.8 (1):29-32.

Tucker, Gabriel F. and Powell, J.R. An improved canopy access technique. Journal of Forestry. 1991. v.89 (11):31-35.

Tucker, Gabriel F.; Skaugset, Arne E.; Hansen, Andrew J.; Rhew, R.; Schroeder, J. and McConnell, S. Adaptive COPE Annual Report, October 1, 1900-September 30, 1991. In: Adaptive COPE Annual Report. Oregon State University College of Forestry, Forest Research Laboratory. Corvallis, Oregon: 1991.

Tuininga, Chris R.*. Contending with risk in the seafood processing industry : a bioeconomic portfolio analysis of the Pacific whiting fishery. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Agricultural and Resource Economics). 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/19102

Tunberg, B. G. and Nelson, Walter G. Do climatic oscillations influence cyclical patterns of soft bottom macrobenthic communities on the Swedish west coast? Marine Ecology Progress Series. 1998. v.170:85-94.

Tungkawachara, Somjintana**. Characterization of biochemical, functional properties, and market potential of Pacific whiting fish sauce. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27114

Tungkawachara, Somjintana** and Park, Jae W. P. J. Bechtel, eds. 2003. Development of Pacific whiting fish sauce: market potential and manufacturing in the United States. Held November 10-13, 2002. Anchorage, AK. Alaska Sea Grant college Program, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. 321.

Tungkawachara, Somjintana**; Park, Jae W. and Choi, Y. J. Biochemical properties and consumer acceptance of Pacific Whiting fish sauce. Journal of Food Science. 2003. v.68 (3):855-860.

Tunnicliffe, V.; Davies, K. T.A.; Butterfield, D.A.; Embley, Robert W.; Rose, J.M. and Chadwick, William W., Jr. Survival of mussels in extremely acidic waters on a submarine volcano. Nature Geoscience. 2009 v.2 (5):344-348. doi:10.1038/ngeo500.

Tunnicliffe, V.; Embley, Robert W.; Holden, J.F.; Butterfield, D. A.; Massoth, G. J. and Juniper, S.K. Biological colonization of new hydrothermal vents following an eruption on Juan de Fuca Ridge. Deep-sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers. 1997. v.44 (9/10):1627-1644.

Turner, Teresa*. Community organization and succession in rocky intertidal surfgrass beds. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1982.

Tweddle, J. F.; Strutton, P. G.; Foley, D. G.; O'Higgins, Linda ; Wood, A. M.; Scott, B.; Everroad, R. C.; Peterson, William T.; Cannon, D.; Hunter, M. and Forster, Z. Relationships among upwelling, phytoplankton blooms, and phycotoxins in coastal Oregon shellfish. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 2010. v.405:131-145. 10.3354/meps08497 http://www.int-res.com/abstracts/meps/v405/p131-145/

Ubeda, Armando J.*. Management of the red sea urchin fishery : a biological approach. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Marine Resource Management). 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/4231

Ulbricht, Richard J.*. Oxygen consumption of three species of sea urchins at different temperatures. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1970.

Ulbricht, Richard J.*. Metabolic adjustment to temperature in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson). Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1973.

Urabe, T.; Baker, E.T.; Ishibashi, J.; Feely, R.A.; Marumo, K.; Massoth, G.J.; Maruyama, A.; Shitashima, K.; Okamura, K.; Lupton, John E.; Sonada, A.; Yamazaki, T.; Aoki, M.; Gendron, J.; Greene, Ronald R.; Kaiho, Y.; Kisimoto, K.; Lebon, G.; Matsumoto, T.; Nakamura, K.; Nishizawa, A.; Okano, O.; Paradis, Georges; Roe, K.; Shibata, T.; Tennant, D.; Vance, T.; Walker, S.L.; Yabuki, T. and Ytow, N. The effect of magmatic activity on hydrothermal venting along the superfast-spreading East Pacific Rise. Science. 1995. v.269 (5227):1092-1095.

