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- Data sheet 1-

Governmental and nongovernmental bodies
specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage

This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically25, is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national assessments26). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred to in the assessment guidelines.

1. Name

Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English.

Jordan River Foundation

مؤسسة نهر الأردن

2. Address

Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, e-mail address, website, etc.

Postal address: P O box 2943 Amman - 11181 /Jordan

Country: Jordan

Website: www.jordanriver.jo

Tel: +692-6-4613081

Fax: +692-6-4613083

E-mail: Rositza_haddadin@showroom.jrf.org.jo

3. Status

Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal personality.

 governmental, please specify:      

 non-governmental, please specify: It is registered as an association.

4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence

Please state when the institution/organization came into existence.

In 1995

5. Geographical scope

Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)).





Please specify:


6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage

6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active

Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned.

 oral traditions and expressions

 performing arts

 social practices, rituals and festive events

 knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

X traditional craftsmanship

 other domains - please specify:      

6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved

Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned.

 identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)

 preservation, protection

 promotion, enhancement

 transmission, formal or non-formal education


 other safeguarding measures - please specify:      

6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities

Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel or members acquired such competence.

  • The number of beneficiaries from Bani Hameedah Weaving Project is 271 women.

  • The number of beneficiaries from Jordan River Design Project is 247 women.

  • The number of beneficiaries from Al Rayyan Valley is 15 women.

7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners

Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage.

There is cooperation in training activities with interested bodies especially in he domain of handicrafts.

- Data sheet 2 -

Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage

This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically27, is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national assessments28). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines.

1. Name of the programme, project or activity

Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English.

Jordan River Designs Project مشروع تصاميم نهر الاردن

Hameedah Weaving Project for Women مشروع نساء بني حميدة

Al Rayyanm Valley for Making Baskets. مشروع وادي الريان لصناعة السلال

2. Competent body involved

This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the programme, project or activity.

Name of the competent body: Jordan River Foundation

Name of a contact person: Rositza Haddadin

Postal address: 2943 Amman -11181 Jordan

Country: Jordan

Website: www.jordanriver.jo

Tel: 692-6-4613081


E-mail: Rositza_Haddadin@showroom.jrf.org.jo

3. Geographical scope

This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)).





Please specify:

  1. The capital Amman/ Jordan River Design Project.

  2. Madaba/ Makawer/Bani Hameedah Weaving Project for Women.

  3. Jordan Valley/Al Rayyan/ Al Rayyanm Valley for Making Baskets.

4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity

Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention.

 oral traditions and expressions

 performing arts

 social practices, rituals and festive events

 knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

 traditional craftsmanship

 other domains - please specify:      

5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned

Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity.

The local community participates in Makawer/Bani Hameedah Weaving Project for Women and Al Rayyanm Valley for Making Baskets and the beneficiaries live near these centres.

The Jordan River Design Project also involves the local community, but the beneficiaries live in different locations in Eastern Amman.

6. Description of the programme, project or activity

Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope.

More specifically, you may wish to :

  • describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities and objectives were identified and established;

  • describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any innovative methods or modalities involved, if any;

  • in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage.

If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed.

The projects were launched according to a study conducted on women's needs in these regions and their skills.

The idea of Al Rayyan Valley Project is based on training women to make baskets using the leaves of banana trees that are abundant in this region.

These projects also have a developmental aim which is to conserve heritage .The Foundation offers training for women in all technical and administrative fields to guarantee sustainability of such projects.

7. Community participation and consent

Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it.

The projects carried out by the Foundation offer the beneficiaries an opportunity to increase their income and improve living conditions of their families. Moreover, the projects are run by women who are members of the staff responsible for these projects.

- Data sheet 1-

Governmental and nongovernmental bodies
specialized in the field of intangible cultural heritage

This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically29, is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national assessments30). It will provide comprehensive information on any institutions/organizations active in the field of intangible cultural heritage as referred to in the assessment guidelines.

1. Name

Please provide the full official name of the institution/organization, in its original language as well as in French and/or English.

Greater Amman Municipality

أمانة عمان الكبرى

2. Address

Please provide the complete postal address of the institution/organization, as well as additional contact information such as its telephone or fax numbers, e-mail address, website, etc.

Postal address: PO.Box132 Amman. 11118

Country: Jordan

Website: www.ammancity.gov.jo

Tel: 4636111

Fax: 4649420

E-mail: info@ammancity.gov.jo

3. Status

Specify whether the institution/organization is a governmental entity (ministry, university, museum, etc.) or a non-governmental entity (such as associations, organizations, community centres, grassroots associations, clubs, guilds, steering committees, etc.) and indicate its recognized legal personality.

 governmental, please specify: Municipality

 non-governmental, please specify:      

4. Date of its founding or approximate duration of its existence

Please state when the institution/organization came into existence.

In 1909

5. Geographical scope

Please identify the geographical scope where the institution/organization actively operates. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)).





