India and Israel Against Islamic Terror

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Second World War, 99, 124, 126, Sharon, Aerial (Gen), 171, 180, 314
144, 160 Sharon, Israeli PM, 184
Secular Kingdoms, 7 Shastri, Lai Bahadur, 204, 324
Secularism, 280, 302, 306 Shecheam, 27, 106
Secularists, 101, 163 Sheikh Hasina (PM), 287, 288
Security, 66, 169, 191 Sheikh Jarrah, 141
Seidenberg, 201, 249, 263 Shia, 181
Seleucids, 33, 47 Shiite, 314
Seligman, Jewish Leader, 136 Shiloh, Ghost Town, 28, 29
Seljuks, 33 Shimla, 288
Semitic, 27 Shintoism, 304, 305
Tribes, 21, 24 Ship Milos, 149
World, 40, 43 Ship Pacific, 149
Culture, 63 Ship Patria, 149
Fervor, 23 Ship Struma, 149
Poly-Demonism, 26 Shiva, 205, 226
Religion, 170 Shivaji, 221
Source, 267 Shivalik Hills, 218
Semitism, 78 Shourie, Arun, 210
Senapati, 217 Shriver, Director Peace Corp., 133
Separatists, 280, 314 Shudras, 223
Sephardic Communities, 66 Shulman, David, 194
Sephardic Way of Life, 65 Shylock, 85
Sephardim, 114 Sicarii, 58
Seraceus, 33 Siege of Savannah, 116
Serbian Rule, 311 Siegfried Line, 137
Serfdom, 62 Sikandar Lodi, 219
Servant of God, 103 Sikh Army, 215
Sethna, KD, 201 Sikhism, 209
Seville, the Jewish, 62 Sikhs, 218
Shaivic Remains, 248 Silver, Abba Hillel, 125, 131, 274
Shaivism, 234 Simon, Simpson, 26, 51, 118
Shaivites, 248 Sinai, 40, 193
Shakas, 8, 85 Sinai and Jordan, 178

Shakespeare, English Playwright, 85 Sinai Peninsula, 175
Shakti Worship, 234 Sinai War, 173
Shamir, Yizhak, 191 Sindhudesh, 205

Shams-ud-Din Bin Sirajud-Din, 206, Sindhu-Sanvira Culture, 275
219 Sinic or Chinese, 301, 304
Shani, 266 Siraj, 91
Shariat, 235 Slavic Republics, 306
Sharif Zain-Jati, 314 Slave Economy, 225
Sharma, RS, 205, 212 Slavery, 7, 208, 289, 290
Sharm-et-Sheikh, 174 Slavofile, 82
Smolenskin, 75 Soviet Central Asia, 154
Smritis, 322 Soviet Russia, 299
Snide, 70 Soviet Steppes, 189
Social and Economic Order, 72 Soviet Union, 300
Social justice, 121, 133, 137, 144 Spain, 51, 62, 65, 66, 67, 90, 91,

Social Order, 41 113, 146, 209, 318, 330
Social Sector, 144 Spanish, 99, 114
Social Security, 132 Spanish Arab Astronomer, 267
Socialism, 120, 168, 225 Spanish Colonies, 65
Society (ies), 17, 24, 65, 66, 81, 117, Spanish-Hebrew, 66
119, 145, , 191, 213, 225, 232, Special Tax, 67
238, 285, 293, 302, 308, 310, Spencer, 76
319, 334 Spengler, Oswald, 16, 80
German, 292 Spinoza, 77, 82
Indian, 225 Spinoza’s Thought and Philosophy,

Non-Muslim Society, 319 77
Western, 310 Spiritualism, 44, 94
Solar Eclipse, 225, 278 Sri Aurobindo, 226, 230, 244, 270
Solar Energy, 190 Sri Lankan Buddhist and Tamils, 317
Solomon Etting of Maryland, 118 Srinagar, 314
Solomon, Jewish King, 37, 40, 41, St. Charles (Ship), 113
70, 107 St. Dominic, 61
Solomon’s Mines, 187 St. Francis, 61
Solomon’s Temple, 37 St. Samuel, 28
Somalia, Iraq-Kurds, 318 St. William, 97
Somnath Temple, 205, 291 St. Louis, Ship, 123
Sons of Darkness, 88 Staines, Graham, Australian

Sons of Liberty, 116 Missionaries, 279, 280
Sourseni Tribe, 270 Stalingrad, 167
South State of Israel, 80, 153
Africa, 189, 304 State of Palestine, Creation of-, 79
America, 211, 299 State Policy, 223
Asia, 337 State Reforms, 122
Asian Waters, 1 74 State Religion, 204
East Asia, 299 Statute Book, 131
East Asian Countries, 301 Statute of Liberty, 73
East Pacific Island, 211 Step Pyramid, 264
East, 211 Stephen, Nancy, British Writer, 252
Lebanon, 313, 314 Stern Group, 150
Russian, 273 Straus, Oscar, 137
Sinai, 187 Stuart, Priest, 97
Southern Spain, 89 Stuyvesant, Peter, 114
Southern Tribe of Judea and Simeon, Sub-Saharan States, 300
107 Sudan, 313, 318
Sudanese Muslims and Christians, Synagogue, 45, 54, 74, 114, 115,
317 118, 119,127, 133, 134, 137,
Suez Canal, 170-173, 176 166, 191
Crisis, 126 Syria, 22, 43, 141, 178, 191
Sufis, 202 Syria and Lebanon, 167
Sufism, 307 Syrian Decline, 42
Suicide Attacks, 180, 181, 184 Syrian Hamas, 191
Suicide Bombers, 184, 332, 337 Syrian Kurds, 313
Sukla Yajurved, 259 Syrian State, 147
Sulbasutras, 249, 250, 263, 265, 266, Syrian (s), 6, 36, 42, 46, 153, 314
273 Szenes, Hanah, 146

Suleman, the Magnificent, 37, 209
Sullivan, Frank, 99 Tacitus and Suetonius, 52
Sulltan Shamsuddin lltutmish, 203 Taft, President, 73
Sultans of Delhi, 206, 207 Taittiriya Thought, 275
Sumeria, 6 Talagai, Shrikaul, 201
Sumeria and Egypt, 246 Talagiri, 248
Sumerians, 336 Taldos Yeshu, Jewish Book, 51
Sun and Moon, 266 Taliban (s), 129, 184, 185, 315, 333
Sun Temple Konarak, 203 Taliban Govt., 319
Sunna (h), 181, 315 Talibanising Education, 216
Sunna and Hadis, 212, 235 Talibanization of TV, 214
Sunnis, 181 Talmud, 45, 59, 66, 77, 90, 114,

Supreme Court, 238, 285, 293 130, 134, 145, 209
Supreme Muslim Council, (SMC), Talmud! Renaissance, 90
147, 152 Talmudic Judaism, 64
Supreme Powers, 301 Talmudic Studies, 60, 80
Sura and Kest (Babylon), 19 Talmudic Teachings, 87
Suraj Prakash, 218 Tamarisk, 189
Suras of Quran, 174 Tamerlane, 85
Surkotada, 248 Tamil Nadu, 202, 294, 295
Surya Siddhanta, 268 Tantrik Cults, 234
Sutra Period, 275 Tapti Valley, 249
Sutrakara Asvalayana, 268 Tarikhi-Firuz-Shahi, 206, 219
Sutras, 261 Tarpein Rock, 51
Swami Narain Temple1, Gandhinagar, Tashkand, 324
314 Tatar Muslims, 311
Syed Ahmad Khan (Sir), 220 Taurus, 268
Syed Mahmudul Nesan, 202 Tautomose in, 22
Syed Shahbuddin, 128 Tehran-Islamabad-Beijing Axis, 316
Sykes Picot, 320 Teja Singh, 218
Sykes-Picot Agreement, 141 Tel Aviv, 151, 167, 168
Tel El Amara, 22
Temple Mount, 36, 49, 152 Torah, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 59, 63,
Temple, Sir Richard, 200 82, 87, 114, 130, 191-193, 209

Ten Commandants, 102, 131, 187 Torah and Talmud, 80, 335
Tenets of Bible, 64 Torah Society, 193
Terah, 20 Torquemada, 51, 99

