İmge Kitabevi Yayınları: 41 Joseph Campbell

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Bhagavad Gita 2:15.

  • a.g.e.3:19.

  • Arrian.a.g.e. ii.8.2.

  • Jacob Hoschander, The Prisests and Prophets (New York, The Jew­ish Theological Seminary of America, 1938), syf. 48.

  • Isaya 41:49.

  • Joseph Klausner, From Jesus to Paul, çev. William F. Stüuspring (Boston, Beacon Press, 1961), syf. 185.

  • a.g.e. syf. 182.

  • H.Schenkl, Epicteti Dissertationes (Teubner, 1898), fregman 17.

  • Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 315,502-503.

  • Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 111-121.

  • Yasht 10.1. Darmesteter The Zend Avestâ, ksm. II, syf. 119-20.

  • Franz Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra, çev. Thomas J. McCor-mack (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. 1903), syf. 24. Şekil 23 Cumont, Textes et monuments de figures relatife aux mysteres de Mithra (Brussels, H.Lamartin, 1896-99) c. İL syf. 228, şkl. 59'dan.

  • Tanrının Maskeleri: tikel Mitoloji, syf. 185-243.

  • William Blake, "Proverbs of Hell", The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. 1793.

  • Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra, syf. 191-93.

  • a.g.e. syf. 180-81.

  • CarL G.Jung, Symbols of Transformation, çev. R.F.C. Hull, The Bol-lingen Series XX 68, (New York, Pentheon Books, 69, 1956) syf. 200-201.

  • Jerome, Adversus Jovinianum, 1.7, Jung, Symbols of Transforma-


    tion, syf. 101, not 48.

    1. Jung, Symbols of Transformation, syf. 247.

    2. Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra, syf. 130-37.

    3. a.g.e. syf. 105. Şekil 24, Cumont, Textes el monuments figures, c Bf syf. 238, ski. 68.

    4. Zimmer, The Art of Indian Asia, c.L syf. 194.

    5. Tanrmtn Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 4%.

    6. la Valee Poussin, "Tantrism", Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, cXIl, syf. 19347.

    7. Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 315.

    8. Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra, syf. 151.

    9. Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf, 187 ve 'varuna'

    10. Satapatha Brahmana 4.1.4;'Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power in the Indian Theory of Government, American Oriental Series, c. 22 (New Haven, American Oriental Society 1942), syf. 6.

    11. Taittirtya Samhita Coomaraswany, a.g.e., syf. 28-29, not 22.

    12. Coomaraswany, a.g.e. syf. 34-36, not 24

    13. Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra, syf. 15.

    14. Örnek olarak bknz. Arthur Avolon (Sir John Woodroffe) The Ser­pent Power (Madras, Ganesh and Co, 3. bsk. 1931), ve Swami Nikhilananda 77k Gospel of Sri Ramakrisha (New York, Ramakri-shaa-Vivekananda Center, 1942), indeks 'Kundalini'.

    15. Cicero, de Legibus II. 36.

    16. Markos 13:3-37. Matta'da 24 ve Luka'da 2 İle koşut. Ayrıca Sela­niklilere II2 ve Yuhannanın mektuplarına bknz.

    17. I Maccabees 2:1-30.

    18. Tarn, a.g.e. syf. 217-26.

    19. Erwin D. Goodenough, Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, 8 cilt, The Boolingen Series XXXVTI (New York, Pantheon Books, 1953-1958), c.2, syf. 216. Anguipede tartışması syf. 245-58. Şekiller c.m. ski. 1083,1094,1097,1104,1109.

    20. c.2, syf. 248.

    21. Greek Magical Papyri, Mithra Liturgy (Papyrus IV, satır 558-60) Karl Labrecht Preisendanz, Papyri Gragae Magicae, Die Griechischa Zauberpapyri (Leipzig-Berlin, B.G. Teubner, c. I, 1928, c.VL, 1931) c.L syf. 92. Goodenough, a.g.e.c.2. syf. 270.

    22. Josephus, De Bello Judaico 18.14 (paragraf 162-163) çev. William Whiston, Harper and Brothers, New York, Harper Torcbooks, 1960.

    23. a.g.e. 2.8.14. (paragraf 164-165)

    24. a.g.e. 2.8.14. (paragraf 166).

    25. Maccabees 2:45-48.


    1. a.g.e. 3:1-12.

    2. a.g.e. 8-9:23.

    3. a.g.e. 9:24-10:20.

    4. a.g.e. 14:38-43.

    5. Josephus, a.g.e.l.2.4.( paragraf 57-60).

    6. a.g.e. 1.2.8. (paragraf 67).

    7. a.g.e. 1.3.1. (paragraf 71).

    8. a.g.e. (paragraf 70).

    9. a.g.e. (paragraf 72-84).

    10. a.g.e. 1.4.4. (paragraf 91-92).

    11. a.g.e. 1.4.4-5 (paragraf 92-95).

    12. a.g.e. 1.4.1-6 (paragraf 85-97).

    13. Duncan Hewlett, The Essenes and Christianity, An Interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York, Harper and Brothers, 1957) syf. 14

    14. Millar Burrows, The Dead Sea Scrolls (New York. The Viking Press, 1955), syf. 392-93. War Scholl iii, iv'den özetle.

    15. Hewlett, a.g.e. syf. 22.

    16. Manual of Discipline, "The Two Spirits of Man", Burrows, a.g.e. syf. 374-76.

    17. Tanrının Maskeleri: Doğul Mitolojisi, syf. 303-304.

    18. Rock Edict XII, Vincent A Smith, The Edicts of Achoka (Broad Campden, Essex House Press, 1909); Tanrının Maskelin: Doğu Mitolojisi, syf. 305'den alıntı.

    19. Howlett, a.g.e. syf. 18.

    20. Burrows, a.g.e. syf. 365-66.

    21. a.g.e. syf. 365.

    22. Bknz. Millar Burrows, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls (New York, The Viking Press, 1958), syf. 212-222. ve T.J. MiHk ve G. Vermes.

    23. Frank Moore Cross, Jr. 77k Ancient Library ofQumran and Modern Biblical Studies (Garden City, New York, Doubleday and Compa­ny, 1958) syf. 101-16. Burrows, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, syf. 212'de* tartışılmış.

    24. Howlett, a.g.e. syf. 48-58. ve 66-67.

    1. Metin için, Burrows, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, syf. 404 ve Jannaeus, Howlett, a.g.e. syf. 68-78.

    2. Howlett, a.g.e. syf. 76.

    3. Burrows, More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls, syf. 339-40.

    4. a.g.e.syf.341."

    5. Cross, a.g.e. syf. 151. *

    6. a.g.e. syf. 151. Alıntı, Rudolf Bultmann, Theology of the New Tes­tament, çev. K. Grobel (New York, Scribner, 1951), syf. 42. C. I.

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