History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 951 Barry, Richard Hayes, 1881

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Reel: 951
Barry, Richard Hayes, 1881.

What women have actually done where they vote.

New York, New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. [1910?]

Item identification number 9305; A personal investigation into the laws, records, and results of the four equal suffrage states: Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming.

Reel: 951
Beecher, Catherine Esther, 1800-1878.

Something for women better than the ballot.

New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869

Item identification number 9240.

Reel: 951
Bissell, Emily Perkins, d. 1948.

A talk to women on the suffrage question.

New York, New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. 1909

Item identification number 9296.

Reel: 951
[Bissell, Emily Perkins] d. 1948.

A help or a hindrance.

New York, New York State association opposed to the extension of the suffrage to women. [189-?]

Item identification number 9252; by Priscilla Leonard [pseud.].

Reel: 951
Bok, Edward William, 1863-1930.

Real opponents to the suffrage movement.

New York, New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. [1909]

Item identification number 9297; are the women themselves whose peculiar field of work lies outside of politics.

Reel: 951
Clement, Cora.

A woman's reasons why women should not vote.

Boston, J. E. Farwell & Co. 1868

Item identification number 9239.

Reel: 951
Committee on Protest.

The right to vote or hold office is not a test of citizenship.

[Brooklyn, N.Y.]. [1894]

Item identification number 9259.

Reel: 951
Copy of preamble and protest.

[n.p.]. [189-?]

Item identification number 9253.

Reel: 951
Corbin, Caroline Elizabeth (Fairfield) 1835.

The antisuffrage movement.

Chicago, Illinois, Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women. [1908?]

Item identification number 9294.

Reel: 951
Corbin, Caroline Elizabeth (Fairfield) 1835.

One woman's experience of emancipation.

[n.p.]. [1886?]

Item identification number 9248.

Reel: 951
Corbin, Caroline Elizabeth (Fairfield) 1835.

The position of women in the socialistic utopia.

[Chicago]. [1901]

Item identification number 9283.

Reel: 951
Crannell, Elizabeth Keller (Shaule) d. 1936.

Address of Mrs. W. Winslow Crannell.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9272; Chairman of The Executive Committee of the 3rd judical district of the State of New York, before the Committee on Resolutions of the Republican National Convention, at the St. Louis, June 16, 1896.

Reel: 951
[Crannell, Elizabeth Keller (Shaule)] d. 1936.


[Albany, N.Y., Albany anti-suffrage association]. 1895

Item identification number 9268.

Reel: 951
Crocker, George Glover, 1843-1913.

Argument of Hon. George G. Crocker, at the hearing before the committee on woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. 1884

Item identification number 9244; January 1884.

Reel: 951
Crocker, George Glover, 1843-1913.

Argument of Hon. George G. Crocker, at the hearing before the committee on woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. 1884

Item identification number 9244; January 1884.

Reel: 951
Crocker, George Glover, 1843-1913.

Letter to the Committee on woman suffrage from George G. Crocker.

Boston, Rand Avery co., printers. 1887

Item identification number 9250.

Reel: 951
Dahlgren, Madeleine (Vinton) 1835-1898.

Thoughts on female suffrage, and in vindication of woman's true rights.

Washington, D.C., Blanchard & Mohun. 1871

Item identification number 9242.

Reel: 951
Doane, William Croswell, bp., 1832-1913.

Extracts from addresses of the Rt. Rev. Wm. Croswell Doane, D.D., bishop of Albany to the classes graduated from St. Agnes' School, Albany, June 6th, 1894 and June 6th, 1895.

[Albany, N.Y., Albany anti-suffrage association]. [1895]

Item identification number 9269.

Reel: 951
Foxcroft, Frank.

The check to woman suffrage in the United States.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. [1905?]

Item identification number 9287.

Reel: 951
Foxcroft, Frank.

Objections to license suffrage from a no-license point of view.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. [1891]

Item identification number 9257.

Reel: 951
George, Mrs. Andrew J., 1866.

Address by Mrs. A. J. George, before the Brooklyn auxiliary, April 30, 1909.

New York, New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. [1909]

Item identification number 9298.

Reel: 951
Gilder, Helena (de Kay).

A letter on woman suffrage, from one woman to another.

[New York]. [1909]

Item identification number 9299.

Reel: 951
Gilder, Jeannette Leonard, 1849-1916.

