History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

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Reel: 944
Wolfe, A.B.

War-time industrial employment of women in the U.S.

[n.p]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8649; [by Helen Olson].

Reel: 944
Woman's Land Army of America.

Handbook of standards, April, 1919.

[Washington?]. [1919]

Item identification number 8650; Issued by the National Board of the W.L.A.A. with the endorsement of the United States Employment Service, Dept. of Labor.

Reel: 944
Woman's Land Army of America.

Women on the land.

New York, The Advisory Council of the Woman's land army of America. 1918

Item identification number 8641.

Reel: 944
A Woman's sacrifice.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8666.

Reel: 944
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

Employees' association of the women's educational and industrial union.

Boston. [1909]

Item identification number 8602; Constitution and by-laws.

Reel: 944
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

Women's educational and industrial union, organized 1877 to promote the educational, industrial and social advancement of women.

Boston, T. Todd co., printers. [1919]

Item identification number 8651.

Reel: 944
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston, Dept. of Research.

Training for women in economic research.

[n.p.] Women's educational and industrial union. [1911]

Item identification number 8615.

Reel: 944
Women's Trade Union League.

The eight hour fight in Illinois.

Chicago, The Women's Trade Union League of Chicago. 1909

Item identification number 8603; by the girls who did the work.

Reel: 944
Women's Trade Union League of Chicago.

Bulletin on the eight hour day.

Chicago, Women's Trade Union League of Chicago. 1919

Item identification number 8652.

Reel: 944
Young Women's Christian Association.

Executive and technical women in industry; survey of factories, 1919-1920.

New York. 1920

Item identification number 8661.

Reel: 944
Young Women's Christian Associations. United States National Board. War Work Council. Industrial Committee.

State laws affecting women in the United States, and directions for making exhibit maps.

New York, Woman's press. 1919

Item identification number 8653; material compiled by the Research section, Industrial committee, War work council, National board of Young women's Christian associations.

Reel: 944
Adams, Female Academy.

Catalogue of the trustees, instructors and pupils of the Adams Female Academy, Derry, N.H., for the year ending October, 1843.

Andover, Printed by Allen, Morrill and Wardwell. 1843

Item identification number 8688.

Reel: 945
Albany Academy for Girls.

Exercises of the alumnae of the Albany Female Academy, on their third anniversary, July 18, 1844.

Albany, Printed by C. Van Benthuysen & co. 1844

Item identification number 8690.

Reel: 945
Allen, Annie T.

The economic relation of the College woman to society.

[Boston]. [1902]

Item identification number 8766.

Reel: 945
American Association of University Women. Committee on Fellowships.

... Report of the committee on fellowships.

[Chicago, Legal News Print]. [1897?]

Item identification number 8759; by the chairman, Mrs. Bessie Bradwell Helmer.

Reel: 945
Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter, 1809-1889.

Should American colleges be open to women as well as to men?.

Albany, Weed, Parsons & co., printers. 1882

Item identification number 8739; A paper presented to the twentieth annual convocation of the University of the State of New York, at Albany, July 12, 1882.

Reel: 945
Beedy, Mary E.

The joint education of young men and women in the American schools and colleges, being a lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society on 27th of April 1873.

London, Sunday Lecture Society. 1873

Item identification number 8725.

Reel: 945
Bissell, Mary Taylor.

Physical training as a factor in liberal education.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8744; A paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, on Oct. 30, 1886.

Reel: 945
Bittinger, Joseph Baugher, 1823-1885.

An address at the laying of the corner-stone of the Lake Erie Female Seminary, at Painesville, O., July 4, 1857.

Cleveland, Ohio Farmer Office - Pinkerton printer. 1857

Item identification number 8711.

Reel: 945
[Blackwell, Elizabeth], 1821-1910.

Address on the medical education of women.

New York, Baptist & Taylor, book and job printers. 1864

Item identification number 8716.

Reel: 945
Boston. Children's Hospital. School of Nursing.

[Prospectus of the] training school of nurses.

Boston, J. Wilson. 1896

Item identification number 8756.

Reel: 945
Bridgewater Academy. Bridgewater, Mass.

Rules and regulations of the Bridgewater Academy together with the acts of incorporation.

[n.p.] Press of North Bridgewater Gazette. 1867

Item identification number 8717.

Reel: 945
Chase, Thomas, 1827-1892.

Liberal education; its objects and methods; an address delivered at the opening of Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania.

London. 1886

Item identification number 8745.

Reel: 945
Claghorn, Kate Holladay, 1863.

The problem of occupation for college women.

[n.p.] Association of Collegiate Alumnae. [1898?]

Item identification number 8760; A paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae ... October 30, 1897.

Reel: 945
Co-Education at Colby.

