History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 947 Harrah, Charles Clark, 1841-1903

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Reel: 947
Harrah, Charles Clark, 1841-1903.

Jesus Christ the Emancipator of Women.

Boston, National American Woman Suffrage Association. 1888

Item identification number 8856.

Reel: 947
Harrison, Donald Frederic.

Equal suffrage as a reform factor.

[n.p.]. [190-?]

Item identification number 8913; representing the University of Illinois.

Reel: 947
Heaton, George N.

Ballots for the beautiful; or Words for woman suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1896]

Item identification number 8894; An essay ... Senator Ingalls' arguments answered.

Reel: 947
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.

Straight lines or oblique lines?.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1893

Item identification number 8885.

Reel: 947
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911.

Unsolved problems in woman suffrage.

[New York]. [1887?]

Item identification number 8852.

Reel: 947
Hora, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.

Woman's cooperation essential to Pure Politics.

Boston, American woman suffrage association. 1888

Item identification number 8857.

Reel: 947
Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. Legislative Committee.

Is it fair?.

[n.p.]. [1905?]

Item identification number 8939.

Reel: 947
Independence day for women.

Boston, National American woman suffrage association. 1890

Item identification number 8874.

Reel: 947
Jones, Samuel Milton, 1846-1904.

Women and city government.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1900

Item identification number 8920.

Reel: 947
Kelly, Glenn Dunn.

A plea for equal suffrage.

Eureka, Ill., Eureka College. [19--?]

Item identification number 8911.

Reel: 947
King County, Washington. Franchise Committee, ed.

Woman suffrage, facts and opinions.

Seattle. 1887

Item identification number 8853; Edited by the King County franchise committee.

Reel: 947
Legislative advice.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1895

Item identification number 8888.

Reel: 947
Livermore, Daniel Parker, 1818-1899.

Arguments against woman suffrage.

Melrose, Mass. 1888

Item identification number 8858; by Hon. John J. Ingalls, carefully examined and completely answered by D. P. Livermore.

Reel: 947
Livermore, Mary Ashton (Rice) 1820-1905.

Mrs. Livermore on equal rights.

Boston, Woman's Journal publishing co. 1890

Item identification number 8875.

Reel: 947
Long, John Davis, 1838-1915.

No distinction of sex in the right to vote.

Boston, American woman suffrage association. 1889

Item identification number 8866.

Reel: 947
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Tax-paying women and the ballot.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8932.

Reel: 947
Minor, Francis.

An argument in support of woman's legal right to the ballot.

[New York, Forum Publishing Co.]. 1886

Item identification number 8848.

Reel: 947
Minor, Francis.

The law of federal suffrage, an argument in support of.

[St. Louis?]. [1889?]

Item identification number 8867.

Reel: 947
More testimony from Colorado.

Warren, Ohio. [1897?]

Item identification number 8897.

Reel: 947
National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Reply of the National officers.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1900

Item identification number 8922.

Reel: 947
National Woman Suffrage Association.

Memorial to the presidential nominating conventions of 1904.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8935.

Reel: 947
New York (State). Laws, statutes, etc.

Women are voters.

New York, J. W. Lovell co. 1885

Item identification number 8844; New York suffrage law. Full text of the parts of the New York Constitution and laws concerning the right of suffrage.

Reel: 947
Newman, Angelina French (Thurston) 1837-1910.

... Woman suffrage in Utah.

[Washington, Govt. print. off.]. [1886]

Item identification number 8849; Petition of Mrs. Angie F. Newman, to the honorable the Senate and House of representatives.

Reel: 947
Objections to woman suffrage answered by college women.

[n.p.] Published by National American woman suffrage association. 1900

Item identification number 8923.

Reel: 947
O'Hagan, Anne, 1869.

Do men represent women?.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1913]

Item identification number 8909.

Reel: 947
O'Hagan, Anne, 1869.

Why the housekeeper needs the vote.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [19--?]

Item identification number 8910.

Reel: 947
The Opposition of women.

Boston. The Woman's Journal. 1897

Item identification number 8898.

Reel: 947
Ordway, Evelyn W.

How the women of New Orleans discovered their wish to vote.

[n.p.]. 1900

Item identification number 8924.

Reel: 947
Parce, Lida, 1867.

The cost of living and the ballot.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [19--?]