Why am I opposed to woman suffrage?.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. [1894]

Item identification number 9260.

Reel: 951
Guild, Mrs. Charles E.

Municipal suffrage for women.

[Boston] Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. 1904

Item identification number 9288.

Reel: 951
Hale, Matthew, 1829-1897.

Why women should not vote; remarks made ... at a mass meeting called by the Anti-Woman Suffrage Association of Albany, N. Y., May 11, 1894.

[Albany, Anti-Woman Suffrage Association of Albany]. [1894?]

Item identification number 9261.

Reel: 951
Hewitt, Abram Stevens (Hon.) 1822-1903.

Statement in regard to the suffrage.

New York City, New York State association opposed to woman suffrage. 1894

Item identification number 9262.

Reel: 951
The Home versus woman suffrage.

Boston. 1896

Item identification number 9273.

Reel: 951
Illinois Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women.

The woman movement in America.

[Chicago]. [1900]

Item identification number 9280.

Reel: 951
Illinois Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.

A protest against the granting of municipal suffrage to women in the city of Chicago, addressed to the honorable the Committee on municipal elections of the charter convention, by the Illinois association opposed to the extension of suffrage to women.

[Chicago]. 1906

Item identification number 9292.

Reel: 951
Jamison, Heloise.

The wrong of suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1894?]

Item identification number 9263.

Reel: 951
Johnson, Helen (Kendrick) 1844-1917.

Woman's progress versus woman suffrage.

New York, New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. [190?]

Item identification number 9279.

Reel: 951
Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931.

The blank-cartridge ballot.

New York, The New York state association opposed to woman suffrage. [189-?]

Item identification number 9254.

Reel: 951
Knapp, Adeline, 1860-1909.

An open letter to Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.

[Berkeley, Calif.]. [1899]

Item identification number 9276.

Reel: 951
Leonard, Clara T.

Letter from Mrs. Clara T. Leonard, in opposition of woman suffrage.

[n.p., Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. [1884]

Item identification number 9245.

Reel: 951
Lord, Arthur, 1850-1925.

Argument of Arthur Lord, before the Legislative committee on woman suffrage, 1890 in behalf of the remonstrants against municipal suffrage for women.

Boston, G. H. Ellis. 1890

Item identification number 9256.

Reel: 951
Lowell, John, 1824-1897.

Address of Hon. John Lowell, delivered before the committee on woman suffrage, in Boston, March 9th, 1885.

[n.p.]. [1885?]

Item identification number 9246.

Reel: 951
Macintire, Mary A.J.

Of no benefit to woman.

[Boston]. [1895?]

Item identification number 9270; She is far greater power without suffrage.

Reel: 951
Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women.

First annual report of the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the extension of suffrage to women.

[n.p.]. 1896

Item identification number 9274.

Reel: 951
Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women.

Opinions of eminent persons against woman suffrage.

[Boston, The Association]. [1910]

Item identification number 9300.

Reel: 951
Massachusetts. General Court. Senate.

Senate document no. 122.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. March 18, 1878

Item identification number 9243.

Reel: 951
Meyer, Annie (Nathan) 1867-1951.

Woman's assumption of sex superiority.

[n.p.] North American Review Publishing Company. [1903]

Item identification number 9289.

Reel: 951
Miller, James.

Is god supreme? or, Are man, woman and the devil supreme?.

[n.p.]. [187-?]

Item identification number 9241; A letter addressed to Rev. W. H. H. Murray, on the subject of his lecture on woman suffrage.

Reel: 951
Miller, James.

Is god supreme? or, Are man, woman and the devil supreme?.

[n.p.]. [187-?]

Item identification number 9241; A letter addressed to Rev. W.H.H. Murray, on the subject of his lecture on woman suffrage.

Reel: 951
New York State Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage.

Brooklyn auxiliary of the New York state association opposed to the extension of suffrage to women.

[New York]. [189-?]

Item identification number 9255.

Reel: 951
[Nott, Charles Cooper], 1827-1916.

The new woman and the late president of Williams.

[n.p.]. [1895]

Item identification number 9271.

Reel: 951
Oregon State Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women.

An appeal to voters and arguments against equal suffrage constitutional amendment, issued by Oregon state association opposed to the extension of suffrage to women.

[Portland]. [1906?]

Item identification number 9293.

