History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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Reel: 939
Women and the priesthood.

[London, League of the Church Militant (Anglican)]. [1919?]

Item identification number 8276; A verbatim report of the principal speeches at the debate in the Church House, Westminster, June 6th, 1919.

Reel: 939
Women's Industrial League.

... Memorial to the Prime Minister on the future employment of women in industry and Mr. Lloyd George's reply thereto constituting a new charter for women in industry.

London, The Women's Industrial League. 1918

Item identification number 8216.

Reel: 939
Yates, Elizabeth Upham.

The admission of women to the Methodist general conference.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. 1900

Item identification number 8267.

Reel: 939
Zetkin, Klara, 1857-1933.

Die Frau bei der Verteidigung und beim Aufbau Sowjet-Russlands, Referat der Genossin Klara Zetkin auf der Frauenreichskonferenz der Vereinigt.

Leipzig, Frankes Verlag G.m.b.H. [1920]

Item identification number 8225; kommunistischen Partei am 8. Dezember 1920 in Berlin.

Reel: 939
Zwetnam, Joseph.

Recht-banck, tegen de regeersuchtige vrouwen.

Utrecht. 1687

Item identification number 8241; beschreven, (in het Engelsch) ... ende nu in't Nederduyts vertaelt. Het derde deel.

Reel: 939
Association for the Advancement of Women.

Papers read at the Fourth Congress of Women held at St. George's Hall, Philadelphia, October 4, 5, 6, 1876. Names and addresses of officers and members.

Washington, D.C., Todd Brothers. 1877

Item identification number 8331; History of the association.

Reel: 940
Association for the Advancement of Women.

"Truth, justice and honor.".

Worcester, E. C. Stone. 1882

Item identification number 8335; Constitution and by-laws of the Association.

Reel: 940
[Bettens, Edward Detraz], 1848-1920, comp.

The family of Mrs. Louise E. Bettens, born Rochat, and of Alexander Dettens.

[New York]. [1918]

Item identification number 8319.

Reel: 940
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah, 1862-1927.

A tribute to the American woman, Frances E. Willard.

[Indianapolis, Levey Bros. co., inc.]. [1905]

Item identification number 8312; In the United States Senate, February 17, 1905, on the occasion of the unveiling of the Willard Statue in the U.S. Capitol.

Reel: 940
Biggs, Charles Lewis.

The story of Roxana Foote.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8322; daughter of Guilford.

Reel: 940
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Lucy Stone.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1893

Item identification number 8301.

Reel: 940
Blatch, Harriet (Stanton) 1856-1940.


[n.p.]. 1915

Item identification number 8316; Elizabeth Cady Stanton centennial lucheon, held ... October 30, 1915.

Reel: 940
Bois-Gallais, F. Lepelle de.

Memoir of Mademoiselle Rosa Bonheur.

New York, Williams, Stevens, Williams & co. 1857

Item identification number 8290; Translated by James Parry.

Reel: 940
Boston Needlewoman's Friend Society.

Fiftieth annual report.

Jamaica Plain Mass., Press of the Jamaica Plain News. 1897

Item identification number 8355.

Reel: 940
Brainerd, Ezra, 1844-1924.

Life and work in Middlebury, Vermont, of Emma Willard.

New York, Evening Post Job Printing House. [1893?]

Item identification number 8302.

Reel: 940
Business Woman's Club. Washington, D.C.

Constitution and by-laws.

[Washington]. [1896]

Item identification number 8352.

Reel: 940
Butler, Josephine Elizabeth (Grey) 1828-1906.

Mrs. Butler; the new moral crusade.

[n.p.]. [1894]

Item identification number 8304.

Reel: 940
Buttrick, M. (Mrs.).

A Memorial of Mr. Ephraim Buttrick.

Item identification number 8299; and of Mrs. Mary Buttrick. Presented as an offering of grateful remembrance by one who knew them for many years.

Reel: 940
Byrd, Mary Emma, 1849.

Anna Winlock.

[Northfield, Minn.]. [1904]

Item identification number 8311.

Reel: 940
Cameron, Allan Gordon.

Helen Hopekirk; a critical and biographical sketch.

London. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8323; Press notices.

Reel: 940
Chittenden, Caroline E.

Dr. Kate Woodhull.

[Boston, Woman's Board of Missions]. [1917]

Item identification number 8316.

Reel: 940
Coggeshall, Mary J., 1836-1911.


[n.p.]. [1896?]

Item identification number 8305; at the memorial service for Susan B. Anthony ... Des Moines, Iowa, March 15, 1896.

Reel: 940
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907.

Ellen Dana Conway.

[New York, Privately printed]. [1898?]

Item identification number 8307.

Reel: 940
Couzins, Phoebe W., 1845?-1913.

The military genius of the war, Anna Ella Carroll, author of the Tennessee campaign.

St. Louis. 1882

Item identification number 8297.

Reel: 940
Cutts, Mary Pepperell Sparhawk (Harvis) 1809-1879.

Sketch of Mrs. William Jarvis of Weathersfield, Vermont.

Salem, Printed at the Salem Press. 1887

Item identification number 8300; Edited by her grandson, Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard.

Reel: 940
Federation of Women's Literary Clubs and Societies. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

Constitution and by-laws.

[n.p.]. 1895

Item identification number 8347.

Reel: 940
First Margaret Fuller Society of Chicago.

The first Margaret Fuller society of Chicago, organized August 3, 1880.

[n.p.]. [1881?]

Item identification number 8332.

Reel: 940
First Margaret Fuller Society of Chicago.

Proceedings of the First Margaret Fuller society of Chicago, 1880-1881.

Chicago, A. B. Case & son, printers. [1881?]

Item identification number 8333.

Reel: 940
Friends in Council. Princeton, Illinois.

Constitution and by-laws.

[Princeton]. [190-?]

Item identification number 8360.

Reel: 940
Gage, Matilda (Joslyn) 1826-1898.

Who planned the Tennessee campaign of 1862? or, Anna Ella Carroll vs. Ulysses S. Grant: a few generally unknown facts in regard to our Civil War.

[Washington]. [1880]

Item identification number 8296.

Reel: 940
Gibbs, Aimée.

Elsie Maud Inglis.

London, The Women's Freedom League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8324; a cameo life-sketch.

Reel: 940
Harper, Ida (Husted) 1851-1931.

The passing of Anna Howard Shaw.

New York, National woman suffrage pub. co., inc. [1919]

Item identification number 8320.

Reel: 940
Henry, R.W.

The funeral discourse upon the death of Mrs. Eliza Maria Warne.

Philadelphia, Evans. 1867

Item identification number 8292; Philadelphia, October 28th, 1866.

Reel: 940
Heptorean Club. Somerville, Massachusetts.

Constitution and by-laws.

Somerville, Somerville Journal Print. 1896

Item identification number 8353.

Reel: 940
Hilton, Jessie Brown.

Suggestions for mothers meetings.

Chicago, Woman's temperance publishing association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8348.

Reel: 940
Holmes, Marion.

Florence Nightingale; a cameo life-sketch.

London, The Women's Freedom League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8325; 5th ed.

Reel: 940
Holmes, Marion.

Josephine Butler.

[London] Women's Freedom League. [1911]

Item identification number 8315.

Reel: 940
Humphrey, Hemen, 1779-1861.

The shining path.

Northampton, Printed by J. & L. Metcalf. 1849

Item identification number 8287; A sermon preached in South-Hadley, at the funeral of Miss Mary Lyon, March 8, 1849.

Reel: 940
Hussey, C.C.

Miss. Anna Ella Carroll, as the author of the Tennessee campaign in the late civil war.

East Orange, N.J., Gazette Steam Book and Job Print. 1885

Item identification number 8298.

Reel: 940
Lamson, Alvan, 1792-1864.

A discourse preached in Dedham, October 20, 1850, the Sunday after the funeral of Mrs. Mary Dean, who died October 13, 1850 in the ninety-ninth year of her age.

Boston, Printed by Damrell & Moore. 1851

Item identification number 8288.

Reel: 940
Massachusetts Association of Women Workers.


[n.p.]. [18--?]

Item identification number 8326.

Reel: 940
Memorial number.

Item identification number 8308.

Reel: 940
Memorial of Mrs. Caroline M. Severance, of Cleveland, in behalf of woman's rights, in respect to property and the exercise of the elective franchise.

[Columbus]. [1854]

Item identification number 8289; Presented and read to the Senate of Ohio, March 23, 1854.

Reel: 940
Memorial of the late Mrs. Mary Ann H. Bigelow, who died at Weston, Massachusetts, March 27, 1870.

New York, Nation Press. 1870

Item identification number 8293.

Reel: 940
Mrs. Chas. Moulton; a sketch of her musical career, with reminiscences of her life.

New York, Baker & Godwin, printers. 1871

Item identification number 8294.

Reel: 940
Murray, David, 1842-1928.

Miss Janet Ann Galloway and the higher education of women in Glasgow.

Glasgow, J. MacLehose & sons. 1914

Item identification number 8317.

Reel: 940
National Council of Women of the United States.

Call for the second triennial session.

[n.p.]. [1894]

Item identification number 8342.

Reel: 940
National Council of Women of the United States.

To women who may be interested in the council idea and desirous of forming a local council.

[n.p.]. [1894]

Item identification number 8343.

Reel: 940
New Century Club. Philadelphia.

Charter and by-laws.

Philadelphia. 1895

Item identification number 8349.

Reel: 940
New England Women's Club.

Board of management, committees, by-laws.

Boston. [1899]

Item identification number 8359.

Reel: 940
New England Women's Club.

Report of the annual meeting of the New England women's club.

Boston, Printed by Rand, Avery & co. 1873

Item identification number 8328; May 31, 1873.

Reel: 940
Newell, William W., 1804-1881.

In memoriam.

Philadelphia, Sherman & co., printers. 1866

Item identification number 8291; Mary C. Wright, died Thursday, October 4, 1866. A sermon delivered by Rev. W. W. Newell, October 7, 1866.

Reel: 940

... The Lansing Woman's Club, organized March 18, 1874.

Lansing, Michigan. 1884

Item identification number 8336.

Reel: 940
Philadelphia. Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Women's Executive Committee.

Second annual report of the Women's centennial executive committee, March 15, 1875.

Philadelphia. 1875

Item identification number 8330.

Reel: 940
The Post Parliament. New York (City).

... Constitution and by-laws.

New York. 1895

Item identification number 8350.

Reel: 940
Professional Woman's League. New York.

Official inaugural, May 29, 1893.

New York. [1893]

Item identification number 8340.

Reel: 940
Quid Nunc Club. Little Rock, Arkansas.

[Club book].

[Little Rock, Ark., Arkansas Democrat Co.]. [1896]

Item identification number 8354.

Reel: 940
Ray Palmer Club of Newark, New Jersey.

Constitution and by-laws.

[Newark]. [1892]

Item identification number 8339.

Reel: 940
Romano, Domenico O.

Commemorazione di Mrs. Julia Ward Howe.

[n.p.] Pubblicata dal circolo Italo-Americano. [1910?]

Item identification number 8314; Conferenza tenuta il 20 Novembre 1910 nella "Industrial School Hall", Boston, Mass.

Reel: 940
San Francisco. California Midwinter International Exposition, 1894. Woman's Congress.

[Announcement and program].

n.p. [1894]

Item identification number 8344.

Reel: 940
Saratoga Woman's Association.

Constitution and by-laws.

Saratoga Springs. 1895

Item identification number 8351.

Reel: 940
Springfield Ladies' Saturday Club, Springfield, Missouri.

Springfield. 1890

Item identification number 8338; Constitution and by-laws ... as amended, 1890.

Reel: 940
Susan B. Anthony memorial number.

Item identification number 8313.

Reel: 940
Thomas, Thomas.

Memorial of Mrs. Catherine Waldo Douglas.

[New York, Board of Publication of the Reformed Church in America]. [1879]

Item identification number 8295; [A discourse delivered at the funeral at Trenton Oneida County, New York, Friday, March 29, 1878, by the Rev. Thomas Thomas, with an introductory sketch of her life by the Rev. John A. Todd].

Reel: 940
Tillinghast, Benjamin Franklin, d. 1937.

The country's debt to Miss Clara Barton, President American National Red Cross.

Washington, Globe printing co. 1902

Item identification number 8310; before the Senate committee on foreign relations, Wednesday, April 30, 1902.

Reel: 940
Travellers' Club. Mansfield, Ohio.

Topics and references for travellers' clubs.

Mansfield. 1893

Item identification number 8341; by O. P. Huggins.

Reel: 940
Twelfth Night Club. New York.

Constitution and by-laws.

New York. 1896-1897

Item identification number 8356.

Reel: 940
Woman's Wednesday Club of Fort Worth, Texas.

Constitution and by-laws.

Fort Worth. 1897

Item identification number 8358.

Reel: 940
Women's Club. Bradford Pennsylvania.

Constitution and by-laws.

Bradford, D.W. Lerch. 1894

Item identification number 8345; Incorporated Sept. 14, 1892.

Reel: 940
Women's National Felief Association. Massachusetts Auxiliary.

First annual report of the Massachusetts auxiliary to the Woman's national relief association.

Boston, G. H. Ellis, printer. 1884

Item identification number 8337.

Reel: 940
Women's Social Industrial Association of New Orleans.

Charter, constitution and by-laws of the Women's Social Industrial Association of New Orleans.

New Orleans, T. H. Thomason, printer. 1881

Item identification number 8334.

Reel: 940
American Peace Society.

Women in the peace movement.

Boston, American Peace Society. 1910

Item identification number 8379.

Reel: 941
American Woman's Republic.

Twenty ambassadors and their escort.

[n.p.]. [1911]

Item identification number 8380.

Reel: 941
Association for Befriending Children and Young Girls. New York City.

Report of the Association for befriending children and young girls, House of the Holy Family.

New York, The Catholic Publication Society. 1874

Item identification number 8420; from April 1, 1873.

Reel: 941
Association for the Relief of Aged Women of New Bedford, Mass.

Constitution, by-laws, and rules of the Association for the relief of aged women of New Bedford.

New Bedford, Mercury Job Press. 1866

Item identification number 8414.

Reel: 941
Association for the Relief of Aged, Indigent Women of Portland, Maine.

Constitution and by-laws of the Association for the relief of aged, indigent women of Portland.

Portland, Printed by C. S. King. 1862

Item identification number 8410.

Reel: 941
Boston Authors Club.

Birthday tributes to Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, May 27, 1905.

[Boston, Press of Winthrop B. Jones]. [1905]

Item identification number 8365.

Reel: 941
Boston Institute for Homeless and Outcast Women.

Statement of the committee appointed to consider the institution proposed by Miss Emma Hardinge for homeless and outcast women.

Boston, Printed by Prentiss & Deland. 1861

Item identification number 8409.

Reel: 941
Boston Society for the Care of Girls.

One hundred years of work with girls in Boston.

Boston, Boston society for the care of girls. 1919

Item identification number 8434.

Reel: 941
Boston. Home for Aged Colored Women.

Act of incorporation and by-laws of the Home for aged colored women.

Boston, Deland & Barta. 1884

Item identification number 8424.

Reel: 941
Bowen, Louise Haddock (de Koven) "Mrs. J.T. Bowen," 1859.

The juvenile protective association.

Chicago. c1913

Item identification number 8433; [In The woman citizen's library.

Reel: 941
Bradford, Amory Howe, 1846-1911.

Woman's work in the modern charity and missions; a paper read at the annual meeting of the American Missionary Association in Brooklyn, October 31, 1883.

[New York, American Missionary Association]. [1883]

Item identification number 8423.

Reel: 941
Cantabrigia Club. Cambridge, Massachusetts.


[Cambridge]. [1906?]

Item identification number 8366.

Reel: 941
Catharine Merrill Club. Indianapolis.

Constitution and by-laws.

[Indianapolis, Hollenbeck Press]. [1906?]

Item identification number 8367.

Reel: 941
Chelsea, Mass. Old Ladies Home Association.

By-laws and rules of the Board of Mangers of the Old Ladies Home, Chelsea, Mass., 1886.

Chelsea, Chelsea Gazette Print. 1886

Item identification number 8425.

Reel: 941
Chester County Children's Aid Society. Pennsylvania.

The constitution of the Chester county children's aid society, chartered Sept. 14, 1891.

Kennett Square, Pa., Advance Print. 1892

Item identification number 8428.

Reel: 941
Chicago Commons Woman's Club.

Yearbook, Commons woman's club.

[n.p.]. [1907?]

Item identification number 8368; 1906-1907.

Reel: 941
Chicago Woman's Club.

Statement of the civic achievements of the Chicago woman's club.

[Chicago]. [1915]

Item identification number 8383; prepared at the request of the building committee by the President of the club, 1876-1915.

Reel: 941
Clara de Hersch home for working girls.

[New York, Press of the Keystone Printery]. [1905]

Item identification number 8431.

Reel: 941
Cooperative Workrooms for Handicapped Women.

The purposes, principles and the story of the cooperative workrooms for handicapped women, 1877 to 1920.

Boston. [1920?]

Item identification number 8435.

Reel: 941
Decker, Sarah Platt.

The meaning of the Woman's Club movement.

Philadelphia. 1906

Item identification number 8369.

Reel: 941
Emerson, William, 1769-1811.

A discourse, delivered before the members of the Boston female asylum, September 20, 1805, being their fifth anniversary.

Boston, Printed by Russell & Cutler. 1805

Item identification number 8396.

Reel: 941
Evans, Anne Marie, 1886.

... Women's rural organizations and their activities.

[Washington, Govt. print. off.]. 1918

Item identification number 8388.

Reel: 941
Fadettes. Woman's Orchestra of Boston.

The Fadettes, woman's orchestra of Boston.

[n.p.]. [1906]

Item identification number 8370.

Reel: 941
Female Humane Society of Cambridge.

Female humane society of Cambridge, for the relief of indigent sick females and others. Rules and regulations.

[n.p.]. [1880?]

Item identification number 8436.