Urban-Ramirez, J. ; Flores de Sahagún, V.; Jones, N.L.; Swartz, S.L.; Mate, Bruce R.; Gömez-Gallardo, A. and Guerrero-Ruiz, M. Gray whales with loss of flukes adapt and survive. Marine Mammal Science. 2004. v.20 (2):335-338.

Valcic, Branka*. The economics of spatial choice and displacement: case study of the Oregon bottom trawl groundfish fishery. Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Agricultural and Resource Management). 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/4025

Valdes, L.; Harris, R.; Ikeda, T.; McKinnell, S. and Peterson, William T. The role of zooplankton in global ecosystem dynamics: comparative studies from the world oceans - introduction. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2004. v.61 (4):441-444.

Valdes, L.; Peterson, William T.; Church, J.; Brander, K. and Marcos, M. Our changing oceans: conclusions of the first International Symposium on the Effects of climate change on the world's oceans. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2009. v.66 (7):1435-1438. 10.1093/icesjms/fsp134.

van der Lingen, C.D.; Bertrand, A.; Bode, A.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Cubillos, L.; Espinoza, P.; Friedland, K.; Garrido, S.; Irigoien, X.; Miller, T.; Möllman, C.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, R.; Tanaka, H. and Temming, A. Trophic dynamics of small pelagic fish. In: D. M. Checkley; J. Alheit; Y. Oozeki and C. Roy, eds. Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish. Cambridge University Press. 2009. p.Chapter 7. http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521884822

van der Lingen, D.D.; Bertrand, A.; Bode, A.; Brodeur, Richard D.; Cubillos, L.; Espinoza, P.; Friedland, K.; Garrido, S.; Irigoien, X.; Miller, Todd W.; Mollman, C.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, R.; Tanaka, H. and Temming, A. Trophic dynamics. In: D. M. Checkley; C. Roy; J. Alheit and Y. Oozeki, eds. Climate Change and Small Pelagic Fish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2009. 7 p.112-157.

Van Doornik, D.M.; Parker, Steven J.; Millard, S.R.; Berntson, E.A. and Moran, P. Multiple paternity is prevalent in Pacific ocean perch (sebastes alutus) off the Oregon coast, and is associated with female size and age. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2008 v.83 (3):269-275. http://www.springerlink.com/content/hjr3r62758131884/fulltext.pdf

Van Doornik, D.M.; Teel, D.J.; Kuligowski, d.R.; Morgan, Cheryl A. and Casillas, E. Genetic analyses provide insight into the early ocean stock distribution and survival of juvenile coho salmon off the coasts of Washington and Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2007. v.27 (1):220-237. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/25134

Van Gaest, Ahna L.; Dietrich, Joseph P.; Thompson, D.E.; Boylen, Deborah A.; Strickland, Stacy A.; Collier, T.K.; Loge, F.J. and Arkoosh, Mary R. Survey of pathogens in hatchery chinook salmon with different out-migration histories through the Snake and Columbia Rivers. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 2011. v.23 (2):62-77. doi:10.1080/00028487.2011.572023 http://hdl.handle.net/1957/25140

van Heeswijk, Marijke*. Shallow Crustal Structure of the Caldera of Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Geophysics). 1986.

van Heeswijk, Marijke* and Fox, Christopher G. Iterative method and FORTRAN Code for non-linear curve fitting. Computers and Geosciences. 1988. v.14 (4):489-503.

van Montfrans, J. ; Ryer, Clifford H. and Orth, R. J. Population dynamics of blue crabs Callinectes sapidus Rathbun in a lower Chesapeake Bay tidal marsh creek. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 1991. v.153 (1):1-14.

Van Montfrans, J. ; Ryer, Clifford H. and Orth, R. J. Substrate selection by blue crab Callinectes sapidus megalopae and first juvenile instars. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2003. v.260:209-217.