Reel: 951
Parkhurst, Charles Henry, 1842-1933.


[New York, Irving Press]. [1909?]

Item identification number 9301; An address delivered by Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst ... in Mendelssohn Hall, December 17, 1909. Given under the auspices of the National League for the Civic Education of Women.

Reel: 951
Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893.

Some of the reasons against woman suffrage.

[New York]. [1896?]

Item identification number 9275; by Francis Parkman.

Reel: 951
Root, Elihu, 1845-1937.

Address delivered by the Hon. Elihu Root, before the New York State Constitutional Convention, on August 15th, 1894.

New York, New York State association opposed to woman suffrage. [1894]

Item identification number 9264.

Reel: 951
Ross, John Elliott, 1884.

A catholic's view of suffrage.

[Boston, Massachusetts woman suffrage association and the Woman's journal]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9220.

Reel: 951
Saunders, Charles R.

Taxpaying suffrage.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. 1903

Item identification number 9284.

Reel: 951
Schepps, Mollie.

... Miss Mollie Schepps, shirt-waist maker, replies to New York senator on admiration and devotion to the sex.

New York, Wage Earners' Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9221.

Reel: 951
Schneiderman, Rose.

... Miss Rose Schneiderman, cap maker, replies to New York senator on delicacy and charm of women.

New York, Wage Earners' Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9222.

Reel: 951
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906.

Woman suffrage.

[n.p., Massachusetts Association Opposed to Extension of Woman Suffrage]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9265.

Reel: 951
Scott, Melinda.

... Miss Melinda Scott, hat trimmer, replies to New York senator on Cornelia's jewels.

New York, Wage Earners' Suffrage League. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9223.

Reel: 951
Shall women vote?.

[Mary Putnam Jacobi, et al. n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9224.

Reel: 951
Some Catholic opinions.

[New York, National. American Woman Suffrage Association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9225.

Reel: 951
Soulé, George, 1834.

An address setting forth woman's worth and work and her rights to suffrage.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9226.

Reel: 951
Stickney, Margaret Weston.

A plea for equal suffrage.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9227.

Reel: 951
Stimson, Henry Albert, 1842-1936.

Is woman's suffrage an enlightened and justifiable policy for the state?.

[New York] Brooklyn auxiliary, New York State association opposed to woman suffrage. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9281.

Reel: 951
Tappan, William H.

Minority report of the Committee on Woman Suffrage in opposition to the bill reported to the Massachusetts Legislature of 1885.

[Boston?]. [1885?]

Item identification number 9247.

Reel: 951
Testimony from Wyoming.

Warren, Ohio. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9228.

Reel: 951
Thomas, William Isaac, 1863.

Shall women vote?.

[Boston, Massachusetts woman suffrage association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9229.

Reel: 951
To the Constitutional Convention, Mrs. Francis M. Scott ... [et. al.].

[New York]. 1894

Item identification number 9266.

Reel: 951
To the ministers of the gospel.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9230.

Reel: 951
To the voters of the Middle West.

Chicago, Illinois association opposed to the extension of suffrage to women. 1909

Item identification number 9302.

Reel: 951
Wadlin, Horace Greeley, 1851-1925.

Extract from an address delivered in 1903 before the Massachusetts federation of women's clubs.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. [1903?]

Item identification number 9285.

Reel: 951
Wallace, William Dewitt, 1838.

How man has represented woman.

[Lafayette, Indiana, Herald co.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9231.

Reel: 951
Ward organization--a simple method.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9232.

Reel: 951
Why women do not want to vote.

[New York]. [1905]

Item identification number 9290; Talk to legislators by a tax-paying woman.

Reel: 951
Wilbur, Alice Heustis.

Woman suffrage not wanted in Oregon.

[Portland, Oregon, Press of the Irwin-Hodson co.]. [1900?]

Item identification number 9282; Outline of a talk given by Mrs. R. W. Wilbur at a parlor meeting of the Oregon state association, opposed to the extension of the suffrage of women, on March 10th, 1900.

Reel: 951
Williams, Jesse Lynch, 1871-1929.

A common sense view of woman suffrage.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9233.

Reel: 951
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

Why the Church should demand the ballot for women.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9234.

Reel: 951
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

Woman's suffrage; an address.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9235; delivered at the Rockford Fair, August 29th, 1888.

Reel: 951
Winchester Equal Suffrage League.