Reel: 941
Female Samaritan Society. Boston.

Constitution of the Female Samaritan Society, instituted in Boston, November 29, 1817, and revised January, 1825.

Boston, Press of the Independent Messenger. 1833

Item identification number 8401.

Reel: 941
Franklin Square House.

[Boston, R. H. Bldgett & co., printers]. [1905]

Item identification number 8432; Boston, Mass. A philanthropy but not a charity; a hotel for self-supporting girls, student girls, and other girls of moderate incomes with an educational department.

Reel: 941
Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1831-1908.

... A panorama of charitable work in many lands: being a review of the papers submitted to the International congress in Chicago, June 1893.

[n.p.]. 1894

Item identification number 8429.

Reel: 941
Girls Friendly Society of American. Baltimore, Md.

... Rules for members and probationers of Memorial branch, Girls friendly society.

[Baltimore, Md.?]. [1903?]

Item identification number 8363.

Reel: 941
Granger, A.O. (Mrs.).

The effect of club work in the South.

Philadelphia, Am. Academy of Political & Social Science. 1906

Item identification number 8371.

Reel: 941
Hard, William, 1878.

Chicago women as citizens; a description of the work of the Chicago Woman's Club.

[Chicago]. [191-?]

Item identification number 8378; reprinted from William Hard's "The women of tomorrow.".

Reel: 941
Haverhill Woman's Union for Good Works.


Boston, Beacon Press. 1891

Item identification number 8426.

Reel: 941
Henrotion, Ellen M.

A brochure on the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 1894-1903.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8364.

Reel: 941
Holyoake, Austin, 1826-1874.

Large or small families--on which side lies the balance of comfort?.

London, R. Forder. 1892

Item identification number 8427.

Reel: 941
Ladies Aid Society of Philadelphia.

Seventh report of the Ladies' Aid Society of Philadelphia, with letters and copious extracts of letters from the agents of the society.

Philadelphia, Sherman & co., printers. 1865

Item identification number 8413; Written from various places while attending to the sick and wounded of the Union Army.

Reel: 941
Ladies' Aid Society. Warmimster, Pa.

History of the operations and final report of the Warminster Aid Society, Bucks County, Pa., during the rebellion in the United States, 1861-1865.

[n.p.] Published by order of the Society. 1866

Item identification number 8415.

Reel: 941
Ladies Benevolent Society. New Orleans.

Annual report of the managers of the Ladies benevolent society, New Orleans. Established in 1847.

New Orleans, Printed by Sherman, Wharton & co. 1855

Item identification number 8405.

Reel: 941
Ladies Christian Commission. Philadelphia.

Ladies' Christian Commissions: auxiliary to the U.S. Christian Commission.

Philadelphia, C. Sherman, son & co., printers. 1864

Item identification number 8411.

Reel: 941
Ladies' Excelsior Charitable Association. Boston.

From the slavery of 1776 to the freedom of 1876.

Boston, Wright & Potter, printers. 1876

Item identification number 8421; An account of the labors of the Ladies' charitable association of Boston, in recognition of, and homage to, the Declaration of Independence.

Reel: 941
Leonard, Clara T.

... The best way to deal with children taken from homes of vice or neglect.

Boston, Tolman & White, printers. 1881

Item identification number 8422; Life in a family vs. large institutions.

Reel: 941
Massachusetts State Federation of Women's Clubs. Civil Service Reform Committee.

Report of the Committee on Civil Service Reform of the Massachusetts State Federation of Women's Clubs, 1900.

[Concord, Mass.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8362.

Reel: 941
Moore, Dorothea.

The work of women's clubs in California.

Philadelphia. 1906

Item identification number 8372.

Reel: 941
National League for the Protection of the Family.

Program for 1915.

[Boston]. [1915]

Item identification number 8385.

Reel: 941
National League for the Protection of the Family.

What it is; it has done; it may do; it needs.

[Boston?]. [1915]

Item identification number 8386.

Reel: 941
New England Female Moral Reform Society. Boston.

Fourteenth annual report of the New England female moral reform society, for the year ending May, 1852.

Boston, Bazin & Chandler, printers. 1852

Item identification number 8404.

Reel: 941
New Orleans. St. Anna's Asylum for the Relief of Destitute Females and Their Helpless Children.

Seventh annual report of the St. Anna's asylum for the relief of destitute females and their helpless children of all religious denominations.

New Orleans, I. T. Hinton, printer. 1860

Item identification number 8408.

Reel: 941
New York (City). Home for Friendless Women.

The home for friendless women.

New York, A. W. MacDonald, Jr. & co., printers. 1871

Item identification number 8419; New York. Fifth annual report.

Reel: 941
New York (State). Public Service Commission. 1st district.

... Rear car for women on subway trains.

[New York]. [1909]

Item identification number 8377; Decision dismissing complaint, August 3, 1909. Public service commission for the First district, New York. William R. Willcox, chairman.

Reel: 941
New York Female Benevolent Society.

First annual report of the Female benevolent society of the city of New York, presented January 13, 1834.

New-York, West & Trow, printers. 1834

Item identification number 8402.

Reel: 941
New York State Federation of Women's Clubs.

Amendments to the constitution and by-laws of the New York State Federation of Women's Clubs and Societies.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8391.

Reel: 941
New York State Federation of Women's Clubs.

Sketch of the history of the New York state federation of women's clubs, November 1914.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 8381.

Reel: 941
Pan American Scientific Congress, 2d. Washington, D.C., 1915-1916. Women's Auxiliary Conference.

[Program] Washington, Tuesday, Dec. 28, 1915 - Friday, Jan. 7, 1916.

Washington, D.C., Govt. print. off. 1915

Item identification number 8387; 2d ed.

Reel: 941
Pennybacker, Anna J., (Hardwicke) 1861-1938.

The eighth Biennial Convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs.

Philadelphia. 1906

Item identification number 8373; by Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker.

Reel: 941
Providence female society for the relief of indigent women and children.

Providence, Printed by John Carter. 1801

Item identification number 8393; Constitution.

Reel: 941
Rosine Association of Philadelphia.

Constitution and address of the Rosine Association.

[n.p.]. [184?]