Item identification number 8908.

Reel: 947
Pellew, William George, 1859-1892.

A neglected duty of the women of Massachusetts.

Boston, Massachusetts school suffrage association. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8859.

Reel: 947
Peterson, Celia F. Osgood.

The effect of the woman vote in Colorado.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. 1899

Item identification number 8903.

Reel: 947
Platt, Sarah S.

Equal suffrage in Colorado.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. 1899

Item identification number 8904.

Reel: 947
Schreiner, Olive, "Mrs. S. C. Cronwright Schreiner," 1855-1920.

Three Dreams in a desert.

Boston, American woman suffrage association. 1889

Item identification number 8868.

Reel: 947
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

The spirit of democracy.

New York, New York state woman suffrage party. [1900?]

Item identification number 8925.

Reel: 947
Smith, Sara Winthrop.

Suffrage a right of citizenship.

[Seymour, Conn., Conn. National American Woman Suffrage Association]. [1892]

Item identification number 8883.

Reel: 947
Stanton, Elizabeth (Cady) 1815-1902.

Suffrage a natural right.

Chicago, The Open Court Publishing Co. 1894

Item identification number 8886.

Reel: 947
Stone, Lucy, 1818-1893.

The gains forty years at the fortieth anniversary of the first national woman's rights convention, celebrated in Boston, Mass., Jan. 27 and 28, 1891.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1891

Item identification number 8879.

Reel: 947
Stone, Lucy, 1818-1893.

"Questions for Remonstrants.".

Boston, American woman suffrage association. 1889

Item identification number 8869.

Reel: 947
Thomas, Thaddeus Peter, 1867.

Why equal suffrage has been a success.

[Harrisburg, Penn., Pennsylvania woman suffrage association, printers]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8907.

Reel: 947
Three Massachusetts statesmen.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1899

Item identification number 8905.

Reel: 947

The economic basis of woman suffrage.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1900

Item identification number 8926.

Reel: 947
The Truth about Colorado.

[Denver, Colorado]. [1896]

Item identification number 8906.

Reel: 947
Wallace, Zeralda G.

Mrs. Wallace on equal suffrage.

Boston, National American woman suffrage association. 1890

Item identification number 8876.

Reel: 947
Wells, Amos Russell, 1862.

A double jury on woman suffrage.

Boston, Massachusetts woman suffrage association. 1901

Item identification number 8928.

Reel: 947
Willard, Frances Elizabeth, 1839-1898.

The ballot for the home.

Boston, The Woman's Journal. 1898

Item identification number 8901.

Reel: 947
Willcox, Hamilton.

Freedom's conquests, the great spread of woman suffrage through the world.

New York. 1888

Item identification number 8860.

Reel: 947
Willcox, Hamilton.

Women's common law; right to vote from the earliest to the present time.

New York, Woman Suffrage Headquarters. 1885

Item identification number 8845.

Reel: 947
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

Judge Cassody, of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin.

Racine, Wis. 1888

Item identification number 8861.

Reel: 947
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

The new amendment; abstract of address, prepared for the Suffrage Convention, held at Washington, February, 1891.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8880.

Reel: 947
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

A statement of facts, private, to the members of the National Woman Suffrage Association only.

[n.p.]. [1889?]

Item identification number 8870.

Reel: 947
Willis, Olympia (Brown) 1835.

Woman's suffrage a political necessity; abstract of an address.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8871; before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives, January 28, 1889.

Reel: 947
Woman suffrage in Wyoming.

Boston, American woman suffrage association. 1889

Item identification number 8872.

Reel: 947
Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Franchise Department.

Franchise Department of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

[n.p.]. [1900?]

Item identification number 8927.

Reel: 947
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935.

Women and public house keeping.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9000.

Reel: 948
Bashford, James Whitford, bp., 1849-1919.

The bible for woman suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. 1906

Item identification number 8941.

Reel: 948
Beard, Charles Austin, 1874-1948.

The common man and the franchise.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9001.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

The division of labor.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8942.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Do teachers need the ballot?.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8977.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Liquor against suffrage.

[Boston, E.L. Grimes Co.]. [191-?]

Item identification number 8998.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

The Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women.

Warren, Ohio. [1907]

Item identification number 8956.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Progress of equal suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8978.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

The threefold menace.