[and by-laws. n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9236.

Reel: 951
Woman suffrage, unnatural and inexpedient.

Boston. 1894

Item identification number 9267.

Reel: 951
Woman's protest against woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1886?]

Item identification number 9249.

Reel: 951
Women Remonstrants of the state of Illinois.

Chicago. 1891

Item identification number 9258; To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Illinois, Greeting.

Reel: 951
Wooley, Mary Emma, 1863-1947.

Miss Wooley on woman's ballot.

Warren, Ohio. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9237.

Reel: 951
Abbott, Lyman (Mrs.).

Mrs. Lyman Abbott on woman suffrage.

[N.Y.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9349; Address before the Anti-Woman Suffrage Society of Albany, New York.

Reel: 952
An Appeal to the electors of the state of New York to vote against woman suffrage on November 6, 1917.

[New York]. [1917]

Item identification number 9345.

Reel: 952
Baruch, Simon (Mrs.).

Feminism is a bar to social betterment and the affiliation of suffrage and feminism.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9350.

Reel: 952
Birdsall, William W. (Mrs.).

Woman suffrage and the working woman.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9311.

Reel: 952
Bissell, Emily Perkins, d. 1948.

A talk to every woman.

Richmond, Va., The Virginia association opposed to woman's suffrage. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9351.

Reel: 952
Bock, Annie.

Woman suffrage.

Washington. 1913

Item identification number 9317; Address opposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States extending the right of suffrage to woman, written for presentation to the Committee on woman suffrage, United States Senate.

Reel: 952
Bodichon, Barbara Leigh (Smith) 1827-1891.

Objections to the enfranchisement of women considered.

London [J. Bale, printer]. 1866

Item identification number 9386.

Reel: 952
Bodichon, Barbara Leigh (Smith) 1827-1891.

Reasons for and against the enfranchisement of women.

London, National society for women's suffrage. 1872

Item identification number 9388.

Reel: 952
Bronson, Minnie.

Woman suffrage and child labor legislation.

New York, National association opposed to woman suffrage. 1914

Item identification number 9327.

Reel: 952
Brown, Henry Billings, 1836-1913.

Woman suffrage.

Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women. [1910]

Item identification number 9306; a paper read by ex-justice Brown; before the Ladies congressional club of Washington D.C. April, 1910.

Reel: 952
Carver, Thomas Nixon, 1865.

Woman suffrage from a neutral point of view.

[Boston, A. T. Bliss & co.]. [1918]

Item identification number 9348.

Reel: 952
Caswell, Mary S. (Deering) "Mrs. George A. Caswell".

Address in opposition to woman suffrage.

Boston, Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. [1913]

Item identification number 9318.

Reel: 952
Chittenden, Alice Hill.


[Cazenovia?]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9312; and Charles S. Fairchild at a public meeting in opposition to the extension of woman suffrage, Cazenovia, New York, August 14, 1912.

Reel: 952
Chittenden, Alice Hill.

The inexpediency of granting the suffrage to American women. Address.

New York, New York State association opposed to woman suffrage. 1910

Item identification number 9307; at the tenth biennial of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, Cincinnati, May 14th, 1910.

Reel: 952
Conaway, Waitman Harrison.

The subjugation of man through woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9353.

Reel: 952
Crosby, John F.

The advisability of inserting the word sex before the word race in the fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States.

Washington, D.C., Georgetown University. 1910

Item identification number 9308.

Reel: 952
Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, 1822-1909.

Shall women be burdened with the ballot?.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9354.

Reel: 952
Do we want it in Massachusetts?.

Boston, Massachusetts man suffrage association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9355.

Reel: 952
[Dodge, Mary Abigail 1833-1896].

Letter from Gail Hamilton [pseud.].

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9356.

Reel: 952
Dos passos, John Randolph, 1844-1917.

Equality of suffrage means the debasement not only of women but of men.

New York, National association opposed to woman suffrage. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9357.

Reel: 952
Eminent Catholic prelates oppose woman suffrage.

[Issued for Massachusetts anti-suffrage committee. n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9366.

Reel: 952
Foxcroft, Frank.

Municipal suffrage for women. Why?.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to women]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9358.

Reel: 952
Foxcroft, Frank.

Some objections to municipal suffrage for taxpaying women.

[Boston, Massachusetts association opposed to further extension of suffrage to women]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9359.

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