History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 948 Palmer, Alice Elvira (Freeman) 1855-1902

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Reel: 948
Palmer, Alice Elvira (Freeman) 1855-1902.

Alice Freeman Palmer on women's duties.

Warren, Ohio. [1904]

Item identification number 8960.

Reel: 948
Pennsylvania Limited Suffrage League.

Limited suffrage.

[n.p., Pennsylvania limited suffrage league]. [1910]

Item identification number 9014.

Reel: 948
Phelan, Raymond Vincent.

Democracy demands woman suffrage.

[Warren, Ohio]. [1909]

Item identification number 8992.

Reel: 948
Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884.

Shall women have the right to vote?.

[Philadelphia] The Equal Franchise Society of Pennsylvania. 1910

Item identification number 9015; Address by W. Phillips at Worcester, Mass., 1851.

Reel: 948
Pollard, Edward Bagby, 1864-1927.

Women, home and government.

[New York, National Woman suffrage pub. co.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9016; An address delivered ... before the Baptist ministers of Philadelphia.

Reel: 948
Potter, Frances Boardman (Squire) 1867-1914.

American educators and democracy.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1909?]

Item identification number 8993.

Reel: 948
Potter, Frances Boardman (Squire) 1867-1914.

The direct way.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8994.

Reel: 948
Potter, Frances Boardman (Squire) 1867-1914.

Education and democracy.

n.p., College Equal Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8995; [An address ... at the University of Minnesota, before the National Suffrage Convention of Seattle on July 2, 1909].

Reel: 948
Potter, Frances Boardman (Squire) 1867-1914.

Women, economics, and the ballot.

[Youngstown, Ohio, Vindicator Press]. [1909]

Item identification number 8996.

Reel: 948
Recopilacion de los eescritos mas notables publicados en el pais en defensa de la ley que establece et matrimonio civil en la provincia de Santa-Fé.

Buenos Aire. 1868

Item identification number 9751.

Reel: 948

Woman suffrage and the "antis".

New York, The Equal Franchise Society. [1910?]

Item identification number 9017; An address before the Equal Franchise Society ... January 13th, 1910.

Reel: 948
Russell, Charles Edward, 1860.

Ostructions in the way to justice, an address before the Fortieth annual convention of the National American woman suffrage association, Buffalo, New York, October 20, 1908.

[Warren, Ohio, National American woman suffrage association]. [1908?]

Item identification number 8971.

Reel: 948
Schlesinger, Marion M.B., comp.

Arguments in favor of woman suffrage.

Boston. 1905

Item identification number 8940; Compiled by Marion McB. Schlesinger [and others].

Reel: 948
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

Woman suffrage as an educator.

New York, Equal franchise society. [1910?]

Item identification number 9018; An address before the Equal franchise society ... January 13, 1910.

Reel: 948
Somerville, Nellie (Nugent).

How Mississippi women work for the ballot.

[n.p.] Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9019.

Reel: 948
Somerville, Nellie (Nugent).

Patriotism and politics.

[n.p.] Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9020.

Reel: 948
Stewart, Ella S.

Three classes of opponents, April 17, 1910.

[n.p.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9021.

Reel: 948
Thomas, M[artha] Carey, 1857-1935.

New fashioned argument for woman suffrage.

[New York]. [1908]

Item identification number 8972; Address at the college evening of the National American Women Suffrage Association, Buffalo, October 17, 1908.

Reel: 948
Thomas, Martha Carey, 1857-1935.

Dr. Thomas on woman's ballot.

Warren, Ohio, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1906]

Item identification number 8954.

Reel: 948
Upton, Harriet (Taylor).

Militancy an excuse.

Warren, Ohio, Ohio woman suffrage association. [1910?]

Item identification number 9022.

Reel: 948
Usher, Florence W. Richardson.

The question of fitness.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9023.

Reel: 948
Vittum, Harriet.

Woman's ballot to protect the city child.

[n.p.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9024.

Reel: 948
Wells, B. Borrmann.

America and woman suffrage.

[London]. [1909]

Item identification number 8976.

Reel: 948
Wells, Bettina (Borrmann) 1879.

America and woman suffrage.

[London, W. & G. Baird]. [1909]

Item identification number 8997; Wyoming. Colorado. Utah. Idaho.

Reel: 948
Whitehead, Aleck.

Prize essays.

Evanston, Ill. [1908?]

Item identification number 8973; [by] Whitefield and MacDonald.

Reel: 948
Whitlock, Brand, 1869-1934.

Woman and democracy.

New York, The Equal franchise society. 1910

Item identification number 9025; Address delivered before the Equal franchise society, February 24th, 1910.

Reel: 948
Wilkinson, Marguerite Ogden (Bigelow) 1883-1928.

Listen, brothers.

[n.p.]. [1908?]

Item identification number 8974.

Reel: 948
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

An address, delivered February 1, 1906, before the Woman's Suffrage Committee of the United States Senate.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8955.

Reel: 948
Woodbury, Helen Laura (Sumner) 1876-1933.

The truth versus Richard Barry.

New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1910]

Item identification number 9026; A refutation, paragraph by paragraph, of an anti-suffrage article entitled, "What women have actually done where they vote".

Reel: 948
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Why women should vote.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1912]

Item identification number 9043.

Reel: 949
Austin, Mary (Hunter) 1868-1934.

Suffrage and government; the modern idea of government by consent and woman's place in it, with special reference to Nevada and other western states.

New York, Published for the Nevada Equal Franchise Society by the National American Woman Suffrage Association. 1914

Item identification number 9096; Anne Martin.

Reel: 949
Bennett, James (Mrs.).

A petition.

[Richmond, Kentucky]. [1915]

Item identification number 9117; and her argument in support of her petition.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

A campaign of slander.

[Boston, Woman's Journal]. [1914]

Item identification number 9097.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Is voting an industry?.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1914?]

Item identification number 9098.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Jane Addams testifies.

[Boston, Woman's Journal]. [1915]

Item identification number 9118.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

"The ladies battle.".

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9044.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Ministers on votes for women, according to Mrs. Howe's census of clergymen in equal suffrage states.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1913?]

Item identification number 9080.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Rebuttal before rules committee.

[Boston, Massachusetts woman's suffrage association and the Woman's journal]. [c1914]

Item identification number 9099; Speech ... at congressional hearing on Dec. 5, 1913, in reply to anti-suffragists on appointment of Special suffrage committee.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Suffrage and temperance.

[Boston, Massachusetts woman suffrage association and the Woman's journal]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9045.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

"When all the women want it.".

[New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association]. [1912]

Item identification number 9049.

Reel: 949
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

"Women do not want it.".

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9100.

Reel: 949
Blount, Anna (Ellsworth) 1872.

The woman voter and the Eugenia ideal.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9119.

Reel: 949
Bradford, Mary C.

Equal suffrage in Colorado, from 1908 to 1912.

[Denver, Colorado] Colorado equal suffrage association. [1912]

Item identification number 9054.

Reel: 949
Byrns, Elinor.

Man and woman-made laws of the suffrage states.

New York. [1915]

Item identification number 9120; by Helen A. Ranlett.

Reel: 949
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Address of the president, June 13, 1913, at the 7th Congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, Budapest, Hungary, June 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 1913.

[n.p.]. [1913?]

Item identification number 9081.

Reel: 949
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Do you know?.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. 1914

Item identification number 9102; revised ed.

Reel: 949
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Mrs. Catt's international address.

[Warren, Ohio, National American Woman Suffrage Association]. [1912]

Item identification number 9051; delivered by Mrs. C. C. Catt, president of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, at the congress in Amsterdam, June 15, 1908.

Reel: 949
Clark, Walter, 1846-1924.


[Wilmington, North Carolina?]. [1914]

Item identification number 9103; at Richmond, Virginia, 30 January, 1914. Equal suffrage. 2d ed.

Reel: 949
[Clay, Laura], 1849.

United States Elections Bill.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9121; A measure to secure to women the right to vote.

Reel: 949
College Equal Suffrage League.

[n.p.]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9046; National college equal suffrage league. suggested work for college chapters, city leagues and the executive secretary.

Reel: 949
Craigie, Mary E. (Whitbeck) 1850.