[Boston, Massachusetts, Massachusetts Woman Suffrage Association]. [191-?]

Item identification number 8999.

Reel: 948
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950.

Why women should vote.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8943.

Reel: 948
Brooks, Virginia, 1886.

Eliminating vice from the small city.

[n.p.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9002.

Reel: 948
California Equal Suffrage Association.

An allegory on women's rights.

[San Francisco, California Equal Suffrage Association]. [1911?]

Item identification number 9027; by Josiah Allen's wife.

Reel: 948
California Equal Suffrage Association.

Women in the home.

[San Francisco, California Equal Suffrage Association]. [1911?]

Item identification number 9028.

Reel: 948
Cambridge Political Equality Association.

Equal suffrage meeting.

Cambridge [Mass.] F. Facey, printer. 1911

Item identification number 9029; September 21, 1911.

Reel: 948
Clews, Henry, 1836-1923.

Shall the suffrage be given to women? An address.

[New York]. [1909]

Item identification number 8979; delivered in the Metropolitan Temple ... November 19, 1909, under the auspices of the National League for the Civic Education of Women.

Reel: 948
College Equal Suffrage League.

[Constitution. n.p.]. [1911]

Item identification number 9030.

Reel: 948
College equal suffrage league.

[n.p.]. [1908?]

Item identification number 8961.

Reel: 948
College Equal Suffrage League of San Francisco.

Arguments for equal suffrage.

[San Francisco, College Equal Suffrage League]. [1911?]

Item identification number 9031.

Reel: 948
Cosgrave, Jessica (Garretson) 1873.

How the ballot would help the working woman.

New York, The Equal franchise society. 1909

Item identification number 8980.

Reel: 948
Crowley, Teresa A.

... In re petition of Julia Ward Howe et ali.

[Boston]. [1910]

Item identification number 9003; Brief for petitioners.

Reel: 948
Cutler, Amelia MacDonald.

Six reasons why farmers wives should vote.

New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc. 1910?

Item identification number 9004.

Reel: 948
Decker, Sarah Platt.

How it works in Colorado.

[Warren, Ohio, National American woman suffrage association]. [1909?]

Item identification number 8981; by Hon. Ben B. Lindsey.

Reel: 948
Decker, Sarah Platt.

Mrs. Decker on Equal suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8982.

Reel: 948
Decker, Sarah Platt.

Some common questions answered.

[New York, National American Woman Suffrage pub. co., inc.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9005.

Reel: 948
Eastman, Max, 1883.

Woman's suffrage and sentiment.

New York, The Equal franchise society. 1909

Item identification number 8983.

Reel: 948
Etz, Anna Cadogan.

Some Reasons Why.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8984.

Reel: 948
Featherstun, Henry Walter, 1849.

My experience and suffrage.

[n.p., Mississippi Woman Suffrage Association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9006.

Reel: 948
Fitzgerald, Susan Walker, 1871.

What is a democracy?.

Warren, Ohio. [1910?]

Item identification number 9007.

Reel: 948
Fitzgerald, Susan Walker, 1871.

Women in the home.

Warren, Ohio. [1908?]

Item identification number 8962.

Reel: 948
Frank, Henry, 1854-1933.

A plea for woman suffrage.

New York. [1911]

Item identification number 9032; I. Parkhurst or Pankhurst. II. The human motive in the woman movement. III. Justice not expediency: woman's war cry. Lectures delivered in Berkeley theatre, New York, and Aurora Grata cathedral, Brooklyn [1911].

Reel: 948
Fruits of equal suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8944.

Reel: 948
Galesburg Equal Suffrage Association.

Yearbook of the Galesburg equal suffrage association, 1911-1912.

[n.p.]. [1912?]

Item identification number 9033.

Reel: 948
Gilmer, Elizabeth (Meriwether) 1861-1951.

... Dorothy Dix [pseud.] on woman's ballot.

Warren, Ohio. [1908?]

Item identification number 8963.

Reel: 948
Grenfell, Helen Loring, d. 1935.

The ballot and the schools.

Warren, Ohio. 1906?

Item identification number 8945.

Reel: 948
Hale, Irving, 1861-1930.

General Hale on Colorado women's vote.

Warren, Ohio. [1908?]

Item identification number 8964.