Item identification number 8403.

Reel: 941
Saint Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant-Women. Boston.

First annual report for the year ending Jan. 1, 1869.

Boston, The Pilot Press. 1869

Item identification number 8417.

Reel: 941
Saint Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant-Women. Boston.

Report for the years, 1869-1870.

Boston, Printed by Rand, Avery & Frye. 1871

Item identification number 8418.

Reel: 941
Saint Joseph's Home for Sick and Destitute Servant-Women. Boston.

Report from 1870 to 1880, inclusive.

Boston, Printed by Learned, Tompson & co. 1881

Item identification number 8437.

Reel: 941
Salem Female Charitable Society. Salem, Mass.

An account of the Salem female charitable society.

[n.p., Printed by W. Carlton]. [1803]

Item identification number 8395.

Reel: 941
Salem Female Charitable Society. Salem, Mass.

The Constitution of the Salem female charitable society.

[n.p., Printed by W. Carlton]. [1801]

Item identification number 8394.

Reel: 941
Sherman, Mary Belle (King) d. 1935.

The women's clubs in the Middle-Western states.

Philadelphia, Am. Academy of Political and Social Science. 1906

Item identification number 8374.

Reel: 941
Society for Employing the Female Poor.

An explanation of the views of the Society for Employing the Female Poor; with the constitution and by-laws, and extracts from several reports.

Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf. 1825

Item identification number 8399.

Reel: 941
The Three sisters; a sketch from life.

London, Printed by W. Clowes & Sons. 1856

Item identification number 8406; A contribution towards the establishment of a hospital for women and children in New York.

Reel: 941
Ward, May (Alden) 1853-1918.

The influence of women's clubs in New England and in the Middle-Eastern states.

Philadelphia, American Academy of Political and Social Science. [1906]

Item identification number 8375.

Reel: 941
Western Female Guardian Society. St. Louis, Mo.

Constitution and by-laws of the Western female guardian society, organized May 7, 1866.

Saint Louis, Pinckard. 1866

Item identification number 8416.

Reel: 941
Widow's Society. Boston.

Constitution of the Widow's society together with some account of the institution and of its proceedings to the present period, to which is added a list of its members.

Boston, Treadwell's Power Press. 1823

Item identification number 8398.

Reel: 941
Woman's National Progressive League.

Constitution and by-laws.

New York. 1908

Item identification number 8376.

Reel: 941
Women's City Relief Association. Boston.

Grand Kirmess and opera carnival at Mechanics Building, November 24th to 30th, inclusive, under the auspices of the Women's city relief association.

[Boston]. [19-]

Item identification number 8430; Object: the immediate relief of urgent needs, securing work for the unemployed and the improvement of the homes of the working classes. Introducting the national dances of Spain, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Holland ... under the personal direction of S. Seville.

Reel: 941
Women's International Agricultural Club.

The Women's International Agricultural Club.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8392.

Reel: 941
Women's National Agricultural and Horticultural Association.

[Directory of members] May, 1914.

[Cheltenham? Pa.]. [1914]

Item identification number 8382.

Reel: 941
Working Women's Temporary Home. Boston.

Report of the Temporary home for working women, from May 1, 1877 to January 1, 1879.

Boston, Press of W. L. Deland & son. 1879

Item identification number 8438.

Reel: 941
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

A function of the social settlement.

Philadelphia, American academy of political and social science. 1899

Item identification number 8460.

Reel: 942
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

The subjective value of a social settlement.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8457.

Reel: 942
Baker, Louise Southard, 1846-1896.

A paper written by Miss Louise S. Baker for the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Mass., and read before the Suffolk County Medical Society in Boston, Feb. 22, 1879.

[Boston?]. [1879]

Item identification number 8456.

Reel: 942
Baldwin, William Henry, 1851.

Effective remedies for desertion and non-support.

[Chicago]. [1917]

Item identification number 8477.

Reel: 942
Baldwin, William Henry, 1851.

Non-support laws in Massachusetts.

[Chicago]. [1917]

Item identification number 8478.

Reel: 942
Bentley, D. (Mrs.).

Mothers and the public schools.

Chicago, Woman's temperance publishing association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8485.

Reel: 942
Bowen, Louise Haddock (de Koven) "Mrs. J.T. Bowen," 1859.

Five and ten cent theatres.

Item identification number 8486; Two investigations, by the Juvenile Protection Association of Chicago 1909 and 1911.

Reel: 942
Bowen, Louise Haddock (de Koven) "Mrs. J.T. Bowen," 1859.

The public dance halls of Chicago.

[Chicago] The Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago. 1917

Item identification number 8479; Revised ed.

Reel: 942
Cabot, Susan C.

"What have we, as individuals, to do with slavery.".

[New York, American anti-slavery society]. [1855]

Item identification number 8449.

Reel: 942
Chapman, Maria (Weston) 1860-1885.

"How can I help to abolish slavery?" or, Counsels to the newly converted.

[New York, American Anti-Slavery Society]. [1855]

Item identification number 8450.

Reel: 942
Child, Lydia Maria (Francis) 1802-1880.

Correspondence between Lydia Maria Child and Gov. Wise and Mrs. Mason, of Virginia.

New York, American Anti-Slavery Society. 1860

Item identification number 8452.

Reel: 942
Consumers' League of the City of New York.

Children who work in the tenements.

New York, Consumers' league of the city of New York. 1908

Item identification number 8466; Little laborers unprotected by child labor law .. as shown by photographs ... for the exhibit of congestion of population of New York city.

Reel: 942
Consumers' League of the City of New York.

Consumers' league of the city of New York.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8467.

Reel: 942

[Amasa Walker, chairman.] [n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8505; No. 97. Commonwealth at Massachusetts. July 1, 1853.

Reel: 942
Female Prison Association of Friends in Philadelphia.

An account of Julia Moore, a penitent female, who died in the Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, in the year 1843.

Philadelphia, J. and W. Kite, printers. 1844

Item identification number 8443; 2d ed.

Reel: 942
Ferrin, Mary Upton.

Woman's defence: a reply to Horace Greeley's lecture, recently delivered in Providence, Rhode Island.