[Waterville, Maine, Colby University]. [1890]

Item identification number 8749.

Reel: 945
Cone, Kate Eugenia (Morris) 1857.

The gifts of women to educational institutions.

[n.p.] Association of Collegiate Alumnae. 1884

Item identification number 8741; (A paper read on October 25, 1884...).

Reel: 945
Crow, Martha Emily (Foote) 1854-1924.

The status of foreign collegiate education of women.

[n.p.] Association of Collegiate Alumnae. 1891

Item identification number 8751; A partial abstract of the Report on educational Progress presented by the Special Committee to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae on Oct. 24, 1891.

Reel: 945
Dike, Samuel Warren, 1839-1913.

Sociology in the higher education of women.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8753.

Reel: 945
Dunbar, Charles Franklin.

Reply to Dr. Stille's strictures on the Harvard examinations for women.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8735.

Reel: 945
Eaton, John, 1829-1906.

The education of our girls.

New York, W. B. Folger, printer. 1877

Item identification number 8732; An address delivered at Tilden Ladies' Seminary, West Lebanon, N.H., June 21, 1877.

Reel: 945
Fairchild, James Harris, 1817-1902.

The coeducation of the sexes as pursued in Oberlin College.

[Hartford, Camp]. [1868]

Item identification number 8719.

Reel: 945
Fussell, Edwin, 1813-1882.

Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Female medical college, of Pennyslvania, at the tenth annual commencement, March 13th, 1861.

Philadelphia, J. B. Chandler, printer. 1861

Item identification number 8713; Published by the class.

Reel: 945
Gilman, Chandler Robbins, 1802-1865.

Introductory address to the students in medicine of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New York, delivered Nov. 6, 1840.

New York, By the students. 1840

Item identification number 8686.

Reel: 945
Granville Female College.

Catalogue of Granville Female College, Granville, Licking County, O. Forty-sixty year.

Granville, H. A. Church, printer. 1880

Item identification number 8736; 1879-80.

Reel: 945
Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909.

Why many women should study law.

[Columbus, Ohio?]. 1901

Item identification number 8763.

Reel: 945
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.

... Higher education of woman.

Boston, Woman's Journal office. 1873

Item identification number 8726; A paper read by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, before the Social Science Convention, Boston, May 14, 1873.

Reel: 945
Hopkins, Mark, 1802-1887.

An address, delivered in South Hadley, Mass., July 30, 1840, at the third anniversary of the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary.

Northampton, Printed by J. Metcalf. 1840

Item identification number 8687; Published by request of the Trustees.

Reel: 945
Jackson, James Caleb, 1811-1895.

Shall our girls live or die?.

Dansville, New York, A. Jackson & Co. 1868

Item identification number 8720.

Reel: 945
Johnston, William, 1804-1892.

An address on female education, delivered at Columbus, December 31, 1844.

Columbus, Printed by C. Scott & co. 1845

Item identification number 8692.

Reel: 945
Jordan, Mary Augusta, 1855-1941.

The higher education a social necessity for women.

[n.p.]. [1892?]

Item identification number 8754; A paper presented to the Rhode Island Branch of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae at Brown University, Providence, R.I., on November 5, 1892.

Reel: 945
Ladies' Society for the Promotion of Education at the West.

History of the formation of the Ladies society for the promotion of education at the West.

Boston, H. Mason. 1846

Item identification number 8694; with two addresses, delivered at its organization, by the Rev. Edward Beecher and Rev. E.N. Kirk.

Reel: 945
Ladies' Society for the Promotion of Education at the West.

Sixth annual report of the Ladies' Society for the promotion of education at the West.

Boston, Press of T. R. Marvin. 1852

Item identification number 8704; Presented by the Board of Managers, at the annual meeting in Boston, February 4, 1852.

Reel: 945
Lowell, Josephine (Shaw) 1843-1905.

A paper by Mrs. C. R. Lowell, read before the members of the New York State Association of Teachers, 1880.

New York, Pillsbury. 1886

Item identification number 8746.

Reel: 945
Macdonald, Arthur, 1856-1936.

Susceptibility to disease and physical development in college women.

Philadelphia. 1901

Item identification number 8764.

Reel: 945
Miller, Samuel Franklin, 1827-1892.

Female education.

[n.p.]. [1887?]

Item identification number 8747; An address delivered before the Norwood Institute for Young Ladies, Washington, D.C., June 10th, 1887.

Reel: 945
Mitchell, Maria, 1818-1889.

The collegiate education of girls.

Boston. 1881

Item identification number 8738; Read before the Association for the advancement of women, Boston, 1880.

Reel: 945
Mitchell, Silas Weir, 1819-1914.

Address to the students of Radcliffe College, delivered Jan. 17, 1895.