Reel: 948
Harper, Ida (Husted) 1851-1931.

History of the movement for woman suffrage in the United States.

New York, Interurban woman suffrage council. 1907

Item identification number 8957.

Reel: 948
Harper, Ida (Husted) 1851-1931.

Suffrage a right.

New York, North American Review Publishing Co. [c1906]

Item identification number 8946.

Reel: 948
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.

Woman in the state.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8985.

Reel: 948
Hopkins, Mary Alden.

Woman's Place.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9008.

Reel: 948
Howe, Frederic Clemson, 1867-1940.

Frederic C. Howe on suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8986.

Reel: 948
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910.

Mrs. Julia Ward Howe's reply to Mrs. Humphry Ward, concerning Mrs. H. Ward's letter in the London Times of October 1, 1908, on the woman suffrage movement in America.

Warren, Ohio. 1908

Item identification number 8965.

Reel: 948
Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910.

Woman and the suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1909?]

Item identification number 8987.

Reel: 948
I will or I wish.

[n.p.]. [1908?]

Item identification number 8966.

Reel: 948
Illinois Equal Suffrage Association.

Mayors of Illinois on Chicago woman suffrage.

[Evanston, Ill., Illinois Equal Suffrage Association]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 9009.

Reel: 948
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Persuasion or responsibility.

Warren, Ohio. [1907?]

Item identification number 8958.

Reel: 948
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932.

Woman suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8947; Its relation to working women and children.

Reel: 948
Laughlin, Gail, 1868-1952.

Woman suffrage and prosperity.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8948.

Reel: 948
Lewis, Lawrence, 1879.

How women's suffrage works in Colorado.

[n.p.] Oregon state association opposed to the extension of the suffrage to women. [1906?]

Item identification number 8949.

Reel: 948
Lindsey, Benjamin Barr, 1869-1943.

Judge Linsey on suffrage.

Warren, Ohio. [1906?]

Item identification number 8950.

Reel: 948
Livermore, Mary Ashton (Rice) 1820-1905.

Mrs. Livermore on suffrage.

Warren, Ohio, National American Woman Suffrage Association. [1906?]

Item identification number 8951.

Reel: 948
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Brief, State of Illinois, County of Cook, to the Election Commissioners of the city of Chicago; a petition to allow all Chicago voters to vote for the county commissioners to be elected from the city of Chicago.

[n.p.]. [1907]

Item identification number 8959.

Reel: 948
McCulloch, Catharine (Waugh) 1862.

Northwestern University and woman suffrage.

Evanston, Ill. 1909

Item identification number 8991.

Reel: 948
Mead, Lucia True (Ames) 1856-1936.

What women might do with the ballot.

New York, National American woman suffrage association. [1909?]

Item identification number 8989; The abolition of the war system.

Reel: 948
Meredith, Ellis, 1865.

Some Colorado incidents.

Warren, Ohio. [1909?]

Item identification number 8990.

Reel: 948
Meredith, Ellis, 1865.

What difference does it make to women.

[New York, National woman suffrage publishing co., Inc.]. [1910]

Item identification number 9010.

Reel: 948
Nathan, Maud (Nathan) 1862.

The wage earner and the ballot.

Warren, Ohio. [1908?]

Item identification number 8967.

Reel: 948
Nestor, Agnes.

The working girl's need of suffrage.

[n.p.]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9011.

Reel: 948
Not prophecy by history.

[n.p.]. [1908?]

Item identification number 8968.

Reel: 948
Obenchain, Eliza Caroline (Calvert) 1856.

"Captivated calves,".

Warren, Ohio. [1906]

Item identification number 8953; by Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain.

Reel: 948
Obenchain, Eliza Caroline (Calvert) 1856.

Indirect influence.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9012.

Reel: 948
Obenchain, Eliza Caroline (Calvert) 1856.

The "unanswerable argument.".

Warren, Ohio. [1908]

Item identification number 8969; by Mrs. Lida Calvert Obenchain (Eliza Calvert Hall).

Reel: 948
O'Sullivan, Mary (Kenny).

Why the working woman needs to vote.

[New York, National American woman suffrage association]. [1910?]

Item identification number 9013.

Reel: 948
O'Sullivan, Mary (Kenny).

Women and the vote.

Warren, Ohio. [1908?]

Item identification number 8970.

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