Peabody [Mass.] Printed by C. D. Howard. 1869

Item identification number 8514.

Reel: 942
Gage, Matilda (Joslyn) 1826-1898.

... Speech of Mrs. M. E. J. Gage, at the Women's Rights Convention, held at Syracuse, September, 1852.

[Syracuse, New York, Masters' print]. [1852?]

Item identification number 8500.

Reel: 942
Goodnow, Charles N.

A new law dealing with wife and child abandonment.

Chicago. [1913]

Item identification number 8470.

Reel: 942
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879.

Letter from Angelina Grimké Weld, to the Woman's rights convention, held at Syracuse, Sept., 1852.

[Syracuse, N.Y., Masters' print]. [1852?]

Item identification number 8501.

Reel: 942
Grimke, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873.

An epistle to the clergy of the southern states.

[New York]. [1836]

Item identification number 8439.

Reel: 942
Hedger, Caroline, 1868.

The school children of the stockyards district.

Washington, U.S. Govt. Print off. 1913

Item identification number 8471; An investigation carried on under the direction of the Board of the University of Chicago Settlement.

Reel: 942
Henning, John.

Rights of women vindicated in the following sermon.

New York. 1807

Item identification number 8491.

Reel: 942
[Heyrick, Elizabeth (Coltman)], 1769-1831.

Immediate, not gradual abolition; or, An inquiry into the shortest, safest, and most effectual means of getting rid of West Indian slavery.

London, Hatchard & son [etc.]. 1824

Item identification number 8440; with an appendix, containing Clarkson's comparison between the state of the British peasantry and that of the slaves in the colonies, &c. 3d ed.

Reel: 942
Heywood, Ezra Harvey, 1829-1893.

Uncivil liberty: an essay to show the injustice and impolicy of ruling woman without her consent.

Princeton, Mass., Co-operative Publishing Co. 1872

Item identification number 8516.

Reel: 942
Hobbs, James B.

An open letter to the members of the Gipsack and Umbrella Brigade of the W.C.T.U. army.

[n.p.]. [1916]

Item identification number 8476.

Reel: 942
Hovey, William A.

Woman's rights, an essay delivered at the exhibition of the English High School, July 16, 1860.

Boston, Yerrinton & Garrison, printers. 1860

Item identification number 8510.

Reel: 942
Ingalls, E.B. (Mrs.).

National W.C.T.U. Narcotics.

St. Louis, Mo., Woodward & Tiernan printing co. [c1894]

Item identification number 8458.

Reel: 942
Ingalls, Lida B.


Chicago, Woman's temperance publication association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8487.

Reel: 942
Intercollegiate Community Service Association.


Philadelphia. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8488.

Reel: 942
Kansas. Legislature.

Mothers' pensions, House Bill no. 364.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8468.

Reel: 942
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Twenty-five years of the Consumers' league movement.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 8473.

Reel: 942
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

What women might do with the ballot.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1915?]

Item identification number 8472 & 9209.

Reel: 942
Kingsbury, Mary M.

Socialism as an educative and social force on the East Side.

Boston, Christian Social Union. 1898

Item identification number 8459.

Reel: 942
Lovett, William, 1800-1877.

Woman's mission.

London, Published by Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1856

Item identification number 8508.

Reel: 942
Massachusetts. Board of Prison Commissioners.

Rules and regulations of the Reformatory Prison for Women, adopted by the Commissioners of Prisons and the Advisory Board, April 25, 1878.

Boston, Rand, Avery. 1878

Item identification number 8455.

Reel: 942
May, Samuel Joseph, 1797-1871.

The rights and condition of women: considered in "the Church of the Messiah," November 8, 1846.

Syracuse, Stoddard & Babcock. [1846]

Item identification number 8493.

Reel: 942
McAneny, George (Mrs.).

The reform of the civil service.

New York. 1900

Item identification number 8461; The interest of women in the movement.

Reel: 942
Mott, Lucretia (Coffin) 1793-1880.

Discourse on woman.

Philadelphia, T. B. Peterson. 1850

Item identification number 8496; Delivered at the Assembly buildings, December 17, 1849. Being a full phonographic report, revised by the author.

Reel: 942
Mott, Lucretia (Coffin) 1793-1880.

A sermon to the medical students.

Philadelphia, Merrihew and Thompson. 1849

Item identification number 8447; delivered by Lucretia Mott, at Cherry Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, on First-day evening, second month 11th, 1849.

Reel: 942
National Consumers' League.

Summary statement of the work of the first year of the National consumers' league, May 1, 1899 - May 1, 1900.

New York, National consumers' league. [1900]

Item identification number 8462.

Reel: 942
New York (City). Committee of Fourteen.

... Department store investigation.

New York. 1915

Item identification number 8474; Report of the sub-committee.

Reel: 942
New York State Woman's Rights Committee.

Appeal to the women of New York.

[n.p.]. [1860]

Item identification number 8511.

Reel: 942
Our relation to civil service reform.

[Concord, Mass.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8463; A paper read in part, before the Federation of Women's clubs, at Milwaukee, June 9, 1900.

Reel: 942
Pillsbury, Parker, 1809-1898.

The mortality of nations: an address delivered before the American equal rights association, in New York, Thursday evening, May 9, 1867.

New York, R. J. Johnston, printer. 1867

Item identification number 8513.

Reel: 942
Remarks comprising in substance Judge Herttell's argument in the House of Assembly of the State of New York in the session of 1837, in support of the bill to restore to married women "the right of property", as guaranteed by the constitution of this state.

New York, Henry Durell. 1839

Item identification number 8492.

Reel: 942
Rose, Ernestine Louise (Susmond) 1810-1892.

An address on woman's rights, delivered before the People's Sunday meeting, i Cochituate Hall.

Boston, J. P. Mendum. 1851

Item identification number 8498; October 19, 1851.

Reel: 942
Rose, Ernestine Louise (Susmond) 1810-1892.

Speech of Mrs. E. L. Rose, at the Woman's rights convention.

[Syracuse, Masters' Print. Malcolm Block]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8502; Held at Syracuse, Sept., 1852.

Reel: 942
Schroeder, Theodore Albert, 1864.