Cambridge. 1896

Item identification number 8758.

Reel: 945
Mount Holyoke College.


South Hadley, Mass. [Springfield, Mass., S. Bowles & co.]. 1862

Item identification number 8714; Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary. Published for the seminary.

Reel: 945
Nashua Literary Institution. Nashua, N.H.

Catalogue of the officers and students of the Nashua Literary Institution for the year ending November, 1845.

Nashua, Gazette Press. 1845

Item identification number 8693.

Reel: 945
Neophogen Male and Female College. Gallatin, Tenn.

Annual catalogue, 1877-78.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8733.

Reel: 945
New England Female Medical College. Boston.

Female medical education society and New England female medical college.

Circular. [Boston]. [1853]

Item identification number 8707.

Reel: 945
New York (City.) Board of Education.

Report of the select committee of the Board of Education in relation to the propriety and expediency of establishing a free academy for females.

New York, W. C. Bryant & co., printers. 1849

Item identification number 8700.

Reel: 945
New York (State) Legislature. Assembly. Committee on Colleges, Academics and Common Schools.

State of New-York.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8705; No. 117. In Assembly, April 10, 1852.

Reel: 945
Palmer, Ray, 1808-1887.

Address on the education of woman, delivered at the anniversary of the Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute, Sept. 30th, 1852.

Albany, Gray, Sprague, & co. 1852

Item identification number 8706.

Reel: 945
Peabody, Andrew Preston, 1811-1893.

An address delivered before the Newburyport Female High School.

Boston, J. Munroe & co. 1847

Item identification number 8697; Dec. 19, 1846.

Reel: 945
Philadelphia School of Design for Women.

Prospectus, containing a programme for the courses of study, the rules and regulations, constitution and by-laws; and a catalogue of the collections of materials for art study in the possession of the institution.

Philadelphia. 1875

Item identification number 8731; also, the names and residences of the students that attended during the year terminating June 26, 1875.

Reel: 945
Philadelphia. Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania.

Fifth annual announcement of the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, W. S. Young, printer. 1854

Item identification number 8708; for the session 1854-55.

Reel: 945
Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) "Mrs. R. H. Richards," 1842-1911.

The relation of college women to progress in domestic science.

[n.p.]. [1890]

Item identification number 8750; A paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae.

Reel: 945
Richardson, Sophia Foster.

Tendencies in athletics for women in colleges and universities.

[n.p.] D. Appleton & co. 1897

Item identification number 8757; A paper presented to the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, October 31, 1896.

Reel: 945
Rockwell, Julius, 1805-1888.

Address, delivered at the Pittsfield Young Ladies' Institute, July 5, 1847 on the education of American women.

Pittsfield, Mass., Printed for the Institute. 1847

Item identification number 8698.

Reel: 945
Russel, Isaac Franklin, 1857-1931.

Lectures on law for women.

New York, New York, Economical Printing Co. 1892

Item identification number 8755; Delivered at the University of the city of New York ... 1892-93.

Reel: 945
Rutgers Female College. New York.

Mathematics in female education.

New-York, J. A. Gray, printer. 1860

Item identification number 8712; Abstracts from the archives of Rutgers Female Institute.

Reel: 945
Seelye, Laurenus Clark, 1837-1924.

The need of a collegiate education for woman.

[Springfield, Mass.]. 1874

Item identification number 8729; A paper read before the American Institute of Instruction at North Adams, July 28, 1874.

Reel: 945
Spalding, James Reed, 1821-1872.

The true idea of female education.

New York, J. F. Trow, printers. 1855

Item identification number 8709; An address delivered at Pittsfield, Mass., before the Young Ladies' Institute, at its annual commencement, August 22, 1855.

Reel: 945
Sprague, Homer Baxter, 1829-1918.

Inauguration address of Homer Baxter Sprague, president of Mills College, Seminary Park, Alameda co., California.

[n.p.]. [1885]

Item identification number 8743; October 24th, 1885.

Reel: 945
Sprague, William Baxter, 1829-1918.

An address delivered at the close of the annual examination of the Young Ladies' Institute, Pittsfield, Mass., September 28, 1844.

Pittsfield, E. P. Little. 1844

Item identification number 8691.

Reel: 945
Sprague, William Baxter, 1829-1918.

An address delivered at the opening of the Brooklyn Female Academy, on Monday evening, May 4, 1846.

Albany, E. H. Pease. 1846

Item identification number 8695.

Reel: 945
Steubenville Female Seminary. Steubenville, Ohio.

Fortieth annual catalogue of the Steubenville Female Seminary for the year ending May 25th, 1869.

[n.p.]. [1869?]

Item identification number 8721.

Reel: 945
Stolz, Alban, 1808-1883.