Van Opzeeland, I.; Van Parijs, S.; Bornemann, H.; Frickenhaus, S.; Kindermann, L.; Klinck, Holger; Ploetz, J. and Boebel, O. Acoustic ecology of Antarctic pinnipeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2010. v.414:267-291. http://www.int-res.com/articles/meps_oa/m414p267.pdf

Van Parijs, S. M. ; Corkeron, P. J. ; Harvey, James T.; Hayes, S. A. ; Mellinger, David K.; Rouget, P. A. ; Thompson, P. M. ; Wahlberg, M. and Kovacs, K. M. Patterns in the vocalizations of male harbor seals. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2003. v.113 (6):3404-3410.

Van Waerebeek, K.; Felix, F.; Haase, B.; Palacios, Daniel M.*; Mora-Pinto, D.M. and Munoz-Hincapie, M. Inshore records of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, from the Pacfic Coast of South America. Report of the International Whaling Commission. 1997. v.49:525-532.

Vance, Paul M.*. The effects of nutrition on the zinc sensitivity of Mysidopsis intii. Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Fisheries Science). 1995.

Vestfals, Cathleen D.*. Identifying habitat factors for canary rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) off Washington and Oregon using environmental data and trawl logbooks Master's Thesis. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Marine Resource Management). 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/12047

Villamar, D. F. and Langdon, Christopher J., eds. 1992. Complex microparticles for penaeid shrimp larvae [abstract]. Held May 21-25, 1992. Orlando, FL. World Aquaculture Society. 224.

Villamar, D. F. and Langdon, Christopher J. Delivery of dietary components to larval shrimp (Penaeus vannamei ) by means of complex microcapsules. Marine Biology. 1993. v.115 (4):635-642.

Visessanguan, Wonnop**. Endogenous proteinase and myosin gelation of arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias). Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Food Science and Technology). 1999. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26553

Volk, E. C.; Bottom, Daniel L.; Jones, K. K. and Simenstad, C. A. Reconstructing juvenile chinook salmon life history in the Salmon River estuary, Oregon, using otolith microchemistry and microstructure. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2010. v.139 (2):535-549. 10.1577/t08-163.1. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/22494

Voss, B. and Webster, Janet 2007 review of PICES Publication Program. In: North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES). Sidney, BC: 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/7261

Voth, David R.*. Life history of the caligid copepod Lepeophtheirus hospitalis Fraser, 1920 (Crustacea: Caligoida). Ph.D. Dissertation. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. (Zoology). 1972.

Wainwright, Thomas C.; Chilcote, M.W.; Lawson, Peter W.; Nickelson, T.; Huntington, C.W.; Mills, Justin S.; Moore, K.M.S.; Reeves, G.H.; Stout, Heather A.; Weitkamp, Laurie A. and Northwest Fisheries Science Center (U.S.) Biological recovery criteria for the Oregon coast Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) evolutionarily significant unit. In: NOAA technical memoandum NMFS-NWFSC. 91. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Seattle, Washington: 2008. http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/publications/displayinclude.cfm?incfile=technicalmemorandum2008.inc
Wainwright, Thomas C.; Feinberg, Leah R.; Hooff, Rian C. and Peterson, William T. A comparison of two lower trophic models for the California Current System. Ecological Modelling. 2007. v.202 (1-2):120-131.

Waite, J.M.; Wynne, K. and Mellinger, David K. Documented sighting of a North Pacific right whale in the Gulf of Alaska and post-sighting acoustic monitoring. Northwestern Naturalist. 2003. v.84:38-43.

Waite, J.N.; Schrader, W.J.; Mellish, J.E. and Horning, Markus. Three-dimensional photogrammetry as a tool for estimating morphometrics and body mass of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. 2007. v.64 (2):296-303.

Waite, J.N.; Waits, L.P.; Bozza, Maryann and Andrews, R.D. Differentiating between Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) and northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) scats through analysis of faecal DNA. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2011. v.11 (1):166-170. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02874.x.

Wakefield, W.Waldo; Whitmire, Curt E.;
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