History of Women Reel Listing Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142

Reel: 938 Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858

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Reel: 938
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858.

Labour laws for women in Australia and New Zealand.

[London] Women's industrial council. 1906

Item identification number 8145.

Reel: 938
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858.

Labour laws for women in France.

[London] Women's Industrial Council. 1907

Item identification number 8154.

Reel: 938
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858.

Women's wages in England in the nineteenth century.

[London] Women's industrial council. 1906

Item identification number 8146.

Reel: 938
Hutchins, Elizabeth Leigh, 1858.

Working women and the poor law.

London, Women's industrial council. 1909

Item identification number 8165.

Reel: 938
Lischnewska, Maria.

Die wirtschaftliche Reform der Ehe.

Leipzig, F. Dietrich. 1907

Item identification number 8155.

Reel: 938
Meisel-Hess, Grete, 1879-1922.

Sexuelle Rechte.

Berlin, Gedruckt bei F. E. Hagg. 1912

Item identification number 8185.

Reel: 938
Meyer, Gerhard (Dr.).

The German woman and modern problems.

Item identification number 8199; Speech delivered at the first meeting of the German-American committee of the Woman suffrage party, Feb., 1915.

Reel: 938
Mueller, Paula, 1865.

Welche Aufgaben erwachsen der Frau aus der sittlichen Not unserer Zeit?.

Hannover, H. Feesche. 1906

Item identification number 8147; Ein Vortrag von Paula Mueller.

Reel: 938
National Women's Trade Union League of America.

Special report submitted to the Fourth Convention of the National women's trade union league of America, assembled in St. Louis (Missouri) 1913.

Berlin, General commission of trade unions of Germany. 1913

Item identification number 8191.

Reel: 938
Nevinson, Margaret Wynne (Jones).

Ancient suffragettes.

London, Women's Freedom League. [1911]

Item identification number 8177; by (Mrs. H. W.).

Reel: 938
Noetzel, Karl, 1870.

... Ein Dank den Müttern.

Berlin, Oesterheld & co. [191-?]

Item identification number 8170.

Reel: 938
Norsk kvindesagsforening.

Beretning om Norsk kvindesagsforenings 25 aarige virksomhet, 28de juni 1884--28de juni 1909.

[Kristiania] Norsk kvindesagsforening. [1909]

Item identification number 8166; Utarbeidet av Alette Ottesen, foreningens sekretær.

Reel: 938
Okey, Thomas (Mrs.).

Labour laws for women in Italy.

[London] Women's industrial council. 1908

Item identification number 8161.

Reel: 938
Papworth, Lucy Wyatt.

Clothing and textile trades: summary tables.

London, Women's industrial council. 1912

Item identification number 8186; by Dorothy M. Zimmern, M.A. with a preface by Sir Athelstane Baines, C.S.I. and an introduction by B. L. Hutchins.

Reel: 938
Petersen, H. Frances.

The belief in innate rights.

London, The national union of women's suffrage societies. [1909]

Item identification number 8167.

Reel: 938
Reeves, Pember (Mrs.).

... Family life on a pound a week.

London, The Fabian Society. 1912

Item identification number 8187.

Reel: 938
Reinhäckel, Robert Paul, 1883.

Madame de Charrière und ihre Stellung zur Frage der sozialen Lage der Frau.

Weida i. Th., Druck von Thomas & Hubert. 1906

Item identification number 8148.

Reel: 938
Ritchie, Anne Isabella (Thackeray) lady, 1837-1919.

... A discourse on modern Sibyls.

[Oxford, H. Hart, printer to the university]. 1913

Item identification number 8192.

Reel: 938

Das Recht der Ehefrau zur Klage wegen Störung des Besitzes am eingebrachten Güt.

Greifswald, Julius Abel. 1905

Item identification number 8143.

Reel: 938
Salomon, Alice, 1872.

Labour laws for women in Germany.

[London] Women's industrial council. 1907

Item identification number 8156.

Reel: 938
Schellenberg, Anna.

"Die wirtschaftlichen Tatsachen" und die Ziele der Frauenbewegung.

