Alternative Encrypted indexes, use of views, proxies Mediation
səhifə 6/9 tarix 01.11.2017 ölçüsü 446 b. #24870
Alternative Mediation No single view of the world mechanisms for interoperability, ontologies Negotiation: a key open issue
Motivation Motivation collaborative caching is proved to be efficient each institution wants to control the access to its data no standard exists in Grids for caching A possible approach
New wine in old bottles? New wine in old bottles? Yes and no: The problem has not changed But the operational context has dramatically changed => classical heuristics and methods are not more pertinent Key issues Dynamicity Unpredictability Adaptability Security
Used resources may be extremely valuable & the problems to be solved extremely sensitive Used resources may be extremely valuable & the problems to be solved extremely sensitive Resources are located in distinct administrative domains Each resource has its own policies & procedures The set of resources used by a single computation may be large, dynamic, and/or unpredictable The security service must be broadly available & applicable
Authentication Authentication Authorization and Delegation of Authority Assurance Accounting Auditing and Monitoring Traceability Integrity and Confidentiality (ACID Properties)
Biomedical applications are perfect candidates for gridification: Biomedical applications are perfect candidates for gridification: Huge volumes of data (an hospital = several TB per year) Dissemination of data Collaborative work (health networks) Very hard requirements (e.g. response time) But
Dissemination of new “high bandwidth” technologies in genome and proteome research (e.g. micro-arrays) Dissemination of new “high bandwidth” technologies in genome and proteome research (e.g. micro-arrays) huge volume of structural (gene localization) functional (gene expression) data Generalization of digital patient files and digital medical images Implementation of (regional and inter-national) health networks All information is available, people are connected to the network. The question is: How can we use it ?
Need for an information infrastructure to index, exchange/share, process all this data while preserving their privacy at a very large scale That is... just a good grid! Application objectives: correlation of genomic and medical data: fundamental research and later medical decision making process patient-centered medical data integration: patient’s monitoring in and out-side the hospital epidemiology Training References: “Synergy between medical informatics and bioinformatics: facilitating genomic medicines for future healthcare ”, BIOINFOMED Working Group, Jan. 2003, European Commission Proceedings of Healthgrid conferences (1st edition in Lyon(2003))
“The goal of the GGM project is, on top of a grid infrastructure , to propose a software architecture able to manage heterogeneous and dynamic data stored in distributed warehouses for intensive analysis and processing purposes. ” “The goal of the GGM project is, on top of a grid infrastructure, to propose a software architecture able to manage heterogeneous and dynamic data stored in distributed warehouses for intensive analysis and processing purposes. ” Dostları ilə paylaş: