History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 949 Stewart, Ella S

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Reel: 949
Stewart, Ella S.

The ballot for the women of the farm.

[Chicago]. [1913]

Item identification number 9093.

Reel: 949
Sturtevant, Eugene (Mrs.).

An Answer to Common Objections to Woman's Suffrage.

[n.p., Newport County Woman's suffrage league]. [1913]

Item identification number 9094; A paper read before the Newport County Woman's suffrage league, March 16, 1913.

Reel: 949
Testimony from Idaho.

[New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association]. [1913]

Item identification number 9076.

Reel: 949
Twenty facts about woman suffrage.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1913]

Item identification number 9095.

Reel: 949
Votes for women on the home stretch.

New York, Allied Printing. [1913?]

Item identification number 9088; Mass meeting under the auspices of the National American woman suffrage association, Carnegie Hall, Monday, February 17, 1913.

Reel: 949
Votes for women! The woman's reason.

New York, New York State Woman Suffrage Association. [1912?]

Item identification number 9077; Because.

Reel: 949
Ward, Edward Joshua, 1880.

Women should mind their own business.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1912]

Item identification number 9078.

Reel: 949
Women's Political Union.

Referendum policy of the Women's political union.

New York. [1914]

Item identification number 9115.

Reel: 949
The Working of equal suffrage.

New York, National Woman Suffrage Pub. co., inc. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9116.

Reel: 949
Younger, Maud.

Why wage-earning women should vote.

[San Francisco, California Equal Suffrage Association]. [1911?]

Item identification number 9042.

Reel: 949
Adams, Mabel E.

The teachers' branch of the Boston equal suffrage association for good government.

[Boston?]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9186.

Reel: 950
Adams, Mabel E.

Why teachers should be suffragists.

[Boston]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9187.

Reel: 950
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

The modern city and the municipal franchise for women.

Warren, Ohio. 1906

Item identification number 9188.

Reel: 950
Beard, Mary (Ritter) 1876-1958.

Why women demand a federal suffrage amendment.

Washington, Congressional union for woman suffrage. 1916

Item identification number 9141; Difficulties in amending state constitutions; a study of the constitutions of non-suffrage states, by Mary Beard and Florence Kelley. Revised edition.

Reel: 950
Bellincione, Gino.

... Il voto alle donne?.

Campobasso, G. Colitti e figlio. 1919

Item identification number 9174; Col messaggio di Wilson al Senato americano per il suffragio femminile.

Reel: 950
Bennett, James (Mrs.).

An appeal of Mrs. James Bennett of Richmond, Kentucky to the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9189.

Reel: 950
Bennett, Sarah Clay.

Circular letter to members of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

[Richmond, Kentucky]. [1917]

Item identification number 9152.

Reel: 950
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Gains in equal suffrage.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9190.

Reel: 950
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Women and business.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9191.

Reel: 950
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Women and the school vote.

[New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association]. [1913]

Item identification number 9192.

Reel: 950
Blake, Rate Devereux.

Women and war.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1917?]

Item identification number 9153.

Reel: 950
Boyd, Mary Brown (Sumner).

Prosperity in Colorado.

[New York, National American woman suffrage pub. co., inc.]. [1916]

Item identification number 9142.

Reel: 950
Boyd, Mary Brown (Sumner).

Who pays the poll tax?.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9193.

Reel: 950
Brooklyn Woman Suffrage Association.

[Organized 1868].

n.p. [1896?]

Item identification number 9194; Officers and members, history, constitution and by-laws, incorporated 1896.

Reel: 950
California Equal Suffrage Association.

The San Francisco man; a fable.

[San Francisco, California Equal Suffrage Association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9196.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1849-1947.

War aims war messages to the American people.

[New York, National woman suffrage pub. co.]. [1917]

Item identification number 9155.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.


[New York, National Woman Suffrage Pub. co., inc.]. [1919]

Item identification number 9176; The national calls; an address to the Jubilee Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, St. Louis, Missouri, March 24, 1919.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

An address to the legislatures of the United States.

[New York, National Woman Suffrage Pub. co., inc.]. [1919]

Item identification number 9175.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Carrie Chapman Catt.

[New York, Carrie Chapman Catt]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9197.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Feminism and suffrage.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1914?]

Item identification number 9198.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

How to work for suffrage in an election district or voting precinct.

New York, National woman suffrage pub. co., inc. 1917

Item identification number 9154.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Our real enemy.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9166.

Reel: 950
Catt, Carrie (Lane) Chapman, 1859-1947.

Political parties and women voters.

[n.p.]. 1920

Item identification number 9181; Address delivered ... to the Congress of the league of women voters, Chicago.

Reel: 950
Clark, Walter, 1846-1924.

Ballots for both.

[Raleigh, North Carolina, Commercial printing co.]. [1916]

Item identification number 9143; an address, by Chief Justice Walter Clark at Greenville, North Carolina, 8 December, 1916.

Reel: 950
Colby, Clara D. (Bewick) d. 1916.

The ballott and bullet theory.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9199.

Reel: 950
Collegiate Equal Suffrage League of New York state.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9200.

Reel: 950
Creel, George, 1876.

Chivalry versus justice; why the women of the nation demand the right to vote.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. 1915

Item identification number 9122.

Reel: 950
Creel, George, 1876.

What have women done with the vote?.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. [1915]

Item identification number 9123; by George Creel.

Reel: 950
Crowley, Teresa A.

Some reasons why House bill no. 797 is constitutional.

Boston, Allied Printing. [1917]

Item identification number 9156.

Reel: 950
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892.

Right of suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1867?]

Item identification number 9201; Remarks of Hon. George William Curtis of Richmond co. on the report of the committee on the right of suffrage, delivered in convention, July 19, 1867.

Reel: 950
Cutler, Amelia MacDonald.

How to reach the rural voter.

New York, National woman suffrage pub. co., inc. 1918

Item identification number 9167.

Reel: 950
Cutler, Amelia MacDonald.

On the firing line.

[New York, National woman suffrage pub. co., inc.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9202.

Reel: 950
Dennett, Mary (Ware) 1872.

The real point.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9168.

Reel: 950
District of Columbia. Court of Appeals.

Transcript of record.

[Washington, Judd & Detweiler (Inc.)]. [1920]

Item identification number 9182; Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia. October term, 1920. no. 3432. Charles S. Fairchild, appellant, vs. Bainbridge Colby, as secretary of state of the United States, and A. Mitchell Palmer, as attorney general of the United States. Appeal from the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Filed August 3, 1920.

Reel: 950
Downs, George W.

Women's moral obligation.

New York, New York, state woman suffrage party. 1917

Item identification number 9157.

Reel: 950
Du Bois, William Edward Burghardt, 1868-1963.


New York, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1915?]

Item identification number 9124.

Reel: 950
Dudley, Guilford (Mrs.).

The Negro vote in the South, a Southern woman's viewpoint.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1918]

Item identification number 9169.

Reel: 950
Eastman, Sam Elijah.

Emancipation of woman, an address.

New York, Woman Suffrage Party. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9203.

Reel: 950
The Evening Sun. New York.

Effect of the vote of women on legislation; an investigation in the equal suffrage states made in December, 1913, by "The Evening Sun," of New York city, and brought up to the end of the legislative session of 1915.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. [1916]

Item identification number 9144.

Reel: 950
Felton, Rebecca (Latimer) 1835-1930.

... On the subjection of women and the enfranchisement of women.

[Cartersville, Georgia]. [1915]

Item identification number 9125.

Reel: 950
George, Henry, 1839-1897.

On woman suffrage.

[London, London colour printing co., ltd.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9204.

Reel: 950
Gougar, Helen Mar Jackson, 1843-1907.

"I have all the rights I want.".

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9205; A true story.

Reel: 950
Gougar, Helen Mar Jackson, 1843-1907.

Some of the idiots.

[Layfayette, Indiana, Herald co.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9206.

Reel: 950
Harper, Ida (Husted) 1851-1931.

A national amendment for woman suffrage.

New York City, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. 1915

Item identification number 9126.

Reel: 950
Heaffely, Lilian.

... Mrs. Lilian Heaffely, neckwear maker, replies to New York senator on woman is to minister to man in the home.

New York, Wage Earner's Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9207.

Reel: 950
Hepburn, Katharine Houghton, 1878-1957.

The revolution in women's work makes votes for women a practical necessity.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9170.

Reel: 950
Hillyer, Curtis Justyn, 1828-1906.

The winning of Nevada for woman suffrage, including oration of Hon. Curtis J. Hillyer, delivered before a joint session of the Nevada Legislature in 1869.

Carson, Nevada, The Nevada printing co. c1916

Item identification number 9145; An unanswerable argument for the suffrage cause.

Reel: 950
Howe, Frederic Clemson, 1867-1940.

Why I want woman suffrage.

[Cincinnati, O., Allied Printing]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9208; What the ballot will do for women and men.

Reel: 950
Iowa Equal Suffrage Association.

A plan of organization and work.

Des Moines, Iowa. 1915

Item identification number 9127; Revised ed.

Reel: 950
Johnson, Frances Dwight.

The right of suffrage.

Parkersburg, West Virginia, Parkersburg equal suffrage association. [1915]

Item identification number 9128.

Reel: 950
Lemlich, Clara.

... Miss Clara Lemlich, shirt-waist maker, replies to New York senator on relieving working women of the burdens and responsibility of life.

New York, Wage Earners' Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9210.

Reel: 950
Livermore, Henrietta Jackson (Wells) 1864.

Six arguments from the suffrage map.

[New York, National woman suffrazge publishing co., Inc.]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9171.

Reel: 950
MaCarthur, Pauline Arnoux.

Short talk on suffrage.

[n.p.]. 1915

Item identification number 9129.

Reel: 950
Massachusetts. Laws, statutes, etc.

An act, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, chapter 579, 1920.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9185.

Reel: 950
Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court.

Brief for Alice Stone Blackwell, re: women regarded as people under the law, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, March 1917.

[n.p.]. [1917]

Item identification number 9161; This is a legal brief filed in Supreme judicial court asking for women to be counted as "People" in voting for school committee.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

The bible on women voting.

[Evanston, Ill.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9213.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Doors and windows.

[Evanston, Ill., Political Equality League]. [1917?]

Item identification number 9158.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Indirect influence increased by Illinois woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9130.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Suffrage amement success.

[n.p.]. [1917?]

Item identification number 9160.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Suffrage amendment alliance.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9159; Senator James J. Barbour, on January 17, 1917, introduced in the Illinois Senate the suffrage amendment to the Illinois constitution. It is Senate joint resolution no. 2.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Woman suffrage amendment to the constitution of the state of Illinois for full suffrage for women.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9131.

Reel: 950
McCulloch, Frank H.

Some questions for woman suffragists from a mere man.

[n.p.]. [1918?]

Item identification number 9172.

Reel: 950
McGraw, Lou M.

Annual report of Lou M. McGraw, legislative and congressional chairman of the Illinois Equal Suffrage Association given at last convention of the State Association held in Congress Hotel, Chicago, October 7-9.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9184; 1920.

Reel: 950
The Michigan decision.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9214.

Reel: 950
Nathan, Maud (Nathan) 1862.

Justice and the expediency of woman suffrage.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., inc.]. [1917]

Item identification number 9162.

Reel: 950
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Constitution of the National-American woman suffrage association.

[n.p.]. [1892?]

Item identification number 9215.

Reel: 950
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Fourteen points on the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

New York, National Woman Suffrage Pub. co., inc. 1919

Item identification number 9177.

Reel: 950
National Woman Suffrage Association.

Leaflet no. 5.

[n.p.] National Woman Suffrage Association of Massachusetts. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9216.

Reel: 950
[National Woman Suffrage Publishing Co.].