München, I. F. Lehmann. 1914

Item identification number 8196; Von Anna Schellenberg.

Reel: 938
Schmidt, Heinrich.

Das Vorbehaltsgut der Ehefrau nach dem Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuche.

Borna-Leipzig. 1906

Item identification number 8149.

Reel: 938
Sellheim, Hugo, 1871-1936.

Die Reize der Frau und ihre Bedeutung für den Kulturfortschritt.

Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke. 1909

Item identification number 8168.

Reel: 938
Senffleben, Otto.

Probleme der Frauenfrage auf dem Lande.

Sonneboru (Gotha), Schriftennieverlage. 1908

Item identification number 8162.

Reel: 938
Sigerson, George, 1839-1925.

"Custodia honesta": treatment of political prisoners in Great Britain.

[London] The Woman's Press. [1913]

Item identification number 8193; with introduction by Henry W. Nevinson.

Reel: 938
Simms, Albert Ernest Nicholas.

St. Paul and the woman movement.

[London] The Church league for women's suffrage. 1913

Item identification number 8194; 2d ed.

Reel: 938
Smith, Sybil, lady.

Woman and evolution.

London, Women's Freedom League. [1912?]

Item identification number 8188.

Reel: 938
Society for the Health of Women and Children. New Zealand.

... An example of methods of baby-saving work in small towns and rural districts.

Washington, Govt print. off. 1914

Item identification number 8197.

Reel: 938
Thiesing, Adolf.

Frauen als Vorwünder.

Leipzig, F. Dietrick. 1907

Item identification number 8157.

Reel: 938
Union mutualiste des femmes de France.


[Paris]. [1901?]

Item identification number 8136.

Reel: 938
Union mutualiste des femmes de France.


[Paris, La Union]. [1901?]

Item identification number 8137.

Reel: 938
Wagner, Max, 1879.

Die Ehefrau als selbständige Inhaberin eines Erwerbsgeschäftes.

Ubensberg. 1907

Item identification number 8150.

Reel: 938
Winter, Heinrich, 1882.

Der Betrieb des Erwerbsgeschäftes der Ehefrau.

Mainz, Philipp v. Zabern. 1905

Item identification number 8144.

Reel: 938
Winther, Fritz, 1881.


München, Z. Reinhardt. [191-]

Item identification number 8171; Ein praktischer Vorschlag zur weiblichen Dienstplicht [von Fritz Winther und Sanna Winther-Feldten].

Reel: 938
Women's Industrial Council. London.

The case for and against a legal minimum wage for sweated workers.

[London] Women's industrial council. 1909

Item identification number 8169.

Reel: 938
Zangwill, Israel, 1864-1926.

The hithertos.

[London]. [1912]

Item identification number 8189.

Reel: 938
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957.

... Democracy and social progress in England.

Chicago, University of Chicago Press. [1918]

Item identification number 8209.

Reel: 939
Bashford, James Whitford, bp., 1849-1919.

Does the Bible allow women to preach?.

[n.p.]. [1890?]

Item identification number 8263.

Reel: 939
Bell, Eva Mary (Hamilton) 1878.

Indian women and Englishwomen.

London, Harrison & Sons, Ltd. [1920]

Item identification number 8222; , by Mrs. G. H. Bell.

Reel: 939
Berry, John Cutting, 1847-1936.

Statement showing the urgent necessity of establishing a Christian medical school, hospital and training school for nurses in Japan.

Philadelphia. 1884

Item identification number 8259.

Reel: 939
Blair, William (Mrs.).

The beginnings of the Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions of the Northwest.

Chicago. 1911

Item identification number 8271; Read at the fortieth annual meeting, Second Presbyterian Church.

Reel: 939
Booth, Orrin B.

Warnings to girls.

Campbridge, Ohio, The Helping Hand Society. 1906

Item identification number 8268; by "a friend of girls.".

Reel: 939
Buchtel, Luise Adelheid.

Auf welche Weise Frauen Erwerb finden können.

New York, L. A. Buchtel. [1920?]

Item identification number 8223; Von Luise Adelheid Buchtel.

