High-throughput computing platform for mapping many tasks to idle computers
səhifə | 8/9 | tarix | 01.11.2017 | ölçüsü | 446 b. | | #24870 |
| High-throughput computing platform for mapping many tasks to idle computers Since 1986! Major components - A central manager manages pool(s) of [distributively owned or dedicated] computers - A CM = scheduler + coordinator
- DAGman manages user task pools
- Matchmaker schedules tasks to computers using classified ads
- Checkpointing and process migration
- No simple communications
Parameter studies, data analysis Condor married Globus: Condor-G Several hundreds of Condor pools in the world… or in your student room!
A DAG is defined by a .dag file, listing each of its nodes and their dependencies A DAG is defined by a .dag file, listing each of its nodes and their dependencies - # diamond.dag
- Job A a.sub
- Job B b.sub
- Job C c.sub
- Job D d.sub
- Parent A Child B C
- Parent B C Child D
Each node will run the Condor job specified by its accompanying Condor submit file
A set of integrated executable management grid services Initially Expected services - resource management (GRAM-DUROC)
- communication (NEXUS - MPICH-G2, globus_io)
- information (MDS)
- data management (replica catalog)
- security (GSI)
- monitoring (HBM)
- remote data access (GASS - GridFTP - RIO)
- executable management (GEM)
- execution
- commodity Grid Kits (Java, Python, Corba, Matlab…)
Latest stable versions ( 5.2.5: 2013 – 6.0: 11/2014) Latest stable versions ( 5.2.5: 2013 – 6.0: 11/2014) No more architecture figure… Only 5 components related to 3 dimensions - GSI: security
- MyProxy: credential repository/certificate authority
- GSI-OpenSSH: GSI secure single sign-on remote shell
- SimpleCA: certificate authority for testing purposes
- GridFTP: file transfer
- GRAM: job execution/resource management
- Runtime libraries: C common libraries, XIO
Where to place instances (replicas) of a service? Where to place instances (replicas) of a service? What (instance of a) resource/service is to be used? Condition: knowledge of the state of the grid: CPU load, network load… Design of a grid service that processes high level information requests (i.e., requests that express (and are specific to) the user’s needs))
Just a new toy for scientists or a revolution? Just a new toy for scientists or a revolution? Huge investments Complexity from heterogeneity, wide distribution, security, dynamicity Data management in grids: not prehistory, but still middle-ages Still much work to do!!! A global framework for grid computing, pervasive computing and Web services?
Just a new toy for scientists or a revolution? Neither of them! Just a new toy for scientists or a revolution? Neither of them! Huge investments: too much?! Classical issues but a functional, operational and applicative context very complex Complexity from heterogeneity, wide distribution, security, dynamicity Functional shift from computing to information Data management in grids: not middle-ages, but not 21st century => services Supercomputing is still alive A global framework for grid computing, pervasive computing and Web services… and SOA!
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