Polygamy and the constitution.

Trenton. 1906

Item identification number 8465.

Reel: 942
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth C. Stanton, to the Woman's Rights Convention, held at Worcester, Oct., 1850.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8497.

Reel: 942
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

The slave's appeal.

Albany, Weed, Parsons & co., printers. 1860

Item identification number 8453; Published at the anti-slavery depository, 15 Steuben Street, Albany.

Reel: 942
Thomson, Mortimer, 1832-1875.

Great auction sale of slaves at Savannah, Georgia, March 2d and 3d, 1859.

New York, American Anti-Slavery Society. [1859]

Item identification number 8451; Reported for the Tribune.

Reel: 942
Tilton, Elizabeth.

Is beer the cure for the drink evil?.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8480.

Reel: 942
Tilton, Elizabeth.

Turning off the spigot.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8481.

Reel: 942
Tilton, Elizabeth.

When they say this about prohibition; Answer thus! March 15, 1918.

Boston. (1918?)

Item identification number 8483.

Reel: 942
Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907.

The rights of women; a letter to Horace Greely.

New York. 1871

Item identification number 8515.

Reel: 942
Todd, John, 1800-1873.

Woman's rights.

Boston, Lee & Shephard. 1867

Item identification number 8512.

Reel: 942
Van Waters, Miriam, 1887.

El Retiro, the new school for girls.

Sacramento, California State Board of Health. 1920

Item identification number 8484.

Reel: 942
Who are the opposers of the woman movement?.

[n.p.]. [18-?]

Item identification number 8490.

Reel: 942
The Whole world's temperance convention, held at Metropolitan Hall in the city of New York, on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 1st and 2d, 1853.

New York, Fowlers & Wells. 1853

Item identification number 8448.

Reel: 942
Willard, Emma (Hart) 1787-1870.

Via media: a peaceful and permanent settlement of the slavery question.

Washington, C. H. Anderson. 1862

Item identification number 8454.

Reel: 942
Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898.

... Dress and vice.

Chicago, Woman's temperance publication association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8489.

Reel: 942
Williams, Elizabeth S.

The settlement club.

[n.p.]. [1902?]

Item identification number 8464.

Reel: 942
Woman's Rights Convention. Boston, 1851.

Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention held at Worcester, October 23rd & 24th, 1850.

Boston, Printed by Prentiss & Sawyer. 1851

Item identification number 8499.

Reel: 942
Woman's Rights Convention. Boston, 1855.

Reports on the laws of New England, presented to the New England meeting.

[Boston?]. [1855]

Item identification number 8507; September 19 and 20, 1855.

Reel: 942
Woman's Rights Convention. New York, 1853.

Proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention held at the Broadway Tabernacle in the City of New York on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 6th and 7th, 1853.

New York, Fowlers and Wells. 1853

Item identification number 8506.

Reel: 942
Woman's Rights Convention. Philadelphia, 1852.

The proceedings of the Woman's Rights Convention held at West Chester, Pa. June 2d and 2d, 1852.

Philadelphia. 1852

Item identification number 8504.

Reel: 942
Woman's Rights Convention. Rochester, 1859.

Proceddings of the ninth national Woman's Rights Convention held in New York City.

Rochester, N. Y. 1859

Item identification number 8509; Thursday May 12, 1859.

Reel: 942
Woman's Rights Convention. Seneca Falls, New York, 1848.

The first convention ever called to discuss the civil and political rights of women.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8495; Seneca Falls, New York, July 19, 1848.

Reel: 942
Woodford, Stewart Lyndon, 1835-1913.

Past and present.

Elmira, N.Y., Advertiser association book and job printing establishment. 1876

Item identification number 8517; Rights of women in property. Two lectures delivered at the Elmira female college ... April 27th and 28th, 1876.

Reel: 942
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

Employment of women in industries; 12th census statistics.

Chicago. 1905

Item identification number 8580; with S. B. Breckinridge.

Reel: 943
Adams, Herbert Baxter, 1850-1901.

... Work among workingwomen in Baltimore; a social study.

[Baltimore, J. Murphy & co., printers]. [1889]

Item identification number 8559.

Reel: 943
American Association of University Women.

... Compensation in certain occupations of women who have received college or other special training.

Boston, Wright & Potter Printing co., state printers. 1896

Item identification number 8568; Prepared from material supplied by the Association of Collegiate Alumnae by the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

Reel: 943
American Association of University Women.

The need of well educated teachers and adequate salaries in the elementary grades of our public schools.

[n.p.]. [1902?]

Item identification number 8577.

Reel: 943
Backus, Helen Hiscock.

The need and the opportunity for college-trained women in philanthropic work.

[n.p. New York Association of Collegiate Alumnae]. [1887]

Item identification number 8557; A paper presented to the New York Association of Collegiate Alumnae, on March 19, 1887.

Reel: 943
Ballentine, Eveline P.

Women physicians in public institutions.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8594; Read before the Women's medical society of the state of New York, Rochester, New York, an annual meeting, March 11.

Reel: 943
Bartlett, Elisha, 1801-1855.

A vindication of the character and condition of the females employed in the Lowell mills, against the charges contained in the Boston times, and the Boston quarterly review.

Lowell, L. Huntress, printer. 1841

Item identification number 8542.

Reel: 943
Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa (Brown) 1825-1921.

Sex injustice.

New York, American Purity Alliance. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8537; An address delivered at the twenty-first annual meeting of the American Purity Alliance.

Reel: 943
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910.

Medicine as a profession for women.

New York, W. H. Tinson. 1860

Item identification number 8545; by Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell.

Reel: 943
Blackwell, Emily, 1826-1910.

The industrial position of women.

The Popular science monthly, v. 23, p. 388-399. 1883

Item identification number 8555.

Reel: 943
Boyd, Mary Brown (Sumner).

Must women voters serve on juries?.

[New York, National Woman Suffrage Pub. co., inc.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 8536.

Reel: 943
Brown, William Symington.

The capability of women to practice the healing art.

Boston, Ripley & Co. 1859

Item identification number 8544; A lecture ... before the Ladies Medical Academy ... 1859.

Reel: 943
Business Women's Union of the City. Brooklyn, N.Y.

Report of the Business women's union.

Brooklyn, Standard union job department. 1895

Item identification number 8567; January, 1895.

Reel: 943
[Collins, Jennie].

A plan for future work, in behalf of the working women.

Boston, Printed for George L. Keyes. 1872

Item identification number 8546; June, 1872.

Reel: 943
Consumers' League of Massachusetts.

To women and girls who work in Mass.

[Boston, The Consumers' league]. 1908

Item identification number 8595; Some facts from the laws which conern you.

Reel: 943
Corbin, Caroline Elizabeth (Fairfield) 1835.

Suffrage and industrial independence.

[Chicago?]. [1901?]

Item identification number 8525; [A letter dated Chicago, May 7, 1891.].

Reel: 943
Corbin, Caroline Elizabeth (Fairfield) 1835.

Woman's rights in America; a retrospect of sixty years, 1848-1908.

Chicago. [1908]

Item identification number 8532; 5th ed.

Reel: 943
Dewey, Melvil, 1851-1931.

Librarianship as a profession for collegebred women.

Boston, Library Bureau. 1886

Item identification number 8556; Address delivered before the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, on March 13, 1886.

Reel: 943
Evans, Elizabeth Glendower (Gardiner) 1856-1937.

Report of the Committee on domestic reform, no. 1.

[n.p.] Women's Educational and Industrial Union. 1898

Item identification number 8570; The effort to attract the workers in shops and factories to domestic service.

Reel: 943
Gamble, Eliza Burt.

Mr. Parkman and the woman question.

East Saginaw, Mich., Courier co., printers and binders. 1880

Item identification number 8518.

Reel: 943
Gilman, Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson, 1860-1935.

The labor movement, a prize essay read before the trades and labor unions of Alameda County, Sept. 5, 1892.

Oakland, Cal., Alameda County Federation of Trades. [1893]

Item identification number 8563.

Reel: 943
Goodrich, Henrietta I.

A possible alleviation of present difficulties in domestic service.

[n.p.]. [1900?]

Item identification number 8574; The laboratory kitchen and food supply co. founded with the co-operation of the Women's educational and industrial union.

Reel: 943
Gulick, Sidney Lewis, 1860-1945.

A sociological experiment among factory girls.

[n.p.]. [1907]

Item identification number 8590; A report of the Matsuyama factory girls' home.

Reel: 943
Hersey, Heloise Edwina, 1855.

History of the Domestic reform league.

[n.p.]. [1903?]

Item identification number 8578; organized by the Women's educational and industrial union of Boston, Massachusetts and under the special supervision of the employment department of the union.

Reel: 943
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910.

Mrs. Howe on equal rights.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8529; Address ... at the 38th annual convention of the National American woman suffrage association, at Baltimore, Md., February 12, 1906.

Reel: 943
Jacobi, Abraham, 1830-1919.

The physical cost of women's work.

New York, The Charity organization Society. [1907?]

Item identification number 8591; Reprinted for the Consumers' league.

Reel: 943
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Women in trade unions.

[New York]. [1906?]

Item identification number 8583.

Reel: 943
Lord, Eleanor Louisa, 1866.

Educated women as factors in industrial competition.

[n.p.]. [1891]

Item identification number 8561.1; A paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.

Reel: 943
Massachusetts Association of Women Workers.

What it is.

[Boston]. [190-?]

Item identification number 8572; What it does. What you can do.

Reel: 943
Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

The hours of labor in domestic service.

Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers. 1898

Item identification number 8571; Prepared by the Massachusetts Bureau of statistics of labor from information collected by the Women's educational and industrial union of Boston.

Reel: 943
Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

Social conditions in domestic service.

Boston, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers. 1900

Item identification number 8573; Prepared by the Massachusetts Bureau of statistics of labor in collaboration with Women's educational and industrial union of Boston.

Reel: 943
Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

Social statistics of working women.

Boston. 1901

Item identification number 8575; Prepared by the Massachusetts Bureau of statistics of labor. Tabulated and analysed under the direction of John Hyde ... From information collected by the School of Housekeeping, Boston, Massachusetts.

Reel: 943
Massachusetts. Industrial Committee.

Simplified statement of laws affecting the employment of women and children in Mass.

[Boston, Industrial Committee]. 1906

Item identification number 8585.

Reel: 943
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Political rights of Illinois women.

[n.p.]. [1913?]

Item identification number 8535.

Reel: 943
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Some wrongs of Michigan women, 1850-1908.

n.p. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8533; [From an address before the Michigan Constitution Convention, January 8, 1908 ..].

Reel: 943
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Women may be justices of the peace.

[Evanston, Ill.]. [1907]

Item identification number 8530.

Reel: 943
Merwin, Virginia C.

The relation of women to work in the southern states.

Boston. 1881

Item identification number 8552; Read before the Association for Advancement of Women ... Boston, Oct. 1880.

Reel: 943
National League of Girls Clubs.

A brief history of the first decade of the National League of Women Workers, 1898 to 1908.

[Philadelphia]. [1908?]

Item identification number 8596.

Reel: 943
New York Exchange for Woman's Work.


New York. [1888]

Item identification number 8558.

Reel: 943
New York Exchange for Woman's Work.

Fifteen years work in New York city.

[n.p.]. 1892

Item identification number 8564.

Reel: 943
New York Exchange for Woman's Work.

Shall we have in New York a permanent business house for gentlewomen obliged to support themselves?.

New York. 1891

Item identification number 8562; [Statement made for the managers to the advisory board of the New York Exchange for Woman's Work, signed M. L. Choate, president].

Reel: 943
Nichols, Clarina I. (Howard) 1823-1885.

On the responsibilities of woman.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8538.

Reel: 943
O'Reilly, Leonora.

Women's opportunities in the civil service; a paper read at Buffalo before the National society of women workers.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8576; Brooklyn, Thursday, Aug. 29, 1901.

Reel: 943
Parsons, Samuel Bowne, 1819-1906.

Essay, Woman in Horticulture.

New York, Sears. 1880

Item identification number 8550.

Reel: 943

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