Reel: 939
Burrell, David James, 1844-1926.

Woman and the Sabbath.

[New York]. [1895]

Item identification number 8266; A sermon delivered March 10th, 1895, before the Woman's National Sabbath Alliance.

Reel: 939
[Bushnell, Katharine].

God's word to women; The Women's Correspondence Bible Class.

London, Women's Correspondence Bible Class. [1912?]

Item identification number 8273.

Reel: 939
Chandler, Amariah, 1782-1864.

A discussion of the question, Does the Bible authorize femals to speak by way of instructions, exhortation, or prayer, in public religious meetings?.

Northampton, Printed at the Gazette Office. 1835

Item identification number 8246; In two letters to a friend.

Reel: 939
Clapperton, Jane Hume.

What do we women want?.

[n.p.]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8227.

Reel: 939
Cohn, Clara (Viebig), 1860.

Mütter und Frauen! Von Clara Viebig.

[Berlin, Arbeitsgemeinschaft]. [1918?]

Item identification number 8210.

Reel: 939
[Corder, Susanna], 1787 or 8-1864.

Reasons why Christian women should exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit, particularly in reference to the ministry of the Gospel.

Lindfield, Printed by W. Eade. 1839

Item identification number 8248.

Reel: 939
Doane, George Washington, bp., 1799-1859.

The devout churchwoman: a sermon in commemoration of Mrs. Jane Tongrelou Dayton; in St. John's church, Elizabeth, February 3, 1859.

New York, Pudney & Russell. 1859

Item identification number 8249.

Reel: 939
Farrer-Morgan (Mrs.).

,,, Paper read by Mr. Farrer-Morgan at the Ruri-Decanal conference, held on 20th November, 1917, on the subject of "Women and the priesthood".

Southport [Great Britain]. 1917

Item identification number 8274.

Reel: 939
A Few words to bible mission-women.

London, Wertheim, MacIntosh & Hunt. 1861

Item identification number 8252.

Reel: 939
Galindo, Hermila.

Estudio de la Srita.

Mérida, Yucatán, Gobierno constitucionalista. 1916

Item identification number 8205; Hermila Galindo con motivo de los temas que han de absolverse en el segundo Congreso feminista de Yucatán. Noviembre 20 de 1916.

Reel: 939
Gillet, Myrtle Margaret (Mann).

Woman in German literature before and after the reformation.

[Urbana, Illinois?]. [1918?]

Item identification number 8211.

Reel: 939
Gourd, Emilie.

... A travail égal, salaire égal.

Genève, P. Richter. 1919

Item identification number 8217; D'après une enquête faite par l'Association suisse pour le suffrage féminin (1917-1918).

Reel: 939
Great Britain. Labour Party.

Organisation of women within the Labour party.

[London, National Labour Press Ltd.]. [1918]

Item identification number 8212; The work of the women's sections.

Reel: 939
A Great field for women.

Chicago, American Medical Missionary Society. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8277.

Reel: 939
Hanson, Elizabeth, fl. 1703-1741.

The remarkable captivity and surprising deliverance of Elizabeth Hanson.

Dover. [1880?]

Item identification number 8285.

Reel: 939
Hilbert, Gerhard, 1868.

Die Erneuerung Deutschlands und die deutschen Frauen, von D. Gerhard Hilbert.

Schwerin (Mecklb.), F. Bahn. 1916

Item identification number 8206; 2d ed.

Reel: 939
Historical Sketch of the Woman's Board of Missions.

Boston. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8283; Woman's Board of Missions co-operating with the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.

Reel: 939
The History of Sophia Carter.

Philadelphia, W. Bradford. 1820

Item identification number 8284.

Reel: 939
Hodgkin, Johathan Backhouse.

Woman's place in the Church.

London, Published by the editor of the "Friendly Messenger". [1907]

Item identification number 8269; 3d ed.

Reel: 939
Howard, Elizabeth Fox.

Woman in the church and in life.

Bannisdale, Malton, E. E. Taylor. 1911

Item identification number 8272; An address given at the Yorkshire Quarterly Meeting of the Society of Friends, held at York, January, 1911.