Woman suffrage and the liquor interests; some exhibits.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co.]. [1916]

Item identification number 9146.

Reel: 950
National Woman's Party.

National woman's party platform adopted at Woman's party convention, Chicago, June 5, 6, and 7, 1916.

Chicago, National woman's party. [1916?]

Item identification number 9147.

Reel: 950
New York State Woman Suffrage Party.

Correspondence course in suffrage.

[New York]. [1916]

Item identification number 9148; Why do men vote?.

Reel: 950
O'Reilly, Leonora.

A working women's plea.

New York, New York State Women Suffrage Association. [1915?]

Item identification number 9132.

Reel: 950
Peterson, Florence Bennett.

Motherhood and government.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9133.

Reel: 950
Pierson, Alice.

The national grange in favor of votes for women.

[New York, National woman suffrage pub. co]. [1915]

Item identification number 9134.

Reel: 950
A Plain talk on a square deal.

[Detroit, Mich., Michigan equal suffrage association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9218.

Reel: 950
Reynolds, Minnie Joshephine, 1865.

Votes for women a success.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1913]

Item identification number 9219.

Reel: 950
Ryan, Agnes E.

The big four.

[n.p.]. [1915]

Item identification number 9136.

Reel: 950
Shafroth, John Franklin, 1854.

Equal Suffrage, speech.

[Washington D.C., Government printing office]. [1916]

Item identification number 9149; in the Senate of the United States ... April 25, 1916.

Reel: 950
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

An address.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1916?]

Item identification number 9150.

Reel: 950
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

Passages from speeches of Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. [1915]

Item identification number 9137.

Reel: 950
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

A speech.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1915]

Item identification number 9138.

Reel: 950
Stewart, Helen Congor.

What Illinois women have accomplished with the vote.

Chicago. [1915?]

Item identification number 9139.

Reel: 950
Sutherland, George, 1862.

A speech.

[Washington, Govt. print. off.]. [1916]

Item identification number 9151; in the Senate of the United States, July 20, 1916.

Reel: 950
Tilton, Elizabeth.

Better political underpinnings for suffrage.

[Washington, D.C., Massachusetts woman's suffrage association]. [1919]

Item identification number 9179; Make votes "back home".

Reel: 950
Turn on the light.

[New York, Leslie bureau of suffrage education]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9211.

Reel: 950
Van Kleeck, Mary, 1883.

Suffragists and industrial democracy.

New York, National woman's suffrage publishing co., Inc. [1919]

Item identification number 9180; address to the jubilee convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, St. Louis, Missouri, March, 1919.

Reel: 950
Vanderlis, Frank A.

The new democracy.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9163; An address at the Suffrage Conference of the New York State Woman Suffrage Party, Saratoga [New York] 1917.

Reel: 950
Weigand, Christian J.

Woman suffrage vindicated.

[New York]. 1917

Item identification number 9164.

Reel: 950
Wilson, Woodrow, president United States, 1856-1924.

What President Wilson says.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1918]

Item identification number 9173.

Reel: 950
... Woman suffrage, 1915.

[n.p.]. [1915?]

Item identification number 9140.

Reel: 950
Abbott, Lyman (Rev.) 1835-1922.

Why women do not wish the suffrage.

[New York]. [1904?]

Item identification number 9286.

Reel: 951
Adams, Mary Dean.

Wages and the ballot.

New York, New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. 1909

Item identification number 9295; 2d ed.

Reel: 951
Address to the Judiciary committees of the senate and assembly of the state of New York, February 22, 1899.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9277; Presented by the Association opposed to the extension of the suffrage to women. The address was prepared by a sub-committee.

Reel: 951
An Appeal against anarchy of sex to the Constitutional convention and the people of the state of New York.

New-York, J. A. Gray & Green, printers. 1867

Item identification number 9238; by a member of the press.

Reel: 951
Barry, Richard Hayes, 1881.

The truth concerning four woman suffrage states.

New York, National league for the civic education of women. 1910

Item identification number 9304.

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