Mixed marriage: the forbidden fruit for Catholics.

New York, Fr. Pustet. [1883]

Item identification number 8740; Translated and revised from the German of the Rev. Alban Stolz, by Monsignor H. Cluerer.

Reel: 945
Thomas, Martha Carey, 1857-1935.

The college women of the present and future.

[n.p.] Pub. by McClure's Syndicate. [1901?]

Item identification number 8765.

Reel: 945
United States. Bureau of Education.

Coeducation of the sexes.

[n.p.]. [1867?]

Item identification number 8722; An address before a meeting of college presidents at Springfield, Ill., by Rev. James H. Fairchild ... of Oberlin College, July 10th, 1867.

Reel: 945
Warren, William Fairfield, 1833-1929.


[Boston]. [1877]

Item identification number 8734; on the admission of girls to Boston Latin School.

Reel: 945
Wesleyan University. Middletown, Conn. Board of Trustees.

Papers on the relation of Wesleyan University to the higher education of women.

[n.p., Pelton & King Print]. [1900?]

Item identification number 8762.

Reel: 945
West Chester, Pa. Young Ladies Seminary.

Prospectus of the Young ladies seminary in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

[n.p.]. [1839]

Item identification number 8685.

Reel: 945
Wheaton College. Norton, Mass.

Thirty-ninth annual catalogue of Wheaton Female Seminary, Norton, Mass. for the year ending July, 1874.

Norton. 1874

Item identification number 8730.

Reel: 945
Wilder, Alexander, 1823-1908.

Plea for the liberal education of women.

New York, Judson Printing Co. 1884

Item identification number 8742.

Reel: 945
Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898.

Woman's lesser duties.

Pittsburgh, W. S. Haven. 1863

Item identification number 8715; An address to the Browning Association of Pittsburgh Female College. Delivered Friday, March 24, 1863. by the president, Miss Frances E. Willard.

Reel: 945
Wilson Industrial School for Girls. New York.

Second annual report of the Wilson Industrial School Association for Girls.

New York, J. F. Trow, printer. 1855

Item identification number 8710; Together with the by-laws and regulations.

Reel: 945
Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Boston.

First annual report of the Woman's Education Association, for the year ending January 16, 1873.

Boston, Press of W. L. Deland. 1873

Item identification number 8727.

Reel: 945
An Address to the voters of Kansas.

Lawrence, Kansas. 1867

Item identification number 8795; [Signed by S. C. Pomeroy, E. G. Ross, R. J. Crawford, and others.].

Reel: 946
American Woman Suffrage Association.

Constitution of the.

Boston, Press of George H. Ellis. 1881

Item identification number 8831; and the history of its formation, with the times and places in which the association has held meeting up to 1880.

Reel: 946
American Woman Suffrage Association.

Constitution of the American woman suffrage association.

[Boston]. [1869]

Item identification number 8802.

Reel: 946
American Woman Suffrage Association.

Thirteen years experience of woman suffrage in Wyoming.

[Boston]. [1882?]

Item identification number 8833.

Reel: 946
Arguments of the delegates of the National Woman Suffrage Association before the committee on priviledges and elections of the United States Senate, January 11 and 12, 1878.

[n.p.]. 1878

Item identification number 8827.

Reel: 946
Bascom, John, 1827-1911.

Woman suffrage.

[Madison?]. [188?]

Item identification number 8829; Wisconsin advocates.

Reel: 946
Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887.

Woman's duty to vote.

New York, American Equal Rights Association. 1867

Item identification number 8800; Speech by Henry Ward Beecher at the eleventh National woman's wrights convention, held in New York, May 10, 1866.

Reel: 946
Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887.

Women's influence in politics, an address delivered at the Cooper Institute.

Boston, C. K. Whipple. 1870

Item identification number 8809; New York ... February 2, 1860.

Reel: 946
Bennett, James (Mrs.).

An appeal for woman suffrage made by Mrs. James Bennett in the Legislative Hall, Frankfort, Kentucky, January, 1884.

Lafayette, Indiana, Our Herald. [1884?]

Item identification number 8837.

Reel: 946
Cambridge School. Kendal Green, Mass.

The Gilman School, Cambridge, Mass.

[n.p.]. [1908]

Item identification number 8772.

Reel: 946
Campbell, John Allen, 1835-1880.

Woman suffrage.

Shoemakertown, Pennsylvania, Cheltenham Press. 1872

Item identification number 8816; Message ... to the Legislature of Wyoming, December 4, 1871.

Reel: 946
Colton, Elizabeth Avery.

Standards of southern colleges for women.

[Chicago?]. [1912]

Item identification number 8780; Report presented at the 9th annual meeting of the Southern Association of Co-lege Women. Nashville, Tenn., April 3-5, 1912.

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