Reel: 939
Huntington, William Reed, 1838-1909.

Woman's service of Christ, the motive and the methods.

New York, E. P. Dutton & Co. 1888

Item identification number 8261; A sermon preached in Grace Church, New York on the fourth Sunday in Advent, December 18th, 1887.

Reel: 939
Inquiries addressed to the bishops and clergy of the Protestant Episcopal Church, concerning woman's duties.

Boston, Press of Commercial Printing House. [186-?]

Item identification number 8250; by a communicant.

Reel: 939
Keen, Corinna B.

Some thoughts concerning Young ladies' mission bands.

Boston, Woman's Baptist Missionary Society. 1881

Item identification number 8258.

Reel: 939
Ladies City Mission Society of New Bedford, Mass.

Constitution and by-laws of the ladies' city mission society of New Bedford.

New Bedford, Mercury Job Press. 1869

Item identification number 8255.

Reel: 939
Latzko, Adolf Andreas, 1876.

Frauen im Krieg.

Zurich, M. Rascher. 1918

Item identification number 8213; Geleitworte zur Internationalen Frauenkonferenz für Völkerverständigung in Bern.

Reel: 939
London. Vigilance Association for the Defence of Personal Rights.

Proposed legislative restriction upon the labour of women.

[London, F. Bell & co., printers]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8229.

Reel: 939
Mathias, Peter.

The case of Johanna Southcott, as far as it came under his professional observation, impartially stated.

London, Printed for the author. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8230.

Reel: 939
Murray, Eunice Guthrie, 1877.

Woman's value in war time.

London, Women's freedom league. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8231.

Reel: 939
National Peace Federation.

The manifesto issued by envoys of the international congress of women at the Hague to the governments of Europe, and the President of the United States [and other material].

[Chicago, Ill.]. [1915]

Item identification number 8200.

Reel: 939
National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship.

... Object and programme.

London. [1919]

Item identification number 8218; Affiliation rules. Library and information bureau charges.

Reel: 939
National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship. Programme.

Equal pay for equal work.

[London]. 1919

Item identification number 8219.

Reel: 939
Newell, Harriet (Atwood) "Mrs. Samuel Newell," 1793-1812.

Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Newell, wife of the Rev. Samuel Newell, missionary to India.

New York, American Tract Society. [1813?]

Item identification number 8245.

Reel: 939
Oldroyd, A.E. (Rev.).

The place of women in the Church.

London, Office of the English Church Union. 1917

Item identification number 7275.

Reel: 939
Oliver, Anna.

Test case on the ordination of women, appealed from the New England Conference to General Conference.

New York, W. N. Jennings, printer. [1880]

Item identification number 8257; A statement.

Reel: 939
Pankhurst, Christabel, 1880.

Industrial salvation.

London, The Women's Party. [1918?]

Item identification number 8214.

Reel: 939
Pankhurst, Christabel, 1880.

International militancy.

London, The Women's social and political union. [1915]

Item identification number 8203; A speech delivered at Carnegie Hall, New York, January 13th, 1915.

Reel: 939
Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline, 1867.

The meaning of the woman's movement.

London, Woman's press. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8232.

Reel: 939
Plaminková, Frantiska, 1875-1942.

Economic and social position of women in the Czechoslovak republic.

[Prague] Imprimerie de la "Politika". [1920]

Item identification number 8224.

Reel: 939
Powell, J.H.

Woman, at home and abroad: a glance at her domestic and social condition.

Brighton, W. Simpson; London, Wertheim & MacIntosh. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8233.

Reel: 939
Practical suggestions on the formation of female dormatories.

[London, Blackburn & Burt]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8234.

Reel: 939
Prud'homme, Jean Baptiste.

Le rôle de la femme dans la société française.

Biars-Bretenoux, L'Idéale jeunesse. [1919?]

Item identification number 8220; Conférence donnée par M. l'Abbé J.-B. Prud'homme ... à la fête noëliste organisée par le Comité de Firminy le 15 juin 1919.

