İmge Kitabevi Yayınları: 41 Joseph Campbell

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IX. BÖLÜM: Dinlen Avrupa

(1) Standish H.O.Grady, Suva Gadelica. all, syf. 1-4. L (2) O'Grady, a.g\e. syf. vi.

  1. Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 123-29,138.

  2. "The Lebar Brece Homily on Saint Patrick", syf. 24. col.2. çev. Whitley Stokes, The Tripartite Life of Patrick with Other Documents Relating to That Saint (London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1887) c.H, syf. 433.

  3. a.g.e. col.1.Stokes, a.g.e.syf. 448-49.

(6) Bethu Phatraic Andso, Egerton 93, Stokes, a.g.e.c.I, syf. 41-47 ve
Lebar Breec, syf. 27. col i.c.II, syf. 455-59.

  1. Rawlinson B.512, fo. 11 (Stokes, a.g.e.syf.91-93.

  2. Optatus, De schismate Donatistarum 2.1. ve 5.4. fiarnack, a.g.e.c.V, syf. 44-45'den.


(9) Harnack, a.g.e. syf. 168-221.

  1. a.g.e. blm.Vi, not 1.

  1. Henry Bett, Joannes Scotus Eringena (Cambridge, The University Press, 1928), efsane William of Malbesbury'dendir.

  1. Matta 27:38. Kelts kitabı şimdi Trinty College, Dublin'dedir.

  2. Stokes, a.g.e. syf. clxi, Lebar Brecc, syf. 257a.

  3. Sulivan, a.g.e. syf. 18.

  1. T.G.E. Powell, The Celts (New York, Frederick A.Praeger; 1958), «yf.61.

  1. O'Grady, a.g.e. syf. 103-104,108,137.

  2. Tacitus, Germania 2-3. çev. H.Mattingly, Tacitus on Britain and Germany (Harmondsworth and Baltimore, The Penguin Classics, 1948), syf. 102-103.

  3. a.g.e. 7, Mattingly, a.g.e. syf. 106-107.

  4. a.g.e. Mattingly, a.g.e. syf. 108.

  5. a.g.e. 39-40. Mattingly, a.g.e. syf. 132-34.

  6. a.g.e. 43, Mattingly, a.g.e. syf. 136.

  7. a.g.e. 45, Mattingly, a.g.e. syf. 138.

  8. a.g.e. 8, Mattingly, a.g.e.'syf. 107-108.

  9. a.g.e. 27, Mattingly, a.g«. syf. 122-23;

  10. Tanrının Maskeleri: tikel Mitoloji, syf. 74-76.

  11. Tanrıntn Maskeleri: tikel Mitoloji, syf. 86-87,287-98.

  12. Snorri, Sturluson, The Prose Edda, Gylfaginning 48, çev. Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson (New York The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1929), syf. 68-70. ve Lee M. Nollander, The Skalds (New York, The American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1947), syf. 28-30.

  13. B.Phillpotts, "German Heatheism", The Cambridge Medieval Histo­ry, c.II, syf. 481-82. A.C. Haddon, Magic and Fetishism,(Loridon 1906).

  14. Phillpotts, a.g.e. syf. 481.

  15. Otto von Friesen, "Runes", Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14.bsk. 1929, c.19, syf. 662. Bjorketorp ve Freilaubersheim Brooch runik yazıları çevirisi.

  16. Havamol 139, 140, 142. çev. Henry Adams Bellows, The Poetic Edda (New York, The Amerdican-Scandanavian Foundation, 1923), syf. 60-61.

1(32) Bellows, a,g.e. syf. xvia.

  1. Holger Arbman, The Vikings (New York, Frederick A.Praeger, 1961), syf. 60.

  2. Eleanor Hull, Early Christian Ireland (London, David Nutt, 1905), syf. 167-68.

  3. Arbman, a.g.e. syf. 79-80. çev. Ermentarius of Noirmoutier.


  1. Hollander, a.g.e. syf. 56.

  2. Grimnismol 23, Bellows, a.g.e. syf. 93.

  3. Voluspo 45,47,48, Bellows, a.g.e. syf. 19-21.

  4. Voluspo 49-56, Bellows, a.g.e. syf. 21-23.

  5. Voluspo 57,59,62, Bellows, a.g.e. syf. 24-25.

  6. Sturluson, a.g.e. Gylfaginning IV-IX, Brodeur, a.g.e. syf. 16-22.

  7. Sturluson, age. Gylfaginning 20, Broudeur, a.g.e. syf. 34-35.

  8. Alexander Hamilton Thompson, "Medieval Doctrine to the Late-ran Council of 1215 "Cambridge Medieval History, c VL syf. 634-35.