Christian citizenship; would the extension of suffrage to women raise the standard of Christian citizenship? If so, should not our clergy and the church give their support to this reform movement?.

New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9047.

Reel: 949
Crane, Caroline Bartlett, 1858-1935.

Business versus the home.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1915]

Item identification number 9082.

Reel: 949
Creel, George, 1876.

Measuring up equal suffrage.

Harrisburg, Pa., Pennsylvania woman suffrage association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9048; by George Creel and Judge Ben B. Lindsey.

Reel: 949
Eastman, Max, 1883.

Is woman suffrage important?.

[New York] Men's League for Woman Suffrage. [1912]

Item identification number 9052; 2d ed.

Reel: 949
Eastman, Max, 1883.

Values of the vote.

[New York] The Men's League for Woman Suffrage. [1912]

Item identification number 9053; Address before the Men's League for Woman Suffrage of New York, March 21, 1912.

Reel: 949
Education and true democracy.

[Warren, Ohio, Ohio woman suffrage association]. 1914?3

Item identification number 9104.

Reel: 949
Effect of vote of women on legislation.

New York, National Woman Suffrage Pub. co., inc. 1914

Item identification number 9111; An investigation in the equal suffrage statement made in December, 1913, by "The Evening Sun," of New York City.

Reel: 949
Fitzgerald, Susan Walker, 1871.

Have we a democracy?.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1913?]

Item identification number 9083.

Reel: 949
Flexner, Simon, 1863-1946.

The biological argument against woman suffrage.

New York, National woman suffrage pub. co., inc. 1914

Item identification number 9105; Dr. Frederick Peterson ... Dr. William H. Howell ... Dr. Franklin P. Mall ... Prof. James Harvey Robinson.

Reel: 949
Gannett, William Channing, 1840-1923.

Putting a smile into politics; a reply to ex-senator Root's objections to woman suffrage.

[New York]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9106.

Reel: 949
Gardener, Helen Hamilton (Chenoweth) 1853-1925.

Woman suffrage, which way?.

[New York, National woman suffrage pub. co.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9084.

Reel: 949
Gleason (Rev. Father).

Extracts from the speech of the Rev. Father Gleason at Central Theatre, San Francisco, May 23, 1911.

San Francisco, California Equal Suffrage Association. [1911?]

Item identification number 9034.

Reel: 949
Harper, Ida (Husted) 1851-1931.

How six states won woman suffrage.

New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9055.

Reel: 949
Harrison, Jane Ellen, 1850-1928.

"Homo sum.".

New York, National College Equal Suffrage League. [1912]

Item identification number 9056; Being a letter to an anti-suffragist from an anthropologist.

Reel: 949
Hinchey, Maggie.

... Miss Maggie Hinchley, laundress, replies to New York senator on the family and family relations.

New York, Wage Earners' Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9058.

Reel: 949
Howard, Clifford, 1868.

Why man needs woman's ballot.

New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9059.

Reel: 949
Howe, Frederic C[lemson], 1867-1940.

What the ballot will do for women and for men.

New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9060.

Reel: 949
Howe, Marie Jenney.

An anti-suffrage monologue.

New York, National Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9061.

Reel: 949
Hutchinson, Woods, 1862-1930.

That "biological argument.".

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9107.

Reel: 949
Laidlaw, Harriet (Burton) 1874.

Organizing to win.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. 1914

Item identification number 9108; by the political district plan; a handbook for working suffragists, compiled by H. B. Laidlaw.

Reel: 949
Lewis, Lena Morrow.

The socialist party and women suffrage.

[Chicago, National Office of the Socialist Party]. [1911]

Item identification number 9035.

Reel: 949
Lewis, William Draper, 1867-1949.

Some fundamental reasons for women's suffrage, part of an address.

[Philadelphia, R. D. Ernz, printer]. [1914]

Item identification number 9109.

Reel: 949
Lindsey, Benjamin Barr, 1869-1943.

If I were a woman.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1912?]

Item identification number 9062.

Reel: 949
Massachusetts Men's League for Woman Suffrage.

Massachusetts men's league for woman suffrage.