Reel: 939
Rasmussen, Marie.

Kvindehjaelpen i København, Foredrag holdt i Bethesda 17.

København, Duplex- Trykkeriet. 1917

Item identification number 8207; Februar 1916, af Marie Rasmussen.

Reel: 939
Red Cross. France. Croix-Rouge française. Union des femmes de France.

... Statuts adoptés par la Section de l'intérieur le 26 novembre 1912, adoptés par le Conseil d'état le 5 décembre 1912.

[Paris?]. [1919?]

Item identification number 8221.

Reel: 939
Rose, Ernestine Louise (Susmond) 1810-1892.

A defence of atheism: being a lecture delivered in Mercantile Hall, Boston, April 10, 1861.

Boston, J. P. Mendum. 1889

Item identification number 8253; 3d ed.

Reel: 939
Royden, Agnes Maude, 1876.

Equality in the spiritual world.

[London, League of the Church Militant (Anglican)]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8279.

Reel: 939
Royden, Agnes Maude, 1876.

Extracts from May mission speeches, delivered in London.

[London] Church league for women's suffrage. [1910]

Item identification number 8270; [Caxton Hall, Westminster, May 11, 1910].

Reel: 939
Royden, Agnes Maude, 1876.

The ministry of women.

[London, League of the Church Militant (Anglican)]. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8280.

Reel: 939
Serrano de Xandrí, Leonor.

¿Qué harán nuestras mujeres después de la guerra? Por Leonor Serrano de Xandir.

Madrid, Tip. Gaisse. 1917

Item identification number 8208; Primer premio del concurso femenino organizado por el "Centro ibero-americano de cultura popular femenina" y leido por su autora en el local de esta asociación el dia 14 de mayo de 1917.

Reel: 939
Shaw, Anna Howard, 1847-1919.

The degradation of childhood and womanhood.

[Philadelphia?]. [1918?]

Item identification number 8215.

Reel: 939
Stjernstedt, Georg.

Den svenska kvinnans rättsliga ställning.

Stockholm, G. Walfrid Wilhelmsson. [1905]

Item identification number 8236.

Reel: 939
Stöcker, Helene, 1869.

... Lieben oder hassen.

Berlin, Oesterheld & Co. [1915]

Item identification number 8204.

Reel: 939
Stuart, Moses, 1780-1852.

A brief sketch of the life and character of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams.

Andover, Printed by Flagg and Gould. 1829

Item identification number 8286.

Reel: 939
Theological training for women.

[n.p.] Hartford Theological Seminary. 1892

Item identification number 8265.

Reel: 939
Tuker, Mildred Anna Rosalie.

Woman preachers.

London, Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & co., ltd. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8281.

Reel: 939
Tuuk, Titia van der.

Mensch of Voorwerp? Door Titia v.d. Tuuk.

Arnhem, Uitgevers-Maatschappij. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8237.

Reel: 939
Washburn, George.

Woman: her work in the Church.

New York, Sanford, Cushing & co., printers. 1868

Item identification number 8254.

Reel: 939
Wedgwood, Julia, 1833-1913.

Political claims of women.

London, London National Society for Women's Suffrage. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8238.

Reel: 939
Wetsartikelen, waariut blijkt, dat de Vrouw reden heeft over achterstelling te klagen en op herziening daarvan aan te dringen.

Rotterdam. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8239; 2 druk.

Reel: 939
White, Alma.

Woman's ministry.

London, Pillar of Fire. [n.d.]

Item identification number 8282.

Reel: 939
Wilkinson, Lily Gair.

Revolutionary socialism and the woman's movement.

Edinburgh, Socialist labour party. [1910?]

Item identification number 8240.

Reel: 939
Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society.

Seven years of the Woman's Baptist Missionary Society.

[Boston?]. [1878?]

Item identification number 8256; 1871-1878.

Reel: 939
Woman's Board of Missions. Boston.

Africa; three pioneers: David Livingstone, Henry M. Stanley [and] Alexander M. Mackey.

[Boston, Woman's Board of Missions]. [189-?]

Item identification number 8262.

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