Please specify:

-Sharing in all activities, competitions, and conferences in an international level like the prize of international leadership on 2007 in planning cities and improve them from (Amman Comprehensive map )

- The City Prize 2007 of Asia content “ Most cities of commitment to change her citizens’ life to better life”

6. Activities in the field of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage

6.a. Domain(s) in which the institution/organization is active

Please check one or more boxes to indicate the primary domains in which the institution/organization is most active. If its activities involve domains other than those listed, please check “other domains” and indicate which domains are concerned.

 oral traditions and expressions

 performing arts

 social practices, rituals and festive events

 knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

 traditional craftsmanship

 other domains - please specify:      

6.b. Primary safeguarding activities in which the institution/organization is involved

Please check one or more boxes to indicate the institution/organization’s primary safeguarding activities. If its activities involve safeguarding measures not listed here, please check ‘other safeguarding measures’ and specify which ones are concerned.

 identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)

 preservation, protection

 promotion, enhancement

 transmission, formal or non-formal education


 other safeguarding measures - please specify:      

6.c. Description of the institution/organization’s activities

Briefly describe the recent activities and relevant experience in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Please provide information on the personnel and membership of the institution/organization, describe its competence and expertise in the domain of intangible cultural heritage and explain how its personnel or members acquired such competence.

Amman, an organized, attractive, safe, liveable city of heritage and authenticity; Amman is a city with a soul.

It has missions which are:

-To provide high quality municipal services of excellence and to focus on urban development that brings balance between modernity and authenticity.
-To adopt initiatives which improve the quality of lives for local community focusing on the humanization aspects. This mission will be achieved through good planning, optimal investment of resources, and building partnership with stakeholders.

_ To dedicate cultural heritage folklore through special band for folklore and art .

7. Experiences in cooperating with communities, groups and intangible cultural heritage practitioners

Briefly describe any experiences of the institution/organization in cooperating in a spirit of mutual respect with communities, groups and, where appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage.

It has co-operation with local community and establishments which related by involving the folklore band in their ceremonies .

- Data sheet 2 -

Programmes, projects and activities in the field of intangible cultural heritage

This data sheet, preferably filled in electronically31, is aimed at extensive data-gathering within the framework of the assessments on national capacities for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (please refer to the background document to guide national assessments32). It will provide comprehensive information on any programmes, projects and activities related to intangible cultural heritage, in particular to its safeguarding, as referred to in the assessment guidelines.

1. Name of the programme, project or activity

Please provide the full name in its original language as well as in French and/or English.

Jordanian House of Art

بيت الفن الأردني

2. Competent body involved

This section should provide the name and contact information of the competent body (agency, museum, institution, manager, etc.) with responsibility for the programme, project or activity.

Name of the competent body: Educational Programm Sector .

Name of a contact person: Miss Shima Al Tal .

Postal address: P.O Box. 132

Country: Amman – Jordan

Website: There is no website.

Tel: 4624749

Fax: 4624748

Email: Shima.70@hotmail.com

3. Geographical scope

This section should identify the locations in which the programme, project or activity is carried out. Please indicate whether it is primarily local, national, sub-regional or international in scope and specify the location (name of city(es), district(s), country(ies)).





Please specify:      

4. Domain(s) represented by the programme, project or activity

Identify the domain(s) of intangible cultural heritage included within the programme, project or activity, which might include one or more of the domains identified in Article 2.2 of the Convention.

 oral traditions and expressions

 performing arts

 social practices, rituals and festive events

 knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe

 traditional craftsmanship

 other domains - please specify:

5. Community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned

Identify clearly the community(ies), group(s) or, if applicable, individuals concerned with the programme, project or activity.

Students and the local community.

6. Description of the programme, project or activity

Please provide a succinct description of the programme, project or activity and its main elements. If it is completed or in-progress, please describe what actually happened or is underway. If it is only planned, describe what is intended and can reasonably be expected to happen within its scope.

More specifically, you may wish to :

  • describe the situation that led to the creation of the programme, project or activity—what safeguarding needs were identified and by whom, and how priorities and objectives were identified and established;

  • describe the specific safeguarding measures the programme, project or activity includes and why they were selected. You may also wish to underline any innovative methods or modalities involved, if any;

  • in case of commercial/touristic activities related to intangible cultural heritage, address to what extent it contributes to its safeguarding, being aware that commercial and/or touristic activities may also, under specific circumstances, threaten the viability of intangible cultural heritage.

If already completed, please show how the programme, project or activity has demonstrated effectiveness in contributing to the viability of the intangible cultural heritage concerned. If it is still underway or planned, show how it can reasonably be expected to contribute substantially to the viability of the intangible cultural heritage concerned. Please explain how the results of the programme, project or activity have been or will be assessed.

Jordanian House of Art is a small museum which includes rural room, music room, Amman Gallery , the first TV and Radio broadcasting room, handicrafts and modern art room.

This museum was established in 2002 and it has some updates but not so much as it takes time to add any thing to this small museum

7. Community participation and consent

Please describe how the community, group or, if applicable, individuals concerned have participated (or will participate) in the programme, project or activity at all stages of planning and implementation and how they have consented to it.

There is care about this issue and most people come and visit this museum from tourists and community

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