[Boston, T. Todd, printers]. 1911

Item identification number 9036.

Reel: 949
Massachusetts Political Equality Union.

Massachusetts political equality union.

Boston. 1914

Item identification number 9110; 5th ed.

Reel: 949
Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association.

Constitution and by-laws of the Massachusetts woman suffrage association.

[n.p.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9037.

Reel: 949
Maule, Frances, 1879.

Why women want the vote.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1912]

Item identification number 9065.

Reel: 949
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Chronology of the Woman's rights movement in Illinois.

[Chicago, Illinois equal suffrage association]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9063.

Reel: 949
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Shall men vote?.

[n.p.]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9064.

Reel: 949
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

The woman suffrage law.

Evanston, Ill. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9085; Passed by Illinois Legislature, 1913.

Reel: 949
Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association.

Minutes of the ninth annual convention, Mississippi woman suffrage association, held at Jackson, Mississippi, April 15-17, 1913.

[Jackson, Miss., Tucker Printing House]. [1913?]

Item identification number 9086.

Reel: 949
Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association.

Resolutions adopted at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association, held at Cleveland, Miss., April 12, 1911.

[n.p.]. [1911]

Item identification number 9038.

Reel: 949
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Appeal for money to carry on the work of the National American woman suffrage association.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. 1913

Item identification number 9087.

Reel: 949
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Catalog and price list of woman suffrage literature and supplies.

New York, the association. [1912?]

Item identification number 9066.

Reel: 949
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Eminent opinions of woman suffrage.

New York, The Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9067.

Reel: 949
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Facts for delegates, Convention 1912.

[n.p.]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9068.

Reel: 949
New York State Woman Suffrage Party.

Constitution of the New York state woman suffrage association.

[n.p.]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9069.

Reel: 949
Official program.

Washington, D.C. 1913

Item identification number 9089; woman suffrage procession.

Reel: 949
Peck, Mary Gray.

... The rise of the woman suffrage party.

Chicago, M.S. Hartshorn. [1911]

Item identification number 9039.

Reel: 949
Pennsylvania Catholic clergy; opinions on woman suffrage.

[Harrisburg, Penn., Pennsylvania woman suffrage association]. [1914]

Item identification number 9112.

Reel: 949
Pennsylvania Limited Suffrage League.

Report of the Pennsylvania limited suffrage league.

[n.p.]. 1911

Item identification number 9040.

Reel: 949
The People must win!.

[n.p.]. [1913?]

Item identification number 9090.

Reel: 949
Peterson, Florence Bennett.

A suffrage reading course.

[Chicago]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9113.

Reel: 949
Phelan, Raymond Vincent.

Living wages and the ballot.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1913?]

Item identification number 9091.

Reel: 949
Political Equality Association.

"Women will vote.".

New York, Political equality association. [1913]

Item identification number 9092.

Reel: 949
Porritt, Annie Gertrude (Webb) 1861.

The political duties of mothers.

Hartford, Conn., Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9070.

Reel: 949
Porritt, Annie Gertrude (Webb) 1861.

Votes and babies.

[New York] National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1912]

Item identification number 9071.

Reel: 949
The Revolution in women's work makes votes for women a practical necessity.

[New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9072.

Reel: 949
Roe, Clifford Griffith, 1875-1934.

What women might do with the ballot; the abolition of the white slave traffic.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1912?]

Item identification number 9073.

Reel: 949
Roosevelt, Theodore, pres. U.S., 1858-1919.

Mr. Roosevelt's speech on suffrage, delivered at St. Johnsbury, Vt., August 30, 1912.

[New York, Allied Printing]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9074.

Reel: 949
Sharkey, Clay.

A letter by Col. Clay Sharkey of Jackson, Miss.

[n.p.] Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association. [1911]

Item identification number 9041.

Reel: 949
Simkhovitch, Mary Melinda (Kingsbury) 1867.

Votes in the tenements.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1914]

Item identification number 9114.

Reel: 949
Slater, George A., 1867.

Speech of Hon. George A. Slater, on woman suffrage, delivered March 19th, 1912.

[Port Chester, New York, Daily item press, Inc.]. 1912

Item identification number 9075.

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