Traumatic injuries of the maxillofacial region. Classification of traumatic injuries. Epidemiology, statistics, the causes of traumatism. The features of traumatic injuries in civil and war time.The organization of medical aid for the patient with traumatic injury in civil time: preliminary aid, fist medical aid, qualified and specialized medical aid. General complications (asphyxia, acute bleeding, shock etc.). Emergency. Methods of diagnosis
The traumatic injuries of the soft tissues of maxillofacial region. Classification. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis. The principles of wound debridement. Dento-alveolar trauma. Classification. Clinical picture, diagnosis. Luxation and fracture of tooth. Alveolar ridge fracture. Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment methods
The fractures of the facial skeleton. Clinical anatomy of the facial skeleton. Epidemiology. The methods of clinical investigation – anatomical and functional indexes. The radiological investigation of facial skeleton fractures. The types of the fractures and fracture lines localization. Biomechanics of fracture fragments displacement
The fractures of the mandible. Epidemiology. Clinical picture, diagnosis. Treatment: first medical aid. Temporary and permanent immobilization. The approach to the teeth on fracture line. Surgical treatment of mandibular fracture – rigid internal fixation. Stailness still wire, Kirshner wire and plate (titanium mini plates and reconstructive plates) fixation technique. Recommendations of AO (academy of osteointegration). Extraoral rigid internal fixation. Indications. Devices
Maxillary Le For fractures. Epidemiology. Classification. Diagnosis. Methods of conservative treatment: temporary and permanent immobilization. Extraoral fixation of fracture fragments. Indications. Applicable devices. Surgical treatment – methods of osteosynthesis: wire, titanium mini plates. Recommendations of AO (academy of osteointegration)
The fractures of molar bone and zygoma arch. The fractures of zygoma-orbital complex. Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. Methods of reduction and fixation. Nasal bones fracture. Clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. Associated trauma of maxillofacial region. Clinical picture, diagnosis. The features of medical aid for the patients with associated fractures of facial skeleton and brain concussion. The features of medical aid for the patients with associated fractures of facial skeleton and fractures of other bones of the body or injury of other organs. The care for oral cavity in facial traumas. The features of meal of the patients
The process of reparation osteogenesis and it’s violation. The treatment principles. Myogymnastic and physiotherapy. Non-union and mal-union. The causes. Clinical manifestation. Diagnosis. Traumatic osteomyelitis. Traumatic maxillary sinusitis. Loosing of ability to work while facial trauma and methods of assessment
Military maxillofacial surgery and traumatology. The features of gunshots of the face. Causative agent. Check-up of gunshot wounds. Bullet ballistics. Primary and secondary debridement. Complications and prophylaxis. Facial burns: causes, severity, depth of irritation, possible complications. The features of treatment. Electrical burn and freezing
Chemical (military poisons, alkali and acids), radiation and combined injury (radiation and mechanical injury etc.). The features of gunshot wounds healing depending on the stage of radiation sickness. Syndrome of mixed complication. The features of surgical procedures in case of combined injury. The treatment of defects and fractures of the facial bones in case of combined injury. Arrangement of dental care in Azerbaijan army
Facial reconstructive surgery. The aim and subject. The types of defects and deformities of the face; their etiology. Analysis of defects: anatomical, functional and esthetic; documentation. Creation of treatment tactics, preoperative planning. Periodontal plastic surgery. Roots covering procedure. Crown lengthening procedure. Mucosal free graft and pedical flap transfer. The application of biomaterials and biomembranes
Facial plastic surgery. Local flaps application. The mathematic (A.A.Limberg) and biological background in preoperative planning. The flaps on the neck and face. Pedical flaps. Tube flaps (FIlatov’s flap)
Free skin grafts. Biological background. The types of skin grafts (split thickness, full thickness etc). The application in maxillofacial surgery. The possibilities of auto-, allo- and xenografts for skin reconstruction. Explantation. The prophylaxis and treatment of the facial scars. The treatment of keloid scars. Classification, morphology and pathogenesis of the scars on the face and neck
Congenital malformations of the craniofacial ad neck regions. Embryology. Etiological factors. The violation of some organs and systems in facial clefts. Teeth malformations. Occlusion problems. Nasal deformity. Violation of meal. Problems related with hearing apparatus. Violation of speech. Side abnormalities
The treatment of cleft lip and palate. Surgical principles. Cheiloplasty. Staphylo- and uranoplasty. Aleoloplasty by the means of bone grafts. Secondary corrections. Rehabilitation (arrangements) of the patents with congenital clefts of lips and palate. The aim and objectives of orthodontist, prosthodontist, speech therapist, pediatrician and psychiatrist in rehabilitation procedures. The criteria of total rehabilitation
Defects of hard tissues of the face. The causes of missing of length, volume and counters of the bone. The features of preoperative check-up of the patients requiring bone reconstructive procedures. Preoperative preparations and preoperative planning. The aim and objectives of facial reconstructive procedures. Reconstruction of bone continuity. Reconstruction of the height of alveolus of the jaws. The elevation of the bottom of maxillary sinus. Reconstruction of the counters and volume of the bone. Biological background of the bone reconstruction
The types of bone grafts: autogenic, allogeneic, xenogeneic, combined. Method of fixation of the grafts. Free osseous-myo-cutaneus flaps. Clinical anatomy of donor sites. Microsurgical technique. Primary bone reconstruction – while tumor ablation surgery or gunshots. The postoperative care for the patients underwent reconstructive procedures in maxillofacial area. The theory of osteogenesis. Flaps monitoring. Mechanical and physiotherapy. Congenital defects of facial skeleton. Developmental pathologies of the hard tissues of the face. The role of genetic and etiological factors. The features of check-up of the patients with congenital defects of maxillofacial region. The classification dento-skeletal deformities. Clinical, functional and esthetic manifestations of congenital defects of maxillofacial region. Analysis of dental arch, soft and hard tissues. Cephalometric and photographic investigation. Application of PC software. Indication for surgical treatment
The aim and objectives in orthognatic surgery. Preoperative preparation of the patients. Sanitization and check-up f oral cavity. Orthodontic preparation. Preoperative planning of surgical procedure.The ortognatic surgery on the mandible. The orthognatic surgery on the maxillae Rehabilitation and postoperative care for the patients who underwent orthognatic surgery. Complications and prophylaxis of recurrence. Hemifacial microsomia. Classification. Treatment principles. Distraction osteogenesis. Historical aspects. Theoretical background. Application in maxillofacial surgery. Types of distractors. Methods of application. Complications. The clinical application of dental implants for maxillofacial prosthesis rehabilitation. Defense of case history. Final conversation