  9. Henry Charles Lea, A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, 3 c. (New York, Russel and Russel, 1955), c.I, syf. 5.

  10. Yuhanna8:7.

  11. Lea, a.g.e. syf. 14.

  12. a.g.e.

  13. "La Gesta de Fra Peyra Cardinal", Francois J.M. Raynouard, Lex-ique Roman (Paris, Silvestre, 1836-44), c.I, syf. 464, çev. Lea, a.g.e. syf. 56.

  14. Karl Pannier, Walthers von der Vogelweide Sömmtlich Gedichte (Leipzig, Philpp Reclam, 1876), syf. 119, no: 110, Lea, a.g.e. syf. 55.

  15. S.Bemardi Sermones de Conversione, cap. 19, 20. Lea, a.g.e. syf. 52.

  16. S.Hildegardae Revelat. Vis X. cap. 16, Lea, a.g.e. syf. 53.

  17. The Masks of God:Oriental Mythology, syf. 234-40.

  18. Lea, a.g.e. syf. 104.

  19. A.S. Turberville, "Heresies and the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, 1000-1305. Cambridge Medieval History, c. Vi, syf. 701-702.

  20. Lea, a.g.e. syf. 104-105.

  21. a.g.e. syf. 119-120.

  22. a.g.e. syf. 123-24.

  23. danslar için bknz. E.Louis Backman, Religious Dances in the Chris­tian Church and in Popular Medicine, çev. E.Classen (London, George Allen and Unwin, 1952), syf. 170.

  24. a.g.e. syf. 161-70.

  25. Matta 6:6.

  26. Lea, a.g.e. syf. 129-61.

  27. Lea, a.g.e. cffl, syf. 90-119.

  28. Dante, Paradiso, XII140-41.

  29. Dante, Inferno XXVIII 55.

  30. Dante Convivio TV 4.120.

  31. a.g.e. IV 5.180.

  32. Hilda Johstone "France", The Last Capetians, The Cambirdge Med-


ieval History, cVIL syf. 314.

  1. a.g.e. syf. 315.

  2. Lea, a .g.e. syf. 491.

  3. a.g.e. syf. 46-93.

  4. Tanrının Maskeleri: İlkel Mitoloji, syf. 426.

  5. Tanrının Maskeleri: tikel Mitoloji, syf. 249.

  6. Franz Rolf Schroder, Die Parzwalfrage (Munich, C.H. Beck' sche Verlagbuchhandlung, 1928).

  7. Jessie Weston, From Ritual to Romance (Cambridge, The Universi­ty Press, 1920), syf. 11-22. aynca bknz. Roger Sherman Loomis, From Celtic Myth to Arthurian Romance (New York, Columbia Uni­versity Press, 1927) syf. 250-70.

  8. Wolfram von Eschanbach, Parzival 3.118.14-17 ve 28. çev. Halen M.Mustard ve Charles E.Passage (New York, Random Mouse, Vintage Books, 1961), syf. 67.

  9. a.g.e. 5.119-29-30.

  10. J.Huizinga, The Waning of the Middle Ages (New York, Doubleday Anchor Books), syf. 127.

  11. a.g.e. syf. 107.

  12. Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 354-73.

  13. Lea, a.g.e.c.II, syf. 440.

  14. Franz Pfeiffer, Meister Eckhart, çev. B.Evans (London, John M.Watkins, 1947), c.I, "Sermons and Colllarions" No.IL syf. 9-10.

  15. a.g.e. syf. 10.

  16. a.g.e. syf. 14.

  17. a.g.e.c.I. "Sermons and Collations", no. XXVI, syf. 76-77.

  18. a.g.e.c.I. "Sermons and Collations", No. LXTX, syf. 171.

  19. "Sermons and Collations", No. LXXXVIIL syf. 221-22.

  20. a.g.e.c JL "Sermons", No J. syf. 89.

  21. a.g.e. Tractates". No. VII, cJt. syf. 334-36.

  22. B.Evans, a.g.e.cJ. syf. xü-xüi.

  23. Alan W. Watts, Myth and Ritual in Christianity (New York, The Vanguard Press, 1953), syf. 78-82.

  24. Pfeiffer, a.g.e. "Sermons and Collations", c. L syf. 46.

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