Terrorism, 129, 182, 184, 185, 282, Torture Chambers, 122
323, 333 Toure, Isaac, 118
Terrorism, International, 185 Tourism and Pilgrimage Trade, 141
Terrorist, 150, 184, 221, 324 Tower of Babel, 105, 294
Terrorist Organization, 161 Town Planning, 249
Tessler, Mark, 153, 155 Toyanbee, Arnold, British Historian,
Test Ban Treaty, 135 16, 92, 309
Terrorism, 177 Trade, 37-39, 41, 281
Textile Industry, 73 Trade Union, 73
Thakrey Bal, 216 Transborder Raids, 170
Thapar, Romila, 212, 213 Trans-Jordan, 26, 47, 141, 166
Thar-Desert, 275, 247 Transoxiana, 202
Thatcher, Margaret, 294 Treblinka, 100, 190
The Prince, 299 Treblinki, Slaughter in-, 149
Theobald, Monk, 97 Tribal Invaders, 286
Theology, 174 Tribal Loyalties, 39
Thibaut, 264 Tribe (s), 8, 23-25, 26, 27-29, 33,
Third Aliya, 142 35, 37, 43, 45, 106, 107, 309
Third Crusade, 61 Ammon, 29
Third Egyptian Army, 171 Dan, 27
Third Reich, 99 Edom, 29
Thirty Years War, 253 Ephraim, 106
Thomas of Monmouth, Monk, 97 Hebrew, 29
Throne of David, 45 Menasha, 106
Tiberius, 95, 146, 187 Moab, 29
Tiberous, Roman Emperor, 94 Tripartite Declaration, 171

Tilak, Bal Cangadhar (Lokmanya), Tripura, 202
221, 226, 230, 289 Trojan, 109
Times of India, 219 Trotsky, Leon, 83
Tiran Straits, 174 Truman, 331
Tis Bigha (Bengal), 286 Trumpaldor, Joseph, 109, 143
Titan, 23 Tughlaq, Firauz Shah, 219
Titus, 49, 51, 99, 108 Tujak-e-Jehangiri, 217
Titus, Roman General, 188 Tunicean, 316
TNT, 151 Tunis, 118
Tokyo and Seoul, 281 Turkey, 118, 319
Toledo, 62, 91 Turkey and Armenia, 311
Tolerant Policy, 41 Turkey and Tunisia, 307
Turkish Empire, 148 Ur in Chaldea, 19, 20
Turkish in Germany, 315 Urban League, 124
Turkish Rule, 65 Urusalim, 34
Turks, 8, 85, 109, 140, 141, 153, Urushamem, 34
205-207, 286, 316, 331 Uzbekistan, 207
Turvasa, 257, 257 Uttar Pradesh, 248
Twain, Mark, 133 Uzbek and Kazakh Moslems, 154

Tyre, 40
Tyre and Sidon, 26 Vaishnavaism, 234
Tyrian, 41 Vaishya, 93, 240, 257, 240
Vajasaneya, 275
Uganda, 324, 333 Vajasaneya and Taittiriya Schools, 274
Uhud, 89 Valencia, 62
UN Charter, 173 Valley of Elah, 31
UN Partition Plan, 169 Valley of Sorek, 109
Unemployment Insurance Act, 131 Van den Ende, 64
UNESCO, 189 Varahamihira, 224, 268
Unification of Germany, 253 Varna, 257
Union of America Hebrew Varnas and Vedic Groups, 258
Congregation, 135 Varnas or Castes, 240, 258
United Jewish Appeal, 131 Varun, 322
United Kingdom, 281 Vashistha, 273, 274
United Nations, 125, 153, 167, 168, Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam, 9, 82, 132
172, 173, 180, 286, 331 Vasudeva, 270
United Nations Organization, 133 Vatican, 237
United Nations Resolution, 148 Vedanta, 227
United States of America (United Vedas, 7,16, 81, 82, 194, 209, 211,
States), 73, 78, 115, 119, 122, 229, 233, 254, 255, 256, 258,
123, 125, 128, 133, 137, 154, 262, 263, 264, 267, 283, 322,
172, 184, 185, 281, 286, 299, 328, 335
301,, 304, 305, 312, 313, 315, Hymns, 252
320, 321, 322, 331, 336, 337, Vedas and Brahmanas, 274
338 Vedas and Upanishads Teachings,
Administration, 123, 282 226
and Europe, 293 Vedic, 256, 257, 260, 275, 276
Centric Western Society, 30 Period, 276
Embassies, Bombing of-, 314 Age, 259, 260, 275
Navy, 118 Altar, 264, 265
Troops, 184 Aryan Lexicon, 257
Russia and France, 190 Aryans, 248, 249, 261
University of Heidelberg, 64 Civilization, 260
University of Vienna, 143 Culture, 85, 261, 85
Upanishads, 7, 82, 209, 233, 254, Funeral Altars, 249
255, 256, 322 Funerary Ritual, 264
Hymns, 229, 252, 259 Wallerstein, 302
India, 260, 264, 267 Walpole, 68
Indians, 250 Waqf, 147
Knowledge, 242 War of Independence, 168, 1 71, 209
Land Anga and Banga, 260 Warsaw, 99
Literature, 250, 255, 259 Washington, 16, 185, 127
Lore, 104, 130 Washington, George, 116, 295
Mathematics, 249, 264, 266 Washington’s Rag Tag Army, 116
People, 248, 259, 260, 274 Waterloo, 70
Period, 210, 247, 249, 260, Wazira, 276
267, 274, 327 Weizman, Dr. Chaim, 139, 143, 152,
Poetry, 201 155, 156
Sacrifice, 214 West Anatolia, 255
Sacrificial Altars, 249 West Asia, 266
Sanskrit, 255, 256, 261 West Bank, 175, 177-179, 183
Text, 255, 257, 261, 263, 266 West Bengal, 200, 204, 212, 286,
Thought and Literature, 229 287, 294
Thought, 105, 234 West Europe, 315
Tradition, 275 Western
Writings, 250 Christians, 319
Ved Vyas, 211 Colonial Powers, 319
Verma, Niranjan (MP), 203 Colonialism, 129, 314
Vespasian, Roman Europe, 108 Colonizers, 228
Victorian Period, 72 Enlightenment, 80
Vidisha (MP), 203 Europe, 65, 252, 254, 299, 300
Vienna, 139 Ideology, 309
Vietnam and Korea, 304 Nations, 1 72
Viharas, 212 Palestine, 141
Vijay Mandir, 203, 204 Press, 172
Vindhyas, 208 Wall, 152
Virgin Mary, 133 World, 86, 126, 86
Vaishno Devi, 234 Zodiac, 268
Vishnu Purana, 94 Westernism, 310
Vishwamitra, 94 Westernization, 310
Vivekananda, Swami, 212, 226, Westminster Abbey, 98
230,233, 241, 242, 243 White House, 122
Vizir, 90 White Russians, 83
Volga Basin, 311 Wilde, Oscar, 113
Voltaire, 68 William, Roger, 133
Wilson, President, 73, 121
Wadi Arabah, 189 Wise, Isaac Mayor, 119
Wailing Wall, 161, 162 Work Progress Administration (WPA),
Wall Paintings, 109 • 122
Wall Street, 115 World Order, 43
World Trade Centre, 314, 338 Yitzhak Shamir, 180
World War, 137, 292 Yoga, 234
World War I 82, 83 Yom Kippur, 176, 17?
World War II, 152, 153, 167 Yom Kippur War, 171

World Zionist Organization, 125, 155 Young India, 242
Yugoslavia, 303
Yaacov Weiss, 1 64
Yad Vashem, 100, 190 Zadok, 47
Yadavas, 258 Zedekiah, Last Hebrew King, 43
Yadin, Prof. Yigael, 186 Zeus, 46
Yaclu(s), 257, 258 Zion, 6, 17, 102/ 103, 105, 109,
Yahweh, (God), 23, 27, 28, 36, 39, 164
40, 41, 42, 57, 59 Zion Fortress, 30
Yahweh, Faith, 41 Zion Mute Corporatjon/ 109
Yahweh, Greatness, 41 Zionism, 6, 9, 74, go, 101, 102,
Yahweh, Miracles, 41 104, 121, 12$, 139, 147, -|51/
Yahweh and Baal, 26 153, 169, 17!
Yajnasalas, 249, 269 Zionism in Amerjca/ 121
Yajurveda, 265 Zionism in Europe/ 120
Yajurvedic Tradition, 274, 275 Zionist, 141, 143, 144, 155, 191,
Yajyavalkya, 275 192
Yale University, 115 Emissaries, 169
Yamuna, 259, 260 Organization, 121
Yasser Arafat, 180, 184 Organization, of America, 131
Yavanas, 251, 258 Society, 179
Yayati, 257 System, 139
Yemen, 40 Religious, 1cj2
Yemen’s Capital Sana, 40 Zionistic Thought, 104, 103
Yeshivas, Dynasty, 192 Zionist-Revolutionjst party/ 148
Yet-zion, 210 Zodiacal Systems/ 268

Yiddish, 66,122, 133, 146, 167 Zola, Emile, 160
Yigael Yadin, 109, 188 Zulus, 164

Yishuv, 109
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India and Israel Against

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